// Copyright (C) 2015 Patryk Nadrowski // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h #pragma once #include "SMaterial.h" #include "ITexture.h" #include "mt_opengl.h" namespace irr { namespace video { enum ESetTextureActive { EST_ACTIVE_ALWAYS, // texture unit always active after set call EST_ACTIVE_ON_CHANGE // texture unit only active after call when texture changed in cache }; template <class TOpenGLDriver, class TOpenGLTexture> class COpenGLCoreCacheHandler { class STextureCache { public: STextureCache(COpenGLCoreCacheHandler& cacheHandler, E_DRIVER_TYPE driverType, u32 textureCount) : CacheHandler(cacheHandler), DriverType(driverType), TextureCount(textureCount) { for (u32 i = 0; i < MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES; ++i) { Texture[i] = 0; } } ~STextureCache() { clear(); } const TOpenGLTexture* operator[](int index) const { if (static_cast<u32>(index) < MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES) return Texture[static_cast<u32>(index)]; return 0; } const TOpenGLTexture* get(u32 index) const { if (index < MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES) return Texture[index]; return 0; } bool set(u32 index, const ITexture* texture, ESetTextureActive esa=EST_ACTIVE_ALWAYS) { bool status = false; E_DRIVER_TYPE type = DriverType; if (index < MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES && index < TextureCount) { if ( esa == EST_ACTIVE_ALWAYS ) CacheHandler.setActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + index); const TOpenGLTexture* prevTexture = Texture[index]; if (texture != prevTexture) { if ( esa == EST_ACTIVE_ON_CHANGE ) CacheHandler.setActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + index); if (texture) { type = texture->getDriverType(); if (type == DriverType) { texture->grab(); const TOpenGLTexture* curTexture = static_cast<const TOpenGLTexture*>(texture); const GLenum curTextureType = curTexture->getOpenGLTextureType(); const GLenum prevTextureType = (prevTexture) ? prevTexture->getOpenGLTextureType() : curTextureType; if (curTextureType != prevTextureType) { GL.BindTexture(prevTextureType, 0); #if ( defined(IRR_COMPILE_GL_COMMON) || defined(IRR_COMPILE_GLES_COMMON) ) GL.Disable(prevTextureType); GL.Enable(curTextureType); #endif } #if ( defined(IRR_COMPILE_GL_COMMON) || defined(IRR_COMPILE_GLES_COMMON) ) else if (!prevTexture) GL.Enable(curTextureType); #endif GL.BindTexture(curTextureType, static_cast<const TOpenGLTexture*>(texture)->getOpenGLTextureName()); } else { texture = 0; os::Printer::log("Fatal Error: Tried to set a texture not owned by this driver.", ELL_ERROR); os::Printer::log("Texture type", irr::core::stringc((int)type), ELL_ERROR); os::Printer::log("Driver (or cache handler) type", irr::core::stringc((int)DriverType), ELL_ERROR); } } if (!texture && prevTexture) { const GLenum prevTextureType = prevTexture->getOpenGLTextureType(); GL.BindTexture(prevTextureType, 0); #if ( defined(IRR_COMPILE_GL_COMMON) || defined(IRR_COMPILE_GLES_COMMON) ) GL.Disable(prevTextureType); #endif } Texture[index] = static_cast<const TOpenGLTexture*>(texture); if (prevTexture) prevTexture->drop(); } status = true; } return (status && type == DriverType); } void remove(ITexture* texture) { if (!texture) return; for (u32 i = 0; i < MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES; ++i) { if (Texture[i] == texture) { Texture[i] = 0; texture->drop(); } } } void clear() { for (u32 i = 0; i < MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES; ++i) { if (Texture[i]) { const TOpenGLTexture* prevTexture = Texture[i]; Texture[i] = 0; prevTexture->drop(); } } } private: COpenGLCoreCacheHandler& CacheHandler; E_DRIVER_TYPE DriverType; const TOpenGLTexture* Texture[MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES]; u32 TextureCount; }; public: COpenGLCoreCacheHandler(TOpenGLDriver* driver) : Driver(driver), #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable: 4355) // Warning: "'this' : used in base member initializer list. ". It's OK, we don't use the reference in STextureCache constructor. #endif TextureCache(STextureCache(*this, driver->getDriverType(), driver->getFeature().MaxTextureUnits)), #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma warning(pop) #endif FrameBufferCount(0), BlendEquation(0), BlendSourceRGB(0), BlendDestinationRGB(0), BlendSourceAlpha(0), BlendDestinationAlpha(0), Blend(0), BlendEquationInvalid(false), BlendFuncInvalid(false), BlendInvalid(false), ColorMask(0), ColorMaskInvalid(false), CullFaceMode(GL_BACK), CullFace(false), DepthFunc(GL_LESS), DepthMask(true), DepthTest(false), FrameBufferID(0), ProgramID(0), ActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0), ViewportX(0), ViewportY(0) { const COpenGLCoreFeature& feature = Driver->getFeature(); FrameBufferCount = core::max_(static_cast<GLuint>(1), static_cast<GLuint>(feature.MultipleRenderTarget)); BlendEquation = new GLenum[FrameBufferCount]; BlendSourceRGB = new GLenum[FrameBufferCount]; BlendDestinationRGB = new GLenum[FrameBufferCount]; BlendSourceAlpha = new GLenum[FrameBufferCount]; BlendDestinationAlpha = new GLenum[FrameBufferCount]; Blend = new bool[FrameBufferCount]; ColorMask = new u8[FrameBufferCount]; // Initial OpenGL values from specification. if (feature.BlendOperation) { Driver->irrGlBlendEquation(GL_FUNC_ADD); } for (u32 i = 0; i < FrameBufferCount; ++i) { BlendEquation[i] = GL_FUNC_ADD; BlendSourceRGB[i] = GL_ONE; BlendDestinationRGB[i] = GL_ZERO; BlendSourceAlpha[i] = GL_ONE; BlendDestinationAlpha[i] = GL_ZERO; Blend[i] = false; ColorMask[i] = ECP_ALL; } GL.BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO); GL.Disable(GL_BLEND); GL.ColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); GL.CullFace(CullFaceMode); GL.Disable(GL_CULL_FACE); GL.DepthFunc(DepthFunc); GL.DepthMask(GL_TRUE); GL.Disable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); Driver->irrGlActiveTexture(ActiveTexture); #if ( defined(IRR_COMPILE_GL_COMMON) || defined(IRR_COMPILE_GLES_COMMON) ) GL.Disable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); #endif const core::dimension2d<u32> ScreenSize = Driver->getScreenSize(); ViewportWidth = ScreenSize.Width; ViewportHeight = ScreenSize.Height; GL.Viewport(ViewportX, ViewportY, ViewportWidth, ViewportHeight); } virtual ~COpenGLCoreCacheHandler() { delete[] BlendEquation; delete[] BlendSourceRGB; delete[] BlendDestinationRGB; delete[] BlendSourceAlpha; delete[] BlendDestinationAlpha; delete[] Blend; delete[] ColorMask; } E_DRIVER_TYPE getDriverType() const { return Driver->getDriverType(); } STextureCache& getTextureCache() { return TextureCache; } // Blending calls. void setBlendEquation(GLenum mode) { if (BlendEquation[0] != mode || BlendEquationInvalid) { Driver->irrGlBlendEquation(mode); for (GLuint i = 0; i < FrameBufferCount; ++i) BlendEquation[i] = mode; BlendEquationInvalid = false; } } void setBlendEquationIndexed(GLuint index, GLenum mode) { if (index < FrameBufferCount && BlendEquation[index] != mode) { Driver->irrGlBlendEquationIndexed(index, mode); BlendEquation[index] = mode; BlendEquationInvalid = true; } } void setBlendFunc(GLenum source, GLenum destination) { if (BlendSourceRGB[0] != source || BlendDestinationRGB[0] != destination || BlendSourceAlpha[0] != source || BlendDestinationAlpha[0] != destination || BlendFuncInvalid) { GL.BlendFunc(source, destination); for (GLuint i = 0; i < FrameBufferCount; ++i) { BlendSourceRGB[i] = source; BlendDestinationRGB[i] = destination; BlendSourceAlpha[i] = source; BlendDestinationAlpha[i] = destination; } BlendFuncInvalid = false; } } void setBlendFuncSeparate(GLenum sourceRGB, GLenum destinationRGB, GLenum sourceAlpha, GLenum destinationAlpha) { if (sourceRGB != sourceAlpha || destinationRGB != destinationAlpha) { if (BlendSourceRGB[0] != sourceRGB || BlendDestinationRGB[0] != destinationRGB || BlendSourceAlpha[0] != sourceAlpha || BlendDestinationAlpha[0] != destinationAlpha || BlendFuncInvalid) { Driver->irrGlBlendFuncSeparate(sourceRGB, destinationRGB, sourceAlpha, destinationAlpha); for (GLuint i = 0; i < FrameBufferCount; ++i) { BlendSourceRGB[i] = sourceRGB; BlendDestinationRGB[i] = destinationRGB; BlendSourceAlpha[i] = sourceAlpha; BlendDestinationAlpha[i] = destinationAlpha; } BlendFuncInvalid = false; } } else { setBlendFunc(sourceRGB, destinationRGB); } } void setBlendFuncIndexed(GLuint index, GLenum source, GLenum destination) { if (index < FrameBufferCount && (BlendSourceRGB[index] != source || BlendDestinationRGB[index] != destination || BlendSourceAlpha[index] != source || BlendDestinationAlpha[index] != destination)) { Driver->irrGlBlendFuncIndexed(index, source, destination); BlendSourceRGB[index] = source; BlendDestinationRGB[index] = destination; BlendSourceAlpha[index] = source; BlendDestinationAlpha[index] = destination; BlendFuncInvalid = true; } } void setBlendFuncSeparateIndexed(GLuint index, GLenum sourceRGB, GLenum destinationRGB, GLenum sourceAlpha, GLenum destinationAlpha) { if (sourceRGB != sourceAlpha || destinationRGB != destinationAlpha) { if (index < FrameBufferCount && (BlendSourceRGB[index] != sourceRGB || BlendDestinationRGB[index] != destinationRGB || BlendSourceAlpha[index] != sourceAlpha || BlendDestinationAlpha[index] != destinationAlpha)) { Driver->irrGlBlendFuncSeparateIndexed(index, sourceRGB, destinationRGB, sourceAlpha, destinationAlpha); BlendSourceRGB[index] = sourceRGB; BlendDestinationRGB[index] = destinationRGB; BlendSourceAlpha[index] = sourceAlpha; BlendDestinationAlpha[index] = destinationAlpha; BlendFuncInvalid = true; } } else { setBlendFuncIndexed(index, sourceRGB, destinationRGB); } } void setBlend(bool enable) { if (Blend[0] != enable || BlendInvalid) { if (enable) GL.Enable(GL_BLEND); else GL.Disable(GL_BLEND); for (GLuint i = 0; i < FrameBufferCount; ++i) Blend[i] = enable; BlendInvalid = false; } } void setBlendIndexed(GLuint index, bool enable) { if (index < FrameBufferCount && Blend[index] != enable) { if (enable) Driver->irrGlEnableIndexed(GL_BLEND, index); else Driver->irrGlDisableIndexed(GL_BLEND, index); Blend[index] = enable; BlendInvalid = true; } } // Color Mask. void getColorMask(u8& mask) { mask = ColorMask[0]; } void setColorMask(u8 mask) { if (ColorMask[0] != mask || ColorMaskInvalid) { GL.ColorMask((mask & ECP_RED) ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE, (mask & ECP_GREEN) ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE, (mask & ECP_BLUE) ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE, (mask & ECP_ALPHA) ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE); for (GLuint i = 0; i < FrameBufferCount; ++i) ColorMask[i] = mask; ColorMaskInvalid = false; } } void setColorMaskIndexed(GLuint index, u8 mask) { if (index < FrameBufferCount && ColorMask[index] != mask) { Driver->irrGlColorMaskIndexed(index, (mask & ECP_RED) ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE, (mask & ECP_GREEN) ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE, (mask & ECP_BLUE) ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE, (mask & ECP_ALPHA) ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE); ColorMask[index] = mask; ColorMaskInvalid = true; } } // Cull face calls. void setCullFaceFunc(GLenum mode) { if (CullFaceMode != mode) { GL.CullFace(mode); CullFaceMode = mode; } } void setCullFace(bool enable) { if (CullFace != enable) { if (enable) GL.Enable(GL_CULL_FACE); else GL.Disable(GL_CULL_FACE); CullFace = enable; } } // Depth calls. void setDepthFunc(GLenum mode) { if (DepthFunc != mode) { GL.DepthFunc(mode); DepthFunc = mode; } } void getDepthMask(bool& depth) { depth = DepthMask; } void setDepthMask(bool enable) { if (DepthMask != enable) { if (enable) GL.DepthMask(GL_TRUE); else GL.DepthMask(GL_FALSE); DepthMask = enable; } } void getDepthTest(bool& enable) { enable = DepthTest; } void setDepthTest(bool enable) { if (DepthTest != enable) { if (enable) GL.Enable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); else GL.Disable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); DepthTest = enable; } } // FBO calls. void getFBO(GLuint& frameBufferID) const { frameBufferID = FrameBufferID; } void setFBO(GLuint frameBufferID) { if (FrameBufferID != frameBufferID) { Driver->irrGlBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, frameBufferID); FrameBufferID = frameBufferID; } } // Shaders calls. void getProgram(GLuint& programID) const { programID = ProgramID; } void setProgram(GLuint programID) { if (ProgramID != programID) { Driver->irrGlUseProgram(programID); ProgramID = programID; } } // Texture calls. void getActiveTexture(GLenum& texture) const { texture = ActiveTexture; } void setActiveTexture(GLenum texture) { if (ActiveTexture != texture) { Driver->irrGlActiveTexture(texture); ActiveTexture = texture; } } // Viewport calls. void getViewport(GLint& viewportX, GLint& viewportY, GLsizei& viewportWidth, GLsizei& viewportHeight) const { viewportX = ViewportX; viewportY = ViewportY; viewportWidth = ViewportWidth; viewportHeight = ViewportHeight; } void setViewport(GLint viewportX, GLint viewportY, GLsizei viewportWidth, GLsizei viewportHeight) { if (ViewportX != viewportX || ViewportY != viewportY || ViewportWidth != viewportWidth || ViewportHeight != viewportHeight) { GL.Viewport(viewportX, viewportY, viewportWidth, viewportHeight); ViewportX = viewportX; ViewportY = viewportY; ViewportWidth = viewportWidth; ViewportHeight = viewportHeight; } } //! Compare material to current cache and update it when there are differences // Some material renderers do change the cache beyond the original material settings // This corrects the material to represent the current cache state again. void correctCacheMaterial(irr::video::SMaterial& material) { // Fix textures which got removed for ( u32 i=0; i < MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES; ++i ) { if ( material.TextureLayers[i].Texture && !TextureCache[i] ) { material.TextureLayers[i].Texture = 0; } } } protected: TOpenGLDriver* Driver; STextureCache TextureCache; GLuint FrameBufferCount; GLenum* BlendEquation; GLenum* BlendSourceRGB; GLenum* BlendDestinationRGB; GLenum* BlendSourceAlpha; GLenum* BlendDestinationAlpha; bool* Blend; bool BlendEquationInvalid; bool BlendFuncInvalid; bool BlendInvalid; u8* ColorMask; bool ColorMaskInvalid; GLenum CullFaceMode; bool CullFace; GLenum DepthFunc; bool DepthMask; bool DepthTest; GLuint FrameBufferID; GLuint ProgramID; GLenum ActiveTexture; GLint ViewportX; GLint ViewportY; GLsizei ViewportWidth; GLsizei ViewportHeight; }; } }