-- carts/init.lua -- Load support for MT game translation. local S = minetest.get_translator("carts") carts = {} carts.modpath = minetest.get_modpath("carts") carts.railparams = {} carts.get_translator = S -- Maximal speed of the cart in m/s (min = -1) carts.speed_max = 7 -- Set to -1 to disable punching the cart from inside (min = -1) carts.punch_speed_max = 5 -- Maximal distance for the path correction (for dtime peaks) carts.path_distance_max = 3 dofile(carts.modpath.."/functions.lua") dofile(carts.modpath.."/rails.lua") dofile(carts.modpath.."/cart_entity.lua") -- Register rails as dungeon loot if minetest.global_exists("dungeon_loot") then dungeon_loot.register({ name = "carts:rail", chance = 0.35, count = {1, 6} }) end