#include "CGLTFMeshFileLoader.h" #include "CMeshBuffer.h" #include "coreutil.h" #include "IAnimatedMesh.h" #include "ILogger.h" #include "IReadFile.h" #include "irrTypes.h" #include "os.h" #include "path.h" #include "S3DVertex.h" #include "SAnimatedMesh.h" #include "SColor.h" #include "SMesh.h" #include "vector3d.h" #define TINYGLTF_IMPLEMENTATION #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Notes on the coordinate system. * * glTF uses a right-handed coordinate system where +Z is the * front-facing axis, and Irrlicht uses a left-handed coordinate * system where -Z is the front-facing axis. * We convert between them by reflecting the mesh across the X axis. * Doing this correctly requires negating the Z coordinate on * vertex positions and normals, and reversing the winding order * of the vertex indices. */ // A helper function to disable tinygltf embedded image loading static bool dummyImageLoader(tinygltf::Image *a, const int b, std::string *c, std::string *d, int e, int f, const unsigned char * g, int h, void *userPointer) { return false; }; namespace irr { namespace scene { CGLTFMeshFileLoader::BufferOffset::BufferOffset( const std::vector& buf, const std::size_t offset) : m_buf(buf) , m_offset(offset) { } CGLTFMeshFileLoader::BufferOffset::BufferOffset( const CGLTFMeshFileLoader::BufferOffset& other, const std::size_t fromOffset) : m_buf(other.m_buf) , m_offset(other.m_offset + fromOffset) { } unsigned char CGLTFMeshFileLoader::BufferOffset::at( const std::size_t fromOffset) const { return m_buf.at(m_offset + fromOffset); } CGLTFMeshFileLoader::CGLTFMeshFileLoader() noexcept { } bool CGLTFMeshFileLoader::isALoadableFileExtension( const io::path& filename) const { return core::hasFileExtension(filename, "gltf"); } IAnimatedMesh* CGLTFMeshFileLoader::createMesh(io::IReadFile* file) { tinygltf::Model model {}; if (file->getSize() <= 0 || !tryParseGLTF(file, model)) { return nullptr; } MeshExtractor parser(std::move(model)); SMesh* baseMesh(new SMesh {}); loadPrimitives(parser, baseMesh); SAnimatedMesh* animatedMesh(new SAnimatedMesh {}); animatedMesh->addMesh(baseMesh); return animatedMesh; } void CGLTFMeshFileLoader::loadPrimitives( const MeshExtractor& parser, SMesh* mesh) { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < parser.getMeshCount(); ++i) { for (std::size_t j = 0; j < parser.getPrimitiveCount(i); ++j) { auto indices = parser.getIndices(i, j); auto vertices = parser.getVertices(i, j); SMeshBuffer* meshbuf(new SMeshBuffer {}); meshbuf->append(vertices.data(), vertices.size(), indices.data(), indices.size()); mesh->addMeshBuffer(meshbuf); } } } CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::MeshExtractor( const tinygltf::Model& model) noexcept : m_model(model) { } CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::MeshExtractor( const tinygltf::Model&& model) noexcept : m_model(model) { } std::vector CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getIndices( const std::size_t meshIdx, const std::size_t primitiveIdx) const { const auto accessorIdx = getIndicesAccessorIdx(meshIdx, primitiveIdx); const auto& buf = getBuffer(accessorIdx); std::vector indices{}; const auto count = getElemCount(accessorIdx); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { std::size_t elemIdx = count - i - 1; indices.push_back(readPrimitive( BufferOffset(buf, elemIdx * sizeof(u16)))); } return indices; } std::vector CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getVertices( const std::size_t meshIdx, const std::size_t primitiveIdx) const { const auto positionAccessorIdx = getPositionAccessorIdx( meshIdx, primitiveIdx); std::vector vertices{}; vertices.resize(getElemCount(positionAccessorIdx)); copyPositions(positionAccessorIdx, vertices); const auto normalAccessorIdx = getNormalAccessorIdx( meshIdx, primitiveIdx); if (normalAccessorIdx != static_cast(-1)) { copyNormals(normalAccessorIdx, vertices); } const auto tCoordAccessorIdx = getTCoordAccessorIdx( meshIdx, primitiveIdx); if (tCoordAccessorIdx != static_cast(-1)) { copyTCoords(tCoordAccessorIdx, vertices); } return vertices; } std::size_t CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getMeshCount() const { return m_model.meshes.size(); } std::size_t CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getPrimitiveCount( const std::size_t meshIdx) const { return m_model.meshes[meshIdx].primitives.size(); } template T CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::readPrimitive( const BufferOffset& readFrom) { unsigned char d[sizeof(T)]{}; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(T); ++i) { d[i] = readFrom.at(i); } T dest; std::memcpy(&dest, d, sizeof(dest)); return dest; } core::vector2df CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::readVec2DF( const CGLTFMeshFileLoader::BufferOffset& readFrom) { return core::vector2df(readPrimitive(readFrom), readPrimitive(BufferOffset(readFrom, sizeof(float)))); } core::vector3df CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::readVec3DF( const BufferOffset& readFrom, const float scale) { return core::vector3df( scale * readPrimitive(readFrom), scale * readPrimitive(BufferOffset(readFrom, sizeof(float))), -scale * readPrimitive(BufferOffset(readFrom, 2 * sizeof(float)))); } void CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::copyPositions( const std::size_t accessorIdx, std::vector& vertices) const { const auto& buffer = getBuffer(accessorIdx); const auto count = getElemCount(accessorIdx); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { const auto v = readVec3DF(BufferOffset(buffer, 3 * sizeof(float) * i), getScale()); vertices[i].Pos = v; } } void CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::copyNormals( const std::size_t accessorIdx, std::vector& vertices) const { const auto& buffer = getBuffer(accessorIdx); const auto count = getElemCount(accessorIdx); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { const auto n = readVec3DF(BufferOffset(buffer, 3 * sizeof(float) * i)); vertices[i].Normal = n; } } void CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::copyTCoords( const std::size_t accessorIdx, std::vector& vertices) const { const auto& buffer = getBuffer(accessorIdx); const auto count = getElemCount(accessorIdx); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { const auto t = readVec2DF(BufferOffset(buffer, 2 * sizeof(float) * i)); vertices[i].TCoords = t; } } float CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getScale() const { if (m_model.nodes[0].scale.size() > 0) { return static_cast(m_model.nodes[0].scale[0]); } return 1.0f; } std::size_t CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getElemCount( const std::size_t accessorIdx) const { return m_model.accessors[accessorIdx].count; } CGLTFMeshFileLoader::BufferOffset CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getBuffer( const std::size_t accessorIdx) const { const auto& accessor = m_model.accessors[accessorIdx]; const auto& view = m_model.bufferViews[accessor.bufferView]; const auto& buffer = m_model.buffers[view.buffer]; return BufferOffset(buffer.data, view.byteOffset); } std::size_t CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getIndicesAccessorIdx( const std::size_t meshIdx, const std::size_t primitiveIdx) const { return m_model.meshes[meshIdx].primitives[primitiveIdx].indices; } std::size_t CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getPositionAccessorIdx( const std::size_t meshIdx, const std::size_t primitiveIdx) const { return m_model.meshes[meshIdx].primitives[primitiveIdx] .attributes.find("POSITION")->second; } std::size_t CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getNormalAccessorIdx( const std::size_t meshIdx, const std::size_t primitiveIdx) const { const auto& attributes = m_model.meshes[meshIdx] .primitives[primitiveIdx].attributes; const auto result = attributes.find("NORMAL"); if (result == attributes.end()) { return -1; } else { return result->second; } } std::size_t CGLTFMeshFileLoader::MeshExtractor::getTCoordAccessorIdx( const std::size_t meshIdx, const std::size_t primitiveIdx) const { const auto& attributes = m_model.meshes[meshIdx] .primitives[primitiveIdx].attributes; const auto result = attributes.find("TEXCOORD_0"); if (result == attributes.end()) { return -1; } else { return result->second; } } bool CGLTFMeshFileLoader::tryParseGLTF(io::IReadFile* file, tinygltf::Model& model) { tinygltf::TinyGLTF loader {}; // Stop embedded textures from making model fail to load loader.SetImageLoader(dummyImageLoader, nullptr); std::string err {}; std::string warn {}; auto buf = std::make_unique(file->getSize()); file->read(buf.get(), file->getSize()); if (warn != "") { os::Printer::log(warn.c_str(), ELL_WARNING); } if (err != "") { os::Printer::log(err.c_str(), ELL_ERROR); return false; } return loader.LoadASCIIFromString(&model, &err, &warn, buf.get(), file->getSize(), "", 1); } } // namespace scene } // namespace irr