// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h


#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"

#include "IGUIButton.h"
#include "IGUISpriteBank.h"
#include "ITexture.h"
#include "SColor.h"

namespace irr
namespace gui

	class CGUIButton : public IGUIButton

		//! constructor
		CGUIButton(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent,
			s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle, bool noclip=false);

		//! destructor
		virtual ~CGUIButton();

		//! called if an event happened.
		bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event) override;

		//! draws the element and its children
		void draw() override;

		//! sets another skin independent font. if this is set to zero, the button uses the font of the skin.
		void setOverrideFont(IGUIFont* font=0) override;

		//! Gets the override font (if any)
		IGUIFont* getOverrideFont() const override;

		//! Get the font which is used right now for drawing
		IGUIFont* getActiveFont() const override;

		//! Sets another color for the button text.
		void setOverrideColor(video::SColor color)  override;

		//! Gets the override color
		video::SColor getOverrideColor(void) const  override;

		//! Gets the currently used text color
		video::SColor getActiveColor() const override;

		//! Sets if the button text should use the override color or the color in the gui skin.
		void enableOverrideColor(bool enable)  override;

		//! Checks if an override color is enabled
		bool isOverrideColorEnabled(void) const  override;

		//! Sets an image which should be displayed on the button when it is in the given state.
		void setImage(EGUI_BUTTON_IMAGE_STATE state, video::ITexture* image=0, const core::rect<s32>& sourceRect=core::rect<s32>(0,0,0,0))  override;

		//! Sets an image which should be displayed on the button when it is in normal state.
		void setImage(video::ITexture* image=0) override
			setImage(EGBIS_IMAGE_UP, image);

		//! Sets an image which should be displayed on the button when it is in normal state.
		void setImage(video::ITexture* image, const core::rect<s32>& pos) override
			setImage(EGBIS_IMAGE_UP, image, pos);

		//! Sets an image which should be displayed on the button when it is in pressed state.
		void setPressedImage(video::ITexture* image=0) override
			setImage(EGBIS_IMAGE_DOWN, image);

		//! Sets an image which should be displayed on the button when it is in pressed state.
		void setPressedImage(video::ITexture* image, const core::rect<s32>& pos) override
			setImage(EGBIS_IMAGE_DOWN, image, pos);

		//! Sets the sprite bank used by the button
		void setSpriteBank(IGUISpriteBank* bank=0) override;

		//! Sets the animated sprite for a specific button state
		/** \param index: Number of the sprite within the sprite bank, use -1 for no sprite
		\param state: State of the button to set the sprite for
		\param index: The sprite number from the current sprite bank
		\param color: The color of the sprite
		virtual void setSprite(EGUI_BUTTON_STATE state, s32 index,
				video::SColor color=video::SColor(255,255,255,255),
				bool loop=false, bool scale=false) override;

		//! Get the sprite-index for the given state or -1 when no sprite is set
		s32 getSpriteIndex(EGUI_BUTTON_STATE state) const override;

		//! Get the sprite color for the given state. Color is only used when a sprite is set.
		video::SColor getSpriteColor(EGUI_BUTTON_STATE state) const override;

		//! Returns if the sprite in the given state does loop
		bool getSpriteLoop(EGUI_BUTTON_STATE state) const override;

		//! Returns if the sprite in the given state is scaled
		bool getSpriteScale(EGUI_BUTTON_STATE state) const override;

		//! Sets if the button should behave like a push button. Which means it
		//! can be in two states: Normal or Pressed. With a click on the button,
		//! the user can change the state of the button.
		void setIsPushButton(bool isPushButton=true) override;

		//! Checks whether the button is a push button
		bool isPushButton() const override;

		//! Sets the pressed state of the button if this is a pushbutton
		void setPressed(bool pressed=true) override;

		//! Returns if the button is currently pressed
		bool isPressed() const override;

		//! Sets if the button should use the skin to draw its border
		void setDrawBorder(bool border=true) override;

		//! Checks if the button face and border are being drawn
		bool isDrawingBorder() const override;

		//! Sets if the alpha channel should be used for drawing images on the button (default is false)
		void setUseAlphaChannel(bool useAlphaChannel=true) override;

		//! Checks if the alpha channel should be used for drawing images on the button
		bool isAlphaChannelUsed() const override;

		//! Sets if the button should scale the button images to fit
		void setScaleImage(bool scaleImage=true) override;

		//! Checks whether the button scales the used images
		bool isScalingImage() const override;

		//! Get if the shift key was pressed in last EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED event
		bool getClickShiftState() const	override
			return ClickShiftState;

		//! Get if the control key was pressed in last EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED event
		bool getClickControlState() const override
			return ClickControlState;

		void drawSprite(EGUI_BUTTON_STATE state, u32 startTime, const core::position2di& center);
		EGUI_BUTTON_IMAGE_STATE getImageState(bool pressed) const;


		struct ButtonSprite
			ButtonSprite() : Index(-1), Loop(false), Scale(false)

			bool operator==(const ButtonSprite& other) const
				return Index == other.Index && Color == other.Color && Loop == other.Loop && Scale == other.Scale;

			s32 Index;
			video::SColor Color;
			bool Loop;
			bool Scale;

		ButtonSprite ButtonSprites[EGBS_COUNT];
		IGUISpriteBank* SpriteBank;

		struct ButtonImage
			ButtonImage() : Texture(0), SourceRect(core::rect<s32>(0,0,0,0))

			ButtonImage(const ButtonImage& other) : Texture(0), SourceRect(core::rect<s32>(0,0,0,0))
				*this = other;

				if ( Texture )

			ButtonImage& operator=(const ButtonImage& other)
				if ( this == &other )
					return *this;

				if (other.Texture)
				if ( Texture )
				Texture = other.Texture;
				SourceRect = other.SourceRect;
				return *this;

			bool operator==(const ButtonImage& other) const
				return Texture == other.Texture && SourceRect == other.SourceRect;

			video::ITexture* Texture;
			core::rect<s32> SourceRect;

		ButtonImage ButtonImages[EGBIS_COUNT];

		IGUIFont* OverrideFont;

		bool OverrideColorEnabled;
		video::SColor OverrideColor;

		u32 ClickTime, HoverTime, FocusTime;

		bool ClickShiftState;
		bool ClickControlState;

		bool IsPushButton;
		bool Pressed;
		bool UseAlphaChannel;
		bool DrawBorder;
		bool ScaleImage;

} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr