// // TODO(syoyo): Print extensions and extras for each glTF object. // #define TINYGLTF_IMPLEMENTATION #define STB_IMAGE_IMPLEMENTATION #define STB_IMAGE_WRITE_IMPLEMENTATION #include "tiny_gltf.h" #include #include #include static std::string GetFilePathExtension(const std::string &FileName) { if (FileName.find_last_of(".") != std::string::npos) return FileName.substr(FileName.find_last_of(".") + 1); return ""; } static std::string PrintMode(int mode) { if (mode == TINYGLTF_MODE_POINTS) { return "POINTS"; } else if (mode == TINYGLTF_MODE_LINE) { return "LINE"; } else if (mode == TINYGLTF_MODE_LINE_LOOP) { return "LINE_LOOP"; } else if (mode == TINYGLTF_MODE_TRIANGLES) { return "TRIANGLES"; } else if (mode == TINYGLTF_MODE_TRIANGLE_FAN) { return "TRIANGLE_FAN"; } else if (mode == TINYGLTF_MODE_TRIANGLE_STRIP) { return "TRIANGLE_STRIP"; } return "**UNKNOWN**"; } static std::string PrintTarget(int target) { if (target == 34962) { return "GL_ARRAY_BUFFER"; } else if (target == 34963) { return "GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER"; } else { return "**UNKNOWN**"; } } static std::string PrintType(int ty) { if (ty == TINYGLTF_TYPE_SCALAR) { return "SCALAR"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_TYPE_VECTOR) { return "VECTOR"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_TYPE_VEC2) { return "VEC2"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_TYPE_VEC3) { return "VEC3"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_TYPE_VEC4) { return "VEC4"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_TYPE_MATRIX) { return "MATRIX"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_TYPE_MAT2) { return "MAT2"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_TYPE_MAT3) { return "MAT3"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_TYPE_MAT4) { return "MAT4"; } return "**UNKNOWN**"; } static std::string PrintComponentType(int ty) { if (ty == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_BYTE) { return "BYTE"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE) { return "UNSIGNED_BYTE"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_SHORT) { return "SHORT"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT) { return "UNSIGNED_SHORT"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_INT) { return "INT"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT) { return "UNSIGNED_INT"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT) { return "FLOAT"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_COMPONENT_TYPE_DOUBLE) { return "DOUBLE"; } return "**UNKNOWN**"; } #if 0 static std::string PrintParameterType(int ty) { if (ty == TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_BYTE) { return "BYTE"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE) { return "UNSIGNED_BYTE"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_SHORT) { return "SHORT"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT) { return "UNSIGNED_SHORT"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT) { return "INT"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT) { return "UNSIGNED_INT"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_FLOAT) { return "FLOAT"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_FLOAT_VEC2) { return "FLOAT_VEC2"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_FLOAT_VEC3) { return "FLOAT_VEC3"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_FLOAT_VEC4) { return "FLOAT_VEC4"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT_VEC2) { return "INT_VEC2"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT_VEC3) { return "INT_VEC3"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_INT_VEC4) { return "INT_VEC4"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_BOOL) { return "BOOL"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_BOOL_VEC2) { return "BOOL_VEC2"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_BOOL_VEC3) { return "BOOL_VEC3"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_BOOL_VEC4) { return "BOOL_VEC4"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_FLOAT_MAT2) { return "FLOAT_MAT2"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_FLOAT_MAT3) { return "FLOAT_MAT3"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_FLOAT_MAT4) { return "FLOAT_MAT4"; } else if (ty == TINYGLTF_PARAMETER_TYPE_SAMPLER_2D) { return "SAMPLER_2D"; } return "**UNKNOWN**"; } #endif static std::string PrintWrapMode(int mode) { if (mode == TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_WRAP_REPEAT) { return "REPEAT"; } else if (mode == TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE) { return "CLAMP_TO_EDGE"; } else if (mode == TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_WRAP_MIRRORED_REPEAT) { return "MIRRORED_REPEAT"; } return "**UNKNOWN**"; } static std::string PrintFilterMode(int mode) { if (mode == TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST) { return "NEAREST"; } else if (mode == TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR) { return "LINEAR"; } else if (mode == TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST) { return "NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST"; } else if (mode == TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR) { return "NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR"; } else if (mode == TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST) { return "LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"; } else if (mode == TINYGLTF_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR) { return "LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"; } return "**UNKNOWN**"; } static std::string PrintIntArray(const std::vector &arr) { if (arr.size() == 0) { return ""; } std::stringstream ss; ss << "[ "; for (size_t i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { ss << arr[i]; if (i != arr.size() - 1) { ss << ", "; } } ss << " ]"; return ss.str(); } static std::string PrintFloatArray(const std::vector &arr) { if (arr.size() == 0) { return ""; } std::stringstream ss; ss << "[ "; for (size_t i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { ss << arr[i]; if (i != arr.size() - 1) { ss << ", "; } } ss << " ]"; return ss.str(); } static std::string Indent(const int indent) { std::string s; for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) { s += " "; } return s; } static std::string PrintParameterValue(const tinygltf::Parameter ¶m) { if (!param.number_array.empty()) { return PrintFloatArray(param.number_array); } else { return param.string_value; } } #if 0 static std::string PrintParameterMap(const tinygltf::ParameterMap &pmap) { std::stringstream ss; ss << pmap.size() << std::endl; for (auto &kv : pmap) { ss << kv.first << " : " << PrintParameterValue(kv.second) << std::endl; } return ss.str(); } #endif static std::string PrintValue(const std::string &name, const tinygltf::Value &value, const int indent, const bool tag = true) { std::stringstream ss; if (value.IsObject()) { const tinygltf::Value::Object &o = value.Get(); tinygltf::Value::Object::const_iterator it(o.begin()); tinygltf::Value::Object::const_iterator itEnd(o.end()); for (; it != itEnd; it++) { ss << PrintValue(it->first, it->second, indent + 1) << std::endl; } } else if (value.IsString()) { if (tag) { ss << Indent(indent) << name << " : " << value.Get(); } else { ss << Indent(indent) << value.Get() << " "; } } else if (value.IsBool()) { if (tag) { ss << Indent(indent) << name << " : " << value.Get(); } else { ss << Indent(indent) << value.Get() << " "; } } else if (value.IsNumber()) { if (tag) { ss << Indent(indent) << name << " : " << value.Get(); } else { ss << Indent(indent) << value.Get() << " "; } } else if (value.IsInt()) { if (tag) { ss << Indent(indent) << name << " : " << value.Get(); } else { ss << Indent(indent) << value.Get() << " "; } } else if (value.IsArray()) { // TODO(syoyo): Better pretty printing of array item ss << Indent(indent) << name << " [ \n"; for (size_t i = 0; i < value.Size(); i++) { ss << PrintValue("", value.Get(int(i)), indent + 1, /* tag */ false); if (i != (value.ArrayLen() - 1)) { ss << ", \n"; } } ss << "\n" << Indent(indent) << "] "; } // @todo { binary } return ss.str(); } static void DumpNode(const tinygltf::Node &node, int indent) { std::cout << Indent(indent) << "name : " << node.name << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(indent) << "camera : " << node.camera << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(indent) << "mesh : " << node.mesh << std::endl; if (!node.rotation.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(indent) << "rotation : " << PrintFloatArray(node.rotation) << std::endl; } if (!node.scale.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(indent) << "scale : " << PrintFloatArray(node.scale) << std::endl; } if (!node.translation.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(indent) << "translation : " << PrintFloatArray(node.translation) << std::endl; } if (!node.matrix.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(indent) << "matrix : " << PrintFloatArray(node.matrix) << std::endl; } std::cout << Indent(indent) << "children : " << PrintIntArray(node.children) << std::endl; } static void DumpStringIntMap(const std::map &m, int indent) { std::map::const_iterator it(m.begin()); std::map::const_iterator itEnd(m.end()); for (; it != itEnd; it++) { std::cout << Indent(indent) << it->first << ": " << it->second << std::endl; } } static void DumpExtensions(const tinygltf::ExtensionMap &extension, const int indent) { // TODO(syoyo): pritty print Value for (auto &e : extension) { std::cout << Indent(indent) << e.first << std::endl; std::cout << PrintValue("extensions", e.second, indent + 1) << std::endl; } } static void DumpPrimitive(const tinygltf::Primitive &primitive, int indent) { std::cout << Indent(indent) << "material : " << primitive.material << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(indent) << "indices : " << primitive.indices << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(indent) << "mode : " << PrintMode(primitive.mode) << "(" << primitive.mode << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(indent) << "attributes(items=" << primitive.attributes.size() << ")" << std::endl; DumpStringIntMap(primitive.attributes, indent + 1); DumpExtensions(primitive.extensions, indent); std::cout << Indent(indent) << "extras :" << std::endl << PrintValue("extras", primitive.extras, indent + 1) << std::endl; if (!primitive.extensions_json_string.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(indent + 1) << "extensions(JSON string) = " << primitive.extensions_json_string << "\n"; } if (!primitive.extras_json_string.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(indent + 1) << "extras(JSON string) = " << primitive.extras_json_string << "\n"; } } static void DumpTextureInfo(const tinygltf::TextureInfo &texinfo, const int indent) { std::cout << Indent(indent) << "index : " << texinfo.index << "\n"; std::cout << Indent(indent) << "texCoord : TEXCOORD_" << texinfo.texCoord << "\n"; DumpExtensions(texinfo.extensions, indent + 1); std::cout << PrintValue("extras", texinfo.extras, indent + 1) << "\n"; if (!texinfo.extensions_json_string.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(indent) << "extensions(JSON string) = " << texinfo.extensions_json_string << "\n"; } if (!texinfo.extras_json_string.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(indent) << "extras(JSON string) = " << texinfo.extras_json_string << "\n"; } } static void DumpNormalTextureInfo(const tinygltf::NormalTextureInfo &texinfo, const int indent) { std::cout << Indent(indent) << "index : " << texinfo.index << "\n"; std::cout << Indent(indent) << "texCoord : TEXCOORD_" << texinfo.texCoord << "\n"; std::cout << Indent(indent) << "scale : " << texinfo.scale << "\n"; DumpExtensions(texinfo.extensions, indent + 1); std::cout << PrintValue("extras", texinfo.extras, indent + 1) << "\n"; } static void DumpOcclusionTextureInfo( const tinygltf::OcclusionTextureInfo &texinfo, const int indent) { std::cout << Indent(indent) << "index : " << texinfo.index << "\n"; std::cout << Indent(indent) << "texCoord : TEXCOORD_" << texinfo.texCoord << "\n"; std::cout << Indent(indent) << "strength : " << texinfo.strength << "\n"; DumpExtensions(texinfo.extensions, indent + 1); std::cout << PrintValue("extras", texinfo.extras, indent + 1) << "\n"; } static void DumpPbrMetallicRoughness(const tinygltf::PbrMetallicRoughness &pbr, const int indent) { std::cout << Indent(indent) << "baseColorFactor : " << PrintFloatArray(pbr.baseColorFactor) << "\n"; std::cout << Indent(indent) << "baseColorTexture :\n"; DumpTextureInfo(pbr.baseColorTexture, indent + 1); std::cout << Indent(indent) << "metallicFactor : " << pbr.metallicFactor << "\n"; std::cout << Indent(indent) << "roughnessFactor : " << pbr.roughnessFactor << "\n"; std::cout << Indent(indent) << "metallicRoughnessTexture :\n"; DumpTextureInfo(pbr.metallicRoughnessTexture, indent + 1); DumpExtensions(pbr.extensions, indent + 1); std::cout << PrintValue("extras", pbr.extras, indent + 1) << "\n"; } static void Dump(const tinygltf::Model &model) { std::cout << "=== Dump glTF ===" << std::endl; std::cout << "asset.copyright : " << model.asset.copyright << std::endl; std::cout << "asset.generator : " << model.asset.generator << std::endl; std::cout << "asset.version : " << model.asset.version << std::endl; std::cout << "asset.minVersion : " << model.asset.minVersion << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "=== Dump scene ===" << std::endl; std::cout << "defaultScene: " << model.defaultScene << std::endl; { std::cout << "scenes(items=" << model.scenes.size() << ")" << std::endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < model.scenes.size(); i++) { std::cout << Indent(1) << "scene[" << i << "] name : " << model.scenes[i].name << std::endl; DumpExtensions(model.scenes[i].extensions, 1); } } { std::cout << "meshes(item=" << model.meshes.size() << ")" << std::endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < model.meshes.size(); i++) { std::cout << Indent(1) << "name : " << model.meshes[i].name << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(1) << "primitives(items=" << model.meshes[i].primitives.size() << "): " << std::endl; for (size_t k = 0; k < model.meshes[i].primitives.size(); k++) { DumpPrimitive(model.meshes[i].primitives[k], 2); } } } { for (size_t i = 0; i < model.accessors.size(); i++) { const tinygltf::Accessor &accessor = model.accessors[i]; std::cout << Indent(1) << "name : " << accessor.name << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "bufferView : " << accessor.bufferView << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "byteOffset : " << accessor.byteOffset << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "componentType: " << PrintComponentType(accessor.componentType) << "(" << accessor.componentType << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "count : " << accessor.count << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "type : " << PrintType(accessor.type) << std::endl; if (!accessor.minValues.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(2) << "min : ["; for (size_t k = 0; k < accessor.minValues.size(); k++) { std::cout << accessor.minValues[k] << ((k != accessor.minValues.size() - 1) ? ", " : ""); } std::cout << "]" << std::endl; } if (!accessor.maxValues.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(2) << "max : ["; for (size_t k = 0; k < accessor.maxValues.size(); k++) { std::cout << accessor.maxValues[k] << ((k != accessor.maxValues.size() - 1) ? ", " : ""); } std::cout << "]" << std::endl; } if (accessor.sparse.isSparse) { std::cout << Indent(2) << "sparse:" << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(3) << "count : " << accessor.sparse.count << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(3) << "indices: " << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(4) << "bufferView : " << accessor.sparse.indices.bufferView << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(4) << "byteOffset : " << accessor.sparse.indices.byteOffset << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(4) << "componentType: " << PrintComponentType(accessor.sparse.indices.componentType) << "(" << accessor.sparse.indices.componentType << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(3) << "values : " << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(4) << "bufferView : " << accessor.sparse.values.bufferView << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(4) << "byteOffset : " << accessor.sparse.values.byteOffset << std::endl; } } } { std::cout << "animations(items=" << model.animations.size() << ")" << std::endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < model.animations.size(); i++) { const tinygltf::Animation &animation = model.animations[i]; std::cout << Indent(1) << "name : " << animation.name << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(1) << "channels : [ " << std::endl; for (size_t j = 0; j < animation.channels.size(); j++) { std::cout << Indent(2) << "sampler : " << animation.channels[j].sampler << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "target.id : " << animation.channels[j].target_node << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "target.path : " << animation.channels[j].target_path << std::endl; std::cout << ((i != (animation.channels.size() - 1)) ? " , " : ""); } std::cout << " ]" << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(1) << "samplers(items=" << animation.samplers.size() << ")" << std::endl; for (size_t j = 0; j < animation.samplers.size(); j++) { const tinygltf::AnimationSampler &sampler = animation.samplers[j]; std::cout << Indent(2) << "input : " << sampler.input << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "interpolation : " << sampler.interpolation << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "output : " << sampler.output << std::endl; } } } { std::cout << "bufferViews(items=" << model.bufferViews.size() << ")" << std::endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < model.bufferViews.size(); i++) { const tinygltf::BufferView &bufferView = model.bufferViews[i]; std::cout << Indent(1) << "name : " << bufferView.name << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "buffer : " << bufferView.buffer << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "byteLength : " << bufferView.byteLength << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "byteOffset : " << bufferView.byteOffset << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "byteStride : " << bufferView.byteStride << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "target : " << PrintTarget(bufferView.target) << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(1) << "-------------------------------------\n"; DumpExtensions(bufferView.extensions, 1); std::cout << PrintValue("extras", bufferView.extras, 2) << std::endl; if (!bufferView.extensions_json_string.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(2) << "extensions(JSON string) = " << bufferView.extensions_json_string << "\n"; } if (!bufferView.extras_json_string.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(2) << "extras(JSON string) = " << bufferView.extras_json_string << "\n"; } } } { std::cout << "buffers(items=" << model.buffers.size() << ")" << std::endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < model.buffers.size(); i++) { const tinygltf::Buffer &buffer = model.buffers[i]; std::cout << Indent(1) << "name : " << buffer.name << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "byteLength : " << buffer.data.size() << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(1) << "-------------------------------------\n"; DumpExtensions(buffer.extensions, 1); std::cout << PrintValue("extras", buffer.extras, 2) << std::endl; if (!buffer.extensions_json_string.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(2) << "extensions(JSON string) = " << buffer.extensions_json_string << "\n"; } if (!buffer.extras_json_string.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(2) << "extras(JSON string) = " << buffer.extras_json_string << "\n"; } } } { std::cout << "materials(items=" << model.materials.size() << ")" << std::endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < model.materials.size(); i++) { const tinygltf::Material &material = model.materials[i]; std::cout << Indent(1) << "name : " << material.name << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(1) << "alphaMode : " << material.alphaMode << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(1) << "alphaCutoff : " << material.alphaCutoff << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(1) << "doubleSided : " << (material.doubleSided ? "true" : "false") << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(1) << "emissiveFactor : " << PrintFloatArray(material.emissiveFactor) << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(1) << "pbrMetallicRoughness :\n"; DumpPbrMetallicRoughness(material.pbrMetallicRoughness, 2); std::cout << Indent(1) << "normalTexture :\n"; DumpNormalTextureInfo(material.normalTexture, 2); std::cout << Indent(1) << "occlusionTexture :\n"; DumpOcclusionTextureInfo(material.occlusionTexture, 2); std::cout << Indent(1) << "emissiveTexture :\n"; DumpTextureInfo(material.emissiveTexture, 2); std::cout << Indent(1) << "---- legacy material parameter ----\n"; std::cout << Indent(1) << "values(items=" << material.values.size() << ")" << std::endl; tinygltf::ParameterMap::const_iterator p(material.values.begin()); tinygltf::ParameterMap::const_iterator pEnd(material.values.end()); for (; p != pEnd; p++) { std::cout << Indent(2) << p->first << ": " << PrintParameterValue(p->second) << std::endl; } std::cout << Indent(1) << "-------------------------------------\n"; DumpExtensions(material.extensions, 1); std::cout << PrintValue("extras", material.extras, 2) << std::endl; if (!material.extensions_json_string.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(2) << "extensions(JSON string) = " << material.extensions_json_string << "\n"; } if (!material.extras_json_string.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(2) << "extras(JSON string) = " << material.extras_json_string << "\n"; } } } { std::cout << "nodes(items=" << model.nodes.size() << ")" << std::endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < model.nodes.size(); i++) { const tinygltf::Node &node = model.nodes[i]; std::cout << Indent(1) << "name : " << node.name << std::endl; DumpNode(node, 2); } } { std::cout << "images(items=" << model.images.size() << ")" << std::endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < model.images.size(); i++) { const tinygltf::Image &image = model.images[i]; std::cout << Indent(1) << "name : " << image.name << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "width : " << image.width << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "height : " << image.height << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "component : " << image.component << std::endl; DumpExtensions(image.extensions, 1); std::cout << PrintValue("extras", image.extras, 2) << std::endl; if (!image.extensions_json_string.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(2) << "extensions(JSON string) = " << image.extensions_json_string << "\n"; } if (!image.extras_json_string.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(2) << "extras(JSON string) = " << image.extras_json_string << "\n"; } } } { std::cout << "textures(items=" << model.textures.size() << ")" << std::endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < model.textures.size(); i++) { const tinygltf::Texture &texture = model.textures[i]; std::cout << Indent(1) << "sampler : " << texture.sampler << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(1) << "source : " << texture.source << std::endl; DumpExtensions(texture.extensions, 1); std::cout << PrintValue("extras", texture.extras, 2) << std::endl; if (!texture.extensions_json_string.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(2) << "extensions(JSON string) = " << texture.extensions_json_string << "\n"; } if (!texture.extras_json_string.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(2) << "extras(JSON string) = " << texture.extras_json_string << "\n"; } } } { std::cout << "samplers(items=" << model.samplers.size() << ")" << std::endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < model.samplers.size(); i++) { const tinygltf::Sampler &sampler = model.samplers[i]; std::cout << Indent(1) << "name (id) : " << sampler.name << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "minFilter : " << PrintFilterMode(sampler.minFilter) << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "magFilter : " << PrintFilterMode(sampler.magFilter) << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "wrapS : " << PrintWrapMode(sampler.wrapS) << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "wrapT : " << PrintWrapMode(sampler.wrapT) << std::endl; DumpExtensions(sampler.extensions, 1); std::cout << PrintValue("extras", sampler.extras, 2) << std::endl; if (!sampler.extensions_json_string.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(2) << "extensions(JSON string) = " << sampler.extensions_json_string << "\n"; } if (!sampler.extras_json_string.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(2) << "extras(JSON string) = " << sampler.extras_json_string << "\n"; } } } { std::cout << "cameras(items=" << model.cameras.size() << ")" << std::endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < model.cameras.size(); i++) { const tinygltf::Camera &camera = model.cameras[i]; std::cout << Indent(1) << "name (id) : " << camera.name << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(1) << "type : " << camera.type << std::endl; if (camera.type.compare("perspective") == 0) { std::cout << Indent(2) << "aspectRatio : " << camera.perspective.aspectRatio << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "yfov : " << camera.perspective.yfov << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "zfar : " << camera.perspective.zfar << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "znear : " << camera.perspective.znear << std::endl; } else if (camera.type.compare("orthographic") == 0) { std::cout << Indent(2) << "xmag : " << camera.orthographic.xmag << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "ymag : " << camera.orthographic.ymag << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "zfar : " << camera.orthographic.zfar << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "znear : " << camera.orthographic.znear << std::endl; } std::cout << Indent(1) << "-------------------------------------\n"; DumpExtensions(camera.extensions, 1); std::cout << PrintValue("extras", camera.extras, 2) << std::endl; if (!camera.extensions_json_string.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(2) << "extensions(JSON string) = " << camera.extensions_json_string << "\n"; } if (!camera.extras_json_string.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(2) << "extras(JSON string) = " << camera.extras_json_string << "\n"; } } } { std::cout << "skins(items=" << model.skins.size() << ")" << std::endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < model.skins.size(); i++) { const tinygltf::Skin &skin = model.skins[i]; std::cout << Indent(1) << "name : " << skin.name << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "inverseBindMatrices : " << skin.inverseBindMatrices << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "skeleton : " << skin.skeleton << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(2) << "joints : " << PrintIntArray(skin.joints) << std::endl; std::cout << Indent(1) << "-------------------------------------\n"; DumpExtensions(skin.extensions, 1); std::cout << PrintValue("extras", skin.extras, 2) << std::endl; if (!skin.extensions_json_string.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(2) << "extensions(JSON string) = " << skin.extensions_json_string << "\n"; } if (!skin.extras_json_string.empty()) { std::cout << Indent(2) << "extras(JSON string) = " << skin.extras_json_string << "\n"; } } } // toplevel extensions { std::cout << "extensions(items=" << model.extensions.size() << ")" << std::endl; DumpExtensions(model.extensions, 1); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 2) { printf("Needs input.gltf\n"); exit(1); } // Store original JSON string for `extras` and `extensions` bool store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions = false; if (argc > 2) { store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions = true; } tinygltf::Model model; tinygltf::TinyGLTF gltf_ctx; std::string err; std::string warn; std::string input_filename(argv[1]); std::string ext = GetFilePathExtension(input_filename); gltf_ctx.SetStoreOriginalJSONForExtrasAndExtensions( store_original_json_for_extras_and_extensions); bool ret = false; if (ext.compare("glb") == 0) { std::cout << "Reading binary glTF" << std::endl; // assume binary glTF. ret = gltf_ctx.LoadBinaryFromFile(&model, &err, &warn, input_filename.c_str()); } else { std::cout << "Reading ASCII glTF" << std::endl; // assume ascii glTF. ret = gltf_ctx.LoadASCIIFromFile(&model, &err, &warn, input_filename.c_str()); } if (!warn.empty()) { printf("Warn: %s\n", warn.c_str()); } if (!err.empty()) { printf("Err: %s\n", err.c_str()); } if (!ret) { printf("Failed to parse glTF\n"); return -1; } Dump(model); return 0; }