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2017-10-27 13:34:41 +02:00
dungeon_loot.registered_loot = {
-- buckets
{name = "bucket:bucket_empty", chance = 0.55},
-- water in deserts or above ground, lava otherwise
{name = "bucket:bucket_water", chance = 0.45, types = {"sandstone", "desert"}},
{name = "bucket:bucket_water", chance = 0.45, y = {0, 32768}, types = {"normal"}},
{name = "bucket:bucket_lava", chance = 0.45, y = {-32768, -1}, types = {"normal"}},
-- various items
{name = "default:stick", chance = 0.6, count = {3, 6}},
{name = "default:flint", chance = 0.4, count = {1, 3}},
{name = "vessels:glass_fragments", chance = 0.35, count = {1, 4}},
{name = "carts:rail", chance = 0.35, count = {1, 6}},
-- farming / consumable
{name = "farming:string", chance = 0.5, count = {1, 8}},
{name = "farming:wheat", chance = 0.5, count = {2, 5}},
{name = "default:apple", chance = 0.4, count = {1, 4}},
{name = "farming:seed_cotton", chance = 0.4, count = {1, 4}, types = {"normal"}},
{name = "default:cactus", chance = 0.4, count = {1, 4}, types = {"sandstone", "desert"}},
-- minerals
{name = "default:coal_lump", chance = 0.9, count = {1, 12}},
{name = "default:gold_ingot", chance = 0.5},
{name = "default:steel_ingot", chance = 0.4, count = {1, 6}},
{name = "default:mese_crystal", chance = 0.1, count = {2, 3}},
-- tools
{name = "default:sword_wood", chance = 0.6},
{name = "default:pick_stone", chance = 0.3},
{name = "default:axe_diamond", chance = 0.05},
-- natural materials
{name = "default:sand", chance = 0.8, count = {4, 32}, y = {-64, 32768}, types = {"normal"}},
{name = "default:desert_sand", chance = 0.8, count = {4, 32}, y = {-64, 32768}, types = {"sandstone"}},
{name = "default:desert_cobble", chance = 0.8, count = {4, 32}, types = {"desert"}},
{name = "default:dirt", chance = 0.6, count = {2, 16}, y = {-64, 32768}},
{name = "default:obsidian", chance = 0.25, count = {1, 3}, y = {-32768, -512}},
{name = "default:mese", chance = 0.15, y = {-32768, -512}},
function dungeon_loot.register(t)
if t.name ~= nil then
t = {t} -- single entry
for _, loot in ipairs(t) do
table.insert(dungeon_loot.registered_loot, loot)
function dungeon_loot._internal_get_loot(pos_y, dungeontype)
-- filter by y pos and type
local ret = {}
for _, l in ipairs(dungeon_loot.registered_loot) do
if l.y == nil or (pos_y >= l.y[1] and pos_y <= l.y[2]) then
if l.types == nil or table.indexof(l.types, dungeontype) ~= -1 then
table.insert(ret, l)
return ret