local function get_tile(tiles, n) local tile = tiles[n] if type(tile) == 'table' then return tile.name or tile.image end return tile end local function pairs_s(dict) local keys = {} for k in pairs(dict) do keys[#keys+1] = k end table.sort(keys) return ipairs(keys) end minetest.register_chatcommand("dumpnodes", { description = "Dump node and texture list for use with minetestmapper", func = function() local ntbl = {} for _, nn in pairs_s(minetest.registered_nodes) do local prefix, name = nn:match('(.*):(.*)') if prefix == nil or name == nil then print("ignored(1): " .. nn) else if ntbl[prefix] == nil then ntbl[prefix] = {} end ntbl[prefix][name] = true end end local out, err = io.open(minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/nodes.txt", 'wb') if not out then return true, err end local n = 0 for _, prefix in pairs_s(ntbl) do out:write('# ' .. prefix .. '\n') for _, name in pairs_s(ntbl[prefix]) do local nn = prefix .. ":" .. name local nd = minetest.registered_nodes[nn] local tiles = nd.tiles or nd.tile_images if tiles == nil or nd.drawtype == 'airlike' then print("ignored(2): " .. nn) else local tex = get_tile(tiles, 1) tex = (tex .. '^'):match('%(*(.-)%)*^') -- strip modifiers if tex:find("[combine", 1, true) then tex = tex:match('.-=([^:]-)') -- extract first texture end out:write(nn .. ' ' .. tex .. '\n') n = n + 1 end end out:write('\n') end out:close() return true, n .. " nodes dumped." end, })