File irc.luadoc

LuaIRC is a low-level IRC library for Lua.


meta:hook (name, id [, f]) Hooks function f to event name, with the unique tag id.
meta:send (fmt, ...) Sends a line of raw IRC to the server Test Test 2
new (user) Create a new IRC object.


meta:hook (name, id [, f])
Hooks function f to event name, with the unique tag id. If parameter f is absent, id is assumed to be both the callback function and unique tag.


  • name:
  • id [:
  • f]:
meta:send (fmt, ...)
Sends a line of raw IRC to the server Test Test 2


  • fmt:
  • ...:
new (user)
Create a new IRC object. The user parameter can contain fields nick, username and realname. The nick field is required.


  • user:

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