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// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#ifdef _IRR_WINDOWS_
#include <windows.h>
#include "SIrrCreationParameters.h"
// always included for static createDriver function
#include "CNullDriver.h"
#include "IMaterialRendererServices.h"
#include <d3d8.h>
namespace irr
namespace video
class CD3D8Driver : public CNullDriver, IMaterialRendererServices
friend class CD3D8Texture;
//! constructor
CD3D8Driver(const SIrrlichtCreationParameters& params, io::IFileSystem* io);
//! destructor
virtual ~CD3D8Driver();
//! applications must call this method before performing any rendering. returns false if failed.
virtual bool beginScene(bool backBuffer=true, bool zBuffer=true,
SColor color=SColor(255,0,0,0),
const SExposedVideoData& videoData=SExposedVideoData(),
core::rect<s32>* sourceRect=0);
//! applications must call this method after performing any rendering. returns false if failed.
virtual bool endScene();
//! queries the features of the driver, returns true if feature is available
virtual bool queryFeature(E_VIDEO_DRIVER_FEATURE feature) const;
//! sets transformation
virtual void setTransform(E_TRANSFORMATION_STATE state, const core::matrix4& mat);
//! sets a material
virtual void setMaterial(const SMaterial& material);
//! sets a render target
virtual bool setRenderTarget(video::ITexture* texture,
bool clearBackBuffer=true, bool clearZBuffer=true,
SColor color=video::SColor(0,0,0,0));
//! sets a viewport
virtual void setViewPort(const core::rect<s32>& area);
//! gets the area of the current viewport
virtual const core::rect<s32>& getViewPort() const;
//! draws a vertex primitive list
virtual void drawVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices, u32 vertexCount,
const void* indexList, u32 primitiveCount,
//! draws a vertex primitive list in 2d
virtual void draw2DVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices, u32 vertexCount,
const void* indexList, u32 primitiveCount,
//! draws an 2d image, using a color (if color is other then Color(255,255,255,255)) and the alpha channel of the texture if wanted.
virtual void draw2DImage(const video::ITexture* texture, const core::position2d<s32>& destPos,
const core::rect<s32>& sourceRect, const core::rect<s32>* clipRect = 0,
SColor color=SColor(255,255,255,255), bool useAlphaChannelOfTexture=false);
//! Draws a part of the texture into the rectangle.
virtual void draw2DImage(const video::ITexture* texture, const core::rect<s32>& destRect,
const core::rect<s32>& sourceRect, const core::rect<s32>* clipRect = 0,
const video::SColor* const colors=0, bool useAlphaChannelOfTexture=false);
//!Draws an 2d rectangle with a gradient.
virtual void draw2DRectangle(const core::rect<s32>& pos,
SColor colorLeftUp, SColor colorRightUp, SColor colorLeftDown, SColor colorRightDown,
const core::rect<s32>* clip = 0);
//! Draws a 2d line.
virtual void draw2DLine(const core::position2d<s32>& start,
const core::position2d<s32>& end,
SColor color=SColor(255,255,255,255));
//! Draws a pixel.
virtual void drawPixel(u32 x, u32 y, const SColor & color);
//! Draws a 3d line.
virtual void draw3DLine(const core::vector3df& start,
const core::vector3df& end, SColor color = SColor(255,255,255,255));
//! initialises the Direct3D API
bool initDriver(HWND hwnd, bool pureSoftware);
//! \return Returns the name of the video driver. Example: In case of the DIRECT3D8
//! driver, it would return "Direct3D8.1".
virtual const wchar_t* getName() const;
//! deletes all dynamic lights there are
virtual void deleteAllDynamicLights();
//! adds a dynamic light, returning an index to the light
//! \param light: the light data to use to create the light
//! \return An index to the light, or -1 if an error occurs
virtual s32 addDynamicLight(const SLight& light);
//! Turns a dynamic light on or off
//! \param lightIndex: the index returned by addDynamicLight
//! \param turnOn: true to turn the light on, false to turn it off
virtual void turnLightOn(s32 lightIndex, bool turnOn);
//! returns the maximal amount of dynamic lights the device can handle
virtual u32 getMaximalDynamicLightAmount() const;
//! Sets the dynamic ambient light color. The default color is
//! (0,0,0,0) which means it is dark.
//! \param color: New color of the ambient light.
virtual void setAmbientLight(const SColorf& color);
//! Draws a shadow volume into the stencil buffer. To draw a stencil shadow, do
//! this: Frist, draw all geometry. Then use this method, to draw the shadow
//! volume. Then, use IVideoDriver::drawStencilShadow() to visualize the shadow.
virtual void drawStencilShadowVolume(const core::array<core::vector3df>& triangles, bool zfail=true, u32 debugDataVisible=0);
//! Fills the stencil shadow with color. After the shadow volume has been drawn
//! into the stencil buffer using IVideoDriver::drawStencilShadowVolume(), use this
//! to draw the color of the shadow.
virtual void drawStencilShadow(bool clearStencilBuffer=false,
video::SColor leftUpEdge = video::SColor(0,0,0,0),
video::SColor rightUpEdge = video::SColor(0,0,0,0),
video::SColor leftDownEdge = video::SColor(0,0,0,0),
video::SColor rightDownEdge = video::SColor(0,0,0,0));
//! Returns the maximum amount of primitives (mostly vertices) which
//! the device is able to render with one drawIndexedTriangleList
//! call.
virtual u32 getMaximalPrimitiveCount() const;
//! Enables or disables a texture creation flag.
virtual void setTextureCreationFlag(E_TEXTURE_CREATION_FLAG flag, bool enabled);
//! Sets the fog mode.
virtual void setFog(SColor color, E_FOG_TYPE fogType, f32 start,
f32 end, f32 density, bool pixelFog, bool rangeFog);
//! Only used by the internal engine. Used to notify the driver that
//! the window was resized.
virtual void OnResize(const core::dimension2d<u32>& size);
//! Returns type of video driver
virtual E_DRIVER_TYPE getDriverType() const;
//! Returns the transformation set by setTransform
virtual const core::matrix4& getTransform(E_TRANSFORMATION_STATE state) const;
//! Can be called by an IMaterialRenderer to make its work easier.
virtual void setBasicRenderStates(const SMaterial& material, const SMaterial& lastMaterial,
bool resetAllRenderstates);
//! Sets a vertex shader constant.
virtual void setVertexShaderConstant(const f32* data, s32 startRegister, s32 constantAmount=1);
//! Sets a pixel shader constant.
virtual void setPixelShaderConstant(const f32* data, s32 startRegister, s32 constantAmount=1);
//! Sets a constant for the vertex shader based on a name.
virtual bool setVertexShaderConstant(const c8* name, const f32* floats, int count);
//! Bool interface for the above.
virtual bool setVertexShaderConstant(const c8* name, const bool* bools, int count);
//! Int interface for the above.
virtual bool setVertexShaderConstant(const c8* name, const s32* ints, int count);
//! Sets a constant for the pixel shader based on a name.
virtual bool setPixelShaderConstant(const c8* name, const f32* floats, int count);
//! Bool interface for the above.
virtual bool setPixelShaderConstant(const c8* name, const bool* bools, int count);
//! Int interface for the above.
virtual bool setPixelShaderConstant(const c8* name, const s32* ints, int count);
//! Returns a pointer to the IVideoDriver interface. (Implementation for
//! IMaterialRendererServices)
virtual IVideoDriver* getVideoDriver();
//! Creates a render target texture.
virtual ITexture* addRenderTargetTexture(const core::dimension2d<u32>& size,
const io::path& name, const ECOLOR_FORMAT format = ECF_UNKNOWN);
//! Clears the ZBuffer.
virtual void clearZBuffer();
//! Returns an image created from the last rendered frame.
virtual IImage* createScreenShot(video::ECOLOR_FORMAT format=video::ECF_UNKNOWN, video::E_RENDER_TARGET target=video::ERT_FRAME_BUFFER);
//! Set/unset a clipping plane.
//! There are at least 6 clipping planes available for the user to set at will.
//! \param index: The plane index. Must be between 0 and MaxUserClipPlanes.
//! \param plane: The plane itself.
//! \param enable: If true, enable the clipping plane else disable it.
virtual bool setClipPlane(u32 index, const core::plane3df& plane, bool enable=false);
//! Enable/disable a clipping plane.
//! There are at least 6 clipping planes available for the user to set at will.
//! \param index: The plane index. Must be between 0 and MaxUserClipPlanes.
//! \param enable: If true, enable the clipping plane else disable it.
virtual void enableClipPlane(u32 index, bool enable);
//! Returns the maximum texture size supported.
virtual core::dimension2du getMaxTextureSize() const;
virtual bool checkDriverReset() {return DriverWasReset;}
// enumeration for rendering modes such as 2d and 3d for minizing the switching of renderStates.
ERM_NONE = 0, // no render state has been set yet.
ERM_2D, // 2d drawing rendermode
ERM_3D, // 3d rendering mode
ERM_STENCIL_FILL, // stencil fill mode
ERM_SHADOW_VOLUME_ZFAIL, // stencil volume draw mode
ERM_SHADOW_VOLUME_ZPASS // stencil volume draw mode
//! sets right vertex shader
void setVertexShader(video::E_VERTEX_TYPE newType);
//! sets the needed renderstates
bool setRenderStates3DMode();
//! sets the needed renderstates
void setRenderStates2DMode(bool alpha, bool texture, bool alphaChannel);
//! sets the needed renderstates
void setRenderStatesStencilFillMode(bool alpha);
//! sets the needed renderstates
void setRenderStatesStencilShadowMode(bool zfail, u32 debugDataVisible);
//! sets the current Texture
bool setActiveTexture(u32 stage, const video::ITexture* texture);
//! resets the device
bool reset();
//! returns a device dependent texture from a software surface (IImage)
virtual video::ITexture* createDeviceDependentTexture(IImage* surface, const io::path& name, void* mipmapData=0);
// returns the current size of the screen or rendertarget
virtual const core::dimension2d<u32>& getCurrentRenderTargetSize() const;
//! Adds a new material renderer to the VideoDriver, using pixel and/or
//! vertex shaders to render geometry.
s32 addShaderMaterial(const c8* vertexShaderProgram, const c8* pixelShaderProgram,
IShaderConstantSetCallBack* callback,
E_MATERIAL_TYPE baseMaterial, s32 userData);
void createMaterialRenderers();
void draw2D3DVertexPrimitiveList(const void* vertices,
u32 vertexCount, const void* indexList, u32 primitiveCount,
E_INDEX_TYPE iType, bool is3D);
D3DTEXTUREADDRESS getTextureWrapMode(const u8 clamp);
inline D3DCOLORVALUE colorToD3D(const SColor& col)
const f32 f = 1.0f / 255.0f;
v.r = col.getRed() * f;
v.g = col.getGreen() * f;
v.b = col.getBlue() * f;
v.a = col.getAlpha() * f;
return v;
E_RENDER_MODE CurrentRenderMode;
SMaterial Material, LastMaterial;
bool ResetRenderStates; // bool to make all renderstates be reseted if set.
bool Transformation3DChanged;
const ITexture* CurrentTexture[MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES];
core::matrix4 Matrices[ETS_COUNT]; // matrices of the 3d mode we need to restore when we switch back from the 2d mode.
IDirect3D8* pID3D;
IDirect3DDevice8* pID3DDevice;
IDirect3DSurface8* PrevRenderTarget;
core::dimension2d<u32> CurrentRendertargetSize;
HWND WindowId;
core::rect<s32>* SceneSourceRect;
D3DCAPS8 Caps;
E_VERTEX_TYPE LastVertexType;
D3DMATRIX UnitMatrix;
u32 MaxTextureUnits;
u32 MaxUserClipPlanes;
f32 MaxLightDistance;
s32 LastSetLight;
bool DeviceLost;
bool DriverWasReset;
SColorf AmbientLight;
SIrrlichtCreationParameters Params;
} // end namespace video
} // end namespace irr