mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 07:10:32 +01:00
It's to allow image loader to check for sane limits for image sizes.
Idea came from this patch from sfan5 for Minetest: dbd39120e7
Thought solution is a bit different.
Image loader checks not yet added (will come soon).
Also note that limit is to s32. While u32 might work mostly it will run into some troubles with color converter for now (which maybe could be changes). Also 2GB ought to be enough for anybody, right?
git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/irrlicht/code/trunk@6386 dfc29bdd-3216-0410-991c-e03cc46cb475
888 lines
21 KiB
888 lines
21 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2013 Patryk Nadrowski
// Heavily based on the DDS loader implemented by Thomas Alten
// and DDS loader from IrrSpintz implemented by Thomas Ince
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
Based on Code from Copyright (c) 2003 Randy Reddig
Based on code from Nvidia's DDS example:
mainly c to cpp
#include "CImageLoaderDDS.h"
#include "IReadFile.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "CColorConverter.h"
#include "CImage.h"
#include "irrString.h"
// Header flag values
#define DDSD_CAPS 0x00000001
#define DDSD_HEIGHT 0x00000002
#define DDSD_WIDTH 0x00000004
#define DDSD_PITCH 0x00000008
#define DDSD_PIXELFORMAT 0x00001000
#define DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT 0x00020000
#define DDSD_LINEARSIZE 0x00080000
#define DDSD_DEPTH 0x00800000
// Pixel format flag values
#define DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS 0x00000001
#define DDPF_ALPHA 0x00000002
#define DDPF_FOURCC 0x00000004
#define DDPF_RGB 0x00000040
#define DDPF_COMPRESSED 0x00000080
#define DDPF_LUMINANCE 0x00020000
// Caps1 values
#define DDSCAPS1_COMPLEX 0x00000008
#define DDSCAPS1_TEXTURE 0x00001000
#define DDSCAPS1_MIPMAP 0x00400000
// Caps2 values
#define DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP 0x00000200
#define DDSCAPS2_VOLUME 0x00200000
namespace irr
namespace video
extracts relevant info from a dds texture, returns 0 on success
s32 DDSGetInfo(ddsHeader* dds, s32* width, s32* height, eDDSPixelFormat* pf)
/* dummy test */
if( dds == NULL )
return -1;
/* test dds header */
if( *((s32*) dds->Magic) != *((s32*) "DDS ") )
return -1;
if( DDSLittleLong( dds->Size ) != 124 )
return -1;
if( !(DDSLittleLong( dds->Flags ) & DDSD_PIXELFORMAT) )
return -1;
if( !(DDSLittleLong( dds->Flags ) & DDSD_CAPS) )
return -1;
/* extract width and height */
if( width != NULL )
*width = DDSLittleLong( dds->Width );
if( height != NULL )
*height = DDSLittleLong( dds->Height );
/* get pixel format */
/* extract fourCC */
const u32 fourCC = dds->PixelFormat.FourCC;
/* test it */
if( fourCC == 0 )
*pf = DDS_PF_ARGB8888;
else if( fourCC == *((u32*) "DXT1") )
*pf = DDS_PF_DXT1;
else if( fourCC == *((u32*) "DXT2") )
*pf = DDS_PF_DXT2;
else if( fourCC == *((u32*) "DXT3") )
*pf = DDS_PF_DXT3;
else if( fourCC == *((u32*) "DXT4") )
*pf = DDS_PF_DXT4;
else if( fourCC == *((u32*) "DXT5") )
*pf = DDS_PF_DXT5;
/* return ok */
return 0;
decompresses an argb 8888 format texture
s32 DDSDecompressARGB8888(ddsHeader* dds, u8* data, s32 width, s32 height, u8* pixels)
/* setup */
u8* in = data;
u8* out = pixels;
/* walk y */
for(s32 y = 0; y < height; y++)
/* walk x */
for(s32 x = 0; x < width; x++)
*out++ = *in++;
*out++ = *in++;
*out++ = *in++;
*out++ = *in++;
/* return ok */
return 0;
extracts colors from a dds color block
void DDSGetColorBlockColors(ddsColorBlock* block, ddsColor colors[4])
u16 word;
/* color 0 */
word = DDSLittleShort( block->colors[ 0 ] );
colors[ 0 ].a = 0xff;
/* extract rgb bits */
colors[ 0 ].b = (u8) word;
colors[ 0 ].b <<= 3;
colors[ 0 ].b |= (colors[ 0 ].b >> 5);
word >>= 5;
colors[ 0 ].g = (u8) word;
colors[ 0 ].g <<= 2;
colors[ 0 ].g |= (colors[ 0 ].g >> 5);
word >>= 6;
colors[ 0 ].r = (u8) word;
colors[ 0 ].r <<= 3;
colors[ 0 ].r |= (colors[ 0 ].r >> 5);
/* same for color 1 */
word = DDSLittleShort( block->colors[ 1 ] );
colors[ 1 ].a = 0xff;
/* extract rgb bits */
colors[ 1 ].b = (u8) word;
colors[ 1 ].b <<= 3;
colors[ 1 ].b |= (colors[ 1 ].b >> 5);
word >>= 5;
colors[ 1 ].g = (u8) word;
colors[ 1 ].g <<= 2;
colors[ 1 ].g |= (colors[ 1 ].g >> 5);
word >>= 6;
colors[ 1 ].r = (u8) word;
colors[ 1 ].r <<= 3;
colors[ 1 ].r |= (colors[ 1 ].r >> 5);
/* use this for all but the super-freak math method */
if( block->colors[ 0 ] > block->colors[ 1 ] )
/* four-color block: derive the other two colors.
00 = color 0, 01 = color 1, 10 = color 2, 11 = color 3
these two bit codes correspond to the 2-bit fields
stored in the 64-bit block. */
word = ((u16) colors[ 0 ].r * 2 + (u16) colors[ 1 ].r ) / 3;
/* no +1 for rounding */
/* as bits have been shifted to 888 */
colors[ 2 ].r = (u8) word;
word = ((u16) colors[ 0 ].g * 2 + (u16) colors[ 1 ].g) / 3;
colors[ 2 ].g = (u8) word;
word = ((u16) colors[ 0 ].b * 2 + (u16) colors[ 1 ].b) / 3;
colors[ 2 ].b = (u8) word;
colors[ 2 ].a = 0xff;
word = ((u16) colors[ 0 ].r + (u16) colors[ 1 ].r * 2) / 3;
colors[ 3 ].r = (u8) word;
word = ((u16) colors[ 0 ].g + (u16) colors[ 1 ].g * 2) / 3;
colors[ 3 ].g = (u8) word;
word = ((u16) colors[ 0 ].b + (u16) colors[ 1 ].b * 2) / 3;
colors[ 3 ].b = (u8) word;
colors[ 3 ].a = 0xff;
/* three-color block: derive the other color.
00 = color 0, 01 = color 1, 10 = color 2,
11 = transparent.
These two bit codes correspond to the 2-bit fields
stored in the 64-bit block */
word = ((u16) colors[ 0 ].r + (u16) colors[ 1 ].r) / 2;
colors[ 2 ].r = (u8) word;
word = ((u16) colors[ 0 ].g + (u16) colors[ 1 ].g) / 2;
colors[ 2 ].g = (u8) word;
word = ((u16) colors[ 0 ].b + (u16) colors[ 1 ].b) / 2;
colors[ 2 ].b = (u8) word;
colors[ 2 ].a = 0xff;
/* random color to indicate alpha */
colors[ 3 ].r = 0x00;
colors[ 3 ].g = 0xff;
colors[ 3 ].b = 0xff;
colors[ 3 ].a = 0x00;
decodes a dds color block
fixme: make endian-safe
void DDSDecodeColorBlock(u32* pixel, ddsColorBlock* block, s32 width, u32 colors[4])
s32 r, n;
u32 bits;
u32 masks[] = { 3, 12, 3 << 4, 3 << 6 }; /* bit masks = 00000011, 00001100, 00110000, 11000000 */
s32 shift[] = { 0, 2, 4, 6 };
/* r steps through lines in y */
for( r = 0; r < 4; r++, pixel += (width - 4) ) /* no width * 4 as u32 ptr inc will * 4 */
/* width * 4 bytes per pixel per line, each j dxtc row is 4 lines of pixels */
/* n steps through pixels */
for( n = 0; n < 4; n++ )
bits = block->row[ r ] & masks[ n ];
bits >>= shift[ n ];
switch( bits )
case 0:
*pixel = colors[ 0 ];
case 1:
*pixel = colors[ 1 ];
case 2:
*pixel = colors[ 2 ];
case 3:
*pixel = colors[ 3 ];
/* invalid */
decodes a dds explicit alpha block
void DDSDecodeAlphaExplicit(u32* pixel, ddsAlphaBlockExplicit* alphaBlock, s32 width, u32 alphaZero)
s32 row, pix;
u16 word;
ddsColor color;
/* clear color */
color.r = 0;
color.g = 0;
color.b = 0;
/* walk rows */
for( row = 0; row < 4; row++, pixel += (width - 4) )
word = DDSLittleShort( alphaBlock->row[ row ] );
/* walk pixels */
for( pix = 0; pix < 4; pix++ )
/* zero the alpha bits of image pixel */
*pixel &= alphaZero;
color.a = word & 0x000F;
color.a = color.a | (color.a << 4);
*pixel |= *((u32*) &color);
word >>= 4; /* move next bits to lowest 4 */
pixel++; /* move to next pixel in the row */
decodes interpolated alpha block
void DDSDecodeAlpha3BitLinear(u32* pixel, ddsAlphaBlock3BitLinear* alphaBlock, s32 width, u32 alphaZero)
s32 row, pix;
u32 stuff;
u8 bits[ 4 ][ 4 ];
u16 alphas[ 8 ];
ddsColor aColors[ 4 ][ 4 ];
/* get initial alphas */
alphas[ 0 ] = alphaBlock->alpha0;
alphas[ 1 ] = alphaBlock->alpha1;
/* 8-alpha block */
if( alphas[ 0 ] > alphas[ 1 ] )
/* 000 = alpha_0, 001 = alpha_1, others are interpolated */
alphas[ 2 ] = ( 6 * alphas[ 0 ] + alphas[ 1 ]) / 7; /* bit code 010 */
alphas[ 3 ] = ( 5 * alphas[ 0 ] + 2 * alphas[ 1 ]) / 7; /* bit code 011 */
alphas[ 4 ] = ( 4 * alphas[ 0 ] + 3 * alphas[ 1 ]) / 7; /* bit code 100 */
alphas[ 5 ] = ( 3 * alphas[ 0 ] + 4 * alphas[ 1 ]) / 7; /* bit code 101 */
alphas[ 6 ] = ( 2 * alphas[ 0 ] + 5 * alphas[ 1 ]) / 7; /* bit code 110 */
alphas[ 7 ] = ( alphas[ 0 ] + 6 * alphas[ 1 ]) / 7; /* bit code 111 */
/* 6-alpha block */
/* 000 = alpha_0, 001 = alpha_1, others are interpolated */
alphas[ 2 ] = (4 * alphas[ 0 ] + alphas[ 1 ]) / 5; /* bit code 010 */
alphas[ 3 ] = (3 * alphas[ 0 ] + 2 * alphas[ 1 ]) / 5; /* bit code 011 */
alphas[ 4 ] = (2 * alphas[ 0 ] + 3 * alphas[ 1 ]) / 5; /* bit code 100 */
alphas[ 5 ] = ( alphas[ 0 ] + 4 * alphas[ 1 ]) / 5; /* bit code 101 */
alphas[ 6 ] = 0; /* bit code 110 */
alphas[ 7 ] = 255; /* bit code 111 */
/* decode 3-bit fields into array of 16 bytes with same value */
/* first two rows of 4 pixels each */
stuff = *((u32*) &(alphaBlock->stuff[ 0 ]));
bits[ 0 ][ 0 ] = (u8) (stuff & 0x00000007);
stuff >>= 3;
bits[ 0 ][ 1 ] = (u8) (stuff & 0x00000007);
stuff >>= 3;
bits[ 0 ][ 2 ] = (u8) (stuff & 0x00000007);
stuff >>= 3;
bits[ 0 ][ 3 ] = (u8) (stuff & 0x00000007);
stuff >>= 3;
bits[ 1 ][ 0 ] = (u8) (stuff & 0x00000007);
stuff >>= 3;
bits[ 1 ][ 1 ] = (u8) (stuff & 0x00000007);
stuff >>= 3;
bits[ 1 ][ 2 ] = (u8) (stuff & 0x00000007);
stuff >>= 3;
bits[ 1 ][ 3 ] = (u8) (stuff & 0x00000007);
/* last two rows */
stuff = *((u32*) &(alphaBlock->stuff[ 3 ])); /* last 3 bytes */
bits[ 2 ][ 0 ] = (u8) (stuff & 0x00000007);
stuff >>= 3;
bits[ 2 ][ 1 ] = (u8) (stuff & 0x00000007);
stuff >>= 3;
bits[ 2 ][ 2 ] = (u8) (stuff & 0x00000007);
stuff >>= 3;
bits[ 2 ][ 3 ] = (u8) (stuff & 0x00000007);
stuff >>= 3;
bits[ 3 ][ 0 ] = (u8) (stuff & 0x00000007);
stuff >>= 3;
bits[ 3 ][ 1 ] = (u8) (stuff & 0x00000007);
stuff >>= 3;
bits[ 3 ][ 2 ] = (u8) (stuff & 0x00000007);
stuff >>= 3;
bits[ 3 ][ 3 ] = (u8) (stuff & 0x00000007);
/* decode the codes into alpha values */
for( row = 0; row < 4; row++ )
for( pix=0; pix < 4; pix++ )
aColors[ row ][ pix ].r = 0;
aColors[ row ][ pix ].g = 0;
aColors[ row ][ pix ].b = 0;
aColors[ row ][ pix ].a = (u8) alphas[ bits[ row ][ pix ] ];
/* write out alpha values to the image bits */
for( row = 0; row < 4; row++, pixel += width-4 )
for( pix = 0; pix < 4; pix++ )
/* zero the alpha bits of image pixel */
*pixel &= alphaZero;
/* or the bits into the prev. nulled alpha */
*pixel |= *((u32*) &(aColors[ row ][ pix ]));
decompresses a dxt1 format texture
s32 DDSDecompressDXT1(ddsHeader* dds, u8* data, s32 width, s32 height, u8* pixels)
s32 x, y, xBlocks, yBlocks;
u32 *pixel;
ddsColorBlock *block;
ddsColor colors[ 4 ];
/* setup */
xBlocks = width / 4;
yBlocks = height / 4;
/* walk y */
for( y = 0; y < yBlocks; y++ )
/* 8 bytes per block */
block = (ddsColorBlock*) (data + y * xBlocks * 8);
/* walk x */
for( x = 0; x < xBlocks; x++, block++ )
DDSGetColorBlockColors( block, colors );
pixel = (u32*) (pixels + x * 16 + (y * 4) * width * 4);
DDSDecodeColorBlock( pixel, block, width, (u32*) colors );
/* return ok */
return 0;
decompresses a dxt3 format texture
s32 DDSDecompressDXT3(ddsHeader* dds, u8* data, s32 width, s32 height, u8* pixels)
s32 x, y, xBlocks, yBlocks;
u32 *pixel, alphaZero;
ddsColorBlock *block;
ddsAlphaBlockExplicit *alphaBlock;
ddsColor colors[ 4 ];
/* setup */
xBlocks = width / 4;
yBlocks = height / 4;
/* create zero alpha */
colors[ 0 ].a = 0;
colors[ 0 ].r = 0xFF;
colors[ 0 ].g = 0xFF;
colors[ 0 ].b = 0xFF;
alphaZero = *((u32*) &colors[ 0 ]);
/* walk y */
for( y = 0; y < yBlocks; y++ )
/* 8 bytes per block, 1 block for alpha, 1 block for color */
block = (ddsColorBlock*) (data + y * xBlocks * 16);
/* walk x */
for( x = 0; x < xBlocks; x++, block++ )
/* get alpha block */
alphaBlock = (ddsAlphaBlockExplicit*) block;
/* get color block */
DDSGetColorBlockColors( block, colors );
/* decode color block */
pixel = (u32*) (pixels + x * 16 + (y * 4) * width * 4);
DDSDecodeColorBlock( pixel, block, width, (u32*) colors );
/* overwrite alpha bits with alpha block */
DDSDecodeAlphaExplicit( pixel, alphaBlock, width, alphaZero );
/* return ok */
return 0;
decompresses a dxt5 format texture
s32 DDSDecompressDXT5(ddsHeader* dds, u8* data, s32 width, s32 height, u8* pixels)
s32 x, y, xBlocks, yBlocks;
u32 *pixel, alphaZero;
ddsColorBlock *block;
ddsAlphaBlock3BitLinear *alphaBlock;
ddsColor colors[ 4 ];
/* setup */
xBlocks = width / 4;
yBlocks = height / 4;
/* create zero alpha */
colors[ 0 ].a = 0;
colors[ 0 ].r = 0xFF;
colors[ 0 ].g = 0xFF;
colors[ 0 ].b = 0xFF;
alphaZero = *((u32*) &colors[ 0 ]);
/* walk y */
for( y = 0; y < yBlocks; y++ )
/* 8 bytes per block, 1 block for alpha, 1 block for color */
block = (ddsColorBlock*) (data + y * xBlocks * 16);
/* walk x */
for( x = 0; x < xBlocks; x++, block++ )
/* get alpha block */
alphaBlock = (ddsAlphaBlock3BitLinear*) block;
/* get color block */
DDSGetColorBlockColors( block, colors );
/* decode color block */
pixel = (u32*) (pixels + x * 16 + (y * 4) * width * 4);
DDSDecodeColorBlock( pixel, block, width, (u32*) colors );
/* overwrite alpha bits with alpha block */
DDSDecodeAlpha3BitLinear( pixel, alphaBlock, width, alphaZero );
/* return ok */
return 0;
decompresses a dxt2 format texture (fixme: un-premultiply alpha)
s32 DDSDecompressDXT2(ddsHeader* dds, u8* data, s32 width, s32 height, u8* pixels)
/* decompress dxt3 first */
const s32 r = DDSDecompressDXT3( dds, data, width, height, pixels );
/* return to sender */
return r;
decompresses a dxt4 format texture (fixme: un-premultiply alpha)
s32 DDSDecompressDXT4(ddsHeader* dds, u8* data, s32 width, s32 height, u8* pixels)
/* decompress dxt5 first */
const s32 r = DDSDecompressDXT5( dds, data, width, height, pixels );
/* return to sender */
return r;
decompresses a dds texture into an rgba image buffer, returns 0 on success
s32 DDSDecompress(ddsHeader* dds, u8* data, u8* pixels)
s32 width, height;
eDDSPixelFormat pf;
/* get dds info */
s32 r = DDSGetInfo( dds, &width, &height, &pf );
if ( r )
return r;
/* decompress */
switch( pf )
case DDS_PF_ARGB8888:
/* fixme: support other [a]rgb formats */
r = DDSDecompressARGB8888( dds, data, width, height, pixels );
case DDS_PF_DXT1:
r = DDSDecompressDXT1( dds, data, width, height, pixels );
case DDS_PF_DXT2:
r = DDSDecompressDXT2( dds, data, width, height, pixels );
case DDS_PF_DXT3:
r = DDSDecompressDXT3( dds, data, width, height, pixels );
case DDS_PF_DXT4:
r = DDSDecompressDXT4( dds, data, width, height, pixels );
case DDS_PF_DXT5:
r = DDSDecompressDXT5( dds, data, width, height, pixels );
default: // DDS_PF_UNKNOWN
r = -1;
/* return to sender */
return r;
//! returns true if the file maybe is able to be loaded by this class
//! based on the file extension (e.g. ".tga")
bool CImageLoaderDDS::isALoadableFileExtension(const io::path& filename) const
return core::hasFileExtension(filename, "dds");
//! returns true if the file maybe is able to be loaded by this class
bool CImageLoaderDDS::isALoadableFileFormat(io::IReadFile* file) const
if (!file)
return false;
c8 MagicWord[4];
file->read(&MagicWord, 4);
return (MagicWord[0] == 'D' && MagicWord[1] == 'D' && MagicWord[2] == 'S');
//! creates a surface from the file
IImage* CImageLoaderDDS::loadImage(io::IReadFile* file) const
ddsHeader header;
IImage* image = 0;
s32 width, height;
eDDSPixelFormat pixelFormat;
size_t dataSize = 0;
size_t mipMapsDataSize = 0;
bool is3D = false;
bool useAlpha = false;
u32 mipMapCount = 0;
file->read(&header, sizeof(ddsHeader));
if (0 == DDSGetInfo(&header, &width, &height, &pixelFormat))
is3D = header.Depth > 0 && (header.Flags & DDSD_DEPTH);
if (!is3D)
header.Depth = 1;
useAlpha = header.PixelFormat.Flags & DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS;
if (header.MipMapCount > 0 && (header.Flags & DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT))
mipMapCount = header.MipMapCount;
u32 newSize = file->getSize() - sizeof(ddsHeader);
u8* memFile = new u8[newSize];
file->read(memFile, newSize);
image = new CImage(ECF_A8R8G8B8, core::dimension2d<u32>(width, height));
if (DDSDecompress(&header, memFile, (u8*)image->lock()) == -1)
image = 0;
delete[] memFile;
if (header.PixelFormat.Flags & DDPF_RGB) // Uncompressed formats
// u32 byteCount = header.PixelFormat.RGBBitCount / 8;
if( header.Flags & DDSD_PITCH )
dataSize = header.PitchOrLinearSize * header.Height * header.Depth * (header.PixelFormat.RGBBitCount / 8);
dataSize = header.Width * header.Height * header.Depth * (header.PixelFormat.RGBBitCount / 8);
u8* data = new u8[dataSize];
file->read(data, dataSize);
switch (header.PixelFormat.RGBBitCount) // Bytes per pixel
case 16:
if (useAlpha)
if (header.PixelFormat.ABitMask == 0x8000)
format = ECF_A1R5G5B5;
if (header.PixelFormat.RBitMask == 0xf800)
format = ECF_R5G6B5;
case 24:
if (!useAlpha)
if (header.PixelFormat.RBitMask == 0xff0000)
format = ECF_R8G8B8;
case 32:
if (useAlpha)
if (header.PixelFormat.RBitMask & 0xff0000)
format = ECF_A8R8G8B8;
else if (header.PixelFormat.RBitMask & 0xff)
// convert from A8B8G8R8 to A8R8G8B8
u8 tmp = 0;
for (u32 i = 0; i < dataSize; i += 4)
tmp = data[i];
data[i] = data[i+2];
data[i+2] = tmp;
if (format != ECF_UNKNOWN)
if (!is3D) // Currently 3D textures are unsupported.
image = new CImage(format, core::dimension2d<u32>(header.Width, header.Height), data, true, true);
delete[] data;
else if (header.PixelFormat.Flags & DDPF_FOURCC) // Compressed formats
case DDS_PF_DXT1:
format = ECF_DXT1;
case DDS_PF_DXT2:
case DDS_PF_DXT3:
format = ECF_DXT3;
case DDS_PF_DXT4:
case DDS_PF_DXT5:
format = ECF_DXT5;
default: // either not compressed or unknown
if( format != ECF_UNKNOWN )
if (!is3D) // Currently 3D textures are unsupported.
dataSize = IImage::getDataSizeFromFormat(format, header.Width, header.Height);
u8* data = new u8[dataSize];
file->read(data, dataSize);
image = new CImage(format, core::dimension2d<u32>(header.Width, header.Height), data, true, true);
if (mipMapCount > 0)
u32 tmpWidth = header.Width;
u32 tmpHeight = header.Height;
if (tmpWidth > 1)
tmpWidth >>= 1;
if (tmpHeight > 1)
tmpHeight >>= 1;
mipMapsDataSize += IImage::getDataSizeFromFormat(format, tmpWidth, tmpHeight);
while (tmpWidth != 1 || tmpHeight != 1);
u8* mipMapsData = new u8[mipMapsDataSize];
file->read(mipMapsData, mipMapsDataSize);
image->setMipMapsData(mipMapsData, true, true);
return image;
//! creates a loader which is able to load dds images
IImageLoader* createImageLoaderDDS()
return new CImageLoaderDDS();
} // end namespace video
} // end namespace irr