local path = minetest.get_modpath("biomes") minetest.clear_registered_biomes() minetest.clear_registered_decorations() minetest.register_node("biomes:mud", { description = "Mud", tiles = {"biomes_mud.png"}, liquid_viscosity = 8, liquidtype = "source", liquid_renewable = false, liquid_alternative_source = "biomes:mud", liquid_alternative_flowing = "biomes:mud", liquid_range = 0, post_effect_color = {r=115, g=61, b=31, a=255}, drowning = 1, walkable = false, groups = {crumbly = 2}, sounds = default.node_sound_dirt_defaults(), }) for line in io.lines(path .. "/biomes.csv") do local attribs = line:split(",", true) local name, stone, fill, top, dust, sea, river, ymin, ymax, heat, humidity = unpack(attribs) if #name > 0 and name:sub(1,1) ~= "#" then -- Register biome local biome = {name=name} if stone and #stone > 0 then biome.stone = stone end if fill and #fill > 0 then fill = fill:split("%s", false, 1, true) biome.node_filler = fill[1] biome.depth_filler = tonumber(fill[2] or 1) end if top and #top > 0 then top = top:split("%s", false, 1, true) biome.node_top = top[1] biome.depth_top = tonumber(top[2] or 1) end if dust and #dust > 0 then biome.node_dust = dust end if sea and #sea > 0 then sea = sea:split("%s", false, 1, true) biome.node_water_top = sea[1] biome.depth_water_top = tonumber(sea[2] or 1) end if river and #river > 0 then biome.node_river_water = river end biome.y_min = tonumber(ymin) or -31000 biome.y_max = tonumber(ymax) or 31000 biome.heat_point = tonumber(heat) or 50 biome.humidity_point = tonumber(humidity) or 50 local id = minetest.register_biome(biome) print("Biome \"" .. name .. "\" registered with ID=" .. id .. ", temperature " .. biome.heat_point .. ", humidity " .. biome.humidity_point .. ".") end end --dofile(path .. "/main_biomes.lua") --dofile(path .. "/beach_biomes.lua") --dofile(path .. "/sea_biomes.lua") dofile(path .. "/decorations.lua")