jordan4ibanez f8f10248b4 Package glTF spec docs with comments
* git --CRUSH

And try to make this line the same

Now undo my gitignore nonsense

Hail mary

Move these functions to the top

More documentation

Add some serious documentation

Move this to the top

Readability & documentation

Add some documentation

Add spec documentation

Make this more more complex to make it less complex

Move this up & document

Make this more readable for me

Document and make this more readable

Move this out of the way and document it

Update CGLTFMeshFileLoader.cpp



Update CGLTFMeshFileLoader.cpp


Move entry point to bottom

Part 5

Part 4

Part 3

Part 2

Allman -> OTBS (readability for me)


Remove unneeded function

These files are annoying

* fix #1

* fix 2

* indentation

* Remove redundant function

* Remove redundant function

* add trailing new line

* Stop an interesting build error with a template

* Code reduction

* Document bytestride

* Add more detail to chain hierarchy

* Dump this huge vscode thing in here for no reason

* Document 3 more functions

* Document copyTcoords

* Dump in (incorrect) scale documentation for node

* Add a readable description

* Fix incorrect getScale

* Add update based on context of function

* Add documentation, fix another one

* Document another

* Document another

* And document another

* Document this nice function

* Bolt in some future use documentation

* Add highlighting for IDE

* Just shovel on more docs to this

* 2 more comments

* I think that's all of them

* Add some wild west debuggin

* And then update this comment

* Bolt on isAccessorNormalized()

* Bolt in an absolute hack job to test

* Now clean this mess up and give josiah ref material

* Fix Josiah's request for scale

* Fix josiah request

* Fix josiah request .vscode

Fix indentation

Fix indentation

Fix indentation

* Unfix getScale()

2024-04-18 07:34:49 -05:00

481 lines
14 KiB

#include "CGLTFMeshFileLoader.h"
#include "CMeshBuffer.h"
#include "coreutil.h"
#include "IAnimatedMesh.h"
#include "ILogger.h"
#include "IReadFile.h"
#include "irrTypes.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "path.h"
#include "S3DVertex.h"
#include "SAnimatedMesh.h"
#include "SColor.h"
#include "SMesh.h"
#include "vector3d.h"
#include <tiny_gltf.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
/* Notes on the coordinate system.
* glTF uses a right-handed coordinate system where +Z is the
* front-facing axis, and Irrlicht uses a left-handed coordinate
* system where -Z is the front-facing axis.
* We convert between them by reflecting the mesh across the X axis.
* Doing this correctly requires negating the Z coordinate on
* vertex positions and normals, and reversing the winding order
* of the vertex indices.
namespace irr {
namespace scene {
const std::vector<unsigned char>& buf,
const std::size_t offset)
: m_buf(buf)
, m_offset(offset)
const CGLTFMeshFileLoader::BufferOffset& other,
const std::size_t fromOffset)
: m_buf(other.m_buf)
, m_offset(other.m_offset + fromOffset)
* Get a raw unsigned char (ubyte) from a buffer offset.
unsigned char CGLTFMeshFileLoader::BufferOffset::at(
const std::size_t fromOffset) const
return + fromOffset);
CGLTFMeshFileLoader::CGLTFMeshFileLoader() noexcept
* The most basic portion of the code base. This tells irllicht if this file has a .gltf extension.
bool CGLTFMeshFileLoader::isALoadableFileExtension(
const io::path& filename) const
return core::hasFileExtension(filename, "gltf");
* Entry point into loading a GLTF model.
IAnimatedMesh* CGLTFMeshFileLoader::createMesh(io::IReadFile* file)
tinygltf::Model model {};
if (file->getSize() <= 0 || !tryParseGLTF(file, model)) {
return nullptr;
MeshExtractor parser(std::move(model));
SMesh* baseMesh(new SMesh {});
loadPrimitives(parser, baseMesh);
SAnimatedMesh* animatedMesh(new SAnimatedMesh {});
return animatedMesh;
* Load up the rawest form of the model. The vertex positions and indices.
* Documentation:
* If material is undefined, then a default material MUST be used.
void CGLTFMeshFileLoader::loadPrimitives(
const MeshExtractor& parser,
SMesh* mesh)
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < parser.getMeshCount(); ++i) {
for (std::size_t j = 0; j < parser.getPrimitiveCount(i); ++j) {
auto indices = parser.getIndices(i, j);
auto vertices = parser.getVertices(i, j);
SMeshBuffer* meshbuf(new SMeshBuffer {});
meshbuf->append(, vertices.size(),, indices.size());
const tinygltf::Model& model) noexcept
: m_model(model)
const tinygltf::Model&& model) noexcept
: m_model(model)
* Extracts GLTF mesh indices into the irrlicht model.
std::vector<u16> CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getIndices(
const std::size_t meshIdx,
const std::size_t primitiveIdx) const
const auto accessorIdx = getIndicesAccessorIdx(meshIdx, primitiveIdx);
const auto& buf = getBuffer(accessorIdx);
std::vector<u16> indices{};
const auto count = getElemCount(accessorIdx);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
std::size_t elemIdx = count - i - 1;
BufferOffset(buf, elemIdx * sizeof(u16))));
return indices;
* Create a vector of video::S3DVertex (model data) from a mesh & primitive index.
std::vector<video::S3DVertex> CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getVertices(
const std::size_t meshIdx,
const std::size_t primitiveIdx) const
const auto positionAccessorIdx = getPositionAccessorIdx(
meshIdx, primitiveIdx);
std::vector<vertex_t> vertices{};
copyPositions(positionAccessorIdx, vertices);
const auto normalAccessorIdx = getNormalAccessorIdx(
meshIdx, primitiveIdx);
if (normalAccessorIdx != static_cast<std::size_t>(-1)) {
copyNormals(normalAccessorIdx, vertices);
const auto tCoordAccessorIdx = getTCoordAccessorIdx(
meshIdx, primitiveIdx);
if (tCoordAccessorIdx != static_cast<std::size_t>(-1)) {
copyTCoords(tCoordAccessorIdx, vertices);
return vertices;
* Get the amount of meshes that a model contains.
std::size_t CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getMeshCount() const
return m_model.meshes.size();
* Get the amount of primitives that a mesh in a model contains.
std::size_t CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getPrimitiveCount(
const std::size_t meshIdx) const
return m_model.meshes[meshIdx].primitives.size();
* Templated buffer reader. Based on type width.
* This is specifically used to build upon to read more complex data types.
* It is also used raw to read arrays directly.
* Basically we're using the width of the type to infer
* how big of a gap we have from the beginning of the buffer.
template <typename T>
T CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::readPrimitive(
const BufferOffset& readFrom)
unsigned char d[sizeof(T)]{};
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(T); ++i) {
d[i] =;
T dest;
std::memcpy(&dest, d, sizeof(dest));
return dest;
* Read a vector2df from a buffer at an offset.
* @return vec2 core::Vector2df
core::vector2df CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::readVec2DF(
const CGLTFMeshFileLoader::BufferOffset& readFrom)
return core::vector2df(readPrimitive<float>(readFrom),
readPrimitive<float>(BufferOffset(readFrom, sizeof(float))));
* Read a vector3df from a buffer at an offset.
* @return vec3 core::Vector3df
core::vector3df CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::readVec3DF(
const BufferOffset& readFrom,
const float scale = 1.0f)
return core::vector3df(
scale * readPrimitive<float>(readFrom),
scale * readPrimitive<float>(BufferOffset(readFrom, sizeof(float))),
-scale * readPrimitive<float>(BufferOffset(readFrom, 2 *
* Streams vertex positions raw data into usable buffer via reference.
* Buffer: ref Vector<video::S3DVertex>
void CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::copyPositions(
const std::size_t accessorIdx,
std::vector<vertex_t>& vertices) const
const auto& buffer = getBuffer(accessorIdx);
const auto count = getElemCount(accessorIdx);
const auto byteStride = getByteStride(accessorIdx);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const auto v = readVec3DF(BufferOffset(buffer,
(byteStride * i)), getScale());
vertices[i].Pos = v;
* Streams normals raw data into usable buffer via reference.
* Buffer: ref Vector<video::S3DVertex>
void CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::copyNormals(
const std::size_t accessorIdx,
std::vector<vertex_t>& vertices) const
const auto& buffer = getBuffer(accessorIdx);
const auto count = getElemCount(accessorIdx);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const auto n = readVec3DF(BufferOffset(buffer,
3 * sizeof(float) * i));
vertices[i].Normal = n;
* Streams texture coordinate raw data into usable buffer via reference.
* Buffer: ref Vector<video::S3DVertex>
void CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::copyTCoords(
const std::size_t accessorIdx,
std::vector<vertex_t>& vertices) const
const auto& buffer = getBuffer(accessorIdx);
const auto count = getElemCount(accessorIdx);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
const auto t = readVec2DF(BufferOffset(buffer,
2 * sizeof(float) * i));
vertices[i].TCoords = t;
* Gets the scale of a model's node via a reference Vector3df.
* Documentation:
* Type: number[3] (tinygltf: vector<double>)
* Required: NO
* @returns: core::vector2df
float CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getScale() const
if (m_model.nodes[0].scale.size() > 0) {
return static_cast<float>(m_model.nodes[0].scale[0]);
return 1.0f;
* The number of elements referenced by this accessor, not to be confused with the number of bytes or number of components.
* Documentation:
* Type: Integer
* Required: YES
std::size_t CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getElemCount(
const std::size_t accessorIdx) const
return m_model.accessors[accessorIdx].count;
* The stride, in bytes, between vertex attributes.
* When this is not defined, data is tightly packed.
* When two or more accessors use the same buffer view, this field MUST be defined.
* Documentation:
* Required: NO
std::size_t CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getByteStride(
const std::size_t accessorIdx) const
const auto& accessor = m_model.accessors[accessorIdx];
const auto& view = m_model.bufferViews[accessor.bufferView];
return accessor.ByteStride(view);
* Specifies whether integer data values are normalized (true) to [0, 1] (for unsigned types)
* or to [-1, 1] (for signed types) when they are accessed. This property MUST NOT be set to
* true for accessors with FLOAT or UNSIGNED_INT component type.
* Documentation:
* Required: NO
bool CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::isAccessorNormalized(
const std::size_t accessorIdx) const
const auto& accessor = m_model.accessors[accessorIdx];
return accessor.normalized;
* Walk through the complex chain of the model to extract the required buffer.
* Accessor -> BufferView -> Buffer
CGLTFMeshFileLoader::BufferOffset CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getBuffer(
const std::size_t accessorIdx) const
const auto& accessor = m_model.accessors[accessorIdx];
const auto& view = m_model.bufferViews[accessor.bufferView];
const auto& buffer = m_model.buffers[view.buffer];
return BufferOffset(, view.byteOffset);
* The index of the accessor that contains the vertex indices.
* When this is undefined, the primitive defines non-indexed geometry.
* When defined, the accessor MUST have SCALAR type and an unsigned integer component type.
* Documentation:
* Type: Integer
* Required: NO
std::size_t CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getIndicesAccessorIdx(
const std::size_t meshIdx,
const std::size_t primitiveIdx) const
return m_model.meshes[meshIdx].primitives[primitiveIdx].indices;
* The index of the accessor that contains the POSITIONs.
* Documentation:
* Type: VEC3 (Float)
* ! Required: YES (Appears so, needs another pair of eyes to research.)
std::size_t CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getPositionAccessorIdx(
const std::size_t meshIdx,
const std::size_t primitiveIdx) const
return m_model.meshes[meshIdx].primitives[primitiveIdx]
* The index of the accessor that contains the NORMALs.
* Documentation:
* Type: VEC3 (Float)
* ! Required: NO (Appears to not be, needs another pair of eyes to research.)
std::size_t CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getNormalAccessorIdx(
const std::size_t meshIdx,
const std::size_t primitiveIdx) const
const auto& attributes = m_model.meshes[meshIdx]
const auto result = attributes.find("NORMAL");
if (result == attributes.end()) {
return -1;
} else {
return result->second;
* The index of the accessor that contains the NORMALs.
* Documentation:
* Type: VEC3 (Float)
* ! Required: YES (Appears so, needs another pair of eyes to research.)
std::size_t CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getTCoordAccessorIdx(
const std::size_t meshIdx,
const std::size_t primitiveIdx) const
const auto& attributes = m_model.meshes[meshIdx]
const auto result = attributes.find("TEXCOORD_0");
if (result == attributes.end()) {
return -1;
} else {
return result->second;
* This is where the actual model's GLTF file is loaded and parsed by tinygltf.
bool CGLTFMeshFileLoader::tryParseGLTF(io::IReadFile* file,
tinygltf::Model& model)
tinygltf::TinyGLTF loader {};
// Stop embedded textures from making model fail to load
loader.SetImageLoader(nullptr, nullptr);
std::string err {};
std::string warn {};
auto buf = std::make_unique<char[]>(file->getSize());
file->read(buf.get(), file->getSize());
if (warn != "") {
os::Printer::log(warn.c_str(), ELL_WARNING);
if (err != "") {
os::Printer::log(err.c_str(), ELL_ERROR);
return false;
return loader.LoadASCIIFromString(&model, &err, &warn, buf.get(),
file->getSize(), "", 1);
} // namespace scene
} // namespace irr