/* * ===================================================================== * Version: 1.0 * Created: 01.09.2012 14:38:08 * Author: Miroslav Bendík * Company: LinuxOS.sk * ===================================================================== */ #ifndef PLAYERATTRIBUTES_H_D7THWFVV #define PLAYERATTRIBUTES_H_D7THWFVV #include #include struct Player { std::string name; double x; double y; double z; }; /* ----- end of struct Player ----- */ class PlayerAttributes { public: typedef std::list Players; PlayerAttributes(const std::string &sourceDirectory); Players::iterator begin(); Players::iterator end(); private: Players m_players; }; /* ----- end of class PlayerAttributes ----- */ #endif /* end of include guard: PLAYERATTRIBUTES_H_D7THWFVV */