jordan4ibanez 77b0021dd9 Note
2023-11-28 08:42:06 -05:00

664 lines
18 KiB

#include "CB3DJSONMeshFileLoader.h"
#include "coreutil.h"
#include "IAnimatedMesh.h"
#include "SB3DStructs.h"
#include "S3DVertex.h"
#include "SAnimatedMesh.h"
#include "SColor.h"
#include "CMeshBuffer.h"
#include "SMesh.h"
#include "vector3d.h"
#include "quaternion.h"
#include "IReadFile.h"
#include "path.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "os.h"
#include <string>
#include "json/json.hpp"
#include <array>
#include <tuple>
using json = nlohmann::json;
namespace irr
namespace scene
//! Remember to remove this function. It's very dumb.
void println(const char* data) {
void println(std::string data) {
printf((data + "\n").c_str());
const char * const boolToString(bool b)
return b ? "true" : "false";
// Class methods.
bool CB3DJSONMeshFileLoader::isALoadableFileExtension(
const io::path& fileName) const
//* we could do multiple accepted extensions, like b3dj jb3d, j3d, etc. Talk with core devs about this.
//? For now, just JSON because it has vscode linting.
return core::hasFileExtension(fileName, "json");
* Simple error builder for Vec2, Vec3, and Quaternion.
std::string buildVectorError(std::string key, int index, int width) {
if (index == -1) {
return std::string("Error, " + key + " is missing!");
std::string component;
switch (index) {
case 0:
component = "X";
case 1:
component = "Y";
case 2:
component = "Z";
case 3:
component = "W";
return std::string("Error, " + component + " in " + key + "is not a number! " + key + " must be an array of " + std::to_string(width) + " numbers!");
* Returns (success, failure reason).
std::tuple<bool, std::string> grabVec2f(json data, std::string key, irr::core::vector2df& refVec) {
// todo: make a CurrentElement thing in the class header so that we can print nice debug info.
if (data.contains(key) && data[key].is_array() && data[key].size() == 2) {
auto jsonVec2 = data[key];
int i = 0;
for (auto reference = jsonVec2.begin(); reference != jsonVec2.end(); ++reference) {
auto value = *reference;
// Can take integer OR float.
if (!value.is_number()) {
return {false, buildVectorError(key, i, 2)};
switch (i){
case 0:
refVec.X = value;
case 1:
refVec.Y = value;
} else {
return {false, buildVectorError(key, -1, 2)};
return {true, ""};
* Returns (success, failure reason).
std::tuple<bool, std::string> grabVec3f(json data, std::string key, irr::core::vector3df& refVec) {
// todo: make a CurrentElement thing in the class header so that we can print nice debug info.
if (data.contains(key) && data[key].is_array() && data[key].size() == 3) {
auto jsonVec3 = data[key];
int i = 0;
for (auto reference = jsonVec3.begin(); reference != jsonVec3.end(); ++reference) {
auto value = *reference;
// Can take integer OR float.
if (!value.is_number()) {
return {false, buildVectorError(key, i, 3)};
switch (i){
case 0:
refVec.X = value;
case 1:
refVec.Y = value;
case 2:
refVec.Z = value;
} else {
return {false, buildVectorError(key, -1, 3)};
return {true, ""};
* Returns (success, failure reason).
std::tuple<bool, std::string> grabQuaternionf(json data, std::string key, irr::core::quaternion& refQuat) {
if (data.contains(key) && data[key].is_array() && data[key].size() == 4) {
auto jsonQuat = data[key];
int i = 0;
for (auto reference = jsonQuat.begin(); reference != jsonQuat.end(); ++reference) {
auto value = *reference;
// Can take integer OR float.
if (!value.is_number()) {
return {false, buildVectorError(key, i, 4)};
switch (i){
case 0:
refQuat.X = value;
case 1:
refQuat.Y = value;
case 2:
refQuat.Z = value;
case 3:
refQuat.W = value;
} else {
return {false, buildVectorError(key, -1, 4)};
return {true, ""};
// Returns (success, failure reason).
std::tuple<bool, std::string> parseNode(json data, SMeshBuffer* meshBuffer) {
auto position = irr::core::vector3df{0,0,0};
auto scale = irr::core::vector3df{1,1,1};
auto rotation = irr::core::quaternion{0,0,0,1};
auto positionResult = grabVec3f(data, "position", position);
if (!std::get<0>(positionResult)) {
return {false, std::get<1>(positionResult)};
auto scaleResult = grabVec3f(data, "scale", scale);
if (!std::get<0>(scaleResult)) {
return {false, std::get<1>(scaleResult)};
auto rotationResult = grabQuaternionf(data, "rotation", rotation);
if (!std::get<0>(rotationResult)) {
return {false, std::get<1>(rotationResult)};
return {true, ""};
* Returns (success, failure reason).
* [optional]
std::tuple<bool, std::string> CB3DJSONMeshFileLoader::readChunkBRUS() {
//? Can skip number of BRUS because JSON. :D
//? note: BRUS is an array of objects.
json brus;
// We're checking the root of the JSON structure here. So we can just peak directly into the root.
if (JSONDataContainer.contains("BRUS") && JSONDataContainer["BRUS"].is_array()) {
brus = JSONDataContainer["BRUS"];
} else {
// We also want to warn developers if they're using {} instead of [].
if (JSONDataContainer.contains("BRUS") && !JSONDataContainer["BRUS"].is_array()) {
return {false, "BRUS is not an array."};
// Since it's optional, it succeeds if it's not there.
return {true, ""};
int index = 0;
for (auto reference = brus.begin(); reference != brus.end(); ++reference) {
// b stands for brush.
json b = *reference;
if (!b.is_object()) {
return {false, "BRUS: Element " + std::to_string(index) + " is not an object."};
// This is still quite strange. Maybe just make this a reference because it would be pointing to the same memory address.
SB3dMaterial& B3DMaterial = Materials.getLast();
// This part should probably be it's own function.
//todo: look into making this it's own function.
//* Red.
if (b.contains("red") && b["red"].is_number()) { = b["red"];
} else {
if (!b.contains("red")) {
return {false, "BRUS: Element (" + std::to_string(index) + ") is missing \"red\"."};
return {false, "BRUS: Element (" + std::to_string(index) + ") \"red\" is not a number."};
//* Green.
if (b.contains("green") && b["green"].is_number()) { = b["green"];
} else {
if (!b.contains("green")) {
return {false, "BRUS: Element (" + std::to_string(index) + ") is missing \"green\"."};
return {false, "BRUS: Element (" + std::to_string(index) + ") \"green\" is not a number."};
//* Blue.
if (b.contains("blue") && b["blue"].is_number()) { = b["blue"];
} else {
if (!b.contains("blue")) {
return {false, "BRUS: Element (" + std::to_string(index) + ") is missing \"blue\"."};
return {false, "BRUS: Element (" + std::to_string(index) + ") \"blue\" is not a number."};
//* Alpha.
if (b.contains("alpha") && b["alpha"].is_number()) {
B3DMaterial.alpha = b["alpha"];
} else {
if (!b.contains("alpha")) {
return {false, "BRUS: Element (" + std::to_string(index) + ") is missing \"alpha\"."};
return {false, "BRUS: Element (" + std::to_string(index) + ") \"alpha\" is not a number."};
//* Blend.
if (b.contains("blend") && b["blend"].is_number_integer()) {
B3DMaterial.blend = b["blend"];
} else {
if (!b.contains("blend")) {
return {false, "BRUS: Element (" + std::to_string(index) + ") is missing \"blend\"."};
return {false, "BRUS: Element (" + std::to_string(index) + ") \"blend\" is not an integer."};
//* FX.
if (b.contains("fx") && b["fx"].is_number_integer()) {
B3DMaterial.fx = b["fx"];
} else {
if (!b.contains("fx")) {
return {false, "BRUS: Element (" + std::to_string(index) + ") is missing \"fx\"."};
return {false, "BRUS: Element (" + std::to_string(index) + ") \"fx\" is not an integer."};
return {true, ""};
* Returns (success, failure reason).
* [optional]
std::tuple<bool, std::string> CB3DJSONMeshFileLoader::readChunkTEXS() {
//? note: TEXS is an array of objects.
// We're checking the root of the JSON structure here. So we can just peak directly into the root.
json texs;
if (JSONDataContainer.contains("TEXS") && JSONDataContainer["TEXS"].is_array()) {
// We're referencing static memory.
texs = JSONDataContainer["TEXS"];
} else {
// We also want to warn developers if they're using {} instead of [].
if (JSONDataContainer.contains("TEXS") && !JSONDataContainer["TEXS"].is_array()) {
return {false, "TEXS is not an array."};
// Since it's optional, it succeeds if it's not there.
return {true, ""};
int index = 0;
for (auto reference = texs.begin(); reference != texs.end(); ++reference) {
// t stands for texture.
json t = *reference;
if (!t.is_object()) {
return {false, "TEXS: Element " + std::to_string(index) + " is not an object."};
// This is a very strange way to do this but I won't complain.
// Create the texture object inside of the Mesh.
SB3dTexture& B3DTexture = Textures.getLast();
// This part should probably be it's own function.
//todo: look into making this it's own function.
// This part is a bit complex, for ease of use for the plugin dev/modders advantage.
//* Name.
if (t.contains("name") && t["name"].is_string()) {
// Strings are implicitly converted.
std::string textureName = t["name"];
B3DTexture.TextureName = textureName.c_str();
// Convert Windows '\' to Posix '/'.
} else {
if (t.contains("name") && !t["name"].is_string()) {
return {false, "\"name\" in TEXS block index (" + std::to_string(index) +") is not a string."};
return {false, "Missing \"name\" in TEXS block index (" + std::to_string(index) +")."};
//* Flags.
if (t.contains("flags") && t["flags"].is_number_integer()) {
B3DTexture.Flags = t["flags"];
} else {
if (t.contains("flags") && !t["flags"].is_number_integer()) {
return {false, "\"flags\" in TEXS block index(" + std::to_string(index)+") is not an integer."};
return {false, "Missing \"flags\" in TEXS block index(" + std::to_string(index)+")."};
//* Blend.
if (t.contains("blend") && t["blend"].is_number_integer()) {
B3DTexture.Blend = t["blend"];
} else {
if (t.contains("blend") && !t["blend"].is_number_integer()) {
return {false, "\"blend\" in TEXS block index(" + std::to_string(index)+") is not an integer."};
return {false, "Missing \"blend\" in TEXS block index(" + std::to_string(index)+")."};
//* Position.
if (t.contains("pos") && t["pos"].is_array()) {
irr::core::vector2df pos {0,0};
auto posSuccess = grabVec2f(t, "pos", pos);
// Something went horribly wrong.
if (!std::get<0>(posSuccess)) {
return {false, "TEXS: " + std::get<1>(posSuccess)};
// Success.
B3DTexture.Xpos = pos.X;
B3DTexture.Ypos = pos.Y;
} else {
if (t.contains("pos") && !t["pos"].is_array()) {
return {false, "\"pos\" in TEXS block index(" + std::to_string(index)+") is not an array."};
if (!t.contains("pos") ) {
return {false, "\"pos\" in TEXS block index(" + std::to_string(index)+") is missing."};
return {false, "Malformed \"pos\" in TEXS block index (" + std::to_string(index) + "). Must be an array with 2 numbers."};
//* Scale.
if (t.contains("scale") && t["scale"].is_array()) {
irr::core::vector2df scale {0,0};
auto scaleSuccess = grabVec2f(t, "scale", scale);
// Something went horribly wrong.
if (!std::get<0>(scaleSuccess)) {
return {false, "TEXS: " + std::get<1>(scaleSuccess)};
// Success.
B3DTexture.Xscale = scale.X;
B3DTexture.Yscale = scale.Y;
// println(std::to_string(B3DTexture.Xscale) + " " + std::to_string(B3DTexture.Yscale));
} else {
if (t.contains("scale") && !t["scale"].is_array()) {
return {false, "\"scale\" in TEXS block index(" + std::to_string(index)+") is not an array."};
if (!t.contains("scale") ) {
return {false, "\"scale\" in TEXS block index(" + std::to_string(index)+") is missing."};
return {false, "Malformed \"scale\" in TEXS block index (" + std::to_string(index) + "). Must be an array with 2 numbers."};
//* Angle.
if (t.contains("angle") && t["angle"].is_number()) {
B3DTexture.Angle = t["angle"];
} else {
if (t.contains("angle")) {
return {false, "\"angle\" in TEXS block index (" + std::to_string(index) + ") is not a number."};
return {false, "\"angle\" in TEXS block index (" + std::to_string(index) + ") is missing."};
// } else {
// // it is malformed.
// //todo: return
// return {false, "Malformed TEXS block. \"textures\" is not an array."} ;
// }
// Everything succeeds, yay!
return {true, ""};
* Returns (success, failure reason).
std::tuple<bool, std::string> CB3DJSONMeshFileLoader::load() {
// Now check some real basic elements of the JSON file.
if (!JSONDataContainer.contains("format") || !JSONDataContainer["format"].is_string() || JSONDataContainer["format"] != "BB3D") {
return {false, "No format in B3D JSON! Expected: BB3D"};
if (!JSONDataContainer.contains("version") || !JSONDataContainer["version"].is_number_integer() || JSONDataContainer["version"] != 1) {
return {false, "Wrong version in B3D JSON! Expected: 1"};
// Grab TEXS (textures).
std::tuple<bool, std::string> texturesSuccess = this->readChunkTEXS();
if (!std::get<0>(texturesSuccess)) {
return {false, std::get<1>(texturesSuccess)};
// Grab BRUS (brushes). Defines where materials go.
std::tuple<bool, std::string> brushesSuccess = this->readChunkBRUS();
if (!std::get<0>(brushesSuccess)) {
return {false, std::get<1>(brushesSuccess)};
// return animatedMesh;
return {true, ""};
* Automatically cleans and returns the nullptr so it can be inlined or chained.
CSkinnedMesh* CB3DJSONMeshFileLoader::cleanUp(std::string failure) {
os::Printer::log(failure.c_str(), ELL_WARNING);
if (AnimatedMesh != nullptr) {
AnimatedMesh = 0;
return AnimatedMesh;
* Returns (success, failure reason).
std::tuple<bool, std::string> CB3DJSONMeshFileLoader::parseJSONFile(io::IReadFile* file) {
// So here we turn this mangled disaster into a C string.
// Please consider this the equivalent of duct taping a chainsaw onto a car to cut your lawn.
auto buffer = std::make_unique<char[]>(file->getSize());
// Now we read that dang JSON.
file->read(buffer.get(), file->getSize());
// This is the same pointer as buffer, but it's easier to read as "output".
char* output = buffer.get();
// Irrlicht doesn't null terminate the raw output. So we must doe it ourself.
output[file->getSize()] = '\0';
// We have to catch a JSON parse error or else the game will segfault.
try {
//! This is pointing to static memory. It will only be valid during the loading of this model.
JSONDataContainer = json::parse(output);
} catch (const json::parse_error& e) {
std::string failureReason = "message: " + std::string(e.what()) + '\n' +
"exception id: " + std::to_string( + '\n' +
"byte position of error: " + std::to_string(e.byte) + '\n';
return {false, failureReason};
// I'm not sure if buffer and output gets dropped here.
return {true, ""};
IAnimatedMesh* CB3DJSONMeshFileLoader::createMesh(io::IReadFile* file) {
// Less than zero? What is this file a black hole?
if (file->getSize() <= 0) {
return(this->cleanUp("B3D JSON severe error! File size is 0!"));
// Try to read this file.
const std::tuple<bool, std::string> parseResult = this->parseJSONFile(file);
// If it failed to parse, we give up.
if (!std::get<0>(parseResult)) {
// Print the reason, and return a nullptr.
//? Now JSONDataContainer exists on this object.
//? So we can commence loading it.
// Now we can start doing a full parse of the data in the model JSON and build it as an irrlicht model.
const std::tuple<bool, std::string> loadResult = load();
// If it failed to load, we give up.
if (!std::get<0>(loadResult)) {
// Print the reason, and return a nullptr.
} else {
//todo: We finalize the model here.
println("We got to the end.");
//todo: We return the object's AnimatedMesh.
return nullptr;
} // namespace scene
} // namespace irr
! deprecated
? This is old reference material. Remember to remove this before PR is made.
//! Remember: This is basically a linked tree.
// SMesh* baseMesh(new SMesh {});
// SMeshBuffer* meshBuffer(new SMeshBuffer {});
// And now we begin the recursion!
// std::cout << data["NODE"] << "\n";
// if (data.contains("NODE") && data["NODE"].is_object()) {
// println("Yep, that's a node!");
// // If it fails, give up basically.
// if (parseNode(data["NODE"], meshBuffer)) {
// return nullptr;
// }
// }
// SAnimatedMesh* animatedMesh(new SAnimatedMesh {});
// animatedMesh->addMesh(baseMesh);