// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h

#include "CKeyEventWrapper.h"


#include "os.h"

namespace irr
namespace jni

jclass CKeyEventWrapper::Class_KeyEvent = 0; 
jmethodID CKeyEventWrapper::Method_constructor = 0;
jmethodID CKeyEventWrapper::Method_getUnicodeChar = 0;
CKeyEventWrapper::CKeyEventWrapper(JNIEnv* jniEnv, int action, int code)
	: JniEnv(jniEnv), JniKeyEvent(0)
	if ( JniEnv )
		if  (!Class_KeyEvent )
			// Find java classes & functions on first call
			os::Printer::log("CKeyEventWrapper first initialize", ELL_DEBUG);
			jclass localClass = JniEnv->FindClass("android/view/KeyEvent");
			if (localClass)
				Class_KeyEvent = reinterpret_cast<jclass>(JniEnv->NewGlobalRef(localClass));
			Method_constructor = JniEnv->GetMethodID(Class_KeyEvent, "<init>", "(II)V");		
			Method_getUnicodeChar = JniEnv->GetMethodID(Class_KeyEvent, "getUnicodeChar", "(I)I");
		if ( Class_KeyEvent && Method_constructor )
			JniKeyEvent = JniEnv->NewObject(Class_KeyEvent, Method_constructor, action, code);	
			os::Printer::log("CKeyEventWrapper didn't find JNI classes/methods", ELL_WARNING);


int CKeyEventWrapper::getUnicodeChar(int metaState)
	return JniEnv->CallIntMethod(JniKeyEvent, Method_getUnicodeChar, metaState);
} // namespace jni
} // namespace irr