
760 lines
22 KiB

#include "tiny_gltf.h"
// Nlohmann json(include ../json.hpp)
#include "json.hpp"
#define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN // This tells Catch to provide a main() - only do this in one cpp file
#include "catch.hpp"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
static tinygltf::detail::JsonDocument JsonConstruct(const char* str)
tinygltf::detail::JsonDocument doc;
tinygltf::detail::JsonParse(doc, str, strlen(str));
return doc;
TEST_CASE("parse-error", "[parse]") {
tinygltf::Model model;
tinygltf::TinyGLTF ctx;
std::string err;
std::string warn;
bool ret = ctx.LoadASCIIFromString(&model, &err, &warn, "bora", static_cast<int>(strlen("bora")), /* basedir*/ "");
REQUIRE(false == ret);
TEST_CASE("datauri-in-glb", "[issue-79]") {
tinygltf::Model model;
tinygltf::TinyGLTF ctx;
std::string err;
std::string warn;
bool ret = ctx.LoadBinaryFromFile(&model, &err, &warn, "../models/box01.glb");
if (!err.empty()) {
std::cerr << err << std::endl;
REQUIRE(true == ret);
TEST_CASE("extension-with-empty-object", "[issue-97]") {
tinygltf::Model model;
tinygltf::TinyGLTF ctx;
std::string err;
std::string warn;
bool ret = ctx.LoadASCIIFromFile(&model, &err, &warn, "../models/Extensions-issue97/test.gltf");
if (!err.empty()) {
std::cerr << err << std::endl;
REQUIRE(true == ret);
REQUIRE(model.extensionsUsed.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(model.extensionsUsed[0].compare("VENDOR_material_some_ext") == 0);
REQUIRE(model.materials.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(model.materials[0].extensions.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(model.materials[0].extensions.count("VENDOR_material_some_ext") == 1);
// TODO(syoyo): create temp directory.
ret = ctx.WriteGltfSceneToFile(&model, "issue-97.gltf", true, true);
REQUIRE(true == ret);
tinygltf::Model m;
// read back serialized glTF
bool ret = ctx.LoadASCIIFromFile(&m, &err, &warn, "issue-97.gltf");
if (!err.empty()) {
std::cerr << err << std::endl;
REQUIRE(true == ret);
REQUIRE(m.extensionsUsed.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(m.extensionsUsed[0].compare("VENDOR_material_some_ext") == 0);
REQUIRE(m.materials.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(m.materials[0].extensions.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(m.materials[0].extensions.count("VENDOR_material_some_ext") == 1);
TEST_CASE("extension-overwrite", "[issue-261]") {
tinygltf::Model model;
tinygltf::TinyGLTF ctx;
std::string err;
std::string warn;
bool ret = ctx.LoadASCIIFromFile(&model, &err, &warn, "../models/Extensions-overwrite-issue261/issue-261.gltf");
if (!err.empty()) {
std::cerr << err << std::endl;
REQUIRE(true == ret);
REQUIRE(model.extensionsUsed.size() == 3);
bool has_ext_lights = false;
has_ext_lights |= (model.extensionsUsed[0].compare("KHR_lights_punctual") == 0);
has_ext_lights |= (model.extensionsUsed[1].compare("KHR_lights_punctual") == 0);
has_ext_lights |= (model.extensionsUsed[2].compare("KHR_lights_punctual") == 0);
REQUIRE(true == has_ext_lights);
REQUIRE(model.extensions.size() == 2);
// TODO(syoyo): create temp directory.
ret = ctx.WriteGltfSceneToFile(&model, "issue-261.gltf", true, true);
REQUIRE(true == ret);
tinygltf::Model m;
// read back serialized glTF
bool ret = ctx.LoadASCIIFromFile(&m, &err, &warn, "issue-261.gltf");
if (!err.empty()) {
std::cerr << err << std::endl;
REQUIRE(true == ret);
REQUIRE(m.extensionsUsed.size() == 3);
REQUIRE(m.extensions.size() == 2);
TEST_CASE("invalid-primitive-indices", "[bounds-checking]") {
tinygltf::Model model;
tinygltf::TinyGLTF ctx;
std::string err;
std::string warn;
// Loading is expected to fail, but not crash.
bool ret = ctx.LoadASCIIFromFile(
&model, &err, &warn,
Catch::Contains("primitive indices accessor out of bounds"));
TEST_CASE("invalid-buffer-view-index", "[bounds-checking]") {
tinygltf::Model model;
tinygltf::TinyGLTF ctx;
std::string err;
std::string warn;
// Loading is expected to fail, but not crash.
bool ret = ctx.LoadASCIIFromFile(
&model, &err, &warn,
REQUIRE_THAT(err, Catch::Contains("accessor[0] invalid bufferView"));
TEST_CASE("invalid-buffer-index", "[bounds-checking]") {
tinygltf::Model model;
tinygltf::TinyGLTF ctx;
std::string err;
std::string warn;
// Loading is expected to fail, but not crash.
bool ret = ctx.LoadASCIIFromFile(
&model, &err, &warn,
err, Catch::Contains("image[0] buffer \"1\" not found in the scene."));
TEST_CASE("glb-invalid-length", "[bounds-checking]") {
tinygltf::Model model;
tinygltf::TinyGLTF ctx;
std::string err;
std::string warn;
// This glb has a much longer length than the provided data and should fail
// initial range checks.
const unsigned char glb_invalid_length[] = "glTF"
"\x20\x00\x00\x00" "\x6c\x66\x00\x00" //
// | version | length |
"\x02\x00\x00\x00" "\x4a\x53\x4f\x4e{}"; //
// | model length | model format |
bool ret = ctx.LoadBinaryFromMemory(&model, &err, &warn, glb_invalid_length,
REQUIRE_THAT(err, Catch::Contains("Invalid glTF binary."));
TEST_CASE("integer-out-of-bounds", "[bounds-checking]") {
tinygltf::Model model;
tinygltf::TinyGLTF ctx;
std::string err;
std::string warn;
// Loading is expected to fail, but not crash.
bool ret = ctx.LoadASCIIFromFile(
&model, &err, &warn,
REQUIRE_THAT(err, Catch::Contains("not a positive integer"));
TEST_CASE("parse-integer", "[bounds-checking]") {
SECTION("parses valid numbers") {
std::string err;
int result = 123;
CHECK(tinygltf::ParseIntegerProperty(&result, &err, JsonConstruct("{\"zero\" : 0}"), "zero",
REQUIRE(err == "");
REQUIRE(result == 0);
CHECK(tinygltf::ParseIntegerProperty(&result, &err, JsonConstruct("{\"int\": -1234}"), "int",
REQUIRE(err == "");
REQUIRE(result == -1234);
SECTION("detects missing properties") {
std::string err;
int result = -1;
CHECK_FALSE(tinygltf::ParseIntegerProperty(&result, &err, JsonConstruct(""), "int", true));
REQUIRE_THAT(err, Catch::Contains("'int' property is missing"));
REQUIRE(result == -1);
SECTION("handled missing but not required properties") {
std::string err;
int result = -1;
tinygltf::ParseIntegerProperty(&result, &err, JsonConstruct(""), "int", false));
REQUIRE(err == "");
REQUIRE(result == -1);
SECTION("invalid integers") {
std::string err;
int result = -1;
CHECK_FALSE(tinygltf::ParseIntegerProperty(&result, &err, JsonConstruct("{\"int\": 0.5}"),
"int", true));
REQUIRE_THAT(err, Catch::Contains("not an integer type"));
// Excessively large values and NaN aren't allowed either.
CHECK_FALSE(tinygltf::ParseIntegerProperty(&result, &err, JsonConstruct("{\"int\": 1e300}"),
"int", true));
REQUIRE_THAT(err, Catch::Contains("not an integer type"));
tinygltf::detail::JsonDocument o;
double nan = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
tinygltf::detail::JsonAddMember(o, "int", tinygltf::detail::json(nan));
&result, &err, o,
"int", true));
REQUIRE_THAT(err, Catch::Contains("not an integer type"));
TEST_CASE("parse-unsigned", "[bounds-checking]") {
SECTION("parses valid unsigned integers") {
// Use string-based parsing here, using the initializer list syntax doesn't
// parse 0 as unsigned.
auto zero_obj = JsonConstruct("{\"zero\": 0}");
std::string err;
size_t result = 123;
tinygltf::ParseUnsignedProperty(&result, &err, zero_obj, "zero", true));
REQUIRE(err == "");
REQUIRE(result == 0);
SECTION("invalid integers") {
std::string err;
size_t result = -1;
CHECK_FALSE(tinygltf::ParseUnsignedProperty(&result, &err, JsonConstruct("{\"int\": -1234}"),
"int", true));
REQUIRE_THAT(err, Catch::Contains("not a positive integer"));
CHECK_FALSE(tinygltf::ParseUnsignedProperty(&result, &err, JsonConstruct("{\"int\": 0.5}"),
"int", true));
REQUIRE_THAT(err, Catch::Contains("not a positive integer"));
// Excessively large values and NaN aren't allowed either.
CHECK_FALSE(tinygltf::ParseUnsignedProperty(&result, &err, JsonConstruct("{\"int\": 1e300}"),
"int", true));
REQUIRE_THAT(err, Catch::Contains("not a positive integer"));
tinygltf::detail::JsonDocument o;
double nan = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
tinygltf::detail::JsonAddMember(o, "int", tinygltf::detail::json(nan));
&result, &err, o,
"int", true));
REQUIRE_THAT(err, Catch::Contains("not a positive integer"));
TEST_CASE("parse-integer-array", "[bounds-checking]") {
SECTION("parses valid integers") {
std::string err;
std::vector<int> result;
CHECK(tinygltf::ParseIntegerArrayProperty(&result, &err,
JsonConstruct("{\"x\": [-1, 2, 3]}"), "x", true));
REQUIRE(err == "");
REQUIRE(result.size() == 3);
REQUIRE(result[0] == -1);
REQUIRE(result[1] == 2);
REQUIRE(result[2] == 3);
SECTION("invalid integers") {
std::string err;
std::vector<int> result;
&result, &err, JsonConstruct("{\"x\": [-1, 1e300, 3]}"), "x", true));
REQUIRE_THAT(err, Catch::Contains("not an integer type"));
TEST_CASE("pbr-khr-texture-transform", "[material]") {
tinygltf::Model model;
tinygltf::TinyGLTF ctx;
std::string err;
std::string warn;
// Loading is expected to fail, but not crash.
bool ret = ctx.LoadASCIIFromFile(
&model, &err, &warn,
REQUIRE(ret == true);
REQUIRE(model.materials.size() == 2);
REQUIRE(model.materials[0].emissiveTexture.extensions.count("KHR_texture_transform") == 1);
tinygltf::Value::Object &texform = model.materials[0].emissiveTexture.extensions["KHR_texture_transform"].Get<tinygltf::Value::Object>();
// Note: It looks json.hpp parse integer JSON number as integer, not floating point.
// IsNumber return true either value is int or floating point.
double scale[2];
scale[0] = texform["scale"].Get(0).GetNumberAsDouble();
scale[1] = texform["scale"].Get(1).GetNumberAsDouble();
REQUIRE(scale[0] == Approx(1.0));
REQUIRE(scale[1] == Approx(-1.0));
TEST_CASE("image-uri-spaces", "[issue-236]") {
tinygltf::TinyGLTF ctx;
std::string err;
std::string warn;
// Test image file with single spaces.
tinygltf::Model model;
bool ret = ctx.LoadASCIIFromFile(
&model, &err, &warn,
if (!warn.empty()) {
std::cerr << warn << std::endl;
if (!err.empty()) {
std::cerr << err << std::endl;
REQUIRE(true == ret);
REQUIRE(model.images.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(model.images[0].uri.find(' ') != std::string::npos);
// Test image file with a beginning space, trailing space, and greater than
// one consecutive spaces.
tinygltf::Model model;
bool ret = ctx.LoadASCIIFromFile(
&model, &err, &warn,
if (!warn.empty()) {
std::cerr << warn << std::endl;
if (!err.empty()) {
std::cerr << err << std::endl;
REQUIRE(true == ret);
REQUIRE(model.images.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(model.images[0].uri.size() > 1);
REQUIRE(model.images[0].uri[0] == ' ');
// Test the URI encoding API by saving and re-load the file, without embedding
// the image.
// TODO(syoyo): create temp directory.
// Encoder that only replaces spaces with "%20".
auto uriencode = [](const std::string &in_uri,
const std::string &object_type, std::string *out_uri,
void *user_data) -> bool {
bool imageOrBuffer = object_type == "image" || object_type == "buffer";
REQUIRE(true == imageOrBuffer);
*out_uri = {};
for (char c : in_uri) {
if (c == ' ')
*out_uri += "%20";
*out_uri += c;
return true;
// Remove the buffer URI, so a new one is generated based on the gltf
// filename and then encoded with the above callback.
tinygltf::URICallbacks uri_cb{uriencode, tinygltf::URIDecode, nullptr};
ret = ctx.WriteGltfSceneToFile(&model, " issue-236.gltf", false, false);
REQUIRE(true == ret);
// read back serialized glTF
tinygltf::Model saved;
bool ret = ctx.LoadASCIIFromFile(&saved, &err, &warn, " issue-236.gltf");
if (!err.empty()) {
std::cerr << err << std::endl;
REQUIRE(true == ret);
REQUIRE(!warn.empty()); // relative image path won't exist in tests/
REQUIRE(saved.images.size() == model.images.size());
// The image uri in CubeImageUriMultipleSpaces.gltf is not encoded and
// should be different after encoding spaces with %20.
REQUIRE(model.images[0].uri != saved.images[0].uri);
// Verify the image path remains the same after uri decoding
std::string image_uri, image_uri_saved;
(void)tinygltf::URIDecode(model.images[0].uri, &image_uri, nullptr);
(void)tinygltf::URIDecode(saved.images[0].uri, &image_uri_saved, nullptr);
REQUIRE(image_uri == image_uri_saved);
// Verify the buffer's generated and encoded URI
REQUIRE(saved.buffers.size() == model.buffers.size());
REQUIRE(saved.buffers[0].uri == "%20issue-236.bin");
TEST_CASE("serialize-empty-material", "[issue-294]") {
tinygltf::Model m;
tinygltf::Material mat;
mat.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorFactor = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}; // default baseColorFactor
std::stringstream os;
tinygltf::TinyGLTF ctx;
bool ret = ctx.WriteGltfSceneToStream(&m, os, false, false);
REQUIRE(true == ret);
// use nlohmann json
nlohmann::json j = nlohmann::json::parse(os.str());
REQUIRE(1 == j["materials"].size());
TEST_CASE("empty-skeleton-id", "[issue-321]") {
tinygltf::Model model;
tinygltf::TinyGLTF ctx;
std::string err;
std::string warn;
bool ret = ctx.LoadASCIIFromFile(&model, &err, &warn, "../models/regression/unassigned-skeleton.gltf");
if (!err.empty()) {
std::cerr << err << std::endl;
REQUIRE(true == ret);
REQUIRE(model.skins.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(model.skins[0].skeleton == -1); // unassigned
std::stringstream os;
ret = ctx.WriteGltfSceneToStream(&model, os, false, false);
REQUIRE(true == ret);
// use nlohmann json
nlohmann::json j = nlohmann::json::parse(os.str());
// Ensure `skeleton` property is not written to .gltf(was serialized as -1)
REQUIRE(1 == j["skins"].size());
REQUIRE(j["skins"][0].count("skeleton") == 0);
TEST_CASE("expandpath-utf-8", "[pr-226]") {
std::string s1 = "\xe5\xaf\xb9"; // utf-8 string
std::string ret = tinygltf::ExpandFilePath(s1, /* userdata */nullptr);
// expected: E5 AF B9
REQUIRE(3 == ret.size());
REQUIRE(0xe5 == static_cast<uint8_t>(ret[0]));
REQUIRE(0xaf == static_cast<uint8_t>(ret[1]));
REQUIRE(0xb9 == static_cast<uint8_t>(ret[2]));
TEST_CASE("empty-bin-buffer", "[issue-382]") {
tinygltf::Model model;
tinygltf::TinyGLTF ctx;
std::string err;
std::string warn;
tinygltf::Model model_empty;
std::stringstream stream;
bool ret = ctx.WriteGltfSceneToStream(&model_empty, stream, false, true);
REQUIRE(ret == true);
std::string str = stream.str();
const unsigned char* bytes = (unsigned char*);
ret = ctx.LoadBinaryFromMemory(&model, &err, &warn, bytes, str.size());
if (!err.empty()) {
std::cerr << err << std::endl;
REQUIRE(true == ret);
tinygltf::Model model_empty_buffer;
stream = std::stringstream();
ret = ctx.WriteGltfSceneToStream(&model_empty_buffer, stream, false, true);
REQUIRE(ret == true);
str = stream.str();
bytes = (unsigned char*);
ret = ctx.LoadBinaryFromMemory(&model, &err, &warn, bytes, str.size());
if (err.empty()) {
std::cerr << "there should have been an error reported" << std::endl;
REQUIRE(false == ret);
tinygltf::Model model_single_byte_buffer;
tinygltf::Buffer buffer;;
stream = std::stringstream();
ret = ctx.WriteGltfSceneToStream(&model_single_byte_buffer, stream, false, true);
REQUIRE(ret == true);
str = stream.str();
std::ofstream ofs("tmp.glb");
ofs.write(, str.size());
bytes = (unsigned char*);
ret = ctx.LoadBinaryFromMemory(&model_single_byte_buffer, &err, &warn, bytes, str.size());
if (!err.empty()) {
std::cerr << err << std::endl;
REQUIRE(true == ret);
TEST_CASE("serialize-const-image", "[issue-394]") {
tinygltf::Model m;
tinygltf::Image i;
i.width = 1;
i.height = 1;
i.component = 4;
i.bits = 8;
i.image = {255, 255, 255, 255};
i.uri = "image.png";
std::stringstream os;
tinygltf::TinyGLTF ctx;
bool ret = ctx.WriteGltfSceneToStream(const_cast<const tinygltf::Model *>(&m), os, false,
REQUIRE(true == ret);
REQUIRE(m.images[0].uri == i.uri);
// use nlohmann json
nlohmann::json j = nlohmann::json::parse(os.str());
REQUIRE(1 == j["images"].size());
REQUIRE(j["images"][0]["uri"].get<std::string>() != i.uri);
REQUIRE(j["images"][0]["uri"].get<std::string>().rfind("data:", 0) == 0);
TEST_CASE("serialize-image-callback", "[issue-394]") {
tinygltf::Model m;
tinygltf::Image i;
i.width = 1;
i.height = 1;
i.bits = 32;
i.image = {255, 255, 255, 255};
i.uri = "foo";
std::stringstream os;
auto writer = [](const std::string *basepath, const std::string *filename,
const tinygltf::Image *image, bool embedImages,
const tinygltf::URICallbacks *uri_cb, std::string *out_uri,
void *user_pointer) -> bool {
REQUIRE(*filename == "foo");
REQUIRE(embedImages == true);
REQUIRE(user_pointer == (void *)0xba5e1e55);
*out_uri = "bar";
return true;
tinygltf::TinyGLTF ctx;
ctx.SetImageWriter(writer, (void *)0xba5e1e55);
bool result = ctx.WriteGltfSceneToStream(const_cast<const tinygltf::Model *>(&m), os, false,
// use nlohmann json
nlohmann::json j = nlohmann::json::parse(os.str());
REQUIRE(true == result);
REQUIRE(1 == j["images"].size());
REQUIRE(j["images"][0]["uri"].get<std::string>() == "bar");
TEST_CASE("serialize-image-failure", "[issue-394]") {
tinygltf::Model m;
tinygltf::Image i;
// Set some data so the ImageWriter callback will be called
i.image = {255, 255, 255, 255};
std::stringstream os;
auto writer = [](const std::string *basepath, const std::string *filename,
const tinygltf::Image *image, bool embedImages,
const tinygltf::URICallbacks *uri_cb, std::string *out_uri,
void *user_pointer) -> bool {
return false;
tinygltf::TinyGLTF ctx;
ctx.SetImageWriter(writer, (void *)0xba5e1e55);
bool result = ctx.WriteGltfSceneToStream(const_cast<const tinygltf::Model *>(&m), os, false,
REQUIRE(false == result);
REQUIRE(os.str().size() == 0);
TEST_CASE("filesize-check", "[issue-416]") {
tinygltf::Model model;
tinygltf::TinyGLTF ctx;
std::string err;
std::string warn;
ctx.SetMaxExternalFileSize(10); // 10 bytes. will fail to load texture image.
bool ret = ctx.LoadASCIIFromFile(&model, &err, &warn, "../models/Cube/Cube.gltf");
if (!err.empty()) {
std::cerr << err << std::endl;
REQUIRE(false == ret);
TEST_CASE("load-issue-416-model", "[issue-416]") {
tinygltf::Model model;
tinygltf::TinyGLTF ctx;
std::string err;
std::string warn;
bool ret = ctx.LoadASCIIFromFile(&model, &err, &warn, "issue-416.gltf");
if (!warn.empty()) {
std::cout << "WARN:" << warn << std::endl;
if (!err.empty()) {
std::cerr << "ERR:" << err << std::endl;
// external file load fails, but reading glTF itself is ok.
REQUIRE(true == ret);