#!/bin/bash -e prompt_for_number() { local prompt_text=$1 local default_value=$2 local tmp="" while true; do read -p "$prompt_text [$default_value]: " tmp if [ "$tmp" = "" ]; then echo "$default_value"; return elif echo "$tmp" | grep -q -E '^[0-9]+$'; then echo "$tmp"; return fi done } # On a release the following actions are performed # * DEVELOPMENT_BUILD is set to false # * android versionCode is bumped # * Commit the changes # * Tag with current version perform_release() { sed -i -re "s/^set\(DEVELOPMENT_BUILD TRUE\)$/set(DEVELOPMENT_BUILD FALSE)/" CMakeLists.txt sed -i -re "s/versionCode [0-9]+$/versionCode $NEW_ANDROID_VERSION_CODE/" build/android/build.gradle git add -f CMakeLists.txt build/android/build.gradle git commit -m "Bump version to $RELEASE_VERSION" echo "Tagging $RELEASE_VERSION" git tag -a "$RELEASE_VERSION" -m "$RELEASE_VERSION" } # After release # * Set DEVELOPMENT_BUILD to true # * Bump version in CMakeLists and docs # * Commit the changes back_to_devel() { echo 'Creating "return back to development" commit' sed -i -re 's/^set\(DEVELOPMENT_BUILD FALSE\)$/set(DEVELOPMENT_BUILD TRUE)/' CMakeLists.txt sed -i -re "s/^set\(VERSION_MAJOR [0-9]+\)$/set(VERSION_MAJOR $NEXT_VERSION_MAJOR)/" CMakeLists.txt sed -i -re "s/^set\(VERSION_MINOR [0-9]+\)$/set(VERSION_MINOR $NEXT_VERSION_MINOR)/" CMakeLists.txt sed -i -re "s/^set\(VERSION_PATCH [0-9]+\)$/set(VERSION_PATCH $NEXT_VERSION_PATCH)/" CMakeLists.txt sed -i -re "1s/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/$NEXT_VERSION/g" doc/menu_lua_api.txt sed -i -re "1s/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/$NEXT_VERSION/g" doc/client_lua_api.md git add -f CMakeLists.txt doc/menu_lua_api.txt doc/client_lua_api.md git commit -m "Continue with $NEXT_VERSION-dev" } ################################## # Switch to top minetest directory ################################## cd ${0%/*}/.. ####################### # Determine old version ####################### # Make sure all the files we need exist grep -q -E '^set\(VERSION_MAJOR [0-9]+\)$' CMakeLists.txt grep -q -E '^set\(VERSION_MINOR [0-9]+\)$' CMakeLists.txt grep -q -E '^set\(VERSION_PATCH [0-9]+\)$' CMakeLists.txt grep -q -E 'versionCode [0-9]+$' build/android/build.gradle VERSION_MAJOR=$(grep -E '^set\(VERSION_MAJOR [0-9]+\)$' CMakeLists.txt | tr -dC 0-9) VERSION_MINOR=$(grep -E '^set\(VERSION_MINOR [0-9]+\)$' CMakeLists.txt | tr -dC 0-9) VERSION_PATCH=$(grep -E '^set\(VERSION_PATCH [0-9]+\)$' CMakeLists.txt | tr -dC 0-9) ANDROID_VERSION_CODE=$(grep -E 'versionCode [0-9]+$' build/android/build.gradle | tr -dC 0-9) RELEASE_VERSION="$VERSION_MAJOR.$VERSION_MINOR.$VERSION_PATCH" echo "Current Minetest version: $RELEASE_VERSION" echo "Current Android version code: $ANDROID_VERSION_CODE" NEW_ANDROID_VERSION_CODE=$(expr $ANDROID_VERSION_CODE + 1) NEW_ANDROID_VERSION_CODE=$(prompt_for_number "Set android version code" $NEW_ANDROID_VERSION_CODE) echo echo "New android version code: $NEW_ANDROID_VERSION_CODE" ######################## # Perform release ######################## perform_release ######################## # Prompt for next version ######################## NEXT_VERSION_MAJOR=$VERSION_MAJOR NEXT_VERSION_MINOR=$VERSION_MINOR NEXT_VERSION_PATCH=$(expr $VERSION_PATCH + 1) NEXT_VERSION_MAJOR=$(prompt_for_number "Set next major" $NEXT_VERSION_MAJOR) if [ "$NEXT_VERSION_MAJOR" != "$VERSION_MAJOR" ]; then NEXT_VERSION_MINOR=0 NEXT_VERSION_PATCH=0 fi NEXT_VERSION_MINOR=$(prompt_for_number "Set next minor" $NEXT_VERSION_MINOR) if [ "$NEXT_VERSION_MINOR" != "$VERSION_MINOR" ]; then NEXT_VERSION_PATCH=0 fi NEXT_VERSION_PATCH=$(prompt_for_number "Set next patch" $NEXT_VERSION_PATCH) NEXT_VERSION="$NEXT_VERSION_MAJOR.$NEXT_VERSION_MINOR.$NEXT_VERSION_PATCH" echo echo "New version: $NEXT_VERSION" ######################## # Return back to devel ######################## back_to_devel