==FILE== mods/dumpnodes/init.lua local function nd_get_tiles(nd) if nd.tiles then return nd.tiles elseif nd.tile_images then return nd.tile_images end return nil end minetest.register_chatcommand("dumpnodes", { params = "", description = "", func = function(plname, param) local n = 0 local ntbl = {} for nn, nd in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do local prefix, name = nn:match('(.*):(.*)') if prefix == nil or name == nil or prefix == '' or name == '' then -- nothing else if ntbl[prefix] == nil then ntbl[prefix] = {} end ntbl[prefix][name] = nd end end local out, err = io.open('nodes.txt', 'wb') if not out then return minetest.chat_send_player(plname, 'io.open: ' .. err) end for prefix, i in pairs(ntbl) do out:write('# ' .. prefix .. '\n') for name, nd in pairs(i) do if nd.drawtype ~= 'airlike' and nd_get_tiles(nd) ~= nil then local tl = nd_get_tiles(nd)[1] if type(tl) == 'table' then tl = tl.name end tl = (tl .. '^'):match('(.-)^') out:write(prefix .. ':' .. name .. ' ' .. tl .. '\n') n = n + 1 end end out:write('\n') end out:close() minetest.chat_send_player(plname, n .. " nodes dumped.") end, }) ==FILE== avgcolor.py #!/usr/bin/env python import sys from PIL import Image def avg2(a, b): return int((a + b) / 2.0) def avg2t3i0(a, b): return tuple(avg2(t[0], t[1]) for t in zip(a[:3], b[:3])) if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print("Usage: %s " % sys.argv[0]) else: inp = Image.open(sys.argv[1]) inp = inp.convert('RGBA') ind = inp.load() avgc = -1 for x in range(inp.size[0]): for y in range(inp.size[1]): pxl = ind[x, y] if pxl[3] < 128: continue if avgc == -1: avgc = pxl[:3] else: avgc = avg2t3i0(avgc, pxl) if avgc == -1: sys.stderr.write('Warning: did not find average color\n') print('0 0 0') else: print("%d %d %d" % avgc) ==COMMAND== while read -r p; do set -- junk $p shift if [[ ! $1 == "#" && ! $1 == "" ]]; then echo $1 `python /path/to/avgcolor.py $(find /path/to/minetest/directory/ -type f -name $2)` echo $1 1>&2 fi done < nodes.txt > colors.txt # Use nicer colors for water and lava sed -re 's/^default:water_([a-z]+) [0-9 ]+$/default:water_\1 39 66 106 128 224/' < colors.txt > tmp$$ && mv tmp$$ colors.txt sed -re 's/^default:river_water_([a-z]+) [0-9 ]+$/default:water_\1 39 66 106 128 224/' < colors.txt > tmp$$ && mv tmp$$ colors.txt sed -re 's/^default:lava_([a-z]+) [0-9 ]+$/default:lava_\1 255 100 0/' < colors.txt > tmp$$ && mv tmp$$ colors.txt sed -re 's/^default:([a-z_]*)glass ([0-9 ]+)$/default:\1glass \2 64 16/' < colors.txt > tmp$$ && mv tmp$$ colors.txt ==INSTRUCTIONS== 1) Make sure avgcolors.py outputs the usage instructions 2) Add the dumpnodes mod to Minetest 3) Create a world and load dumpnodes & all mods you want to have a color entry for 4) Execute /dumpnodes ingame 5) Use the command to generate colors.txt (obviously don't forget to replace /path/to/... with the actual path)