
1326 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<FileVersion major="1" minor="6" />
<Option title="Irrlicht" />
<Option pch_mode="0" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Target title="Win32 - Debug - dll">
<Option platforms="Windows;" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Option output="../../lib/Win32-gcc/Irrlicht" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
<Option object_output="../obj/win32-gcc-debug-dll" />
<Option type="3" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Option createDefFile="1" />
<Option createStaticLib="1" />
<Add option="-Wextra" />
<Add option="-Wall" />
<Add option="-g" />
<Add option="-W" />
<Add option="-O0" />
<Add option="-DWIN32" />
<Add option="-D_DEBUG" />
<Add option="-D_WINDOWS" />
<Add option="-D_USRDLL" />
<Add option="-DIRRLICHT_EXPORTS" />
<Add option="-D__GNUWIN32__" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Add directory="../../include" />
<Add directory="zlib" />
<Add library="kernel32" />
<Add library="user32" />
<Add library="gdi32" />
<Add library="winspool" />
<Add library="comdlg32" />
<Add library="advapi32" />
<Add library="shell32" />
<Add library="ole32" />
<Add library="oleaut32" />
<Add library="uuid" />
<Add library="opengl32" />
<Add library="winmm" />
<Add after="cmd /c del ..\..\bin\Win32-gcc\Irrlicht.dll" />
<Add after="cmd /c move ..\..\lib\Win32-gcc\Irrlicht.dll ..\..\bin\Win32-gcc\Irrlicht.dll" />
<Target title="Win32 - Release - accurate math - dll">
<Option platforms="Windows;" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Option output="../../lib/Win32-gcc/Irrlicht" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
<Option object_output="../obj/win32-gcc-release-dll" />
<Option type="3" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Option createDefFile="1" />
<Option createStaticLib="1" />
<Add option="-O2" />
<Add option="-Wall" />
<Add option="-W" />
<Add option="-DWIN32" />
<Add option="-DNDEBUG" />
<Add option="-D_WINDOWS" />
<Add option="-D_USRDLL" />
<Add option="-DIRRLICHT_EXPORTS" />
<Add option="-D__GNUWIN32__" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Add directory="../../include" />
<Add directory="zlib" />
<Add option="-s" />
<Add library="kernel32" />
<Add library="user32" />
<Add library="gdi32" />
<Add library="winspool" />
<Add library="comdlg32" />
<Add library="advapi32" />
<Add library="shell32" />
<Add library="ole32" />
<Add library="oleaut32" />
<Add library="uuid" />
<Add library="opengl32" />
<Add library="winmm" />
<Add after="cmd /c del ..\..\bin\Win32-gcc\Irrlicht.dll" />
<Add after="cmd /c move ..\..\lib\Win32-gcc\Irrlicht.dll ..\..\bin\Win32-gcc\Irrlicht.dll" />
<Target title="Win32 - Release - fast math - dll">
<Option platforms="Windows;" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Option output="../../lib/Win32-gcc/Irrlicht" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
<Option object_output="../obj/win32-gcc-release-fast-dll" />
<Option type="3" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Option createDefFile="1" />
<Option createStaticLib="1" />
<Add option="-O3" />
<Add option="-Wall" />
<Add option="-W" />
<Add option="-ffast-math" />
<Add option="-DWIN32" />
<Add option="-DNDEBUG" />
<Add option="-D_WINDOWS" />
<Add option="-D_USRDLL" />
<Add option="-DIRRLICHT_EXPORTS" />
<Add option="-D__GNUWIN32__" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Add directory="../../include" />
<Add directory="zlib" />
<Add library="kernel32" />
<Add library="user32" />
<Add library="gdi32" />
<Add library="winspool" />
<Add library="comdlg32" />
<Add library="advapi32" />
<Add library="shell32" />
<Add library="ole32" />
<Add library="oleaut32" />
<Add library="uuid" />
<Add library="opengl32" />
<Add library="winmm" />
<Add after="cmd /c del ..\..\bin\Win32-gcc\Irrlicht.dll" />
<Add after="cmd /c move ..\..\lib\Win32-gcc\Irrlicht.dll ..\..\bin\Win32-gcc\Irrlicht.dll" />
<Target title="Win32 - Debug - static">
<Option platforms="Windows;" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Option output="../../lib/Win32-gcc/Irrlicht" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
<Option working_dir="" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Option object_output="../obj/win32-gcc-debug-static" />
<Option type="2" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Option createDefFile="1" />
<Add option="-O3" />
<Add option="-Wextra" />
<Add option="-ffast-math" />
<Add option="-D_IRR_STATIC_LIB_" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Add directory="../../include" />
<Add directory="zlib" />
<Add directory="libpng" />
<Add library="GL" />
<Add library="Xxf86vm" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Add directory="/usr/X11R6/lib" />
<Add directory="/usr/local/lib" />
<Target title="Win32 - Release - accurate math - static">
<Option platforms="Windows;" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Option output="../../lib/Win32-gcc/Irrlicht" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
<Option working_dir="" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Option object_output="../obj/win32-gcc-release-static" />
<Option type="2" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Option createDefFile="1" />
<Add option="-Os" />
<Add option="-O3" />
<Add option="-O2" />
<Add option="-Wall" />
<Add option="-W" />
<Add option="-DWIN32" />
<Add option="-DNDEBUG" />
<Add option="-D_WINDOWS" />
<Add option="-D_IRR_STATIC_LIB_" />
<Add option="-D__GNUWIN32__" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Add directory="../../include" />
<Add directory="zlib" />
<Add option="-s" />
<Add library="kernel32" />
<Add library="user32" />
<Add library="gdi32" />
<Add library="winspool" />
<Add library="comdlg32" />
<Add library="advapi32" />
<Add library="shell32" />
<Add library="ole32" />
<Add library="oleaut32" />
<Add library="uuid" />
<Add library="opengl32" />
<Add library="winmm" />
<Target title="Win32 - Release - fast math - static">
<Option platforms="Windows;" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Option output="../../lib/Win32-gcc/Irrlicht" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
<Option working_dir="" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Option object_output="../obj/win32-gcc-release-fast-static" />
<Option type="2" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Option createDefFile="1" />
<Add option="-fexpensive-optimizations" />
<Add option="-Os" />
<Add option="-O3" />
<Add option="-Wall" />
<Add option="-W" />
<Add option="-ffast-math" />
<Add option="-DWIN32" />
<Add option="-DNDEBUG" />
<Add option="-D_WINDOWS" />
<Add option="-D_IRR_STATIC_LIB_" />
<Add option="-D__GNUWIN32__" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Add directory="../../include" />
<Add directory="zlib" />
<Add option="-s" />
<Add library="kernel32" />
<Add library="user32" />
<Add library="gdi32" />
<Add library="winspool" />
<Add library="comdlg32" />
<Add library="advapi32" />
<Add library="shell32" />
<Add library="ole32" />
<Add library="oleaut32" />
<Add library="uuid" />
<Add library="opengl32" />
<Add library="winmm" />
<Target title="Linux - Debug - shared">
<Option platforms="Unix;" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Option output="../../lib/Linux/libIrrlicht" prefix_auto="0" extension_auto="1" />
<Option object_output="../obj/linux-gcc-debug-shared" />
<Option type="3" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Option createDefFile="1" />
<Option createStaticLib="1" />
<Add option="-Wextra" />
<Add option="-Wall" />
<Add option="-fPIC" />
<Add option="-g" />
<Add option="-O0" />
<Add option="-D_DEBUG" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Add directory="../../include" />
<Add directory="zlib" />
<Add directory="libpng" />
<Add directory="jpeglib" />
<Add library="GL" />
<Add library="Xxf86vm" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Add directory="/usr/X11R6/lib" />
<Add directory="/usr/local/lib" />
<Target title="Linux - Release - accurate math - shared">
<Option platforms="Unix;" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Option output="../../lib/Linux/libIrrlicht" prefix_auto="0" extension_auto="1" />
<Option object_output="../obj/linux-gcc-release-shared" />
<Option type="3" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Option createDefFile="1" />
<Option createStaticLib="1" />
<Add option="-O3" />
<Add option="-Wextra" />
<Add option="-fPIC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Add directory="../../include" />
<Add directory="zlib" />
<Add directory="libpng" />
<Add directory="jpeglib" />
<Add library="GL" />
<Add library="Xxf86vm" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Add directory="/usr/X11R6/lib" />
<Add directory="/usr/local/lib" />
<Target title="Linux - Release - fast math - shared">
<Option platforms="Unix;" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Option output="../../lib/Linux/libIrrlicht" prefix_auto="0" extension_auto="1" />
<Option object_output="../obj/linux-gcc-release-fast-shared" />
<Option type="3" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Option createDefFile="1" />
<Option createStaticLib="1" />
<Add option="-O3" />
<Add option="-Wextra" />
<Add option="-fPIC" />
<Add option="-ffast-math" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Add directory="../../include" />
<Add directory="zlib" />
<Add directory="libpng" />
<Add directory="jpeglib" />
<Add library="GL" />
<Add library="Xxf86vm" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Add directory="/usr/X11R6/lib" />
<Add directory="/usr/local/lib" />
<Target title="Linux - Debug - static">
<Option platforms="Unix;" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Option output="../../lib/Linux/libIrrlicht" prefix_auto="0" extension_auto="1" />
<Option working_dir="" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Option object_output="../obj/linux-gcc-debug-static" />
<Option type="2" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Option createDefFile="1" />
<Add option="-Wextra" />
<Add option="-Wall" />
<Add option="-g" />
<Add option="-O0" />
<Add option="-D_IRR_STATIC_LIB_" />
<Add option="-D_DEBUG" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Add directory="../../include" />
<Add directory="zlib" />
<Add directory="libpng" />
<Add library="GL" />
<Add library="Xxf86vm" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Add directory="/usr/X11R6/lib" />
<Add directory="/usr/local/lib" />
<Target title="Linux - Release - accurate math - static">
<Option platforms="Unix;" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Option output="../../lib/Linux/libIrrlicht" prefix_auto="0" extension_auto="1" />
<Option working_dir="" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Option object_output="../obj/linux-gcc-release-static" />
<Option type="2" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Option createDefFile="1" />
<Add option="-O3" />
<Add option="-Wextra" />
<Add option="-fno-exceptions" />
<Add option="-D_IRR_STATIC_LIB_" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Add directory="../../include" />
<Add directory="zlib" />
<Add directory="libpng" />
<Add library="GL" />
<Add library="Xxf86vm" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Add directory="/usr/X11R6/lib" />
<Add directory="/usr/local/lib" />
<Target title="Linux - Release - fast math - static">
<Option platforms="Unix;" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Option output="../../lib/Linux/libIrrlicht" prefix_auto="0" extension_auto="1" />
<Option working_dir="" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Option object_output="../obj/linux-gcc-release-fast-static" />
<Option type="2" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Option createDefFile="1" />
<Add option="-O3" />
<Add option="-Wextra" />
<Add option="-ffast-math" />
<Add option="-D_IRR_STATIC_LIB_" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Add directory="../../include" />
<Add directory="zlib" />
<Add directory="libpng" />
<Add library="GL" />
<Add library="Xxf86vm" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Add directory="/usr/X11R6/lib" />
<Add directory="/usr/local/lib" />
<Add alias="All" targets="Win32 - Debug - dll;Win32 - Release - accurate math - dll;Win32 - Release - fast math - dll;" />
<Add option="-Wno-unused-parameter" />
<Add option="-fno-exceptions" />
<Add option="-fno-rtti" />
<Add option="-fstrict-aliasing" />
<Add option="-U__STRICT_ANSI__" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="../../changes.txt" />
<Unit filename="../../include/CDynamicMeshBuffer.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/CIndexBuffer.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/CMeshBuffer.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/CVertexBuffer.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/EAttributes.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ECullingTypes.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/EDebugSceneTypes.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/EDeviceTypes.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/EDriverFeatures.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/EDriverTypes.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/EFocusFlags.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/EGUIAlignment.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/EGUIElementTypes.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/EHardwareBufferFlags.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/EMaterialFlags.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/EMaterialTypes.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/EMeshBufferTypes.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/EMeshWriterEnums.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/EMessageBoxFlags.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/EPrimitiveTypes.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/EReadFileType.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ESceneNodeAnimatorTypes.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ESceneNodeTypes.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ESceneNodeUpdateAbs.h" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="../../include/EShaderTypes.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ETerrainElements.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IAnimatedMesh.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IAnimatedMeshMD2.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IAnimatedMeshMD3.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IAnimatedMeshSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IAttributeExchangingObject.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IAttributes.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IBillboardSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IBillboardTextSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IBoneSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ICameraSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IColladaMeshWriter.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IContextManager.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ICursorControl.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IDummyTransformationSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IDynamicMeshBuffer.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IEventReceiver.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IFileArchive.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IFileList.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IFileSystem.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGPUProgrammingServices.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUIButton.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUICheckBox.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUIColorSelectDialog.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUIComboBox.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUIContextMenu.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUIEditBox.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUIElement.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUIElementFactory.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUIEnvironment.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUIFileOpenDialog.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUIFont.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUIFontBitmap.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUIImage.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUIImageList.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUIInOutFader.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUIListBox.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUIMeshViewer.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUIProfiler.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUIScrollBar.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUISkin.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUISpinBox.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUISpriteBank.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUIStaticText.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUITabControl.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUITable.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUIToolbar.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUITreeView.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGUIWindow.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IGeometryCreator.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IImage.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IImageLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IImageWriter.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IIndexBuffer.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ILightManager.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ILightSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ILogger.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IMaterialRenderer.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IMaterialRendererServices.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IMemoryReadFile.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IMesh.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IMeshBuffer.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IMeshCache.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IMeshLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IMeshManipulator.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IMeshSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IMeshTextureLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IMeshWriter.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IMetaTriangleSelector.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IOSOperator.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IOctreeSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IParticleAffector.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IParticleAnimatedMeshSceneNodeEmitter.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IParticleAttractionAffector.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IParticleBoxEmitter.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IParticleCylinderEmitter.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IParticleEmitter.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IParticleFadeOutAffector.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IParticleGravityAffector.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IParticleMeshEmitter.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IParticleRingEmitter.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IParticleRotationAffector.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IParticleSphereEmitter.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IParticleSystemSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IProfiler.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IQ3LevelMesh.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IQ3Shader.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IReadFile.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IReferenceCounted.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IRenderTarget.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ISceneCollisionManager.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ISceneLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ISceneManager.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ISceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ISceneNodeAnimator.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ISceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ISceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ISceneNodeAnimatorFactory.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ISceneNodeFactory.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ISceneUserDataSerializer.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IShaderConstantSetCallBack.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IShadowVolumeSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ISkinnedMesh.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ITerrainSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ITextSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ITexture.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ITimer.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/ITriangleSelector.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IVertexBuffer.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IVideoDriver.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IVideoModeList.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IVolumeLightSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IWriteFile.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IXMLReader.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IXMLWriter.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IrrCompileConfig.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/IrrlichtDevice.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/Keycodes.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/S3DVertex.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/SAnimatedMesh.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/SColor.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/SExposedVideoData.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/SIrrCreationParameters.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/SKeyMap.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/SLight.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/SMaterial.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/SMaterialLayer.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/SMesh.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/SMeshBuffer.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/SMeshBufferLightMap.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/SMeshBufferTangents.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/SOverrideMaterial.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/SParticle.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/SSharedMeshBuffer.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/SSkinMeshBuffer.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/SVertexIndex.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/SVertexManipulator.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/SViewFrustum.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/SceneParameters.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/aabbox3d.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/coreutil.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/dimension2d.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/fast_atof.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/heapsort.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/irrAllocator.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/irrArray.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/irrList.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/irrMap.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/irrMath.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/irrString.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/irrTypes.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/irrXML.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/irrlicht.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/irrpack.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/irrunpack.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/leakHunter.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/line2d.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/line3d.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/matrix4.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/path.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/plane3d.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/position2d.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/quaternion.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/rect.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/triangle3d.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/vector2d.h" />
<Unit filename="../../include/vector3d.h" />
<Unit filename="../../readme.txt" />
<Unit filename="BuiltInFont.h" />
<Unit filename="C3DSMeshFileLoader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="C3DSMeshFileLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="CAnimatedMeshHalfLife.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CAnimatedMeshHalfLife.h" />
<Unit filename="CAnimatedMeshMD2.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CAnimatedMeshMD2.h" />
<Unit filename="CAnimatedMeshMD3.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CAnimatedMeshMD3.h" />
<Unit filename="CAnimatedMeshSceneNode.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CAnimatedMeshSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="CAttributeImpl.h" />
<Unit filename="CAttributes.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CAttributes.h" />
<Unit filename="CB3DMeshFileLoader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CB3DMeshFileLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="CB3DMeshWriter.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CB3DMeshWriter.h" />
<Unit filename="CBSPMeshFileLoader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CBSPMeshFileLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="CBillboardSceneNode.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CBillboardSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="CBlit.h" />
<Unit filename="CBoneSceneNode.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CBoneSceneNode.h" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="CBufferRenderNode.h" />
<Unit filename="CBurningShader_Raster_Reference.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CCSMLoader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CCSMLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="CCameraSceneNode.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CCameraSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="CColladaFileLoader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CColladaFileLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="CColladaMeshWriter.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CColladaMeshWriter.h" />
<Unit filename="CColorConverter.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CColorConverter.h" />
<Unit filename="CCubeSceneNode.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CCubeSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="CD3D9Driver.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CD3D9Driver.h" />
<Unit filename="CD3D9HLSLMaterialRenderer.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CD3D9HLSLMaterialRenderer.h" />
<Unit filename="CD3D9MaterialRenderer.h" />
<Unit filename="CD3D9NormalMapRenderer.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CD3D9NormalMapRenderer.h" />
<Unit filename="CD3D9ParallaxMapRenderer.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CD3D9ParallaxMapRenderer.h" />
<Unit filename="CD3D9RenderTarget.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CD3D9RenderTarget.h" />
<Unit filename="CD3D9ShaderMaterialRenderer.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CD3D9ShaderMaterialRenderer.h" />
<Unit filename="CD3D9Texture.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CD3D9Texture.h" />
<Unit filename="CDMFLoader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CDMFLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="CDefaultGUIElementFactory.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CDefaultGUIElementFactory.h" />
<Unit filename="CDefaultSceneNodeAnimatorFactory.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CDefaultSceneNodeAnimatorFactory.h" />
<Unit filename="CDefaultSceneNodeFactory.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CDefaultSceneNodeFactory.h" />
<Unit filename="CDepthBuffer.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CDepthBuffer.h" />
<Unit filename="CDummyTransformationSceneNode.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CDummyTransformationSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="CEmptySceneNode.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CEmptySceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="CFPSCounter.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CFPSCounter.h" />
<Unit filename="CFileList.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CFileList.h" />
<Unit filename="CFileSystem.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CFileSystem.h" />
<Unit filename="CGLXManager.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGLXManager.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUIButton.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUIButton.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUICheckBox.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUICheckbox.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUIColorSelectDialog.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUIColorSelectDialog.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUIComboBox.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUIComboBox.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUIContextMenu.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUIContextMenu.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUIEditBox.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUIEditBox.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUIEnvironment.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUIEnvironment.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUIFileOpenDialog.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUIFileOpenDialog.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUIFont.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUIFont.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUIImage.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUIImage.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUIImageList.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUIImageList.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUIInOutFader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUIInOutFader.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUIListBox.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUIListBox.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUIMenu.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUIMenu.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUIMeshViewer.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUIMeshViewer.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUIMessageBox.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUIMessageBox.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUIModalScreen.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUIModalScreen.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUIProfiler.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUIProfiler.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUIScrollBar.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUIScrollBar.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUISkin.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUISkin.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUISpinBox.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUISpinBox.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUISpriteBank.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUISpriteBank.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUIStaticText.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUIStaticText.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUITabControl.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUITabControl.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUITable.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUITable.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUIToolBar.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUIToolBar.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUITreeView.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUITreeView.h" />
<Unit filename="CGUIWindow.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGUIWindow.h" />
<Unit filename="CGeometryCreator.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CGeometryCreator.h" />
<Unit filename="CImage.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CImage.h" />
<Unit filename="CImageLoaderBMP.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CImageLoaderBMP.h" />
<Unit filename="CImageLoaderDDS.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CImageLoaderDDS.h" />
<Unit filename="CImageLoaderJPG.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CImageLoaderJPG.h" />
<Unit filename="CImageLoaderPCX.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CImageLoaderPCX.h" />
<Unit filename="CImageLoaderPNG.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CImageLoaderPNG.h" />
<Unit filename="CImageLoaderPPM.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CImageLoaderPPM.h" />
<Unit filename="CImageLoaderPSD.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CImageLoaderPSD.h" />
<Unit filename="CImageLoaderPVR.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CImageLoaderPVR.h" />
<Unit filename="CImageLoaderRGB.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CImageLoaderRGB.h" />
<Unit filename="CImageLoaderTGA.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CImageLoaderTGA.h" />
<Unit filename="CImageLoaderWAL.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CImageLoaderWAL.h" />
<Unit filename="CImageWriterBMP.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CImageWriterBMP.h" />
<Unit filename="CImageWriterJPG.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CImageWriterJPG.h" />
<Unit filename="CImageWriterPCX.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CImageWriterPCX.h" />
<Unit filename="CImageWriterPNG.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CImageWriterPNG.h" />
<Unit filename="CImageWriterPPM.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CImageWriterPPM.h" />
<Unit filename="CImageWriterPSD.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CImageWriterPSD.h" />
<Unit filename="CImageWriterTGA.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CImageWriterTGA.h" />
<Unit filename="CIrrDeviceConsole.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CIrrDeviceConsole.h" />
<Unit filename="CIrrDeviceLinux.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CIrrDeviceLinux.h" />
<Unit filename="CIrrDeviceSDL.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CIrrDeviceSDL.h" />
<Unit filename="CIrrDeviceStub.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CIrrDeviceStub.h" />
<Unit filename="CIrrDeviceWin32.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CIrrDeviceWin32.h" />
<Unit filename="CIrrMeshFileLoader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CIrrMeshFileLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="CIrrMeshWriter.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CIrrMeshWriter.h" />
<Unit filename="CLMTSMeshFileLoader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CLMTSMeshFileLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="CLWOMeshFileLoader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CLWOMeshFileLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="CLightSceneNode.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CLightSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="CLimitReadFile.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CLimitReadFile.h" />
<Unit filename="CLogger.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CLogger.h" />
<Unit filename="CMD2MeshFileLoader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CMD2MeshFileLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="CMD3MeshFileLoader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CMD3MeshFileLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="CMS3DMeshFileLoader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CMS3DMeshFileLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="CMY3DHelper.h" />
<Unit filename="CMY3DMeshFileLoader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CMY3DMeshFileLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="CMemoryFile.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CMemoryFile.h" />
<Unit filename="CMeshCache.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CMeshCache.h" />
<Unit filename="CMeshManipulator.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CMeshManipulator.h" />
<Unit filename="CMeshSceneNode.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CMeshSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="CMeshTextureLoader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CMeshTextureLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="CMetaTriangleSelector.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CMetaTriangleSelector.h" />
<Unit filename="CMountPointReader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CMountPointReader.h" />
<Unit filename="CNPKReader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CNPKReader.h" />
<Unit filename="CNullDriver.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CNullDriver.h" />
<Unit filename="COBJMeshFileLoader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="COBJMeshFileLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="COBJMeshWriter.cpp" />
<Unit filename="COBJMeshWriter.h" />
<Unit filename="COCTLoader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="COCTLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="COSOperator.cpp" />
<Unit filename="COSOperator.h" />
<Unit filename="COctreeSceneNode.cpp" />
<Unit filename="COctreeSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="COctreeTriangleSelector.cpp" />
<Unit filename="COctreeTriangleSelector.h" />
<Unit filename="COgreMeshFileLoader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="COgreMeshFileLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="COpenGLCacheHandler.cpp" />
<Unit filename="COpenGLCacheHandler.h" />
<Unit filename="COpenGLCommon.h" />
<Unit filename="COpenGLCoreCacheHandler.h" />
<Unit filename="COpenGLCoreFeature.h" />
<Unit filename="COpenGLCoreRenderTarget.h" />
<Unit filename="COpenGLCoreTexture.h" />
<Unit filename="COpenGLCommon.h" />
<Unit filename="COpenGLDriver.cpp" />
<Unit filename="COpenGLDriver.h" />
<Unit filename="COpenGLExtensionHandler.cpp" />
<Unit filename="COpenGLExtensionHandler.h" />
<Unit filename="COpenGLMaterialRenderer.h" />
<Unit filename="COpenGLNormalMapRenderer.cpp" />
<Unit filename="COpenGLNormalMapRenderer.h" />
<Unit filename="COpenGLParallaxMapRenderer.cpp" />
<Unit filename="COpenGLParallaxMapRenderer.h" />
<Unit filename="COpenGLSLMaterialRenderer.cpp" />
<Unit filename="COpenGLSLMaterialRenderer.h" />
<Unit filename="COpenGLShaderMaterialRenderer.cpp" />
<Unit filename="COpenGLShaderMaterialRenderer.h" />
<Unit filename="CPLYMeshFileLoader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CPLYMeshFileLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="CPLYMeshWriter.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CPLYMeshWriter.h" />
<Unit filename="CPakReader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CPakReader.h" />
<Unit filename="CParticleAnimatedMeshSceneNodeEmitter.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CParticleAnimatedMeshSceneNodeEmitter.h" />
<Unit filename="CParticleAttractionAffector.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CParticleAttractionAffector.h" />
<Unit filename="CParticleBoxEmitter.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CParticleBoxEmitter.h" />
<Unit filename="CParticleCylinderEmitter.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CParticleCylinderEmitter.h" />
<Unit filename="CParticleFadeOutAffector.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CParticleFadeOutAffector.h" />
<Unit filename="CParticleGravityAffector.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CParticleGravityAffector.h" />
<Unit filename="CParticleMeshEmitter.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CParticleMeshEmitter.h" />
<Unit filename="CParticlePointEmitter.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CParticlePointEmitter.h" />
<Unit filename="CParticleRingEmitter.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CParticleRingEmitter.h" />
<Unit filename="CParticleRotationAffector.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CParticleRotationAffector.h" />
<Unit filename="CParticleScaleAffector.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CParticleScaleAffector.h" />
<Unit filename="CParticleSphereEmitter.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CParticleSphereEmitter.h" />
<Unit filename="CParticleSystemSceneNode.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CParticleSystemSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="CProfiler.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CProfiler.h" />
<Unit filename="CQ3LevelMesh.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CQ3LevelMesh.h" />
<Unit filename="CQuake3ShaderSceneNode.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CQuake3ShaderSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="CReadFile.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CReadFile.h" />
<Unit filename="CSMFMeshFileLoader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CSMFMeshFileLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="CSTLMeshFileLoader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CSTLMeshFileLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="CSTLMeshWriter.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CSTLMeshWriter.h" />
<Unit filename="CSceneCollisionManager.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CSceneCollisionManager.h" />
<Unit filename="CSceneLoaderIrr.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CSceneLoaderIrr.h" />
<Unit filename="CSceneManager.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CSceneManager.h" />
<Unit filename="CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS.h" />
<Unit filename="CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya.h" />
<Unit filename="CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse.h" />
<Unit filename="CSceneNodeAnimatorDelete.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CSceneNodeAnimatorDelete.h" />
<Unit filename="CSceneNodeAnimatorFlyCircle.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CSceneNodeAnimatorFlyCircle.h" />
<Unit filename="CSceneNodeAnimatorFlyStraight.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CSceneNodeAnimatorFlyStraight.h" />
<Unit filename="CSceneNodeAnimatorFollowSpline.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CSceneNodeAnimatorFollowSpline.h" />
<Unit filename="CSceneNodeAnimatorRotation.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CSceneNodeAnimatorRotation.h" />
<Unit filename="CSceneNodeAnimatorTexture.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CSceneNodeAnimatorTexture.h" />
<Unit filename="CShadowVolumeSceneNode.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CShadowVolumeSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="CSkinnedMesh.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CSkinnedMesh.h" />
<Unit filename="CSkyBoxSceneNode.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CSkyBoxSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="CSkyDomeSceneNode.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CSkyDomeSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="CSoftware2MaterialRenderer.h" />
<Unit filename="CSoftwareDriver.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CSoftwareDriver.h" />
<Unit filename="CSoftwareDriver2.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CSoftwareDriver2.h" />
<Unit filename="CSoftwareTexture.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CSoftwareTexture.h" />
<Unit filename="CSoftwareTexture2.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CSoftwareTexture2.h" />
<Unit filename="CSphereSceneNode.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CSphereSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="CTRFlat.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRFlatWire.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRGouraud.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRGouraud2.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRGouraudAlphaNoZ2.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRGouraudNoZ2.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRGouraudWire.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRNormalMap.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRParallaxMap.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRStencilShadow.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRTextureBlend.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRTextureDetailMap2.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRTextureFlat.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRTextureFlatWire.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRTextureGouraud.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRTextureGouraud.h" />
<Unit filename="CTRTextureGouraud2.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRTextureGouraudAdd.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRTextureGouraudAdd2.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRTextureGouraudAddNoZ2.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRTextureGouraudAlpha.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRTextureGouraudAlphaNoZ.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRTextureGouraudNoZ.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRTextureGouraudNoZ2.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRTextureGouraudVertexAlpha2.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRTextureGouraudWire.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRTextureLightMap2_Add.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRTextureLightMap2_M1.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRTextureLightMap2_M2.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRTextureLightMap2_M4.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRTextureLightMapGouraud2_M4.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTRTextureWire2.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTR_transparent_reflection_2_layer.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTarReader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTarReader.h" />
<Unit filename="CTerrainSceneNode.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTerrainSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="CTerrainTriangleSelector.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTerrainTriangleSelector.h" />
<Unit filename="CTextSceneNode.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTextSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="CTimer.h" />
<Unit filename="CTriangleBBSelector.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTriangleBBSelector.h" />
<Unit filename="CTriangleSelector.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CTriangleSelector.h" />
<Unit filename="CVideoModeList.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CVideoModeList.h" />
<Unit filename="CVolumeLightSceneNode.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CVolumeLightSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="CWADReader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CWADReader.h" />
<Unit filename="CWGLManager.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CWGLManager.h" />
<Unit filename="CWaterSurfaceSceneNode.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CWaterSurfaceSceneNode.h" />
<Unit filename="CWriteFile.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CWriteFile.h" />
<Unit filename="CXMLReader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CXMLReader.h" />
<Unit filename="CXMLReaderImpl.h" />
<Unit filename="CXMLWriter.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CXMLWriter.h" />
<Unit filename="CXMeshFileLoader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CXMeshFileLoader.h" />
<Unit filename="CZBuffer.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CZBuffer.h" />
<Unit filename="CZipReader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="CZipReader.h" />
<Unit filename="EProfileIDs.h" />
<Unit filename="IAttribute.h" />
<Unit filename="IBurningShader.cpp" />
<Unit filename="IBurningShader.h" />
<Unit filename="IDepthBuffer.h" />
<Unit filename="IImagePresenter.h" />
<Unit filename="ITriangleRenderer.h" />
<Unit filename="IUserData.h" />
<Unit filename="IZBuffer.h" />
<Unit filename="Irrlicht.cpp" />
<Unit filename="Octree.h" />
<Unit filename="S2DVertex.h" />
<Unit filename="S4DVertex.h" />
<Unit filename="SB3DStructs.h" />
<Unit filename="SoftwareDriver2_compile_config.h" />
<Unit filename="SoftwareDriver2_helper.h" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="aesGladman/aes.h" />
<Unit filename="aesGladman/aescrypt.cpp" />
<Unit filename="aesGladman/aeskey.cpp" />
<Unit filename="aesGladman/aesopt.h" />
<Unit filename="aesGladman/aestab.cpp" />
<Unit filename="aesGladman/fileenc.cpp" />
<Unit filename="aesGladman/fileenc.h" />
<Unit filename="aesGladman/hmac.cpp" />
<Unit filename="aesGladman/hmac.h" />
<Unit filename="aesGladman/prng.cpp" />
<Unit filename="aesGladman/prng.h" />
<Unit filename="aesGladman/pwd2key.cpp" />
<Unit filename="aesGladman/pwd2key.h" />
<Unit filename="aesGladman/sha1.cpp" />
<Unit filename="aesGladman/sha1.h" />
<Unit filename="aesGladman/sha2.cpp" />
<Unit filename="aesGladman/sha2.h" />
<Unit filename="burning_shader_color.cpp" />
<Unit filename="burning_shader_color_fraq.h" />
<Unit filename="burning_shader_compile_fragment_default.h" />
<Unit filename="burning_shader_compile_fragment_end.h" />
<Unit filename="burning_shader_compile_fragment_start.h" />
<Unit filename="burning_shader_compile_start.h" />
<Unit filename="burning_shader_compile_triangle.h" />
<Unit filename="burning_shader_compile_verify.h" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="bzip2/blocksort.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="bzip2/bzcompress.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="bzip2/bzlib.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="bzip2/bzlib.h" />
<Unit filename="bzip2/bzlib_private.h" />
<Unit filename="bzip2/crctable.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="bzip2/decompress.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="bzip2/huffman.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="bzip2/randtable.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
<Unit filename="dmfsupport.h" />
<Unit filename="glext.h" />
<Unit filename="irrXML.cpp" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/cderror.h" />
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jaricom.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jcapimin.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jcapistd.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jcarith.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jccoefct.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jccolor.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jcdctmgr.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jchuff.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jchuff.h" />
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jcinit.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jcmainct.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jcmarker.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jcmaster.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jcomapi.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jconfig.h" />
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jcparam.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jcprepct.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jcsample.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jctrans.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jdapimin.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jdapistd.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jdarith.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jdatadst.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jdatasrc.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jdcoefct.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jdcolor.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jdct.h" />
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jddctmgr.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jdhuff.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jdhuff.h" />
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jdinput.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jdmainct.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jdmarker.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jdmaster.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jdmerge.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jdpostct.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jdsample.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jdtrans.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jerror.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jerror.h" />
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jfdctflt.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jfdctfst.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jfdctint.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jidctflt.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jidctfst.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jidctint.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jinclude.h" />
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jmemmgr.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jmemnobs.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jmemsys.h" />
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jmorecfg.h" />
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jpegint.h" />
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jpeglib.h" />
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jquant1.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jquant2.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jutils.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="jpeglib/jversion.h" />
<Unit filename="leakHunter.cpp" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="libpng/png.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="libpng/png.h" />
<Unit filename="libpng/pngconf.h" />
<Unit filename="libpng/pngerror.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="libpng/pngget.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="libpng/pngmem.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="libpng/pngpread.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="libpng/pngread.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="libpng/pngrio.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="libpng/pngrtran.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="libpng/pngrutil.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="libpng/pngset.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="libpng/pngtrans.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="libpng/pngwio.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="libpng/pngwrite.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="libpng/pngwtran.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="libpng/pngwutil.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="lzma/LzmaDec.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="lzma/LzmaDec.h" />
<Unit filename="lzma/Types.h" />
<Unit filename="os.cpp" />
<Unit filename="os.h" />
<Unit filename="utf8.cpp" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="zlib/adler32.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="zlib/compress.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="zlib/crc32.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="zlib/crc32.h" />
<Unit filename="zlib/deflate.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="zlib/deflate.h" />
<Unit filename="zlib/inffast.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="zlib/inffast.h" />
<Unit filename="zlib/inffixed.h" />
<Unit filename="zlib/inflate.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="zlib/inftrees.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="zlib/inftrees.h" />
<Unit filename="zlib/trees.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="zlib/trees.h" />
<Unit filename="zlib/uncompr.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="zlib/zconf.h" />
<Unit filename="zlib/zlib.h" />
<Unit filename="zlib/zutil.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
<Unit filename="zlib/zutil.h" />
<Extensions />