// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h #include "IrrCompileConfig.h" #ifdef _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_3DS_LOADER_ #include "C3DSMeshFileLoader.h" #include "CMeshTextureLoader.h" #include "os.h" #include "CMeshBuffer.h" #include "SAnimatedMesh.h" #include "IReadFile.h" #include "IVideoDriver.h" #include "IMeshManipulator.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define _IRR_DEBUG_3DS_LOADER_ #endif namespace irr { namespace scene { namespace { enum e3DSChunk { // Primary chunk C3DS_MAIN3DS = 0x4D4D, // Main Chunks C3DS_EDIT3DS = 0x3D3D, C3DS_KEYF3DS = 0xB000, C3DS_VERSION = 0x0002, C3DS_MESHVERSION = 0x3D3E, // sub chunks of C3DS_EDIT3DS C3DS_EDIT_MATERIAL = 0xAFFF, C3DS_EDIT_OBJECT = 0x4000, // sub chunks of C3DS_EDIT_MATERIAL C3DS_MATNAME = 0xA000, C3DS_MATAMBIENT = 0xA010, C3DS_MATDIFFUSE = 0xA020, C3DS_MATSPECULAR = 0xA030, C3DS_MATSHININESS = 0xA040, C3DS_MATSHIN2PCT = 0xA041, C3DS_TRANSPARENCY = 0xA050, C3DS_TRANSPARENCY_FALLOFF = 0xA052, C3DS_REFL_BLUR = 0xA053, C3DS_TWO_SIDE = 0xA081, C3DS_WIRE = 0xA085, C3DS_SHADING = 0xA100, C3DS_MATTEXMAP = 0xA200, C3DS_MATSPECMAP = 0xA204, C3DS_MATOPACMAP = 0xA210, C3DS_MATREFLMAP = 0xA220, C3DS_MATBUMPMAP = 0xA230, C3DS_MATMAPFILE = 0xA300, C3DS_MAT_TEXTILING = 0xA351, C3DS_MAT_USCALE = 0xA354, C3DS_MAT_VSCALE = 0xA356, C3DS_MAT_UOFFSET = 0xA358, C3DS_MAT_VOFFSET = 0xA35A, // subs of C3DS_EDIT_OBJECT C3DS_OBJTRIMESH = 0x4100, // subs of C3DS_OBJTRIMESH C3DS_TRIVERT = 0x4110, C3DS_POINTFLAGARRAY= 0x4111, C3DS_TRIFACE = 0x4120, C3DS_TRIFACEMAT = 0x4130, C3DS_TRIUV = 0x4140, C3DS_TRISMOOTH = 0x4150, C3DS_TRIMATRIX = 0x4160, C3DS_MESHCOLOR = 0x4165, C3DS_DIRECT_LIGHT = 0x4600, C3DS_DL_INNER_RANGE= 0x4659, C3DS_DL_OUTER_RANGE= 0x465A, C3DS_DL_MULTIPLIER = 0x465B, C3DS_CAMERA = 0x4700, C3DS_CAM_SEE_CONE = 0x4710, C3DS_CAM_RANGES = 0x4720, // subs of C3DS_KEYF3DS C3DS_KF_HDR = 0xB00A, C3DS_AMBIENT_TAG = 0xB001, C3DS_OBJECT_TAG = 0xB002, C3DS_CAMERA_TAG = 0xB003, C3DS_TARGET_TAG = 0xB004, C3DS_LIGHTNODE_TAG = 0xB005, C3DS_KF_SEG = 0xB008, C3DS_KF_CURTIME = 0xB009, C3DS_KF_NODE_HDR = 0xB010, C3DS_PIVOTPOINT = 0xB013, C3DS_BOUNDBOX = 0xB014, C3DS_MORPH_SMOOTH = 0xB015, C3DS_POS_TRACK_TAG = 0xB020, C3DS_ROT_TRACK_TAG = 0xB021, C3DS_SCL_TRACK_TAG = 0xB022, C3DS_NODE_ID = 0xB030, // Viewport definitions C3DS_VIEWPORT_LAYOUT = 0x7001, C3DS_VIEWPORT_DATA = 0x7011, C3DS_VIEWPORT_DATA_3 = 0x7012, C3DS_VIEWPORT_SIZE = 0x7020, // different color chunk types C3DS_COL_RGB = 0x0010, C3DS_COL_TRU = 0x0011, C3DS_COL_LIN_24 = 0x0012, C3DS_COL_LIN_F = 0x0013, // percentage chunk types C3DS_PERCENTAGE_I = 0x0030, C3DS_PERCENTAGE_F = 0x0031, C3DS_CHUNK_MAX = 0xFFFF }; } //! Constructor C3DSMeshFileLoader::C3DSMeshFileLoader(ISceneManager* smgr, io::IFileSystem* fs) : SceneManager(smgr), FileSystem(fs), Vertices(0), Indices(0), SmoothingGroups(0), TCoords(0), CountVertices(0), CountFaces(0), CountTCoords(0), Mesh(0) { #ifdef _DEBUG setDebugName("C3DSMeshFileLoader"); #endif if (FileSystem) FileSystem->grab(); TextureLoader = new CMeshTextureLoader( FileSystem, SceneManager->getVideoDriver() ); } //! destructor C3DSMeshFileLoader::~C3DSMeshFileLoader() { cleanUp(); if (FileSystem) FileSystem->drop(); if (Mesh) Mesh->drop(); } //! returns true if the file maybe is able to be loaded by this class //! based on the file extension (e.g. ".bsp") bool C3DSMeshFileLoader::isALoadableFileExtension(const io::path& filename) const { return core::hasFileExtension ( filename, "3ds" ); } //! creates/loads an animated mesh from the file. //! \return Pointer to the created mesh. Returns 0 if loading failed. //! If you no longer need the mesh, you should call IAnimatedMesh::drop(). //! See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. IAnimatedMesh* C3DSMeshFileLoader::createMesh(io::IReadFile* file) { if ( getMeshTextureLoader() ) getMeshTextureLoader()->setMeshFile(file); ChunkData data; readChunkData(file, data); if (data.header.id != C3DS_MAIN3DS ) return 0; CurrentMaterial.clear(); Materials.clear(); MeshBufferNames.clear(); cleanUp(); if (Mesh) Mesh->drop(); Mesh = new SMesh(); if (readChunk(file, &data)) { // success for (u32 i=0; igetMeshBufferCount(); ++i) { SMeshBuffer* mb = ((SMeshBuffer*)Mesh->getMeshBuffer(i)); // drop empty buffers if (mb->getIndexCount() == 0 || mb->getVertexCount() == 0) { Mesh->MeshBuffers.erase(i--); mb->drop(); } else { if (mb->Material.MaterialType == video::EMT_PARALLAX_MAP_SOLID) { SMesh tmp; tmp.addMeshBuffer(mb); mb->drop(); IMesh* tangentMesh = SceneManager->getMeshManipulator()->createMeshWithTangents(&tmp); Mesh->MeshBuffers[i]=tangentMesh->getMeshBuffer(0); // we need to grab because we replace the buffer manually. Mesh->MeshBuffers[i]->grab(); // clean up intermediate mesh struct tangentMesh->drop(); } Mesh->MeshBuffers[i]->recalculateBoundingBox(); } } Mesh->recalculateBoundingBox(); SAnimatedMesh* am = new SAnimatedMesh(); am->Type = EAMT_3DS; am->addMesh(Mesh); am->recalculateBoundingBox(); Mesh->drop(); Mesh = 0; return am; } Mesh->drop(); Mesh = 0; return 0; } bool C3DSMeshFileLoader::readPercentageChunk(io::IReadFile* file, ChunkData* chunk, f32& percentage) { #ifdef _IRR_DEBUG_3DS_LOADER_ os::Printer::log("Load percentage chunk.", ELL_DEBUG); #endif ChunkData data; readChunkData(file, data); short intpercentage; float fpercentage; switch(data.header.id) { case C3DS_PERCENTAGE_I: { // read short file->read(&intpercentage, 2); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ intpercentage = os::Byteswap::byteswap(intpercentage); #endif percentage=intpercentage/100.0f; data.read += 2; } break; case C3DS_PERCENTAGE_F: { // read float file->read(&fpercentage, sizeof(float)); data.read += sizeof(float); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ percentage = os::Byteswap::byteswap(fpercentage); #else percentage = (f32)fpercentage; #endif } break; default: { // unknown percentage chunk os::Printer::log("Unknown percentage chunk in 3Ds file.", ELL_WARNING); file->seek(data.header.length - data.read, true); data.read += data.header.length - data.read; } } chunk->read += data.read; return true; } bool C3DSMeshFileLoader::readColorChunk(io::IReadFile* file, ChunkData* chunk, video::SColor& out) { #ifdef _IRR_DEBUG_3DS_LOADER_ os::Printer::log("Load color chunk.", ELL_DEBUG); #endif ChunkData data; readChunkData(file, data); u8 c[3]; f32 cf[3]; switch(data.header.id) { case C3DS_COL_TRU: case C3DS_COL_LIN_24: { // read 8 bit data file->read(c, sizeof(c)); out.set(255, c[0], c[1], c[2]); data.read += sizeof(c); } break; case C3DS_COL_RGB: case C3DS_COL_LIN_F: { // read float data file->read(cf, sizeof(cf)); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ cf[0] = os::Byteswap::byteswap(cf[0]); cf[1] = os::Byteswap::byteswap(cf[1]); cf[2] = os::Byteswap::byteswap(cf[2]); #endif out.set(255, (s32)(cf[0]*255.0f), (s32)(cf[1]*255.0f), (s32)(cf[2]*255.0f)); data.read += sizeof(cf); } break; default: { // unknown color chunk size os::Printer::log("Unknown size of color chunk in 3Ds file.", ELL_WARNING); file->seek(data.header.length - data.read, true); data.read += data.header.length - data.read; } } chunk->read += data.read; return true; } bool C3DSMeshFileLoader::readMaterialChunk(io::IReadFile* file, ChunkData* parent) { #ifdef _IRR_DEBUG_3DS_LOADER_ os::Printer::log("Load material chunk.", ELL_DEBUG); #endif u16 matSection=0; while(parent->read < parent->header.length) { ChunkData data; readChunkData(file, data); switch(data.header.id) { case C3DS_MATNAME: { c8* c = new c8[data.header.length - data.read]; file->read(c, data.header.length - data.read); if (strlen(c)) CurrentMaterial.Name = c; data.read += data.header.length - data.read; delete [] c; } break; case C3DS_MATAMBIENT: readColorChunk(file, &data, CurrentMaterial.Material.AmbientColor); break; case C3DS_MATDIFFUSE: readColorChunk(file, &data, CurrentMaterial.Material.DiffuseColor); break; case C3DS_MATSPECULAR: readColorChunk(file, &data, CurrentMaterial.Material.SpecularColor); break; case C3DS_MATSHININESS: readPercentageChunk(file, &data, CurrentMaterial.Material.Shininess); CurrentMaterial.Material.Shininess = (1.f-CurrentMaterial.Material.Shininess)*128.f; break; case C3DS_TRANSPARENCY: { f32 percentage; readPercentageChunk(file, &data, percentage); if (percentage>0.0f) { CurrentMaterial.Material.MaterialTypeParam=percentage; CurrentMaterial.Material.MaterialType=video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_VERTEX_ALPHA; } else { CurrentMaterial.Material.MaterialType=video::EMT_SOLID; } } break; case C3DS_WIRE: CurrentMaterial.Material.Wireframe=true; break; case C3DS_TWO_SIDE: CurrentMaterial.Material.BackfaceCulling=false; break; case C3DS_SHADING: { s16 flags; file->read(&flags, 2); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ flags = os::Byteswap::byteswap(flags); #endif switch (flags) { case 0: CurrentMaterial.Material.Wireframe=true; break; case 1: CurrentMaterial.Material.Wireframe=false; CurrentMaterial.Material.GouraudShading=false; break; case 2: CurrentMaterial.Material.Wireframe=false; CurrentMaterial.Material.GouraudShading=true; break; default: // phong and metal missing break; } data.read += data.header.length - data.read; } break; case C3DS_MATTEXMAP: case C3DS_MATSPECMAP: case C3DS_MATOPACMAP: case C3DS_MATREFLMAP: case C3DS_MATBUMPMAP: { matSection=data.header.id; // Should contain a percentage chunk, but does // not always have it s16 testval; const long pos = file->getPos(); file->read(&testval, 2); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ testval = os::Byteswap::byteswap(testval); #endif file->seek(pos, false); if ((testval == C3DS_PERCENTAGE_I) || (testval == C3DS_PERCENTAGE_F)) switch (matSection) { case C3DS_MATTEXMAP: readPercentageChunk(file, &data, CurrentMaterial.Strength[0]); break; case C3DS_MATSPECMAP: readPercentageChunk(file, &data, CurrentMaterial.Strength[1]); break; case C3DS_MATOPACMAP: readPercentageChunk(file, &data, CurrentMaterial.Strength[2]); break; case C3DS_MATBUMPMAP: readPercentageChunk(file, &data, CurrentMaterial.Strength[4]); break; } } break; case C3DS_MATMAPFILE: { // read texture file name c8* c = new c8[data.header.length - data.read]; file->read(c, data.header.length - data.read); switch (matSection) { case C3DS_MATTEXMAP: CurrentMaterial.Filename[0] = c; break; case C3DS_MATSPECMAP: CurrentMaterial.Filename[1] = c; break; case C3DS_MATOPACMAP: CurrentMaterial.Filename[2] = c; break; case C3DS_MATREFLMAP: CurrentMaterial.Filename[3] = c; break; case C3DS_MATBUMPMAP: CurrentMaterial.Filename[4] = c; break; } data.read += data.header.length - data.read; delete [] c; } break; case C3DS_MAT_TEXTILING: { s16 flags; file->read(&flags, 2); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ flags = os::Byteswap::byteswap(flags); #endif data.read += 2; } break; case C3DS_MAT_USCALE: case C3DS_MAT_VSCALE: case C3DS_MAT_UOFFSET: case C3DS_MAT_VOFFSET: { f32 value; file->read(&value, 4); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ value = os::Byteswap::byteswap(value); #endif u32 i=0; if (matSection != C3DS_MATTEXMAP) i=1; u32 j=0,k=0; if (data.header.id == C3DS_MAT_VSCALE) { j=1; k=1; } else if (data.header.id == C3DS_MAT_UOFFSET) { j=2; k=0; } else if (data.header.id == C3DS_MAT_VOFFSET) { j=2; k=1; } CurrentMaterial.Material.getTextureMatrix(i)(j,k)=value; data.read += 4; } break; default: // ignore chunk file->seek(data.header.length - data.read, true); data.read += data.header.length - data.read; } parent->read += data.read; } Materials.push_back(CurrentMaterial); CurrentMaterial.clear(); return true; } bool C3DSMeshFileLoader::readTrackChunk(io::IReadFile* file, ChunkData& data, IMeshBuffer* mb, const core::vector3df& pivot) { #ifdef _IRR_DEBUG_3DS_LOADER_ os::Printer::log("Load track chunk.", ELL_DEBUG); #endif u16 flags; u32 flags2; // Track flags file->read(&flags, 2); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ flags = os::Byteswap::byteswap(flags); #endif file->read(&flags2, 4); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ flags2 = os::Byteswap::byteswap(flags2); #endif file->read(&flags2, 4); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ flags2 = os::Byteswap::byteswap(flags2); #endif // Num keys file->read(&flags2, 4); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ flags2 = os::Byteswap::byteswap(flags2); #endif file->read(&flags2, 4); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ flags2 = os::Byteswap::byteswap(flags2); #endif // TCB flags file->read(&flags, 2); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ flags = os::Byteswap::byteswap(flags); #endif data.read += 20; f32 angle=0.0f; if (data.header.id== C3DS_ROT_TRACK_TAG) { // Angle file->read(&angle, sizeof(f32)); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ angle = os::Byteswap::byteswap(angle); #endif data.read += sizeof(f32); } core::vector3df vec; file->read(&vec.X, sizeof(f32)); file->read(&vec.Y, sizeof(f32)); file->read(&vec.Z, sizeof(f32)); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ vec.X = os::Byteswap::byteswap(vec.X); vec.Y = os::Byteswap::byteswap(vec.Y); vec.Z = os::Byteswap::byteswap(vec.Z); #endif data.read += 12; vec-=pivot; // apply transformation to mesh buffer #if 0 if (false)//mb) { video::S3DVertex *vertices=(video::S3DVertex*)mb->getVertices(); if (data.header.id==C3DS_POS_TRACK_TAG) { for (u32 i=0; igetVertexCount(); ++i) vertices[i].Pos+=vec; } else if (data.header.id==C3DS_ROT_TRACK_TAG) { //TODO } else if (data.header.id==C3DS_SCL_TRACK_TAG) { //TODO } } #endif // skip further frames file->seek(data.header.length - data.read, true); data.read += data.header.length - data.read; return true; } bool C3DSMeshFileLoader::readFrameChunk(io::IReadFile* file, ChunkData* parent) { #ifdef _IRR_DEBUG_3DS_LOADER_ os::Printer::log("Load frame chunk.", ELL_DEBUG); #endif ChunkData data; //KF_HDR is always at the beginning readChunkData(file, data); if (data.header.id != C3DS_KF_HDR) return false; else { #ifdef _IRR_DEBUG_3DS_LOADER_ os::Printer::log("Load keyframe header.", ELL_DEBUG); #endif u16 version; file->read(&version, 2); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ version = os::Byteswap::byteswap(version); #endif core::stringc name; readString(file, data, name); u32 flags; file->read(&flags, 4); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ flags = os::Byteswap::byteswap(flags); #endif data.read += 4; parent->read += data.read; } data.read=0; IMeshBuffer* mb=0; core::vector3df pivot,bboxCenter; while(parent->read < parent->header.length) { readChunkData(file, data); switch(data.header.id) { case C3DS_OBJECT_TAG: { #ifdef _IRR_DEBUG_3DS_LOADER_ os::Printer::log("Load object tag.", ELL_DEBUG); #endif mb=0; pivot.set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } break; case C3DS_KF_SEG: { #ifdef _IRR_DEBUG_3DS_LOADER_ os::Printer::log("Load keyframe segment.", ELL_DEBUG); #endif u32 flags; file->read(&flags, 4); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ flags = os::Byteswap::byteswap(flags); #endif file->read(&flags, 4); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ flags = os::Byteswap::byteswap(flags); #endif data.read += 8; } break; case C3DS_KF_NODE_HDR: { #ifdef _IRR_DEBUG_3DS_LOADER_ os::Printer::log("Load keyframe node header.", ELL_DEBUG); #endif s16 flags; c8* c = new c8[data.header.length - data.read-6]; file->read(c, data.header.length - data.read-6); // search mesh buffer to apply these transformations to for (u32 i=0; igetMeshBuffer(i); break; } } file->read(&flags, 2); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ flags = os::Byteswap::byteswap(flags); #endif file->read(&flags, 2); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ flags = os::Byteswap::byteswap(flags); #endif file->read(&flags, 2); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ flags = os::Byteswap::byteswap(flags); #endif data.read += data.header.length - data.read; delete [] c; } break; case C3DS_KF_CURTIME: { #ifdef _IRR_DEBUG_3DS_LOADER_ os::Printer::log("Load keyframe current time.", ELL_DEBUG); #endif u32 flags; file->read(&flags, 4); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ flags = os::Byteswap::byteswap(flags); #endif data.read += 4; } break; case C3DS_NODE_ID: { #ifdef _IRR_DEBUG_3DS_LOADER_ os::Printer::log("Load node ID.", ELL_DEBUG); #endif u16 flags; file->read(&flags, 2); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ flags = os::Byteswap::byteswap(flags); #endif data.read += 2; } break; case C3DS_PIVOTPOINT: { #ifdef _IRR_DEBUG_3DS_LOADER_ os::Printer::log("Load pivot point.", ELL_DEBUG); #endif file->read(&pivot.X, sizeof(f32)); file->read(&pivot.Y, sizeof(f32)); file->read(&pivot.Z, sizeof(f32)); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ pivot.X = os::Byteswap::byteswap(pivot.X); pivot.Y = os::Byteswap::byteswap(pivot.Y); pivot.Z = os::Byteswap::byteswap(pivot.Z); #endif data.read += 12; } break; case C3DS_BOUNDBOX: { #ifdef _IRR_DEBUG_3DS_LOADER_ os::Printer::log("Load bounding box.", ELL_DEBUG); #endif core::aabbox3df bbox; // abuse bboxCenter as temporary variable file->read(&bboxCenter.X, sizeof(f32)); file->read(&bboxCenter.Y, sizeof(f32)); file->read(&bboxCenter.Z, sizeof(f32)); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ bboxCenter.X = os::Byteswap::byteswap(bboxCenter.X); bboxCenter.Y = os::Byteswap::byteswap(bboxCenter.Y); bboxCenter.Z = os::Byteswap::byteswap(bboxCenter.Z); #endif bbox.reset(bboxCenter); file->read(&bboxCenter.X, sizeof(f32)); file->read(&bboxCenter.Y, sizeof(f32)); file->read(&bboxCenter.Z, sizeof(f32)); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ bboxCenter.X = os::Byteswap::byteswap(bboxCenter.X); bboxCenter.Y = os::Byteswap::byteswap(bboxCenter.Y); bboxCenter.Z = os::Byteswap::byteswap(bboxCenter.Z); #endif bbox.addInternalPoint(bboxCenter); bboxCenter=bbox.getCenter(); data.read += 24; } break; case C3DS_MORPH_SMOOTH: { #ifdef _IRR_DEBUG_3DS_LOADER_ os::Printer::log("Load morph smooth.", ELL_DEBUG); #endif f32 flag; file->read(&flag, 4); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ flag = os::Byteswap::byteswap(flag); #endif data.read += 4; } break; case C3DS_POS_TRACK_TAG: case C3DS_ROT_TRACK_TAG: case C3DS_SCL_TRACK_TAG: readTrackChunk(file, data, mb, bboxCenter-pivot); break; default: // ignore chunk file->seek(data.header.length - data.read, true); data.read += data.header.length - data.read; } parent->read += data.read; data.read=0; } return true; } bool C3DSMeshFileLoader::readChunk(io::IReadFile* file, ChunkData* parent) { while(parent->read < parent->header.length) { ChunkData data; readChunkData(file, data); switch(data.header.id) { case C3DS_VERSION: { u16 version; file->read(&version, sizeof(u16)); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ version = os::Byteswap::byteswap(version); #endif file->seek(data.header.length - data.read - 2, true); data.read += data.header.length - data.read; if (version != 0x03) os::Printer::log("3ds file version is other than 3.", ELL_ERROR); } break; case C3DS_EDIT_MATERIAL: readMaterialChunk(file, &data); break; case C3DS_KEYF3DS: readFrameChunk(file, &data); break; case C3DS_EDIT3DS: break; case C3DS_MESHVERSION: case 0x01: { u32 version; file->read(&version, sizeof(u32)); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ version = os::Byteswap::byteswap(version); #endif data.read += sizeof(u32); } break; case C3DS_EDIT_OBJECT: { core::stringc name; readString(file, data, name); readObjectChunk(file, &data); composeObject(file, name); } break; default: // ignore chunk file->seek(data.header.length - data.read, true); data.read += data.header.length - data.read; } parent->read += data.read; } return true; } bool C3DSMeshFileLoader::readObjectChunk(io::IReadFile* file, ChunkData* parent) { #ifdef _IRR_DEBUG_3DS_LOADER_ os::Printer::log("Load object chunk.", ELL_DEBUG); #endif while(parent->read < parent->header.length) { ChunkData data; readChunkData(file, data); switch(data.header.id) { case C3DS_OBJTRIMESH: readObjectChunk(file, &data); break; case C3DS_TRIVERT: readVertices(file, data); break; case C3DS_POINTFLAGARRAY: { u16 numVertex, flags; file->read(&numVertex, sizeof(u16)); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ numVertex= os::Byteswap::byteswap(numVertex); #endif for (u16 i=0; iread(&flags, sizeof(u16)); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ flags = os::Byteswap::byteswap(flags); #endif } data.read += (numVertex+1)*sizeof(u16); } break; case C3DS_TRIFACE: readIndices(file, data); readObjectChunk(file, &data); // read smooth and material groups break; case C3DS_TRIFACEMAT: readMaterialGroup(file, data); break; case C3DS_TRIUV: // getting texture coordinates readTextureCoords(file, data); break; case C3DS_TRIMATRIX: { f32 mat[4][3]; file->read(&mat, 12*sizeof(f32)); TransformationMatrix.makeIdentity(); for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) { for (int j=0; j<3; ++j) { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ TransformationMatrix(i,j)=os::Byteswap::byteswap(mat[i][j]); #else TransformationMatrix(i,j)=mat[i][j]; #endif } } data.read += 12*sizeof(f32); } break; case C3DS_MESHCOLOR: { u8 flag; file->read(&flag, sizeof(u8)); ++data.read; } break; case C3DS_TRISMOOTH: // TODO { SmoothingGroups = new u32[CountFaces]; file->read(SmoothingGroups, CountFaces*sizeof(u32)); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ for (u16 i=0; iseek(data.header.length - data.read, true); data.read += data.header.length - data.read; } parent->read += data.read; } return true; } void C3DSMeshFileLoader::composeObject(io::IReadFile* file, const core::stringc& name) { #ifdef _IRR_DEBUG_3DS_LOADER_ os::Printer::log("Compose object.", ELL_DEBUG); #endif if (Mesh->getMeshBufferCount() != Materials.size()) loadMaterials(file); if (MaterialGroups.empty()) { // no material group, so add all SMaterialGroup group; group.faceCount = CountFaces; group.faces = new u16[group.faceCount]; for (u16 i=0; iaddMeshBuffer(mb); mb->getMaterial() = Materials[0].Material; mb->drop(); // add an empty mesh buffer name MeshBufferNames.push_back(""); } } for (u32 i=0; igetVideoDriver()->getMaximalPrimitiveCount(), (u32)((1<<16)-1))-3; // currently hardcoded s16 max value for index pointers // find mesh buffer for this group for (mbPos=0; mbPosgetMeshBuffer(mbPos); mat=&Materials[mbPos].Material; MeshBufferNames[mbPos]=name; break; } } if (mb != 0) { // add geometry to the buffer. video::S3DVertex vtx; core::vector3df vec; vtx.Color=mat->DiffuseColor; if (mat->MaterialType==video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_VERTEX_ALPHA) { vtx.Color.setAlpha((int)(255.0f*mat->MaterialTypeParam)); } vtx.Normal.set(0,0,0); for (s32 f=0; fVertices.size(); if (vtxCount>maxPrimitives) { IMeshBuffer* tmp = mb; mb = new SMeshBuffer(); Mesh->addMeshBuffer(mb); mb->drop(); Mesh->MeshBuffers[mbPos] = Mesh->MeshBuffers.getLast(); Mesh->MeshBuffers[Mesh->MeshBuffers.size()-1] = tmp; mb->getMaterial() = tmp->getMaterial(); vtxCount=0; } for (s32 v=0; v<3; ++v) { s32 idx = Indices[MaterialGroups[i].faces[f]*4 +v]; if (CountVertices > idx) { vtx.Pos.X = Vertices[idx*3 + 0]; vtx.Pos.Z = Vertices[idx*3 + 1]; vtx.Pos.Y = Vertices[idx*3 + 2]; // TransformationMatrix.transformVect(vtx.Pos); } if (CountTCoords > idx) { vtx.TCoords.X = TCoords[idx*2 + 0]; vtx.TCoords.Y = 1.0f -TCoords[idx*2 + 1]; } mb->Vertices.push_back(vtx); } // compute normal core::plane3d pl(mb->Vertices[vtxCount].Pos, mb->Vertices[vtxCount+2].Pos, mb->Vertices[vtxCount+1].Pos); mb->Vertices[vtxCount].Normal = pl.Normal; mb->Vertices[vtxCount+1].Normal = pl.Normal; mb->Vertices[vtxCount+2].Normal = pl.Normal; // add indices mb->Indices.push_back(vtxCount); mb->Indices.push_back(vtxCount+2); mb->Indices.push_back(vtxCount+1); } } else os::Printer::log("Found no matching material for Group in 3ds file.", ELL_WARNING); } cleanUp(); } void C3DSMeshFileLoader::loadMaterials(io::IReadFile* file) { if (Materials.empty()) os::Printer::log("No materials found in 3ds file.", ELL_INFORMATION); // create a mesh buffer for every material MeshBufferNames.reallocate(Materials.size()); for (u32 i=0; iaddMeshBuffer(m); m->getMaterial() = Materials[i].Material; if (Materials[i].Filename[0].size()) { video::ITexture* texture = getMeshTextureLoader() ? getMeshTextureLoader()->getTexture(Materials[i].Filename[0]) : NULL; if (!texture) { os::Printer::log("Could not load a texture for entry in 3ds file", Materials[i].Filename[0].c_str(), ELL_WARNING); } else m->getMaterial().setTexture(0, texture); } if (Materials[i].Filename[2].size()) { video::ITexture* texture = getMeshTextureLoader() ? getMeshTextureLoader()->getTexture(Materials[i].Filename[2]) : NULL; if (!texture) { os::Printer::log("Could not load a texture for entry in 3ds file", Materials[i].Filename[2].c_str(), ELL_WARNING); } else { m->getMaterial().setTexture(0, texture); m->getMaterial().MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR; } } if (Materials[i].Filename[3].size()) { video::ITexture* texture = getMeshTextureLoader() ? getMeshTextureLoader()->getTexture(Materials[i].Filename[3]) : NULL; if (!texture) { os::Printer::log("Could not load a texture for entry in 3ds file", Materials[i].Filename[3].c_str(), ELL_WARNING); } else { m->getMaterial().setTexture(1, m->getMaterial().getTexture(0)); m->getMaterial().setTexture(0, texture); m->getMaterial().MaterialType = video::EMT_REFLECTION_2_LAYER; } } if (Materials[i].Filename[4].size()) { video::ITexture* texture = getMeshTextureLoader() ? getMeshTextureLoader()->getTexture(Materials[i].Filename[4]) : NULL; if (!texture) { os::Printer::log("Could not load a texture for entry in 3ds file", Materials[i].Filename[4].c_str(), ELL_WARNING); } else { m->getMaterial().setTexture(1, texture); SceneManager->getVideoDriver()->makeNormalMapTexture(texture, Materials[i].Strength[4]*10.f); m->getMaterial().MaterialType=video::EMT_PARALLAX_MAP_SOLID; m->getMaterial().MaterialTypeParam=.035f; } } m->drop(); } } void C3DSMeshFileLoader::cleanUp() { delete [] Vertices; CountVertices = 0; Vertices = 0; delete [] Indices; Indices = 0; CountFaces = 0; delete [] SmoothingGroups; SmoothingGroups = 0; delete [] TCoords; TCoords = 0; CountTCoords = 0; MaterialGroups.clear(); } void C3DSMeshFileLoader::readTextureCoords(io::IReadFile* file, ChunkData& data) { #ifdef _IRR_DEBUG_3DS_LOADER_ os::Printer::log("Load texture coords.", ELL_DEBUG); #endif file->read(&CountTCoords, sizeof(CountTCoords)); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ CountTCoords = os::Byteswap::byteswap(CountTCoords); #endif data.read += sizeof(CountTCoords); s32 tcoordsBufferByteSize = CountTCoords * sizeof(f32) * 2; if (data.header.length - data.read != tcoordsBufferByteSize) { os::Printer::log("Invalid size of tcoords found in 3ds file.", ELL_WARNING); return; } TCoords = new f32[CountTCoords * 3]; file->read(TCoords, tcoordsBufferByteSize); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ for (int i=0;iread(&group.faceCount, sizeof(group.faceCount)); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ group.faceCount = os::Byteswap::byteswap(group.faceCount); #endif data.read += sizeof(group.faceCount); // read faces group.faces = new u16[group.faceCount]; file->read(group.faces, sizeof(u16) * group.faceCount); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ for (u32 i=0;iread(&CountFaces, sizeof(CountFaces)); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ CountFaces = os::Byteswap::byteswap(CountFaces); #endif data.read += sizeof(CountFaces); s32 indexBufferByteSize = CountFaces * sizeof(u16) * 4; // Indices are u16s. // After every 3 Indices in the array, there follows an edge flag. Indices = new u16[CountFaces * 4]; file->read(Indices, indexBufferByteSize); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ for (int i=0;iread(&CountVertices, sizeof(CountVertices)); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ CountVertices = os::Byteswap::byteswap(CountVertices); #endif data.read += sizeof(CountVertices); const s32 vertexBufferByteSize = CountVertices * sizeof(f32) * 3; if (data.header.length - data.read != vertexBufferByteSize) { os::Printer::log("Invalid size of vertices found in 3ds file", core::stringc(CountVertices), ELL_ERROR); return; } Vertices = new f32[CountVertices * 3]; file->read(Vertices, vertexBufferByteSize); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ for (int i=0;iread(&data.header, sizeof(ChunkHeader)); #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ data.header.id = os::Byteswap::byteswap(data.header.id); data.header.length = os::Byteswap::byteswap(data.header.length); #endif data.read += sizeof(ChunkHeader); } void C3DSMeshFileLoader::readString(io::IReadFile* file, ChunkData& data, core::stringc& out) { c8 c = 1; out = ""; while (c) { file->read(&c, sizeof(c8)); if (c) out.append(c); } data.read+=out.size()+1; } } // end namespace scene } // end namespace irr #endif // _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_3DS_LOADER_