#define rendered texture0 #define bloom texture1 #ifdef GL_ES // Dithering requires sufficient floating-point precision #ifndef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH #undef ENABLE_DITHERING #endif #endif struct ExposureParams { float compensationFactor; }; uniform sampler2D rendered; uniform sampler2D bloom; uniform vec2 texelSize0; uniform ExposureParams exposureParams; uniform lowp float bloomIntensity; uniform lowp float saturation; #ifdef GL_ES varying mediump vec2 varTexCoord; #else centroid varying vec2 varTexCoord; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AUTO_EXPOSURE varying float exposure; // linear exposure factor, see vertex shader #endif #ifdef ENABLE_BLOOM vec4 applyBloom(vec4 color, vec2 uv) { vec3 light = texture2D(bloom, uv).rgb; #ifdef ENABLE_BLOOM_DEBUG if (uv.x > 0.5 && uv.y < 0.5) return vec4(light, color.a); if (uv.x < 0.5) return color; #endif color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, light, bloomIntensity); return color; } #endif #if ENABLE_TONE_MAPPING /* Hable's UC2 Tone mapping parameters A = 0.22; B = 0.30; C = 0.10; D = 0.20; E = 0.01; F = 0.30; W = 11.2; equation used: ((x * (A * x + C * B) + D * E) / (x * (A * x + B) + D * F)) - E / F */ vec3 uncharted2Tonemap(vec3 x) { return ((x * (0.22 * x + 0.03) + 0.002) / (x * (0.22 * x + 0.3) + 0.06)) - 0.03333; } vec4 applyToneMapping(vec4 color) { color = vec4(pow(color.rgb, vec3(2.2)), color.a); const float gamma = 1.6; const float exposureBias = 5.5; color.rgb = uncharted2Tonemap(exposureBias * color.rgb); // Precalculated white_scale from //vec3 whiteScale = 1.0 / uncharted2Tonemap(vec3(W)); vec3 whiteScale = vec3(1.036015346); color.rgb *= whiteScale; return vec4(pow(color.rgb, vec3(1.0 / gamma)), color.a); } #endif vec3 applySaturation(vec3 color, float factor) { // Calculate the perceived luminosity from the RGB color. // See also: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Relative_luminance float brightness = dot(color, vec3(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721)); return mix(vec3(brightness), color, factor); } #ifdef ENABLE_DITHERING // From http://alex.vlachos.com/graphics/Alex_Vlachos_Advanced_VR_Rendering_GDC2015.pdf // and https://www.shadertoy.com/view/MslGR8 (5th one starting from the bottom) // NOTE: `frag_coord` is in pixels (i.e. not normalized UV). vec3 screen_space_dither(highp vec2 frag_coord) { // Iestyn's RGB dither (7 asm instructions) from Portal 2 X360, slightly modified for VR. highp vec3 dither = vec3(dot(vec2(171.0, 231.0), frag_coord)); dither.rgb = fract(dither.rgb / vec3(103.0, 71.0, 97.0)); // Subtract 0.5 to avoid slightly brightening the whole viewport. return (dither.rgb - 0.5) / 255.0; } #endif void main(void) { vec2 uv = varTexCoord.st; #ifdef ENABLE_SSAA vec4 color = vec4(0.); for (float dx = 1.; dx < SSAA_SCALE; dx += 2.) for (float dy = 1.; dy < SSAA_SCALE; dy += 2.) color += texture2D(rendered, uv + texelSize0 * vec2(dx, dy)).rgba; color /= SSAA_SCALE * SSAA_SCALE / 4.; #else vec4 color = texture2D(rendered, uv).rgba; #endif // translate to linear colorspace (approximate) color.rgb = pow(color.rgb, vec3(2.2)); #ifdef ENABLE_BLOOM_DEBUG if (uv.x > 0.5 || uv.y > 0.5) #endif { color.rgb *= exposureParams.compensationFactor; #ifdef ENABLE_AUTO_EXPOSURE color.rgb *= exposure; #endif } #ifdef ENABLE_BLOOM color = applyBloom(color, uv); #endif color.rgb = clamp(color.rgb, vec3(0.), vec3(1.)); // return to sRGB colorspace (approximate) color.rgb = pow(color.rgb, vec3(1.0 / 2.2)); #ifdef ENABLE_BLOOM_DEBUG if (uv.x > 0.5 || uv.y > 0.5) #endif { #if ENABLE_TONE_MAPPING color = applyToneMapping(color); #endif color.rgb = applySaturation(color.rgb, saturation); } #ifdef ENABLE_DITHERING // Apply dithering just before quantisation color.rgb += screen_space_dither(gl_FragCoord.xy); #endif gl_FragColor = vec4(color.rgb, 1.0); // force full alpha to avoid holes in the image. }