local socket = require "socket" local error = error local setmetatable = setmetatable local rawget = rawget local unpack = unpack local pairs = pairs local assert = assert local require = require local print = print module "irc" local meta = {} meta.__index = meta _META = meta require "irc.util" require "irc.asyncoperations" local meta_preconnect = {} function meta_preconnect.__index(o, k) local v = rawget(meta_preconnect, k) if not v and meta[k] then error("field '"..k.."' is not accessible before connecting", 2) end return v end function new(user) local o = { nick = assert(user.nick, "Field 'nick' is required"); username = user.username or "lua"; realname = user.realname or "Lua owns"; hooks = {}; track_users = true; } return setmetatable(o, meta_preconnect) end function meta:hook(name, id, f) f = f or id self.hooks[name] = self.hooks[name] or {} self.hooks[name][id] = f return id or f end meta_preconnect.hook = meta.hook function meta:unhook(name, id) local hooks = self.hooks[name] assert(hooks, "no hooks exist for this event") assert(hooks[id], "hook ID not found") hooks[id] = nil end meta_preconnect.unhook = meta.unhook function meta:invoke(name, ...) local hooks = self.hooks[name] if hooks then for id,f in pairs(hooks) do f(...) end end end function meta_preconnect:connect(server, port, timeout) port = port or 6667 local s = socket.tcp() self.socket = s s:settimeout(timeout or 30) assert(s:connect(server, port)) setmetatable(self, meta) self:send("USER %s 0 * :%s", self.username, self.realname) self:send("NICK %s", self.nick) self.channels = {} s:settimeout(0) repeat self:think() until self.authed end function meta:disconnect(message) local message = message or "Bye!" self:invoke("OnDisconnect", message, false) self:send("QUIT :%s", message) self:shutdown() end function meta:shutdown() self.socket:shutdown() self.socket:close() setmetatable(self, nil) end local function getline(self, errlevel) line, err = self.socket:receive("*l") if not line and err ~= "timeout" then o:invoke("OnDisconnect", err, true) self:shutdown() error(err, errlevel) end return line end function meta:think() while true do local line = getline(self, 3) if line then self:handle(parse(line)) else break end end end local handlers = {} handlers["PING"] = function(o, prefix, query) o:send("PONG :%s", query) end handlers["001"] = function(o) o.authed = true end handlers["PRIVMSG"] = function(o, prefix, channel, message) o:invoke("OnChat", parsePrefix(prefix), channel, message) end handlers["NOTICE"] = function(o, prefix, channel, message) o:invoke("OnNotice", parsePrefix(prefix), channel, message) end handlers["JOIN"] = function(o, prefix, channel) local user = parsePrefix(prefix) if o.track_users then if user.nick == o.nick then o.channels[channel] = {users = {}} else o.channels[channel].users[user.nick] = user end end o:invoke("OnJoin", user, channel) end handlers["PART"] = function(o, prefix, channel, reason) local user = parsePrefix(prefix) if o.track_users then if user.nick == o.nick then o.channels[channel] = nil else o.channels[channel].users[user.nick] = nil end end o:invoke("OnPart", user, channel, reason) end handlers["QUIT"] = function(o, prefix, msg) local user = parsePrefix(prefix) if o.track_users then for channel, v in pairs(o.channels) do v.users[user.nick] = nil end end o:invoke("OnQuit", user, msg) end handlers["NICK"] = function(o, prefix, newnick) local user = parsePrefix(prefix) if o.track_users then for channel, v in pairs(o.channels) do local users = v.users local oldinfo = users[user.nick] if oldinfo then users[newnick] = oldinfo users[user.nick] = nil o:invoke("NickChange", user, newnick, channel) end end else o:invoke("NickChange", user, newnick) end end --NAMES list handlers["353"] = function(o, prefix, me, chanType, channel, names) if o.track_users then o.channels[channel] = o.channels[channel] or {users = {}, type = chanType} local users = o.channels[channel].users for nick in names:gmatch("(%S+)") do local access, name = parseNick(nick) users[name] = {type = access} end end end --end of NAMES handlers["366"] = function(o, prefix, me, channel, msg) if o.track_users then o:invoke("NameList", channel, msg) end end handlers["ERROR"] = function(o, prefix, message) o:invoke("OnDisconnect", message, true) o:shutdown() error(message, 3) end function meta:handle(prefix, cmd, params) local handler = handlers[cmd] if handler then handler(self, prefix, unpack(params)) end end local whoisHandlers = { ["311"] = "userinfo"; ["312"] = "node"; ["319"] = "channels"; ["330"] = "account"; -- Freenode ["307"] = "registered"; -- Unreal } function meta:whois(nick) self:send("WHOIS %s", nick) local result = {} while true do local line = getline(self, 3) if line then local prefix, cmd, args = parse(line) local handler = whoisHandlers[cmd] if handler then result[handler] = args elseif cmd == "318" then break else self:handle(prefix, cmd, args) end end end if result.account then result.account = result.account[3] end if result.registered then result.account = result.registered[2] end return result end