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// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IColladaMeshWriter.h"
#include "S3DVertex.h"
#include "irrMap.h"
#include "IVideoDriver.h"
namespace irr
namespace io
class IXMLWriter;
class IFileSystem;
namespace scene
//! Callback interface for properties which can be used to influence collada writing
// (Implementer note: keep namespace labels here to make it easier for users copying this one)
class CColladaMeshWriterProperties : public virtual IColladaMeshWriterProperties
//! Which lighting model should be used in the technique (FX) section when exporting effects (materials)
virtual irr::scene::E_COLLADA_TECHNIQUE_FX getTechniqueFx(const irr::video::SMaterial& material) const;
//! Which texture index should be used when writing the texture of the given sampler color.
virtual irr::s32 getTextureIdx(const irr::video::SMaterial & material, irr::scene::E_COLLADA_COLOR_SAMPLER cs) const;
//! Return which color from Irrlicht should be used for the color requested by collada
virtual irr::scene::E_COLLADA_IRR_COLOR getColorMapping(const irr::video::SMaterial & material, irr::scene::E_COLLADA_COLOR_SAMPLER cs) const;
//! Return custom colors for certain color types requested by collada.
virtual irr::video::SColor getCustomColor(const irr::video::SMaterial & material, irr::scene::E_COLLADA_COLOR_SAMPLER cs) const;
//! Return the settings for transparence
virtual irr::scene::E_COLLADA_TRANSPARENT_FX getTransparentFx(const irr::video::SMaterial& material) const;
//! Transparency value for that material.
virtual irr::f32 getTransparency(const irr::video::SMaterial& material) const;
//! Reflectivity value for that material
virtual irr::f32 getReflectivity(const irr::video::SMaterial& material) const;
//! Return index of refraction for that material
virtual irr::f32 getIndexOfRefraction(const irr::video::SMaterial& material) const;
//! Should node be used in scene export? By default all visible nodes are exported.
virtual bool isExportable(const irr::scene::ISceneNode * node) const;
//! Return the mesh for the given nod. If it has no mesh or shouldn't export it's mesh return 0.
virtual irr::scene::IMesh* getMesh(irr::scene::ISceneNode * node);
//! Return if the node has it's own material overwriting the mesh-materials
virtual bool useNodeMaterial(const scene::ISceneNode* node) const;
class CColladaMeshWriterNames : public virtual IColladaMeshWriterNames
CColladaMeshWriterNames(IColladaMeshWriter * writer);
virtual irr::core::stringw nameForMesh(const scene::IMesh* mesh, int instance);
virtual irr::core::stringw nameForNode(const scene::ISceneNode* node);
virtual irr::core::stringw nameForMaterial(const video::SMaterial & material, int materialId, const scene::IMesh* mesh, const scene::ISceneNode* node);
irr::core::stringw nameForPtr(const void* ptr) const;
IColladaMeshWriter * ColladaMeshWriter;
//! class to write meshes, implementing a COLLADA (.dae, .xml) writer
/** This writer implementation has been originally developed for irrEdit and then
merged out to the Irrlicht Engine */
class CColladaMeshWriter : public IColladaMeshWriter
CColladaMeshWriter(ISceneManager * smgr, video::IVideoDriver* driver, io::IFileSystem* fs);
virtual ~CColladaMeshWriter();
//! Returns the type of the mesh writer
virtual EMESH_WRITER_TYPE getType() const;
//! writes a scene starting with the given node
virtual bool writeScene(io::IWriteFile* file, scene::ISceneNode* root);
//! writes a mesh
virtual bool writeMesh(io::IWriteFile* file, scene::IMesh* mesh, s32 flags=EMWF_NONE);
// Restrict the characters of oldString a set of allowed characters in xs::NCName and add the prefix.
virtual irr::core::stringw toNCName(const irr::core::stringw& oldString, const irr::core::stringw& prefix=irr::core::stringw(L"_NC_")) const;
void reset();
bool hasSecondTextureCoordinates(video::E_VERTEX_TYPE type) const;
void writeUv(const irr::core::vector2df& vec);
void writeVector(const irr::core::vector2df& vec);
void writeVector(const irr::core::vector3df& vec);
void writeColor(const irr::video::SColorf& colorf, bool writeAlpha=true);
inline irr::core::stringw toString(const irr::video::ECOLOR_FORMAT format) const;
inline irr::core::stringw toString(const irr::video::E_TEXTURE_CLAMP clamp) const;
inline irr::core::stringw toString(const irr::scene::E_COLLADA_TRANSPARENT_FX opaque) const;
inline irr::core::stringw toRef(const irr::core::stringw& source) const;
bool isCamera(const scene::ISceneNode* node) const;
irr::core::stringw nameForMesh(const scene::IMesh* mesh, int instance) const;
irr::core::stringw nameForNode(const scene::ISceneNode* node) const;
irr::core::stringw nameForMaterial(const video::SMaterial & material, int materialId, const scene::IMesh* mesh, const scene::ISceneNode* node);
irr::core::stringw nameForMaterialSymbol(const scene::IMesh* mesh, int materialId) const;
irr::core::stringw findCachedMaterialName(const irr::video::SMaterial& material) const;
irr::core::stringw minTexfilterToString(bool bilinear, bool trilinear) const;
irr::core::stringw magTexfilterToString(bool bilinear, bool trilinear) const;
irr::core::stringw pathToURI(const irr::io::path& path) const;
inline bool isXmlNameStartChar(wchar_t c) const;
inline bool isXmlNameChar(wchar_t c) const;
s32 getCheckedTextureIdx(const video::SMaterial & material, E_COLLADA_COLOR_SAMPLER cs);
video::SColor getColorMapping(const video::SMaterial & material, E_COLLADA_COLOR_SAMPLER cs, E_COLLADA_IRR_COLOR colType);
void writeAsset();
void makeMeshNames(irr::scene::ISceneNode * node);
void writeNodeMaterials(irr::scene::ISceneNode * node);
void writeNodeEffects(irr::scene::ISceneNode * node);
void writeNodeLights(irr::scene::ISceneNode * node);
void writeNodeCameras(irr::scene::ISceneNode * node);
void writeAllMeshGeometries();
void writeSceneNode(irr::scene::ISceneNode * node);
void writeMeshMaterials(scene::IMesh* mesh, irr::core::array<irr::core::stringw> * materialNamesOut=0);
void writeMeshEffects(scene::IMesh* mesh);
void writeMaterialEffect(const irr::core::stringw& materialname, const video::SMaterial & material);
void writeMeshGeometry(const irr::core::stringw& meshname, scene::IMesh* mesh);
void writeMeshInstanceGeometry(const irr::core::stringw& meshname, scene::IMesh* mesh, scene::ISceneNode* node=0);
void writeMaterial(const irr::core::stringw& materialname);
void writeLightInstance(const irr::core::stringw& lightName);
void writeCameraInstance(const irr::core::stringw& cameraName);
void writeLibraryImages();
void writeColorFx(const video::SMaterial & material, const wchar_t * colorname, E_COLLADA_COLOR_SAMPLER cs, const wchar_t* attr1Name=0, const wchar_t* attr1Value=0);
void writeAmbientLightElement(const video::SColorf & col);
void writeColorElement(const video::SColor & col, bool writeAlpha=true);
void writeColorElement(const video::SColorf & col, bool writeAlpha=true);
void writeTextureSampler(s32 textureIdx);
void writeFxElement(const video::SMaterial & material, E_COLLADA_TECHNIQUE_FX techFx);
void writeNode(const wchar_t * nodeName, const wchar_t * content);
void writeFloatElement(irr::f32 value);
void writeRotateElement(const irr::core::vector3df& axis, irr::f32 angle);
void writeScaleElement(const irr::core::vector3df& scale);
void writeTranslateElement(const irr::core::vector3df& translate);
void writeMatrixElement(const irr::core::matrix4& matrix);
struct SComponentGlobalStartPos
SComponentGlobalStartPos() : PosStartIndex(-1), PosLastIndex(-1),
NormalStartIndex(-1), NormalLastIndex(-1),
TCoord0StartIndex(-1), TCoord0LastIndex(-1),
TCoord1StartIndex(-1), TCoord1LastIndex(-1)
{ }
s32 PosStartIndex;
s32 PosLastIndex;
s32 NormalStartIndex;
s32 NormalLastIndex;
s32 TCoord0StartIndex;
s32 TCoord0LastIndex;
s32 TCoord1StartIndex;
s32 TCoord1LastIndex;
io::IFileSystem* FileSystem;
video::IVideoDriver* VideoDriver;
io::IXMLWriter* Writer;
core::array<video::ITexture*> LibraryImages;
io::path Directory;
// Helper struct for creating geometry copies for the ECGI_PER_MESH_AND_MATERIAL settings.
struct SGeometryMeshMaterials
bool equals(const core::array<irr::core::stringw>& names) const
if ( names.size() != MaterialNames.size() )
return false;
for ( irr::u32 i=0; i<MaterialNames.size(); ++i )
if ( names[i] != MaterialNames[i] )
return false;
return true;
irr::core::stringw GeometryName; // replacing the usual ColladaMesh::Name
core::array<irr::core::stringw> MaterialNames; // Material names exported for this instance
core::array<const ISceneNode*> MaterialOwners; // Nodes using this specific mesh-material combination
// Check per mesh-ptr if stuff has been written for this mesh already
struct SColladaMesh
SColladaMesh() : MaterialsWritten(false), EffectsWritten(false)
SGeometryMeshMaterials * findGeometryMeshMaterials(const irr::core::array<irr::core::stringw> materialNames)
for ( irr::u32 i=0; i<GeometryMeshMaterials.size(); ++i )
if ( GeometryMeshMaterials[i].equals(materialNames) )
return &(GeometryMeshMaterials[i]);
return NULL;
const irr::core::stringw& findGeometryNameForNode(const ISceneNode* node) const
if ( GeometryMeshMaterials.size() < 2 )
return Name;
for ( irr::u32 i=0; i<GeometryMeshMaterials.size(); ++i )
if ( GeometryMeshMaterials[i].MaterialOwners.linear_search(node) >= 0 )
return GeometryMeshMaterials[i].GeometryName;
return Name; // (shouldn't get here usually)
irr::core::stringw Name;
bool MaterialsWritten; // just an optimization doing that here in addition to the MaterialsWritten map
bool EffectsWritten; // just an optimization doing that here in addition to the EffectsWritten map
core::array<SGeometryMeshMaterials> GeometryMeshMaterials;
typedef core::map<IMesh*, SColladaMesh>::Node MeshNode;
core::map<IMesh*, SColladaMesh> Meshes;
// structure for the lights library
struct SColladaLight
SColladaLight() {}
irr::core::stringw Name;
typedef core::map<ISceneNode*, SColladaLight>::Node LightNode;
core::map<ISceneNode*, SColladaLight> LightNodes;
// structure for the camera library
typedef core::map<ISceneNode*, irr::core::stringw>::Node CameraNode;
core::map<ISceneNode*, irr::core::stringw> CameraNodes;
// Check per name if stuff has been written already
// TODO: second parameter not needed, we just don't have a core::set class yet in Irrlicht
core::map<irr::core::stringw, bool> MaterialsWritten;
core::map<irr::core::stringw, bool> EffectsWritten;
// Cache material names
struct MaterialName
MaterialName(const irr::video::SMaterial & material, const irr::core::stringw& name)
: Material(material), Name(name)
irr::video::SMaterial Material;
irr::core::stringw Name;
irr::core::array< MaterialName > MaterialNameCache;
} // end namespace
} // end namespace