uniform sampler2D ColorMapSampler; varying vec4 tPos; #ifdef COLORED_SHADOWS varying vec3 varColor; // c_precision of 128 fits within 7 base-10 digits const float c_precision = 128.0; const float c_precisionp1 = c_precision + 1.0; float packColor(vec3 color) { return floor(color.b * c_precision + 0.5) + floor(color.g * c_precision + 0.5) * c_precisionp1 + floor(color.r * c_precision + 0.5) * c_precisionp1 * c_precisionp1; } const vec3 black = vec3(0.0); #endif void main() { vec4 col = texture2D(ColorMapSampler, gl_TexCoord[0].st); #ifndef COLORED_SHADOWS if (col.a < 0.5) discard; #endif float depth = 0.5 + tPos.z * 0.5; // ToDo: Liso: Apply movement on waving plants // depth in [0, 1] for texture //col.rgb = col.a == 1.0 ? vec3(1.0) : col.rgb; #ifdef COLORED_SHADOWS col.rgb *= varColor.rgb; // alpha 0.0 results in all-white, 0.5 means full color, 1.0 means all black // resulting color is used as a factor in the final shader float packedColor = packColor(mix(mix(vec3(1.0), col.rgb, 2.0 * clamp(col.a, 0.0, 0.5)), black, 2.0 * clamp(col.a - 0.5, 0.0, 0.5))); gl_FragColor = vec4(depth, packedColor, 0.0,1.0); #else gl_FragColor = vec4(depth, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); #endif }