/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2010-2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola Copyright (C) 2013 Ciaran Gultnieks Copyright (C) 2013 teddydestodes This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "guiKeyChangeMenu.h" #include "debug.h" #include "guiButton.h" #include "serialization.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "settings.h" #include #include "mainmenumanager.h" // for g_gamecallback #define KMaxButtonPerColumns 12 extern MainGameCallback *g_gamecallback; enum { GUI_ID_BACK_BUTTON = 101, GUI_ID_ABORT_BUTTON, GUI_ID_SCROLL_BAR, // buttons GUI_ID_KEY_FORWARD_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_BACKWARD_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_LEFT_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_RIGHT_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_AUX1_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_FLY_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_FAST_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_JUMP_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_NOCLIP_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_PITCH_MOVE, GUI_ID_KEY_CHAT_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_CMD_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_CMD_LOCAL_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_CONSOLE_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_SNEAK_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_DROP_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_INVENTORY_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_HOTBAR_PREV_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_HOTBAR_NEXT_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_MUTE_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_DEC_VOLUME_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_INC_VOLUME_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_RANGE_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_ZOOM_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_CAMERA_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_MINIMAP_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_SCREENSHOT_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_CHATLOG_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_BLOCK_BOUNDS_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_HUD_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_FOG_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_DEC_RANGE_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_INC_RANGE_BUTTON, GUI_ID_KEY_AUTOFWD_BUTTON, // other GUI_ID_CB_AUX1_DESCENDS, GUI_ID_CB_DOUBLETAP_JUMP, GUI_ID_CB_AUTOJUMP, }; GUIKeyChangeMenu::GUIKeyChangeMenu(gui::IGUIEnvironment* env, gui::IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, IMenuManager *menumgr, ISimpleTextureSource *tsrc) : GUIModalMenu(env, parent, id, menumgr), m_tsrc(tsrc) { init_keys(); } GUIKeyChangeMenu::~GUIKeyChangeMenu() { removeAllChildren(); key_used_text = nullptr; for (key_setting *ks : key_settings) { delete ks; } key_settings.clear(); } void GUIKeyChangeMenu::regenerateGui(v2u32 screensize) { removeAllChildren(); key_used_text = nullptr; const float s = m_gui_scale; DesiredRect = core::rect( screensize.X / 2 - 835 * s / 2, screensize.Y / 2 - 430 * s / 2, screensize.X / 2 + 835 * s / 2, screensize.Y / 2 + 430 * s / 2 ); recalculateAbsolutePosition(false); v2s32 size = DesiredRect.getSize(); v2s32 topleft(0, 0); { core::rect rect(0, 0, 600 * s, 40 * s); rect += topleft + v2s32(25 * s, 3 * s); //gui::IGUIStaticText *t = Environment->addStaticText(wstrgettext("Keybindings.").c_str(), rect, false, true, this, -1); //t->setTextAlignment(gui::EGUIA_CENTER, gui::EGUIA_UPPERLEFT); } // Build buttons v2s32 offset(25 * s, 60 * s); for(size_t i = 0; i < key_settings.size(); i++) { key_setting *k = key_settings.at(i); { core::rect rect(0, 0, 150 * s, 20 * s); rect += topleft + v2s32(offset.X, offset.Y); Environment->addStaticText(k->button_name.c_str(), rect, false, true, this, -1); } { core::rect rect(0, 0, 100 * s, 30 * s); rect += topleft + v2s32(offset.X + 150 * s, offset.Y - 5 * s); k->button = GUIButton::addButton(Environment, rect, m_tsrc, this, k->id, wstrgettext(k->key.name()).c_str()); } if ((i + 1) % KMaxButtonPerColumns == 0) { offset.X += 260 * s; offset.Y = 60 * s; } else { offset += v2s32(0, 25 * s); } } { s32 option_x = offset.X; s32 option_y = offset.Y + 5 * s; u32 option_w = 180 * s; { core::rect rect(0, 0, option_w, 30 * s); rect += topleft + v2s32(option_x, option_y); Environment->addCheckBox(g_settings->getBool("aux1_descends"), rect, this, GUI_ID_CB_AUX1_DESCENDS, wstrgettext("\"Aux1\" = climb down").c_str()); } offset += v2s32(0, 25 * s); } { s32 option_x = offset.X; s32 option_y = offset.Y + 5 * s; u32 option_w = 280 * s; { core::rect rect(0, 0, option_w, 30 * s); rect += topleft + v2s32(option_x, option_y); Environment->addCheckBox(g_settings->getBool("doubletap_jump"), rect, this, GUI_ID_CB_DOUBLETAP_JUMP, wstrgettext("Double tap \"jump\" to toggle fly").c_str()); } offset += v2s32(0, 25 * s); } { s32 option_x = offset.X; s32 option_y = offset.Y + 5 * s; u32 option_w = 280; { core::rect rect(0, 0, option_w, 30 * s); rect += topleft + v2s32(option_x, option_y); Environment->addCheckBox(g_settings->getBool("autojump"), rect, this, GUI_ID_CB_AUTOJUMP, wstrgettext("Automatic jumping").c_str()); } offset += v2s32(0, 25); } { core::rect rect(0, 0, 100 * s, 30 * s); rect += topleft + v2s32(size.X / 2 - 105 * s, size.Y - 40 * s); GUIButton::addButton(Environment, rect, m_tsrc, this, GUI_ID_BACK_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Save").c_str()); } { core::rect rect(0, 0, 100 * s, 30 * s); rect += topleft + v2s32(size.X / 2 + 5 * s, size.Y - 40 * s); GUIButton::addButton(Environment, rect, m_tsrc, this, GUI_ID_ABORT_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Cancel").c_str()); } } void GUIKeyChangeMenu::drawMenu() { gui::IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin(); if (!skin) return; video::IVideoDriver* driver = Environment->getVideoDriver(); video::SColor bgcolor(140, 0, 0, 0); driver->draw2DRectangle(bgcolor, AbsoluteRect, &AbsoluteClippingRect); gui::IGUIElement::draw(); } bool GUIKeyChangeMenu::acceptInput() { for (key_setting *k : key_settings) { std::string default_key; Settings::getLayer(SL_DEFAULTS)->getNoEx(k->setting_name, default_key); if (k->key.sym() != default_key) g_settings->set(k->setting_name, k->key.sym()); else g_settings->remove(k->setting_name); } { gui::IGUIElement *e = getElementFromId(GUI_ID_CB_AUX1_DESCENDS); if(e && e->getType() == gui::EGUIET_CHECK_BOX) g_settings->setBool("aux1_descends", ((gui::IGUICheckBox*)e)->isChecked()); } { gui::IGUIElement *e = getElementFromId(GUI_ID_CB_DOUBLETAP_JUMP); if(e && e->getType() == gui::EGUIET_CHECK_BOX) g_settings->setBool("doubletap_jump", ((gui::IGUICheckBox*)e)->isChecked()); } { gui::IGUIElement *e = getElementFromId(GUI_ID_CB_AUTOJUMP); if(e && e->getType() == gui::EGUIET_CHECK_BOX) g_settings->setBool("autojump", ((gui::IGUICheckBox*)e)->isChecked()); } clearKeyCache(); g_gamecallback->signalKeyConfigChange(); return true; } bool GUIKeyChangeMenu::resetMenu() { if (active_key) { active_key->button->setText(wstrgettext(active_key->key.name()).c_str()); active_key = nullptr; return false; } return true; } bool GUIKeyChangeMenu::OnEvent(const SEvent& event) { if (event.EventType == EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT && active_key && event.KeyInput.PressedDown) { bool prefer_character = shift_down; KeyPress kp(event.KeyInput, prefer_character); if (event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_DELETE) kp = KeyPress(""); // To erase key settings else if (event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_ESCAPE) kp = active_key->key; // Cancel bool shift_went_down = false; if(!shift_down && (event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_SHIFT || event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_LSHIFT || event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_RSHIFT)) shift_went_down = true; // Display Key already in use message bool key_in_use = false; if (strcmp(kp.sym(), "") != 0) { for (key_setting *ks : key_settings) { if (ks != active_key && ks->key == kp) { key_in_use = true; break; } } } if (key_in_use && !this->key_used_text) { core::rect rect(0, 0, 600, 40); rect += v2s32(0, 0) + v2s32(25, 30); this->key_used_text = Environment->addStaticText( wstrgettext("Key already in use").c_str(), rect, false, true, this, -1); } else if (!key_in_use && this->key_used_text) { this->key_used_text->remove(); this->key_used_text = nullptr; } // But go on { active_key->key = kp; active_key->button->setText(wstrgettext(kp.name()).c_str()); // Allow characters made with shift if (shift_went_down){ shift_down = true; return false; } active_key = nullptr; return true; } } else if (event.EventType == EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT && !active_key && event.KeyInput.PressedDown && event.KeyInput.Key == irr::KEY_ESCAPE) { quitMenu(); return true; } else if (event.EventType == EET_GUI_EVENT) { if (event.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_ELEMENT_FOCUS_LOST && isVisible()) { if (!canTakeFocus(event.GUIEvent.Element)) { infostream << "GUIKeyChangeMenu: Not allowing focus change." << std::endl; // Returning true disables focus change return true; } } if (event.GUIEvent.EventType == gui::EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED) { switch (event.GUIEvent.Caller->getID()) { case GUI_ID_BACK_BUTTON: //back acceptInput(); quitMenu(); return true; case GUI_ID_ABORT_BUTTON: //abort quitMenu(); return true; default: resetMenu(); for (key_setting *ks : key_settings) { if (ks->id == event.GUIEvent.Caller->getID()) { active_key = ks; break; } } FATAL_ERROR_IF(!active_key, "Key setting not found"); shift_down = false; active_key->button->setText(wstrgettext("press key").c_str()); break; } Environment->setFocus(this); } } return Parent ? Parent->OnEvent(event) : false; } void GUIKeyChangeMenu::add_key(int id, std::wstring button_name, const std::string &setting_name) { key_setting *k = new key_setting; k->id = id; k->button_name = std::move(button_name); k->setting_name = setting_name; k->key = getKeySetting(k->setting_name.c_str()); key_settings.push_back(k); } void GUIKeyChangeMenu::init_keys() { this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_FORWARD_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Forward"), "keymap_forward"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_BACKWARD_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Backward"), "keymap_backward"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_LEFT_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Left"), "keymap_left"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_RIGHT_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Right"), "keymap_right"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_AUX1_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Aux1"), "keymap_aux1"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_JUMP_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Jump"), "keymap_jump"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_SNEAK_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Sneak"), "keymap_sneak"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_DROP_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Drop"), "keymap_drop"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_INVENTORY_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Inventory"), "keymap_inventory"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_HOTBAR_PREV_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Prev. item"), "keymap_hotbar_previous"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_HOTBAR_NEXT_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Next item"), "keymap_hotbar_next"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_ZOOM_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Zoom"), "keymap_zoom"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_CAMERA_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Change camera"), "keymap_camera_mode"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_MINIMAP_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Toggle minimap"), "keymap_minimap"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_FLY_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Toggle fly"), "keymap_freemove"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_PITCH_MOVE, wstrgettext("Toggle pitchmove"), "keymap_pitchmove"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_FAST_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Toggle fast"), "keymap_fastmove"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_NOCLIP_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Toggle noclip"), "keymap_noclip"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_MUTE_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Mute"), "keymap_mute"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_DEC_VOLUME_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Dec. volume"), "keymap_decrease_volume"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_INC_VOLUME_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Inc. volume"), "keymap_increase_volume"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_AUTOFWD_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Autoforward"), "keymap_autoforward"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_CHAT_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Chat"), "keymap_chat"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_SCREENSHOT_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Screenshot"), "keymap_screenshot"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_RANGE_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Range select"), "keymap_rangeselect"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_DEC_RANGE_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Dec. range"), "keymap_decrease_viewing_range_min"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_INC_RANGE_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Inc. range"), "keymap_increase_viewing_range_min"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_CONSOLE_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Console"), "keymap_console"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_CMD_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Command"), "keymap_cmd"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_CMD_LOCAL_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Local command"), "keymap_cmd_local"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_BLOCK_BOUNDS_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Block bounds"), "keymap_toggle_block_bounds"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_HUD_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Toggle HUD"), "keymap_toggle_hud"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_CHATLOG_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Toggle chat log"), "keymap_toggle_chat"); this->add_key(GUI_ID_KEY_FOG_BUTTON, wstrgettext("Toggle fog"), "keymap_toggle_fog"); }