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synced 2025-03-19 02:30:37 +01:00
The commit also establishes a precedent of leaving off the `virtual` keyword in overrides. Although not strictly necessary, I believe this is good for readability because it makes it clear it is an override and not a pure virtual function, and it helps keep line lengths shorter. We should move towards eliminating the macro altogether, but the definition has been left in with a note on deprecation so that in-progress work will not suffer merge conflicts.
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// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "ISceneManager.h"
#include "ISceneNode.h"
#include "ICursorControl.h"
#include "irrString.h"
#include "irrArray.h"
#include "IMeshLoader.h"
#include "CAttributes.h"
namespace irr
namespace io
class IFileSystem;
namespace scene
class IMeshCache;
The Scene Manager manages scene nodes, mesh resources, cameras and all the other stuff.
class CSceneManager : public ISceneManager, public ISceneNode
//! constructor
CSceneManager(video::IVideoDriver* driver, io::IFileSystem* fs,
gui::ICursorControl* cursorControl, IMeshCache* cache = 0,
gui::IGUIEnvironment *guiEnvironment = 0);
//! destructor
virtual ~CSceneManager();
//! gets an animateable mesh. loads it if needed. returned pointer must not be dropped.
IAnimatedMesh* getMesh(const io::path& filename, const io::path& alternativeCacheName) override;
//! gets an animateable mesh. loads it if needed. returned pointer must not be dropped.
IAnimatedMesh* getMesh(io::IReadFile* file) override;
//! Returns an interface to the mesh cache which is shared between all existing scene managers.
IMeshCache* getMeshCache() override;
//! returns the video driver
video::IVideoDriver* getVideoDriver() override;
//! return the gui environment
gui::IGUIEnvironment* getGUIEnvironment() override;
//! return the filesystem
io::IFileSystem* getFileSystem() override;
//! adds a scene node for rendering an animated mesh model
virtual IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(IAnimatedMesh* mesh, ISceneNode* parent=0, s32 id=-1,
const core::vector3df& position = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
const core::vector3df& rotation = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
const core::vector3df& scale = core::vector3df(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f),
bool alsoAddIfMeshPointerZero=false) override;
//! adds a scene node for rendering a static mesh
//! the returned pointer must not be dropped.
virtual IMeshSceneNode* addMeshSceneNode(IMesh* mesh, ISceneNode* parent=0, s32 id=-1,
const core::vector3df& position = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
const core::vector3df& rotation = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
const core::vector3df& scale = core::vector3df(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f),
bool alsoAddIfMeshPointerZero=false) override;
//! renders the node.
void render() override;
//! returns the axis aligned bounding box of this node
const core::aabbox3d<f32>& getBoundingBox() const override;
//! registers a node for rendering it at a specific time.
u32 registerNodeForRendering(ISceneNode* node, E_SCENE_NODE_RENDER_PASS pass = ESNRP_AUTOMATIC) override;
//! Clear all nodes which are currently registered for rendering
void clearAllRegisteredNodesForRendering() override;
//! draws all scene nodes
void drawAll() override;
//! Adds a camera scene node to the tree and sets it as active camera.
//! \param position: Position of the space relative to its parent where the camera will be placed.
//! \param lookat: Position where the camera will look at. Also known as target.
//! \param parent: Parent scene node of the camera. Can be null. If the parent moves,
//! the camera will move too.
//! \return Pointer to interface to camera
virtual ICameraSceneNode* addCameraSceneNode(ISceneNode* parent = 0,
const core::vector3df& position = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
const core::vector3df& lookat = core::vector3df(0,0,100),
s32 id=-1, bool makeActive=true) override;
//! Adds a billboard scene node to the scene. A billboard is like a 3d sprite: A 2d element,
//! which always looks to the camera. It is usually used for things like explosions, fire,
//! lensflares and things like that.
virtual IBillboardSceneNode* addBillboardSceneNode(ISceneNode* parent = 0,
const core::dimension2d<f32>& size = core::dimension2d<f32>(10.0f, 10.0f),
const core::vector3df& position = core::vector3df(0,0,0), s32 id=-1,
video::SColor shadeTop = 0xFFFFFFFF, video::SColor shadeBottom = 0xFFFFFFFF) override;
//! Adds a dummy transformation scene node to the scene graph.
virtual IDummyTransformationSceneNode* addDummyTransformationSceneNode(
ISceneNode* parent=0, s32 id=-1) override;
//! Adds an empty scene node.
ISceneNode* addEmptySceneNode(ISceneNode* parent, s32 id=-1) override;
//! Returns the root scene node. This is the scene node which is parent
//! of all scene nodes. The root scene node is a special scene node which
//! only exists to manage all scene nodes. It is not rendered and cannot
//! be removed from the scene.
//! \return Pointer to the root scene node.
ISceneNode* getRootSceneNode() override;
//! Returns the current active camera.
//! \return The active camera is returned. Note that this can be NULL, if there
//! was no camera created yet.
ICameraSceneNode* getActiveCamera() const override;
//! Sets the active camera. The previous active camera will be deactivated.
//! \param camera: The new camera which should be active.
void setActiveCamera(ICameraSceneNode* camera) override;
//! Adds an external mesh loader.
void addExternalMeshLoader(IMeshLoader* externalLoader) override;
//! Returns the number of mesh loaders supported by Irrlicht at this time
u32 getMeshLoaderCount() const override;
//! Retrieve the given mesh loader
IMeshLoader* getMeshLoader(u32 index) const override;
//! Returns a pointer to the scene collision manager.
ISceneCollisionManager* getSceneCollisionManager() override;
//! Returns a pointer to the mesh manipulator.
IMeshManipulator* getMeshManipulator() override;
//! Adds a scene node to the deletion queue.
void addToDeletionQueue(ISceneNode* node) override;
//! Returns the first scene node with the specified id.
ISceneNode* getSceneNodeFromId(s32 id, ISceneNode* start=0) override;
//! Returns the first scene node with the specified name.
ISceneNode* getSceneNodeFromName(const c8* name, ISceneNode* start=0) override;
//! Returns the first scene node with the specified type.
ISceneNode* getSceneNodeFromType(scene::ESCENE_NODE_TYPE type, ISceneNode* start=0) override;
//! returns scene nodes by type.
void getSceneNodesFromType(ESCENE_NODE_TYPE type, core::array<scene::ISceneNode*>& outNodes, ISceneNode* start=0) override;
//! Posts an input event to the environment. Usually you do not have to
//! use this method, it is used by the internal engine.
bool postEventFromUser(const SEvent& event) override;
//! Clears the whole scene. All scene nodes are removed.
void clear() override;
//! Removes all children of this scene node
void removeAll() override;
//! Returns interface to the parameters set in this scene.
io::IAttributes* getParameters() override;
//! Returns current render pass.
E_SCENE_NODE_RENDER_PASS getSceneNodeRenderPass() const override;
//! Creates a new scene manager.
ISceneManager* createNewSceneManager(bool cloneContent) override;
//! Returns type of the scene node
ESCENE_NODE_TYPE getType() const override { return ESNT_SCENE_MANAGER; }
//! Returns a mesh writer implementation if available
IMeshWriter* createMeshWriter(EMESH_WRITER_TYPE type) override;
//! Get a skinned mesh, which is not available as header-only code
ISkinnedMesh* createSkinnedMesh() override;
//! Sets ambient color of the scene
void setAmbientLight(const video::SColorf &ambientColor) override;
//! Returns ambient color of the scene
const video::SColorf& getAmbientLight() const override;
//! Get current render time.
E_SCENE_NODE_RENDER_PASS getCurrentRenderPass() const override { return CurrentRenderPass; }
//! Set current render time.
void setCurrentRenderPass(E_SCENE_NODE_RENDER_PASS nextPass) override { CurrentRenderPass = nextPass; }
//! returns if node is culled
bool isCulled(const ISceneNode* node) const override;
// load and create a mesh which we know already isn't in the cache and put it in there
IAnimatedMesh* getUncachedMesh(io::IReadFile* file, const io::path& filename, const io::path& cachename);
//! clears the deletion list
void clearDeletionList();
struct DefaultNodeEntry
{ }
DefaultNodeEntry(ISceneNode* n) :
Node(n), TextureValue(0)
if (n->getMaterialCount())
TextureValue = (n->getMaterial(0).getTexture(0));
bool operator < (const DefaultNodeEntry& other) const
return (TextureValue < other.TextureValue);
ISceneNode* Node;
void* TextureValue;
//! sort on distance (center) to camera
struct TransparentNodeEntry
{ }
TransparentNodeEntry(ISceneNode* n, const core::vector3df& camera)
: Node(n)
Distance = Node->getAbsoluteTransformation().getTranslation().getDistanceFromSQ(camera);
bool operator < (const TransparentNodeEntry& other) const
return Distance > other.Distance;
ISceneNode* Node;
f64 Distance;
//! sort on distance (sphere) to camera
struct DistanceNodeEntry
DistanceNodeEntry(ISceneNode* n, const core::vector3df& cameraPos)
: Node(n)
setNodeAndDistanceFromPosition(n, cameraPos);
bool operator < (const DistanceNodeEntry& other) const
return Distance < other.Distance;
void setNodeAndDistanceFromPosition(ISceneNode* n, const core::vector3df & fromPosition)
Node = n;
Distance = Node->getAbsoluteTransformation().getTranslation().getDistanceFromSQ(fromPosition);
Distance -= Node->getBoundingBox().getExtent().getLengthSQ() * 0.5;
ISceneNode* Node;
f64 Distance;
//! video driver
video::IVideoDriver* Driver;
//! file system
io::IFileSystem* FileSystem;
//! GUI Enviroment ( Debug Purpose )
gui::IGUIEnvironment* GUIEnvironment;
//! cursor control
gui::ICursorControl* CursorControl;
//! collision manager
ISceneCollisionManager* CollisionManager;
//! render pass lists
core::array<ISceneNode*> CameraList;
core::array<ISceneNode*> SkyBoxList;
core::array<DefaultNodeEntry> SolidNodeList;
core::array<TransparentNodeEntry> TransparentNodeList;
core::array<TransparentNodeEntry> TransparentEffectNodeList;
core::array<ISceneNode*> GuiNodeList;
core::array<IMeshLoader*> MeshLoaderList;
core::array<ISceneNode*> DeletionList;
//! current active camera
ICameraSceneNode* ActiveCamera;
core::vector3df camWorldPos; // Position of camera for transparent nodes.
video::SColor ShadowColor;
video::SColorf AmbientLight;
//! String parameters
// NOTE: Attributes are slow and should only be used for debug-info and not in release
io::CAttributes* Parameters;
//! Mesh cache
IMeshCache* MeshCache;
} // end namespace video
} // end namespace scene