#include "CB3DJSONMeshFileLoader.h" #include "coreutil.h" #include "IAnimatedMesh.h" #include "IReadFile.h" #include "path.h" #include #include "os.h" #include "string.h" #include "json/json.hpp" #include using json = nlohmann::json; using namespace nlohmann::literals; namespace irr { namespace scene { //! Remember to remove this function. It's very dumb. void println(const char* data) { printf(data); printf("\n"); } const char * const boolToString(bool b) { return b ? "true" : "false"; } // Class methods. CB3DJSONMeshFileLoader::CB3DJSONMeshFileLoader() { } bool CB3DJSONMeshFileLoader::isALoadableFileExtension( const io::path& fileName) const { //* we could do multiple accepted extensions, like b3dj jb3d, j3d, etc. Talk with core devs about this. //? For now, just JSON because it has vscode linting. return core::hasFileExtension(fileName, "json"); } void parseModel(json model) { } IAnimatedMesh* CB3DJSONMeshFileLoader::createMesh(io::IReadFile* file) { // Less than zero? What is this file a black hole? if (file->getSize() <= 0) { os::Printer::log("B3D JSON severe error! File size is 0!", ELL_WARNING); return nullptr; } println("I am loading your cool file, yay"); printf("the file is called: "); println(file->getFileName().c_str()); // So here we turn this mangled disaster into a C string. // These two hold error message pointers, basically. // std::string err {}; // std::string warn {}; // auto buffer = std::make_unique(file->getSize()); char* buffer = new char[file->getSize()]; // Now we read that dang JSON. file->read(buffer, file->getSize()); char* clone = strdup(buffer); // Dereference then borrow it. json data = json::parse(&*clone); if (!data.contains("format") || !data["format"].is_string() || data["format"] != "BB3DJSON") { os::Printer::log("No format in B3D JSON!", ELL_WARNING); return nullptr; } if (!data.contains("version") || !data["version"].is_number_integer() || data["version"] != 1) { os::Printer::log("Wrong version in B3D JSON!", ELL_WARNING); return nullptr; } parseModel(data); return nullptr; } } // namespace scene } // namespace irr