#include "CGUIEditFactory.h" #include "IGUIEnvironment.h" #include "irrString.h" #include "EGUIEditTypes.h" #include "CGUIEditWorkspace.h" #include "CGUIEditWindow.h" #include "CGUIPanel.h" #include "CGUITextureCacheBrowser.h" #include "CGUIAttributeEditor.h" #include "CGUIStringAttribute.h" #include "CGUIBoolAttribute.h" #include "CGUIEnumAttribute.h" #include "CGUIColorAttribute.h" #include "CGUITextureAttribute.h" #include "CGUIDummyEditorStub.h" namespace irr { namespace gui { CGUIEditFactory::CGUIEditFactory(IGUIEnvironment* env) : Environment(env) { #ifdef _DEBUG setDebugName("CGUIEditFactory"); #endif // don't grab the gui environment here to prevent cyclic references } CGUIEditFactory::~CGUIEditFactory() { } //! adds an element to the environment based on its type name IGUIElement* CGUIEditFactory::addGUIElement(const c8* typeName, IGUIElement* parent) { /* here we create elements, add them to the manager, and then drop them */ core::stringc elementType(typeName); IGUIElement* ret=0; if (!parent) parent = Environment->getRootGUIElement(); // editor workspace if (elementType == core::stringc(GUIEditElementTypeNames[EGUIEDIT_GUIEDIT])) ret = new CGUIEditWorkspace(Environment, -1, 0); // editor window else if (elementType == core::stringc(GUIEditElementTypeNames[EGUIEDIT_GUIEDITWINDOW])) ret = new CGUIEditWindow(Environment, core::rect<s32>(0,0,100,100), 0); // Klasker's GUI Panel else if (elementType == core::stringc(GUIEditElementTypeNames[EGUIEDIT_GUIPANEL])) ret = new CGUIPanel(Environment, 0); // texture cache browser else if (elementType == core::stringc(GUIEditElementTypeNames[EGUIEDIT_TEXTUREBROWSER])) ret = new CGUITextureCacheBrowser(Environment, -1, 0); // block of attribute editors else if (elementType == core::stringc(GUIEditElementTypeNames[EGUIEDIT_ATTRIBUTEEDITOR])) ret = new CGUIAttributeEditor(Environment, -1, 0); //! single attribute editors else if (elementType == core::stringc(GUIEditElementTypeNames[EGUIEDIT_STRINGATTRIBUTE])) ret = new CGUIStringAttribute(Environment, 0, -1); else if (elementType == core::stringc(GUIEditElementTypeNames[EGUIEDIT_BOOLATTRIBUTE])) ret = new CGUIBoolAttribute(Environment, 0, -1); else if (elementType == core::stringc(GUIEditElementTypeNames[EGUIEDIT_ENUMATTRIBUTE])) ret = new CGUIEnumAttribute(Environment, 0, -1); else if (elementType == core::stringc(GUIEditElementTypeNames[EGUIEDIT_COLORATTRIBUTE])) ret = new CGUIColorAttribute(Environment, 0, -1); else if (elementType == core::stringc(GUIEditElementTypeNames[EGUIEDIT_COLORFATTRIBUTE])) ret = new CGUIColorAttribute(Environment, 0, -1); else if (elementType == core::stringc(GUIEditElementTypeNames[EGUIEDIT_TEXTUREATTRIBUTE])) ret = new CGUITextureAttribute(Environment, 0, -1); // stubs and custom editors else if (elementType == core::stringc(GUIEditElementTypeNames[EGUIEDIT_CONTEXTMENUEDITOR]) || elementType == core::stringc(GUIEditElementTypeNames[EGUIEDIT_MENUEDITOR]) || elementType == core::stringc(GUIEditElementTypeNames[EGUIEDIT_FILEDIALOGEDITOR]) || elementType == core::stringc(GUIEditElementTypeNames[EGUIEDIT_COLORDIALOGEDITOR]) || elementType == core::stringc(GUIEditElementTypeNames[EGUIEDIT_MODALSCREENEDITOR]) ) ret = new CGUIDummyEditorStub(Environment, 0, typeName); // add the element to its parent if (ret) parent->addChild(ret); // the environment now has the reference, so we can drop the element if (ret) ret->drop(); return ret; } //! returns amount of element types this factory is able to create s32 CGUIEditFactory::getCreatableGUIElementTypeCount() const { return EGUIEDIT_COUNT; } //! returns type name of a creatable element type const c8* CGUIEditFactory::getCreateableGUIElementTypeName(s32 idx) const { if (idx>=0 && idx<EGUIEDIT_COUNT) return GUIEditElementTypeNames[idx]; return 0; } } // end namespace gui } // end namespace irr