local f = string.format local node_tiles = minetest.settings:get_bool("wieldview_node_tiles") if not node_tiles then node_tiles = false minetest.settings:set("wieldview_node_tiles", "false") end -- https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/9fc018ded10225589d2559d24a5db739e891fb31/doc/lua_api.txt#L453-L462 local function escape_texture(texturestring) -- store in a variable so we don't return both rvs of gsub local v = texturestring:gsub("%^", "\\^"):gsub(":", "\\:") return v end local function memoize(func) local memo = {} return function(arg) if arg == nil then return func(arg) end local rv = memo[arg] if not rv then rv = func(arg) memo[arg] = rv end return rv end end local function is_vertical_frames(animation) return ( animation.type == "vertical_frames" and animation.aspect_w and animation.aspect_h ) end local function get_single_frame(animation, image_name) return ("[combine:%ix%i^[noalpha^[colorize:#FFF:255^[mask:%s"):format( animation.aspect_w, animation.aspect_h, image_name ) end local function is_sheet_2d(animation) return ( animation.type == "sheet_2d" and animation.frames_w and animation.frames_h ) end local function get_sheet_2d(animation, image_name) return ("%s^[sheet:%ix%i:0,0"):format( image_name, animation.frames_w, animation.frames_h ) end local get_image_from_tile = memoize(function(tile) if type(tile) == "string" then return tile elseif type(tile) == "table" then local image_name if type(tile.image) == "string" then image_name = tile.image elseif type(tile.name) == "string" then image_name = tile.name end if image_name then local animation = tile.animation if animation then if is_vertical_frames(animation) then return get_single_frame(animation, image_name) elseif is_sheet_2d(animation) then return get_sheet_2d(animation, image_name) end end return image_name end end return "blank.png" end) local function get_image_cube(tiles) if #tiles >= 6 then return minetest.inventorycube( get_image_from_tile(tiles[1] or "no_texture.png"), get_image_from_tile(tiles[6] or "no_texture.png"), get_image_from_tile(tiles[3] or "no_texture.png") ) elseif #tiles == 5 then return minetest.inventorycube( get_image_from_tile(tiles[1] or "no_texture.png"), get_image_from_tile(tiles[5] or "no_texture.png"), get_image_from_tile(tiles[3] or "no_texture.png") ) elseif #tiles == 4 then return minetest.inventorycube( get_image_from_tile(tiles[1] or "no_texture.png"), get_image_from_tile(tiles[4] or "no_texture.png"), get_image_from_tile(tiles[3] or "no_texture.png") ) elseif #tiles == 3 then return minetest.inventorycube( get_image_from_tile(tiles[1] or "no_texture.png"), get_image_from_tile(tiles[3] or "no_texture.png"), get_image_from_tile(tiles[3] or "no_texture.png") ) elseif #tiles == 2 then return minetest.inventorycube( get_image_from_tile(tiles[1] or "no_texture.png"), get_image_from_tile(tiles[2] or "no_texture.png"), get_image_from_tile(tiles[2] or "no_texture.png") ) elseif #tiles == 1 then return minetest.inventorycube( get_image_from_tile(tiles[1] or "no_texture.png"), get_image_from_tile(tiles[1] or "no_texture.png"), get_image_from_tile(tiles[1] or "no_texture.png") ) end return "blank.png" end local function is_normal_node(drawtype) return ( drawtype == "normal" or drawtype == "allfaces" or drawtype == "allfaces_optional" or drawtype == "glasslike" or drawtype == "glasslike_framed" or drawtype == "glasslike_framed_optional" or drawtype == "liquid" ) end armor.get_wield_image = memoize(function(item) item = ItemStack(item) if item:is_empty() then return "blank.png" end local def = item:get_definition() if not def then return "unknown_item.png" end local meta = item:get_meta() local color = meta:get("color") or def.color local image = "blank.png" if def.wield_image and def.wield_image ~= "" then local parts = {def.wield_image} if color then parts[#parts + 1] = f("[colorize:%s:alpha", escape_texture(color)) end if def.wield_overlay then parts[#parts + 1] = def.wield_overlay end image = table.concat(parts, "^") elseif def.inventory_image and def.inventory_image ~= "" then local parts = {def.inventory_image} if color then parts[#parts + 1] = f("[colorize:%s:alpha", escape_texture(color)) end if def.inventory_overlay then parts[#parts + 1] = def.inventory_overlay end image = table.concat(parts, "^") elseif def.type == "node" then if def.drawtype == "nodebox" or def.drawtype == "mesh" then image = "blank.png" else local tiles = def.tiles if type(tiles) == "string" then image = get_image_from_tile(tiles) elseif type(tiles) == "table" then if is_normal_node(def.drawtype) and node_tiles then image = get_image_cube(tiles) else image = get_image_from_tile(tiles[1]) end end end end return image end)