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// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "android_tools.h"
#include <android/log.h> // for the occasional debugging, style: __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE, "Irrlicht", "%s\n", "We do log");
namespace irr
namespace android
// Not all DisplayMetrics are available through the NDK.
// So we access the Java classes with the JNI interface.
// You can access other Java classes available in Android in similar ways.
// Function based roughly on the code from here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13249164/android-using-jni-from-nativeactivity
bool getDisplayMetrics(android_app* app, SDisplayMetrics & metrics)
if (!app || !app->activity || !app->activity->vm )
return false;
JNIEnv* jni = 0;
app->activity->vm->AttachCurrentThread(&jni, NULL);
if (!jni )
return false;
// get all the classes we want to access from the JVM
jclass classNativeActivity = jni->FindClass("android/app/NativeActivity");
jclass classWindowManager = jni->FindClass("android/view/WindowManager");
jclass classDisplay = jni->FindClass("android/view/Display");
jclass classDisplayMetrics = jni->FindClass("android/util/DisplayMetrics");
if (!classNativeActivity || !classWindowManager || !classDisplay || !classDisplayMetrics)
return false;
// Get all the methods we want to access from the JVM classes
// Note: You can get the signatures (third parameter of GetMethodID) for all
// functions of a class with the javap tool, like in the following example for class DisplayMetrics:
// javap -s -classpath myandroidpath/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20131030/sdk/platforms/android-10/android.jar android/util/DisplayMetrics
jmethodID idNativeActivity_getWindowManager = jni->GetMethodID( classNativeActivity
, "getWindowManager"
, "()Landroid/view/WindowManager;");
jmethodID idWindowManager_getDefaultDisplay = jni->GetMethodID( classWindowManager
, "getDefaultDisplay"
, "()Landroid/view/Display;");
jmethodID idDisplayMetrics_constructor = jni->GetMethodID( classDisplayMetrics
, "<init>"
, "()V");
jmethodID idDisplay_getMetrics = jni->GetMethodID( classDisplay
, "getMetrics"
, "(Landroid/util/DisplayMetrics;)V");
if (!idNativeActivity_getWindowManager || !idWindowManager_getDefaultDisplay || !idDisplayMetrics_constructor
|| !idDisplay_getMetrics)
return false;
// In Java the following code would be: getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(metrics);
// Note: If you need to call java functions in time-critical places you can split getting the jmethodID's
// and calling the functions into separate functions as you only have to get the jmethodID's once.
jobject windowManager = jni->CallObjectMethod(app->activity->clazz, idNativeActivity_getWindowManager);
if (!windowManager)
return false;
jobject display = jni->CallObjectMethod(windowManager, idWindowManager_getDefaultDisplay);
if (!display)
return false;
jobject displayMetrics = jni->NewObject( classDisplayMetrics, idDisplayMetrics_constructor);
if (!displayMetrics)
return false;
jni->CallVoidMethod(display, idDisplay_getMetrics, displayMetrics);
// access the fields of DisplayMetrics (we ignore the DENSITY constants)
jfieldID idDisplayMetrics_widthPixels = jni->GetFieldID( classDisplayMetrics, "widthPixels", "I");
jfieldID idDisplayMetrics_heightPixels = jni->GetFieldID( classDisplayMetrics, "heightPixels", "I");
jfieldID idDisplayMetrics_density = jni->GetFieldID( classDisplayMetrics, "density", "F");
jfieldID idDisplayMetrics_densityDpi = jni->GetFieldID( classDisplayMetrics, "densityDpi", "I");
jfieldID idDisplayMetrics_scaledDensity = jni->GetFieldID( classDisplayMetrics, "scaledDensity", "F");
jfieldID idDisplayMetrics_xdpi = jni->GetFieldID(classDisplayMetrics, "xdpi", "F");
jfieldID idDisplayMetrics_ydpi = jni->GetFieldID(classDisplayMetrics, "ydpi", "F");
if ( idDisplayMetrics_widthPixels )
metrics.widthPixels = jni->GetIntField(displayMetrics, idDisplayMetrics_widthPixels);
if ( idDisplayMetrics_heightPixels )
metrics.heightPixels = jni->GetIntField(displayMetrics, idDisplayMetrics_heightPixels);
if (idDisplayMetrics_density )
metrics.density = jni->GetFloatField(displayMetrics, idDisplayMetrics_density);
if (idDisplayMetrics_densityDpi)
metrics.densityDpi = jni->GetIntField(displayMetrics, idDisplayMetrics_densityDpi);
if (idDisplayMetrics_scaledDensity)
metrics.scaledDensity = jni->GetFloatField(displayMetrics, idDisplayMetrics_scaledDensity);
if ( idDisplayMetrics_xdpi )
metrics.xdpi = jni->GetFloatField(displayMetrics, idDisplayMetrics_xdpi);
if ( idDisplayMetrics_ydpi )
metrics.ydpi = jni->GetFloatField(displayMetrics, idDisplayMetrics_ydpi);
return true;
void setSoftInputVisibility(android_app* app, bool visible)
// NOTE: Unfortunately ANativeActivity_showSoftInput from the NDK does not work and Google does not care.
// This is based on the solution from @Ratamovic from here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5864790/how-to-show-the-soft-keyboard-on-native-activity
if (!app || !app->activity || !app->activity->vm )
JNIEnv* jni = 0;
app->activity->vm->AttachCurrentThread(&jni, NULL);
if (!jni )
// get all the classes we want to access from the JVM (could be cached)
jclass classNativeActivity = jni->FindClass("android/app/NativeActivity");
jclass classInputMethodManager = jni->FindClass("android/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager");
jclass classWindow = jni->FindClass("android/view/Window");
jclass classView = jni->FindClass("android/view/View");
if (classNativeActivity && classInputMethodManager && classWindow)
// Get all the methods we want to access from the JVM classes (could be cached)
jmethodID mid_getSystemService = jni->GetMethodID(classNativeActivity, "getSystemService","(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;");
jmethodID mid_showSoftInput = jni->GetMethodID(classInputMethodManager, "showSoftInput", "(Landroid/view/View;I)Z");
jmethodID mid_hideSoftInput = jni->GetMethodID(classInputMethodManager, "hideSoftInputFromWindow", "(Landroid/os/IBinder;I)Z");
jmethodID mid_getWindow = jni->GetMethodID(classNativeActivity, "getWindow", "()Landroid/view/Window;");
jmethodID mid_getWindowToken = jni->GetMethodID(classView, "getWindowToken", "()Landroid/os/IBinder;");
jmethodID mid_getDecorView = jni->GetMethodID(classWindow, "getDecorView", "()Landroid/view/View;");
if ( mid_getSystemService && mid_showSoftInput && mid_hideSoftInput && mid_getWindow && mid_getDecorView && mid_getWindowToken )
jstring paramInput = jni->NewStringUTF("input_method");
jobject objInputMethodManager = jni->CallObjectMethod(app->activity->clazz, mid_getSystemService, paramInput);
jobject objWindow = jni->CallObjectMethod(app->activity->clazz, mid_getWindow);
if ( visible && objInputMethodManager && objWindow)
jobject objDecorView = jni->CallObjectMethod(objWindow, mid_getDecorView);
if ( objDecorView )
int showFlags = 0;
jni->CallBooleanMethod(objInputMethodManager, mid_showSoftInput, objDecorView, showFlags);
else if ( !visible && objInputMethodManager && objWindow )
jobject objDecorView = jni->CallObjectMethod(objWindow, mid_getDecorView);
if ( objDecorView )
jobject objBinder = jni->CallObjectMethod(objDecorView, mid_getWindowToken);
if ( objBinder )
int hideFlags = 0;
jni->CallBooleanMethod(objInputMethodManager, mid_hideSoftInput, objBinder, hideFlags);
} // namespace android
} // namespace irr