// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt / Thomas Alten // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h #ifndef S_4D_VERTEX_H_INCLUDED #define S_4D_VERTEX_H_INCLUDED #include "SoftwareDriver2_compile_config.h" #include "SoftwareDriver2_helper.h" #include "irrAllocator.h" #include "EPrimitiveTypes.h" namespace irr { namespace video { //! sVec2 used in BurningShader texture coordinates struct sVec2 { f32 x; f32 y; sVec2 () {} sVec2 ( f32 s) : x ( s ), y ( s ) {} sVec2 ( f32 _x, f32 _y ) : x ( _x ), y ( _y ) {} void set ( f32 _x, f32 _y ) { x = _x; y = _y; } // f = a * t + b * ( 1 - t ) void interpolate(const sVec2& burning_restrict a, const sVec2& burning_restrict b, const ipoltype t) { x = (f32)(b.x + ( ( a.x - b.x ) * t )); y = (f32)(b.y + ( ( a.y - b.y ) * t )); } sVec2 operator-(const sVec2& other) const { return sVec2(x - other.x, y - other.y); } sVec2 operator+(const sVec2& other) const { return sVec2(x + other.x, y + other.y); } void operator+=(const sVec2& other) { x += other.x; y += other.y; } sVec2 operator*(const f32 s) const { return sVec2(x * s , y * s); } void operator*=( const f32 s) { x *= s; y *= s; } void operator=(const sVec2& other) { x = other.x; y = other.y; } }; #include "irrpack.h" //! sVec2Pack is Irrlicht S3DVertex,S3DVertex2TCoords,S3DVertexTangents Texutre Coordinates. // Start address is not 4 byte aligned struct sVec2Pack { f32 x, y; }; //! sVec3Pack used in BurningShader, packed direction struct sVec3Pack { f32 x, y, z; //f32 _can_pack; sVec3Pack() {} sVec3Pack(f32 _x, f32 _y, f32 _z) : x(_x), y(_y), z(_z) {} // f = a * t + b * ( 1 - t ) void interpolate(const sVec3Pack& burning_restrict v0, const sVec3Pack& burning_restrict v1, const ipoltype t) { x = (f32)(v1.x + ((v0.x - v1.x) * t)); y = (f32)(v1.y + ((v0.y - v1.y) * t)); z = (f32)(v1.z + ((v0.z - v1.z) * t)); } sVec3Pack operator-(const sVec3Pack& other) const { return sVec3Pack(x - other.x, y - other.y, z - other.z); } sVec3Pack operator+(const sVec3Pack& other) const { return sVec3Pack(x + other.x, y + other.y, z + other.z); } sVec3Pack operator*(const f32 s) const { return sVec3Pack(x * s, y * s, z * s); } void operator+=(const sVec3Pack& other) { x += other.x; y += other.y; z += other.z; } void operator=(const sVec3Pack& other) { x = other.x; y = other.y; z = other.z; } } PACK_STRUCT; #include "irrunpack.h" //! sVec4 used in Driver,BurningShader, direction/color struct sVec4 { union { struct { f32 x, y, z, w; }; struct { f32 a, r, g, b; }; }; sVec4 () {} sVec4 ( f32 _x, f32 _y, f32 _z, f32 _w ) : x ( _x ), y ( _y ), z( _z ), w ( _w ){} // f = a * t + b * ( 1 - t ) void interpolate(const sVec4& burning_restrict a, const sVec4& burning_restrict b, const ipoltype t) { x = (f32)(b.x + ( ( a.x - b.x ) * t )); y = (f32)(b.y + ( ( a.y - b.y ) * t )); z = (f32)(b.z + ( ( a.z - b.z ) * t )); w = (f32)(b.w + ( ( a.w - b.w ) * t )); } sVec4 operator-(const sVec4& other) const { return sVec4(x - other.x, y - other.y, z - other.z,w - other.w); } sVec4 operator+(const sVec4& other) const { return sVec4(x + other.x, y + other.y, z + other.z,w + other.w); } void operator+=(const sVec4& other) { x += other.x; y += other.y; z += other.z; w += other.w; } sVec4 operator*(const f32 s) const { return sVec4(x * s , y * s, z * s,w * s); } sVec4 operator*(const sVec4 &other) const { return sVec4(x * other.x , y * other.y, z * other.z,w * other.w); } void operator*=(const sVec4 &other) { x *= other.x; y *= other.y; z *= other.z; w *= other.w; } void operator=(const sVec4& other) { x = other.x; y = other.y; z = other.z; w = other.w; } //outside shader void set(f32 _x, f32 _y, f32 _z, f32 _w) { x = _x; y = _y; z = _z; w = _w; } void setA8R8G8B8(const u32 argb) { a = ((argb & 0xFF000000) >> 24) * (1.f / 255.f); r = ((argb & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) * (1.f / 255.f); g = ((argb & 0x0000FF00) >> 8 ) * (1.f / 255.f); b = ((argb & 0x000000FF) ) * (1.f / 255.f); } REALINLINE ipoltype dot_xyzw(const sVec4& other) const { return (ipoltype)x * other.x + (ipoltype)y * other.y + (ipoltype)z * other.z + (ipoltype)w * other.w; } REALINLINE f32 dot_xyz(const sVec4& other) const { return x * other.x + y * other.y + z * other.z; } REALINLINE f32 dot_minus_xyz(const sVec4& other) const { return -x * other.x + -y * other.y + -z * other.z; } void mul_xyz(const f32 s) { x *= s; y *= s; z *= s; } f32 length_xyz() const { return sqrtf(x * x + y * y + z * z); } void normalize_dir_xyz() { //const f32 l = core::reciprocal_squareroot(x * x + y * y + z * z); f32 l = x * x + y * y + z * z; l = l > 0.0000001f ? 1.f / sqrtf(l) : 1.f; x *= l; y *= l; z *= l; } //unpack sVec3 to aligned during runtime sVec4(const sVec3Pack& other) { x = other.x; y = other.y; z = other.z; w = 0.f; } void normalize_pack_xyz(sVec3Pack& out, const f32 len, const f32 ofs) const { //const f32 l = len * core::reciprocal_squareroot ( r * r + g * g + b * b ); f32 l = x * x + y * y + z * z; l = l > 0.0000001f ? len / sqrtf(l) : 0.f; out.x = (x*l) + ofs; out.y = (y*l) + ofs; out.z = (z*l) + ofs; } }; //!during runtime sVec3Pack typedef sVec4 sVec3Pack_unpack; //!sVec4 is argb. sVec3Color is rgba struct sVec3Color { f32 r, g, b,a; void set(const f32 s) { r = s; g = s; b = s; a = s; } void setA8R8G8B8(const u32 argb) { r = ((argb & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) * (1.f / 255.f); g = ((argb & 0x0000FF00) >> 8 ) * (1.f / 255.f); b = ((argb & 0x000000FF) ) * (1.f / 255.f); a = ((argb & 0xFF000000) >> 24) * (1.f / 255.f); } void setColorf(const video::SColorf & color) { r = color.r; g = color.g; b = color.b; a = color.a; } void add_rgb(const sVec3Color& other) { r += other.r; g += other.g; b += other.b; } void mad_rgb(const sVec3Color& other, const f32 v) { r += other.r * v; g += other.g * v; b += other.b * v; } void mad_rgbv(const sVec3Color& v0, const sVec3Color& v1) { r += v0.r * v1.r; g += v0.g * v1.g; b += v0.b * v1.b; } //sVec4 is a,r,g,b, alpha pass void sat(sVec4 &dest, const u32 argb) const { dest.a = ((argb & 0xFF000000) >> 24) * (1.f / 255.f); dest.r = r <= 1.f ? r : 1.f; dest.g = g <= 1.f ? g : 1.f; dest.b = b <= 1.f ? b : 1.f; } void sat_xyz(sVec3Pack &dest, const sVec3Color& v1) const { f32 v; v = r * v1.r; dest.x = v < 1.f ? v : 1.f; v = g * v1.g; dest.y = v < 1.f ? v : 1.f; v = b * v1.b; dest.z = v < 1.f ? v : 1.f; } void sat_xyz(sVec4 &dest, const sVec3Color& v1) const { f32 v; dest.a = 1.f; v = r * v1.r; dest.r = v < 1.f ? v : 1.f; v = g * v1.g; dest.g = v < 1.f ? v : 1.f; v = b * v1.b; dest.b = v < 1.f ? v : 1.f; } }; //internal BurningShaderFlag for a Vertex enum e4DVertexFlag { VERTEX4D_CLIPMASK = 0x0000003F, VERTEX4D_CLIP_NEAR = 0x00000001, VERTEX4D_CLIP_FAR = 0x00000002, VERTEX4D_CLIP_LEFT = 0x00000004, VERTEX4D_CLIP_RIGHT = 0x00000008, VERTEX4D_CLIP_BOTTOM = 0x00000010, VERTEX4D_CLIP_TOP = 0x00000020, VERTEX4D_INSIDE = 0x0000003F, VERTEX4D_PROJECTED = 0x00000100, VERTEX4D_VAL_ZERO = 0x00000200, VERTEX4D_VAL_ONE = 0x00000400, VERTEX4D_FORMAT_MASK = 0xFFFF0000, VERTEX4D_FORMAT_MASK_TEXTURE = 0x000F0000, VERTEX4D_FORMAT_TEXTURE_1 = 0x00010000, VERTEX4D_FORMAT_TEXTURE_2 = 0x00020000, VERTEX4D_FORMAT_TEXTURE_3 = 0x00030000, VERTEX4D_FORMAT_TEXTURE_4 = 0x00040000, VERTEX4D_FORMAT_MASK_COLOR = 0x00F00000, VERTEX4D_FORMAT_COLOR_1 = 0x00100000, VERTEX4D_FORMAT_COLOR_2_FOG = 0x00200000, VERTEX4D_FORMAT_COLOR_3 = 0x00300000, VERTEX4D_FORMAT_COLOR_4 = 0x00400000, VERTEX4D_FORMAT_MASK_LIGHT = 0x0F000000, VERTEX4D_FORMAT_LIGHT_1 = 0x01000000, VERTEX4D_FORMAT_LIGHT_2 = 0x02000000, VERTEX4D_FORMAT_MASK_TANGENT = 0xF0000000, VERTEX4D_FORMAT_BUMP_DOT3 = 0x10000000, VERTEX4D_FORMAT_SPECULAR = 0x20000000, }; //! vertex layout enum e4DVertexType { E4VT_STANDARD = 0, // EVT_STANDARD, video::S3DVertex. E4VT_2TCOORDS = 1, // EVT_2TCOORDS, video::S3DVertex2TCoords. E4VT_TANGENTS = 2, // EVT_TANGENTS, video::S3DVertexTangents E4VT_REFLECTION_MAP = 3, E4VT_SHADOW = 4, // float * 3 E4VT_NO_TEXTURE = 5, // runtime if texture missing E4VT_LINE = 6, E4VT_COUNT }; enum e4DIndexType { E4IT_16BIT = 1, // EIT_16BIT, E4IT_32BIT = 2, // EIT_32BIT, E4IT_NONE = 4, // }; #ifdef BURNINGVIDEO_RENDERER_BEAUTIFUL #define BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES 4 #define BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_COLORS 4 #define BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_LIGHT_TANGENT 1 //ensure handcrafted sizeof(s4DVertex) #define sizeof_s4DVertex 128 #else #define BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES 2 #ifdef SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_USE_VERTEX_COLOR #define BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_COLORS 1 #else #define BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_COLORS 0 #endif #define BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_LIGHT_TANGENT 1 //ensure handcrafted sizeof(s4DVertex) #define sizeof_s4DVertex 64 #endif // dummy Vertex. used for calculation vertex memory size struct s4DVertex_proxy { sVec4 Pos; #if BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES > 0 sVec2 Tex[BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES]; #endif #if BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_COLORS > 0 sVec4 Color[BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_COLORS]; #endif #if BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_LIGHT_TANGENT > 0 sVec3Pack LightTangent[BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_LIGHT_TANGENT]; #endif u32 flag; // e4DVertexFlag }; /*! Internal BurningVideo Vertex */ struct s4DVertex { sVec4 Pos; #if BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES > 0 sVec2 Tex[ BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES ]; #endif #if BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_COLORS > 0 sVec4 Color[ BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_COLORS ]; #endif #if BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_LIGHT_TANGENT > 0 sVec3Pack LightTangent[BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_LIGHT_TANGENT]; #endif u32 flag; // e4DVertexFlag #if BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_COLORS < 1 || BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_LIGHT_TANGENT < 1 u8 __align [sizeof_s4DVertex - sizeof (s4DVertex_proxy) ]; #endif // f = a * t + b * ( 1 - t ) void interpolate(const s4DVertex& burning_restrict b, const s4DVertex& burning_restrict a, const ipoltype t) { Pos.interpolate ( a.Pos, b.Pos, t ); #if 0 Tex[0].interpolate(a.Tex[0], b.Tex[0], t); Tex[1].interpolate(a.Tex[1], b.Tex[1], t); Color[0].interpolate(a.Color[0], b.Color[0], t); LightTangent[0].interpolate(a.LightTangent[0], b.LightTangent[0], t); #endif size_t i; size_t size; #if BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES > 0 size = (flag & VERTEX4D_FORMAT_MASK_TEXTURE) >> 16; for ( i = 0; i!= size; ++i ) { Tex[i].interpolate ( a.Tex[i], b.Tex[i], t ); } #endif #if BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_COLORS > 0 size = (flag & VERTEX4D_FORMAT_MASK_COLOR) >> 20; for ( i = 0; i!= size; ++i ) { Color[i].interpolate ( a.Color[i], b.Color[i], t ); } #endif #if BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_LIGHT_TANGENT > 0 size = (flag & VERTEX4D_FORMAT_MASK_LIGHT) >> 24; for ( i = 0; i!= size; ++i ) { LightTangent[i].interpolate ( a.LightTangent[i], b.LightTangent[i], t ); } #endif } }; // ----------------- Vertex Cache --------------------------- // Buffer is used as pairs of S4DVertex (0 ... ndc, 1 .. dc and projected) typedef s4DVertex s4DVertexPair; #define sizeof_s4DVertexPairRel 2 #define s4DVertex_ofs(index) ((index)*sizeof_s4DVertexPairRel) #define s4DVertex_proj(index) ((index)*sizeof_s4DVertexPairRel) + 1 struct SAligned4DVertex { SAligned4DVertex() :data(0),ElementSize(0),mem(0) {} virtual ~SAligned4DVertex () { if (mem) { delete[] mem; mem = 0; } } void resize(size_t element) { if (element > ElementSize) { if (mem) delete[] mem; size_t byteSize = align_next(element * sizeof_s4DVertex, 4096); mem = new u8[byteSize]; } ElementSize = element; data = (s4DVertex*)mem; } s4DVertex* data; //align to 16 byte size_t ElementSize; private: u8* mem; }; //#define memcpy_s4DVertexPair(dst,src) memcpy(dst,src,sizeof_s4DVertex * 2) static REALINLINE void memcpy_s4DVertexPair(void* burning_restrict dst, const void* burning_restrict src) { //test alignment -> if already in aligned data #if 0 if (((size_t)dst & 0xC) | ((size_t)src & 0xC)) { int g = 1; } #endif #if defined(ENV64BIT) && (sizeof_s4DVertex * sizeof_s4DVertexPairRel == 128) u64* burning_restrict dst64 = (u64*)dst; const u64* burning_restrict src64 = (const u64*)src; dst64[0] = src64[0]; dst64[1] = src64[1]; dst64[2] = src64[2]; dst64[3] = src64[3]; dst64[4] = src64[4]; dst64[5] = src64[5]; dst64[6] = src64[6]; dst64[7] = src64[7]; dst64[8] = src64[8]; dst64[9] = src64[9]; dst64[10] = src64[10]; dst64[11] = src64[11]; dst64[12] = src64[12]; dst64[13] = src64[13]; dst64[14] = src64[14]; dst64[15] = src64[15]; #elif defined(ENV64BIT) && (sizeof_s4DVertex * sizeof_s4DVertexPairRel == 256) u64* burning_restrict dst64 = (u64*)dst; const u64* burning_restrict src64 = (const u64*)src; dst64[0] = src64[0]; dst64[1] = src64[1]; dst64[2] = src64[2]; dst64[3] = src64[3]; dst64[4] = src64[4]; dst64[5] = src64[5]; dst64[6] = src64[6]; dst64[7] = src64[7]; dst64[8] = src64[8]; dst64[9] = src64[9]; dst64[10] = src64[10]; dst64[11] = src64[11]; dst64[12] = src64[12]; dst64[13] = src64[13]; dst64[14] = src64[14]; dst64[15] = src64[15]; dst64[16] = src64[16]; dst64[17] = src64[17]; dst64[18] = src64[18]; dst64[19] = src64[19]; dst64[20] = src64[20]; dst64[21] = src64[21]; dst64[22] = src64[22]; dst64[23] = src64[23]; dst64[24] = src64[24]; dst64[25] = src64[25]; dst64[26] = src64[26]; dst64[27] = src64[27]; dst64[28] = src64[28]; dst64[29] = src64[29]; dst64[30] = src64[30]; dst64[31] = src64[31]; #else u32* dst32 = (u32*)dst; const u32* src32 = (const u32*)src; size_t len = sizeof_s4DVertex * sizeof_s4DVertexPairRel; while (len >= 32) { *dst32++ = *src32++; *dst32++ = *src32++; *dst32++ = *src32++; *dst32++ = *src32++; *dst32++ = *src32++; *dst32++ = *src32++; *dst32++ = *src32++; *dst32++ = *src32++; len -= 32; } /* while (len >= 4) { *dst32++ = *src32++; len -= 4; } */ #endif } //! hold info for different Vertex Types struct SVSize { size_t Format; // e4DVertexFlag VERTEX4D_FORMAT_MASK_TEXTURE size_t Pitch; // sizeof Vertex size_t TexSize; // amount Textures size_t TexCooSize; // sizeof TextureCoordinates }; // a cache info struct SCacheInfo { u32 index; u32 hit; }; //must at least hold all possible (clipped) vertices of primitive. #define VERTEXCACHE_ELEMENT 16 #define VERTEXCACHE_MISS 0xFFFFFFFF struct SVertexCache { SVertexCache () {} ~SVertexCache() {} //VertexType SVSize vSize[E4VT_COUNT]; SCacheInfo info[VERTEXCACHE_ELEMENT]; SCacheInfo info_temp[VERTEXCACHE_ELEMENT]; // Transformed and lite, clipping state // + Clipped, Projected SAligned4DVertex mem; // source const void* vertices; u32 vertexCount; const void* indices; u32 indexCount; u32 indicesIndex; u32 indicesRun; u32 indicesPitch; // primitives consist of x vertices size_t primitiveHasVertex; e4DVertexType vType; //E_VERTEX_TYPE scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE pType; //scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE e4DIndexType iType; //E_INDEX_TYPE iType }; // swap 2 pointer REALINLINE void swapVertexPointer(const s4DVertex** v1, const s4DVertex** v2) { const s4DVertex* b = *v1; *v1 = *v2; *v2 = b; } // ------------------------ Internal Scanline Rasterizer ----------------------------- // internal scan convert struct sScanConvertData { u32 left; // major edge left/right u32 right; // !left u8 _unused_pack[8]; f32 invDeltaY[4]; // inverse edge delta for screen space sorted triangle f32 x[2]; // x coordinate f32 slopeX[2]; // x slope along edges #if defined ( SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_USE_WBUFFER ) || defined ( SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECT ) f32 w[2]; // w coordinate fp24 slopeW[2]; // w slope along edges #else f32 z[2]; // z coordinate f32 slopeZ[2]; // z slope along edges #endif #if BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_COLORS > 0 sVec4 c[BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_COLORS][2]; // color sVec4 slopeC[BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_COLORS][2]; // color slope along edges #endif #if BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES > 0 sVec2 t[BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES][2]; // texture sVec2 slopeT[BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES][2]; // texture slope along edges #endif #if BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_LIGHT_TANGENT > 0 sVec3Pack_unpack l[BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_LIGHT_TANGENT][2]; // Light Tangent sVec3Pack_unpack slopeL[BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_LIGHT_TANGENT][2]; // tangent slope along edges #endif }; // passed to scan Line struct sScanLineData { s32 y; // y position of scanline u8 _unused_pack[4]; f32 x[2]; // x start, x end of scanline #if defined ( SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_USE_WBUFFER ) || defined ( SOFTWARE_DRIVER_2_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECT ) f32 w[2]; // w start, w end of scanline #else f32 z[2]; // z start, z end of scanline #endif s32 x_edgetest; // slope x u8 _unused_pack_1[4]; #if BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_COLORS > 0 sVec4 c[BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_COLORS][2]; // color start, color end of scanline #endif #if BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES > 0 sVec2 t[BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES][2]; // texture start, texture end of scanline #endif #if BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_LIGHT_TANGENT > 0 sVec3Pack_unpack l[BURNING_MATERIAL_MAX_LIGHT_TANGENT][2]; // Light Tangent start, end #endif }; // passed to pixel Shader struct sPixelShaderData { tVideoSample *dst; fp24 *z; s32 xStart; s32 xEnd; s32 dx; s32 i; }; /* load a color value */ REALINLINE void getTexel_plain2 ( tFixPoint &r, tFixPoint &g, tFixPoint &b,const sVec4 &v ) { r = tofix(v.r, FIX_POINT_F32_MUL); g = tofix(v.g, FIX_POINT_F32_MUL); b = tofix(v.b, FIX_POINT_F32_MUL); } #if 0 /* load a color value */ REALINLINE void getSample_color ( tFixPoint &a, tFixPoint &r, tFixPoint &g, tFixPoint &b, const sVec4 &v ) { a = tofix ( v.a, FIX_POINT_F32_MUL); r = tofix ( v.r, COLOR_MAX * FIX_POINT_F32_MUL); g = tofix ( v.g, COLOR_MAX * FIX_POINT_F32_MUL); b = tofix ( v.b, COLOR_MAX * FIX_POINT_F32_MUL); } /* load a color value */ REALINLINE void getSample_color ( tFixPoint &r, tFixPoint &g, tFixPoint &b,const sVec4 &v ) { r = tofix ( v.r, COLOR_MAX * FIX_POINT_F32_MUL); g = tofix ( v.g, COLOR_MAX * FIX_POINT_F32_MUL); b = tofix ( v.b, COLOR_MAX * FIX_POINT_F32_MUL); } #endif /* load a color value. mulby controls [0;1] or [0;ColorMax] aka getSample_color */ REALINLINE void vec4_to_fix(tFixPoint &r, tFixPoint &g, tFixPoint &b,const sVec4 &v, const f32 mulby ) { r = tofix(v.r, mulby); g = tofix(v.g, mulby); b = tofix(v.b, mulby); } REALINLINE void vec4_to_fix(tFixPoint &a,tFixPoint &r, tFixPoint &g, tFixPoint &b,const sVec4 &v, const f32 mulby) { a = tofix(v.a, mulby); r = tofix(v.r, mulby); g = tofix(v.g, mulby); b = tofix(v.b, mulby); } } } #endif