/* * ===================================================================== * Version: 1.0 * Created: 23.08.2012 12:35:53 * Author: Miroslav Bendík * Company: LinuxOS.sk * ===================================================================== */ #include #include #include #include #include "TileGenerator.h" using namespace std; TileGenerator::TileGenerator(): m_drawOrigin(false), m_drawPlayers(false), m_drawScale(false), m_drawUnderground(false), m_db(0), m_image(0), m_xMin(0), m_xMax(0), m_zMin(0), m_zMax(0) { m_bgColor = {255, 255, 255}; m_scaleColor = {0, 0, 0}; m_originColor = {255, 0, 0}; m_playerColor = {255, 0, 0}; } TileGenerator::~TileGenerator() { if (m_db != 0) { sqlite3_close(m_db); m_db = 0; } } void TileGenerator::setBgColor(const std::string &bgColor) { m_bgColor = parseColor(bgColor); } void TileGenerator::setScaleColor(const std::string &scaleColor) { m_scaleColor = parseColor(scaleColor); } void TileGenerator::setOriginColor(const std::string &originColor) { m_originColor = parseColor(originColor); } void TileGenerator::setPlayerColor(const std::string &playerColor) { m_playerColor = parseColor(playerColor); } Color TileGenerator::parseColor(const std::string &color) { Color parsed; if (color.length() != 7) { throw ColorError(); } if (color[0] != '#') { throw ColorError(); } long col = strtol(color.c_str() + 1, NULL, 16); parsed.b = col % 256; col = col / 256; parsed.g = col % 256; col = col / 256; parsed.r = col % 256; return parsed; } void TileGenerator::setDrawOrigin(bool drawOrigin) { m_drawOrigin = drawOrigin; } void TileGenerator::setDrawPlayers(bool drawPlayers) { m_drawPlayers = drawPlayers; } void TileGenerator::setDrawScale(bool drawScale) { m_drawScale = drawScale; } void TileGenerator::setDrawUnderground(bool drawUnderground) { m_drawUnderground = drawUnderground; } void TileGenerator::parseColorsFile(const std::string &fileName) { ifstream in; in.open(fileName.c_str(), ifstream::in); if (!in.is_open()) { std::cerr << "File colors.txt does not exist" << std::endl; exit(-2); } while (in.good()) { string name; Color color; in >> name; if (name[0] == '#') { in.ignore(65536, '\n'); in >> name; } while (name == "\n" && in.good()) { in >> name; } int r, g, b; in >> r; in >> g; in >> b; if (in.good()) { m_colors[name] = color; color.r = r; color.g = g; color.b = b; } } } void TileGenerator::generate(const std::string &input, const std::string &output) { openDb(input); loadBlocks(); createImage(); renderMap(); writeImage(output); } void TileGenerator::openDb(const std::string &input) { string db_name = input + "map.sqlite"; if (sqlite3_open(db_name.c_str(), &m_db) != SQLITE_OK) { throw DbError(); } } void TileGenerator::loadBlocks() { sqlite3_stmt *statement; string sql = "SELECT pos FROM blocks"; if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(m_db, sql.c_str(), sql.length(), &statement, 0) == SQLITE_OK) { int result = 0; while (true) { result = sqlite3_step(statement); if(result == SQLITE_ROW) { sqlite3_int64 blocknum = sqlite3_column_int64(statement, 0); BlockPos pos = decodeBlockPos(blocknum); if (pos.x > SectorXMax || pos.x < SectorXMin || pos.z > SectorZMax || pos.z < SectorZMin) { continue; } if (pos.x < m_xMin) { m_xMin = pos.x; } if (pos.x > m_xMax) { m_xMax = pos.x; } if (pos.z < m_zMin) { m_zMin = pos.z; } if (pos.z > m_zMax) { m_zMax = pos.z; } m_positions.push_back(std::pair(pos.x, pos.z)); } else { break; } } m_positions.sort(); m_positions.unique(); } else { throw DbError(); } } inline BlockPos TileGenerator::decodeBlockPos(sqlite3_int64 blockId) { BlockPos pos; pos.x = unsignedToSigned(blockId % 4096, 2048); blockId = (blockId - pos.x) / 4096; pos.y = unsignedToSigned(blockId % 4096, 2048); blockId = (blockId - pos.y) / 4096; pos.z = unsignedToSigned(blockId % 4096, 2048); return pos; } inline sqlite3_int64 TileGenerator::encodeBlockPos(int x, int y, int z) { return sqlite3_int64(z) * 16777216l + sqlite3_int64(y) * 4096l + sqlite3_int64(x); } inline int TileGenerator::unsignedToSigned(long i, long max_positive) { if (i < max_positive) { return i; } else { return i - 2l * max_positive; } } void TileGenerator::createImage() { m_imgWidth = (m_xMax - m_xMin) * 16; m_imgHeight = (m_zMax - m_zMin) * 16; m_image = gdImageCreate(m_imgWidth, m_imgHeight); // Background gdImageColorAllocate(m_image, m_bgColor.r, m_bgColor.g, m_bgColor.b); } void TileGenerator::renderMap() { sqlite3_stmt *statement; //string sql = "SELECT pos, data FROM blocks WHERE pos >= ? AND pos <= ? AND (pos - ?) % 4096 = 0"; string sql = "SELECT pos, data FROM blocks WHERE pos >= ? AND pos <= ?"; std::list zlist; for (std::list >::iterator position = m_positions.begin(); position != m_positions.end(); ++position) { zlist.push_back(position->second); } zlist.sort(); zlist.unique(); if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(m_db, sql.c_str(), sql.length(), &statement, 0) != SQLITE_OK) { throw DbError(); } for (std::list::iterator position = zlist.begin(); position != zlist.end(); ++position) { int zPos = *position; sqlite3_int64 psMin = encodeBlockPos(-2048, -2048, zPos); sqlite3_int64 psMax = encodeBlockPos( 2047, 2047, zPos); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 1, psMin); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 2, psMax); int result = 0; while (true) { result = sqlite3_step(statement); if(result == SQLITE_ROW) { } else { break; } } } } void TileGenerator::writeImage(const std::string &output) { FILE *out; out = fopen(output.c_str(), "w"); gdImagePng(m_image, out); fclose(out); gdImageDestroy(m_image); }