screwdriver = {} screwdriver.ROTATE_FACE = 1 screwdriver.ROTATE_AXIS = 2 screwdriver.disallow = function(pos, node, user, mode, new_param2) return false end screwdriver.rotate_simple = function(pos, node, user, mode, new_param2) if mode ~= screwdriver.ROTATE_FACE then return false end end -- For attached wallmounted nodes: returns true if rotation is valid -- simplified version of minetest:builtin/game/falling.lua#L148. local function check_attached_node(pos, rotation) local d = minetest.wallmounted_to_dir(rotation) local p2 = vector.add(pos, d) local n = minetest.get_node(p2).name local def2 = minetest.registered_nodes[n] if def2 and not def2.walkable then return false end return true end screwdriver.rotate = {} local facedir_tbl = { [screwdriver.ROTATE_FACE] = { [0] = 1, [1] = 2, [2] = 3, [3] = 0, [4] = 5, [5] = 6, [6] = 7, [7] = 4, [8] = 9, [9] = 10, [10] = 11, [11] = 8, [12] = 13, [13] = 14, [14] = 15, [15] = 12, [16] = 17, [17] = 18, [18] = 19, [19] = 16, [20] = 21, [21] = 22, [22] = 23, [23] = 20, }, [screwdriver.ROTATE_AXIS] = { [0] = 4, [1] = 4, [2] = 4, [3] = 4, [4] = 8, [5] = 8, [6] = 8, [7] = 8, [8] = 12, [9] = 12, [10] = 12, [11] = 12, [12] = 16, [13] = 16, [14] = 16, [15] = 16, [16] = 20, [17] = 20, [18] = 20, [19] = 20, [20] = 0, [21] = 0, [22] = 0, [23] = 0, }, } screwdriver.rotate.facedir = function(pos, node, mode) local rotation = node.param2 % 32 -- get first 5 bits local other = node.param2 - rotation rotation = facedir_tbl[mode][rotation] or 0 return rotation + other end screwdriver.rotate.colorfacedir = screwdriver.rotate.facedir local wallmounted_tbl = { [screwdriver.ROTATE_FACE] = {[2] = 5, [3] = 4, [4] = 2, [5] = 3, [1] = 0, [0] = 1}, [screwdriver.ROTATE_AXIS] = {[2] = 5, [3] = 4, [4] = 2, [5] = 1, [1] = 0, [0] = 3} } screwdriver.rotate.wallmounted = function(pos, node, mode) local rotation = node.param2 % 8 -- get first 3 bits local other = node.param2 - rotation rotation = wallmounted_tbl[mode][rotation] or 0 if minetest.get_item_group(, "attached_node") ~= 0 then -- find an acceptable orientation for i = 1, 5 do if not check_attached_node(pos, rotation) then rotation = wallmounted_tbl[mode][rotation] or 0 else break end end end return rotation + other end screwdriver.rotate.colorwallmounted = screwdriver.rotate.wallmounted -- Handles rotation screwdriver.handler = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing, mode, uses) if pointed_thing.type ~= "node" then return end local pos = pointed_thing.under if minetest.is_protected(pos, user:get_player_name()) then minetest.record_protection_violation(pos, user:get_player_name()) return end local node = minetest.get_node(pos) local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[] -- can we rotate this paramtype2? local fn = screwdriver.rotate[ndef.paramtype2] if not fn then return end local should_rotate = true local new_param2 = fn(pos, node, mode) -- Node provides a handler, so let the handler decide instead if the node can be rotated if ndef and ndef.on_rotate then -- Copy pos and node because callback can modify it local result = ndef.on_rotate(, {name =, param1 = node.param1, param2 = node.param2}, user, mode, new_param2) if result == false then -- Disallow rotation return elseif result == true then should_rotate = false end else if not ndef or ndef.on_rotate == false or (ndef.drawtype == "nodebox" and (ndef.node_box and ndef.node_box.type ~= "fixed")) or node.param2 == nil then return end if ndef.can_dig and not ndef.can_dig(pos, user) then return end end if should_rotate then node.param2 = new_param2 minetest.swap_node(pos, node) minetest.check_for_falling(pos) end if not minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then itemstack:add_wear(65535 / ((uses or 200) - 1)) end return itemstack end -- Screwdriver minetest.register_tool("screwdriver:screwdriver", { description = "Screwdriver (left-click rotates face, right-click rotates axis)", inventory_image = "screwdriver.png", on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) screwdriver.handler(itemstack, user, pointed_thing, screwdriver.ROTATE_FACE, 200) return itemstack end, on_place = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) screwdriver.handler(itemstack, user, pointed_thing, screwdriver.ROTATE_AXIS, 200) return itemstack end, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "screwdriver:screwdriver", recipe = { {"default:steel_ingot"}, {"group:stick"} } }) minetest.register_alias("screwdriver:screwdriver1", "screwdriver:screwdriver") minetest.register_alias("screwdriver:screwdriver2", "screwdriver:screwdriver") minetest.register_alias("screwdriver:screwdriver3", "screwdriver:screwdriver") minetest.register_alias("screwdriver:screwdriver4", "screwdriver:screwdriver")