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Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IMeshSceneNode.h"
#include "IVideoDriver.h"
#include "ISceneManager.h"
#include "ISceneNode.h"
namespace irr
namespace scene
// A node which helps rendering a single buffer of an IMeshSceneNode
// It solves several problems:
// - Allowing the scene manager to sort meshbuffers. Currently it only sorts nodes, so we have to put each meshbuffer in an extra node to allow that
// The reason we want that is
// a) Better sorting when a node has several transparent buffers (without it they will be just drawn in original order)
// b) It can allow to avoid texture changes in the render-pipeline which can make quite a bit of a performance difference
// - It buffers the RenderPass. Bit of an abuse of this interface maybe?
// Strangely the check for finding out the correct render pass constantly shows up in profilers.
// Not exactly sure why as the check looks pretty cheap. My best guess is that there are some cache misses going on due to several virtual
// function pointers being involved in the transparency check.
// For now (added pre Irrlicht 1.9) this interface is still a bit experimental. Maybe could go into public headers later, not sure yet.
// Or maybe the SceneManager shouldn't work with nodes at all but a simplified interface to render buffers from which Nodes can derive?
// CBufferRenderNode isn't really a node - it has to work around nearly all the ISceneNode functions, it only has to be one because
// the SceneManager can't sort anything else but nodes.
class CBufferRenderNode : public ISceneNode
CBufferRenderNode(irr::scene::IMeshSceneNode& parent, irr::scene::ISceneManager* mgr, irr::u32 bufferIdx)
: ISceneNode(0, mgr) // we don't want it in the scenegraph
, MeshNodeParent(parent)
, BufferIdx(bufferIdx)
, RenderPass(ESNRP_NONE)
, ParentDoesRender(true)
// While it's not the parent in the SceneGraph, we still want to allow accessing it
// That can be useful p.E. in a light manager
// Arguably if it's a good idea as it's a bit going against the ISceneNode interface - having a parent which doesn't have this node as child.
// But the alternative is adding another member to the ISceneNode or having SceneManager not use the ISceneNode for rendering
// So for now it should be fine, but if that interface ever get's public... we might have to reconsider
Parent = &MeshNodeParent;
u32 prepareRendering(E_SCENE_NODE_RENDER_PASS pass, bool parentDoesRender)
RenderPass = pass;
ParentDoesRender = parentDoesRender;
if ( !ParentDoesRender )
return SceneManager->registerNodeForRendering(this, pass);
return 0;
E_SCENE_NODE_RENDER_PASS getRenderPass() const
return RenderPass;
// When true render() this node hasn't registered itself for rendering, but expects it's owner to do the rendering
bool getDoesParentRender() const
return ParentDoesRender;
// Render meshbuffer, but don't set transformation
// It's assumed that this function is only called from within the correct render stage
void renderBuffer(video::IVideoDriver* driver)
const IMeshBuffer* mb = MeshNodeParent.getMesh()->getMeshBuffer(BufferIdx);
if (mb)
const video::SMaterial& material = MeshNodeParent.getMaterial(BufferIdx);
// Resetting after each rendering so direct calls to render() for parent node continue to work
// Assuming each pass only runs once
RenderPass = ESNRP_NONE;
ParentDoesRender = true;
Add IMeshSceneNode::setNodeRegistration to allow registering MeshSceneNodes to the SceneManager per buffer instead of per node So far SceneManager always sorted Nodes per render stage. Now we allow sorting per mesh-buffer per render stage by creating a new node for each mesh-buffer. It's only supported for CMeshSceneNode so far. This allows to enable better transparency sorting for meshes which have transparent buffers. Previously those always got rendered in the order in which they got added and ignored mesh-buffer bounding-boxes, but just used the bbox of the full mesh. Now they can use the bbox for each meshbuffer which can sometimes avoid render errors. Also depending on the scene this can be quite a bit faster because it can help reduce texture changes. We sort solid nodes per texture, but only per node. So nodes with several textures had a texture switch between rendering each meshbuffer. And those are rather expensive in Irrlicht right now (and we support no bindless textures yet...) Lastly it's now also used to buffer the render-stage. Checking this twice (once in registering the node and once in render) constantly showed up in the profiler. Which was a bit surprising really, but anyway - now it's gone. I tried to keep it working for all cases we had before (all kind of situations, like when people may want to call render() outside the SceneManager). But not (yet) supporting the case of changing the meshbuffers (adding or removing some) without calling setMesh() again. Reason is that this wasn't well supported before either (node materials never updated). So for now I just assume people will call setMesh() again when they change the mesh. git-svn-id: svn:// dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
2023-05-04 18:07:18 +02:00
//! Renders the node.
virtual void render() IRR_OVERRIDE
video::IVideoDriver* driver = SceneManager->getVideoDriver();
driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, MeshNodeParent.getAbsoluteTransformation());
virtual const core::aabbox3d<f32>& getBoundingBox() const IRR_OVERRIDE
return MeshNodeParent.getMesh()->getMeshBuffer(BufferIdx)->getBoundingBox();
virtual video::SMaterial& getMaterial(u32 num) IRR_OVERRIDE
return MeshNodeParent.getMaterial(BufferIdx);
virtual u32 getMaterialCount() const IRR_OVERRIDE
return 1;
virtual const core::matrix4& getAbsoluteTransformation() const IRR_OVERRIDE
return MeshNodeParent.getAbsoluteTransformation();
virtual const core::aabbox3d<f32> getTransformedBoundingBox() const IRR_OVERRIDE
core::aabbox3d<f32> box = getBoundingBox();
return box;
virtual void getTransformedBoundingBoxEdges(core::array< core::vector3d<f32> >& edges) const IRR_OVERRIDE
getBoundingBox().getEdges( edges.pointer() );
for ( u32 i=0; i<8; ++i )
getAbsoluteTransformation().transformVect( edges[i] );
virtual core::matrix4 getRelativeTransformation() const IRR_OVERRIDE
return MeshNodeParent.getRelativeTransformation();
virtual s32 getID() const IRR_OVERRIDE
return MeshNodeParent.getID();
virtual const core::vector3df& getScale() const IRR_OVERRIDE
return MeshNodeParent.getScale();
virtual const core::vector3df& getRotation() const IRR_OVERRIDE
return MeshNodeParent.getRotation();
virtual const core::vector3df& getPosition() const IRR_OVERRIDE
return MeshNodeParent.getPosition();
virtual core::vector3df getAbsolutePosition() const IRR_OVERRIDE
return MeshNodeParent.getAbsolutePosition();
virtual ITriangleSelector* getTriangleSelector() const IRR_OVERRIDE
return MeshNodeParent.getTriangleSelector();
// Not allowing any of that stuff
virtual void OnRegisterSceneNode()IRR_OVERRIDE {}
virtual void OnAnimate(u32 timeMs) IRR_OVERRIDE {}
virtual void addChild(ISceneNode* child) IRR_OVERRIDE {}
virtual void addAnimator(ISceneNodeAnimator* animator) IRR_OVERRIDE {}
virtual void setScale(const core::vector3df& scale) IRR_OVERRIDE {}
virtual void setRotation(const core::vector3df& rotation) IRR_OVERRIDE {}
virtual void setPosition(const core::vector3df& newpos) IRR_OVERRIDE {}
virtual void setParent(ISceneNode* newParent) IRR_OVERRIDE {}
virtual void setTriangleSelector(ITriangleSelector* selector) IRR_OVERRIDE {}
virtual void updateAbsolutePosition() IRR_OVERRIDE {}
virtual void serializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* out, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options=0) const IRR_OVERRIDE {}
virtual void deserializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* in, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options=0) IRR_OVERRIDE {}
irr::scene::IMeshSceneNode& MeshNodeParent;
irr::u32 BufferIdx; // Note: Not saving the meshbuffer pointer as meshes can add/remove buffers and we don't want to keep track of that
bool ParentDoesRender;
} // end namespace scene
} // end namespace irr