-- Minetest: builtin/misc.lua -- -- Misc. API functions -- local jobs = {} local time = 0.0 local last = core.get_us_time() / 1000000 core.register_globalstep(function(dtime) local new = core.get_us_time() / 1000000 if new > last then time = time + (new - last) else -- Overflow, we may lose a little bit of time here but -- only 1 tick max, potentially running timers slightly -- too early. time = time + new end last = new if #jobs < 1 then return end -- Iterate backwards so that we miss any new timers added by -- a timer callback, and so that we don't skip the next timer -- in the list if we remove one. for i = #jobs, 1, -1 do local job = jobs[i] if time >= job.expire then core.set_last_run_mod(job.mod_origin) job.func(unpack(job.arg)) table.remove(jobs, i) end end end) function core.after(after, func, ...) assert(tonumber(time) and type(func) == "function", "Invalid core.after invocation") jobs[#jobs + 1] = { func = func, expire = time + after, arg = {...}, mod_origin = core.get_last_run_mod() } end function core.check_player_privs(name, ...) local arg_type = type(name) if (arg_type == "userdata" or arg_type == "table") and name.get_player_name then -- If it quacks like a Player... name = name:get_player_name() elseif arg_type ~= "string" then error("Invalid core.check_player_privs argument type: " .. arg_type, 2) end local requested_privs = {...} local player_privs = core.get_player_privs(name) local missing_privileges = {} if type(requested_privs[1]) == "table" then -- We were provided with a table like { privA = true, privB = true }. for priv, value in pairs(requested_privs[1]) do if value and not player_privs[priv] then missing_privileges[#missing_privileges + 1] = priv end end else -- Only a list, we can process it directly. for key, priv in pairs(requested_privs) do if not player_privs[priv] then missing_privileges[#missing_privileges + 1] = priv end end end if #missing_privileges > 0 then return false, missing_privileges end return true, "" end local player_list = {} core.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) local player_name = player:get_player_name() player_list[player_name] = player core.chat_send_all("*** " .. player_name .. " joined the game.") end) core.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player, timed_out) local player_name = player:get_player_name() player_list[player_name] = nil local announcement = "*** " .. player_name .. " left the game." if timed_out then announcement = announcement .. " (timed out)" end core.chat_send_all(announcement) end) function core.get_connected_players() local temp_table = {} for index, value in pairs(player_list) do if value:is_player_connected() then temp_table[#temp_table + 1] = value end end return temp_table end -- Returns two position vectors representing a box of `radius` in each -- direction centered around the player corresponding to `player_name` function core.get_player_radius_area(player_name, radius) local player = core.get_player_by_name(player_name) if player == nil then return nil end local p1 = player:getpos() local p2 = p1 if radius then p1 = vector.subtract(p1, radius) p2 = vector.add(p2, radius) end return p1, p2 end function core.hash_node_position(pos) return (pos.z+32768)*65536*65536 + (pos.y+32768)*65536 + pos.x+32768 end function core.get_position_from_hash(hash) local pos = {} pos.x = (hash%65536) - 32768 hash = math.floor(hash/65536) pos.y = (hash%65536) - 32768 hash = math.floor(hash/65536) pos.z = (hash%65536) - 32768 return pos end function core.get_item_group(name, group) if not core.registered_items[name] or not core.registered_items[name].groups[group] then return 0 end return core.registered_items[name].groups[group] end function core.get_node_group(name, group) core.log("deprecated", "Deprecated usage of get_node_group, use get_item_group instead") return core.get_item_group(name, group) end function core.setting_get_pos(name) local value = core.setting_get(name) if not value then return nil end return core.string_to_pos(value) end -- To be overriden by protection mods function core.is_protected(pos, name) return false end function core.record_protection_violation(pos, name) for _, func in pairs(core.registered_on_protection_violation) do func(pos, name) end end local raillike_ids = {} local raillike_cur_id = 0 function core.raillike_group(name) local id = raillike_ids[name] if not id then raillike_cur_id = raillike_cur_id + 1 raillike_ids[name] = raillike_cur_id id = raillike_cur_id end return id end -- HTTP callback interface function core.http_add_fetch(httpenv) httpenv.fetch = function(req, callback) local handle = httpenv.fetch_async(req) local function update_http_status() local res = httpenv.fetch_async_get(handle) if res.completed then callback(res) else core.after(0, update_http_status) end end core.after(0, update_http_status) end return httpenv end if minetest.setting_getbool("disable_escape_sequences") then function core.get_color_escape_sequence(color) return "" end function core.get_background_escape_sequence(color) return "" end function core.colorize(color, message) return message end else local ESCAPE_CHAR = string.char(0x1b) function core.get_color_escape_sequence(color) return ESCAPE_CHAR .. "(c@" .. color .. ")" end function core.get_background_escape_sequence(color) return ESCAPE_CHAR .. "(b@" .. color .. ")" end function core.colorize(color, message) return core.get_color_escape_sequence(color) .. message .. core.get_color_escape_sequence("#ffffff") end end