player_api = {} -- Player animation blending -- Note: This is currently broken due to a bug in Irrlicht, leave at 0 local animation_blend = 0 player_api.registered_models = {} -- Local for speed. local models = player_api.registered_models local function collisionbox_equals(collisionbox, other_collisionbox) if collisionbox == other_collisionbox then return true end for index = 1, 6 do if collisionbox[index] ~= other_collisionbox[index] then return false end end return true end function player_api.register_model(name, def) models[name] = def def.visual_size = def.visual_size or {x = 1, y = 1} def.collisionbox = def.collisionbox or {-0.3, 0.0, -0.3, 0.3, 1.7, 0.3} def.stepheight = def.stepheight or 0.6 def.eye_height = def.eye_height or 1.47 -- Sort animations into property classes: -- Animations with same properties have the same _equals value for animation_name, animation in pairs(def.animations) do animation.eye_height = animation.eye_height or def.eye_height animation.collisionbox = animation.collisionbox or def.collisionbox animation.override_local = animation.override_local or false for _, other_animation in pairs(def.animations) do if other_animation._equals then if collisionbox_equals(animation.collisionbox, other_animation.collisionbox) and animation.eye_height == other_animation.eye_height then animation._equals = other_animation._equals break end end end animation._equals = animation._equals or animation_name end end -- Player stats and animations -- model, textures, animation local players = {} player_api.player_attached = {} local function get_player_data(player) return assert(players[player:get_player_name()]) end function player_api.get_animation(player) return get_player_data(player) end -- Called when a player's appearance needs to be updated function player_api.set_model(player, model_name) local player_data = get_player_data(player) if player_data.model == model_name then return end player_data.model = model_name local model = models[model_name] if model then player:set_properties({ mesh = model_name, textures = player_data.textures or model.textures, visual = "mesh", visual_size = model.visual_size, stepheight = model.stepheight }) -- sets local_animation, collisionbox & eye_height player_api.set_animation(player, "stand") else player:set_properties({ textures = {"player.png", "player_back.png"}, visual = "upright_sprite", visual_size = {x = 1, y = 2}, collisionbox = {-0.3, 0.0, -0.3, 0.3, 1.75, 0.3}, stepheight = 0.6, eye_height = 1.625, }) end end function player_api.get_textures(player) local player_data = get_player_data(player) local model = models[player_data.model] return assert(player_data.textures or (model and model.textures)) end function player_api.set_textures(player, textures) local player_data = get_player_data(player) local model = models[player_data.model] local new_textures = assert(textures or (model and model.textures)) player_data.textures = new_textures player:set_properties({textures = new_textures}) end function player_api.set_texture(player, index, texture) local textures = table.copy(player_api.get_textures(player)) textures[index] = texture player_api.set_textures(player, textures) end function player_api.set_animation(player, anim_name, speed) local player_data = get_player_data(player) local model = models[player_data.model] if not (model and model.animations[anim_name]) then return end speed = speed or model.animation_speed if player_data.animation == anim_name and player_data.animation_speed == speed then return end local previous_anim = model.animations[player_data.animation] or {} local anim = model.animations[anim_name] player_data.animation = anim_name player_data.animation_speed = speed -- If necessary change the local animation (only seen by the client of *that* player) -- `override_local` <=> suspend local animations while this one is active -- (this is basically a hack, proper engine feature needed...) if anim.override_local ~= previous_anim.override_local then if anim.override_local then local none = {x=0, y=0} player:set_local_animation(none, none, none, none, 1) else local a = model.animations -- (not specific to the animation being set) player:set_local_animation( a.stand, a.walk, a.mine, a.walk_mine, model.animation_speed or 30 ) end end -- Set the animation seen by everyone else player:set_animation(anim, speed, animation_blend) -- Update related properties if they changed if anim._equals ~= previous_anim._equals then player:set_properties({ collisionbox = anim.collisionbox, eye_height = anim.eye_height }) end end minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() players[name] = {} player_api.player_attached[name] = false end) minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() players[name] = nil player_api.player_attached[name] = nil end) -- Localize for better performance. local player_set_animation = player_api.set_animation local player_attached = player_api.player_attached -- Prevent knockback for attached players local old_calculate_knockback = minetest.calculate_knockback function minetest.calculate_knockback(player, ...) if player_attached[player:get_player_name()] then return 0 end return old_calculate_knockback(player, ...) end -- Check each player and apply animations minetest.register_globalstep(function() for _, player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local name = player:get_player_name() local player_data = players[name] local model = models[player_data.model] if model and not player_attached[name] then local controls = player:get_player_control() local animation_speed_mod = model.animation_speed or 30 -- Determine if the player is sneaking, and reduce animation speed if so if controls.sneak then animation_speed_mod = animation_speed_mod / 2 end -- Apply animations based on what the player is doing if player:get_hp() == 0 then player_set_animation(player, "lay") elseif controls.up or controls.down or controls.left or controls.right then if controls.LMB or controls.RMB then player_set_animation(player, "walk_mine", animation_speed_mod) else player_set_animation(player, "walk", animation_speed_mod) end elseif controls.LMB or controls.RMB then player_set_animation(player, "mine", animation_speed_mod) else player_set_animation(player, "stand", animation_speed_mod) end end end end) for _, api_function in pairs({"get_animation", "set_animation", "set_model", "set_textures"}) do local original_function = player_api[api_function] player_api[api_function] = function(player, ...) if not players[player:get_player_name()] then -- HACK for keeping backwards compatibility minetest.log("warning", api_function .. " called on offline player") return end return original_function(player, ...) end end