Take into account that the map is not efficient for very large queries, or very small entity counts.

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ExeVirus 2024-05-12 22:15:08 -04:00
parent 3c0394568a
commit f50dd4318c
1 changed files with 20 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -95,26 +95,36 @@ void SpatialMap::getRelevantObjectIds(const aabb3f &box, const std::function<voi
auto absoluteRoundUp = [](f32 val) {
//return val < 0 ? floor(val) : ceil(val);}
s16 rounded = std::lround(val);
s16 remainder = (rounded & 0xF) != 0; // same as (val % 8) != 0
s16 remainder = (rounded & 0xF) != 0; // same as (val % 16) != 0
return (rounded >> 4) + ((rounded < 0) ? -remainder : remainder); // divide by 16 and round "up" the remainder
v3s16 min(absoluteRoundUp(box.MinEdge.X), absoluteRoundUp(box.MinEdge.Y), absoluteRoundUp(box.MinEdge.Z)),
max(absoluteRoundUp(box.MaxEdge.X), absoluteRoundUp(box.MaxEdge.Y), absoluteRoundUp(box.MaxEdge.Z));
std::vector<std::unordered_map<SpatialKey, std::vector<u16>, SpatialKeyHash>::iterator> matchingVectors;
for (s16 x = min.X; x < max.X;x++) {
for (s16 y = min.Y; y < max.Y;y++) {
for (s16 z = min.Z; z < max.Z;z++) {
SpatialKey key(x,y,z, false);
if (m_cached.find(key) != m_cached.end()) {
auto range = m_cached.equal_range(key);
for (auto &it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
// We should only iterate using this spatial map when there are at least 1 objects per mapblocks to check.
// Otherwise, might as well just iterate.
v3s16 diff = max - min;
uint64_t number_of_mapblocks_to_check = std::abs(diff.X) * std::abs(diff.Y) * std::abs(diff.Z);
if(number_of_mapblocks_to_check <= m_cached.size()) { // might be worth it
for (s16 x = min.X; x < max.X;x++) {
for (s16 y = min.Y; y < max.Y;y++) {
for (s16 z = min.Z; z < max.Z;z++) {
SpatialKey key(x,y,z, false);
if (m_cached.find(key) != m_cached.end()) {
auto range = m_cached.equal_range(key);
for (auto &it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
} else { // let's just iterate, it'll be faster
for (auto it = m_cached.begin(); it != m_cached.end(); ++it) {