// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h // Written by Michael Zeilfelder #ifndef IRR_C_GUI_PROFILER_H_INCLUDED #define IRR_C_GUI_PROFILER_H_INCLUDED #include "IrrCompileConfig.h" #ifdef _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_GUI_ #include "IGUIProfiler.h" namespace irr { class IProfiler; struct SProfileData; namespace gui { class IGUITable; //! Element to display profiler information class CGUIProfiler : public IGUIProfiler { public: //! constructor CGUIProfiler(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle, IProfiler* profiler); //! Show first page of profile data virtual void firstPage(bool includeOverview) IRR_OVERRIDE; //! Show next page of profile data virtual void nextPage(bool includeOverview) IRR_OVERRIDE; //! Show previous page of profile data virtual void previousPage(bool includeOverview) IRR_OVERRIDE; //! Try to show as many group-pages together as possible instead of showing at most one group per page. /** \param groupsTogether When true show several groups on one page, when false show max. one group per page. Default is false. */ virtual void setShowGroupsTogether(bool groupsTogether) IRR_OVERRIDE; //! Can several groups be displayed per page? virtual bool getShowGroupsTogether() const IRR_OVERRIDE; //! Sets another skin independent font. virtual void setOverrideFont(IGUIFont* font) IRR_OVERRIDE; //! Gets the override font (if any) virtual IGUIFont* getOverrideFont() const IRR_OVERRIDE; //! Get the font which is used right now for drawing virtual IGUIFont* getActiveFont() const IRR_OVERRIDE; //! Sets whether to draw the background. By default disabled, virtual void setDrawBackground(bool draw) IRR_OVERRIDE; //! Checks if background drawing is enabled /** \return true if background drawing is enabled, false otherwise */ virtual bool isDrawBackgroundEnabled() const IRR_OVERRIDE; //! Allows to freeze updates which makes it easier to read the numbers virtual void setFrozen(bool freeze) IRR_OVERRIDE; //! Are updates currently frozen virtual bool getFrozen() const IRR_OVERRIDE; //! Filters prevents data that doesn't achieve the conditions from being displayed virtual void setFilters(irr::u32 minCalls, irr::u32 minTimeSum, irr::f32 minTimeAverage, irr::u32 minTimeMax) IRR_OVERRIDE; virtual IGUIElement* getElementFromPoint(const core::position2d<s32>& point) IRR_OVERRIDE { // This element should never get focus from mouse-clicks return 0; } virtual void draw() IRR_OVERRIDE; protected: void updateDisplay(); void fillRow(u32 rowIndex, const SProfileData& data, bool overviewTitle, bool groupTitle); u32 addDataToTable(u32 rowIndex, u32 dataIndex, u32 groupIndex); void rebuildColumns(); IProfiler * Profiler; irr::gui::IGUITable* DisplayTable; irr::u32 CurrentGroupIdx; irr::s32 CurrentGroupPage; irr::s32 NumGroupPages; bool DrawBackground; bool Frozen; bool UnfreezeOnce; bool ShowGroupsTogether; irr::u32 MinCalls; irr::u32 MinTimeSum; irr::f32 MinTimeAverage; irr::u32 MinTimeMax; }; } // end namespace gui } // end namespace irr #endif // _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_GUI_ #endif