mirror of https://github.com/Uberi/Minetest-WorldEdit.git synced 2024-09-27 23:20:18 +02:00

Update serialization.lua

a worldedit.deserializeAligned - new function to enable loading a region with orientation based on player orientation - (and 2 helper functions for it)
This commit is contained in:
dgm3333 2014-05-26 20:48:42 +01:00
parent 509847b4d1
commit c1aadd078d

View File

@ -163,7 +163,10 @@ worldedit.allocate = function(originpos, value)
--local nodes = minetest.deserialize(value) --wip: this is broken for larger tables in the current version of LuaJIT
-- The following loop sets up pos1 and pos2 to encompass the boundary of the region,
-- and checks all nodes reference mods present in the current world. If they are not present, they are returned for processing if required.
count = #nodes
local missingMods = ""
for index = 1, count do
local entry = nodes[index]
x, y, z = originx + entry.x, originy + entry.y, originz + entry.z
@ -173,11 +176,24 @@ worldedit.allocate = function(originpos, value)
if x > pos2x then pos2x = x end
if y > pos2y then pos2y = y end
if z > pos2z then pos2z = z end
local colonLoc = string.find(entry.name, ":")
if colonLoc ~= nil then
local curMod = entry.name:sub(0,colonLoc-1)
if not string.find(missingMods, (curMod.. ";")) then
if not minetest.get_modpath(curMod) then
missingMods = missingMods.. curMod.. "; "
if string.len(missingMods) ~= 0 then
print("Worldedit file dependencies include the following missing mods:")
local pos1 = {x=pos1x, y=pos1y, z=pos1z}
local pos2 = {x=pos2x, y=pos2y, z=pos2z}
return pos1, pos2, count
return pos1, pos2, count, missingMods
--loads the nodes represented by string `value` at position `originpos`, returning the number of nodes deserialized
@ -271,3 +287,257 @@ worldedit.deserialize = function(originpos, value)
return count
-- create a copy of a node added by worldedit.deserializeAligned, then rotate it and replace the original with the correctly aligned copy
-- hopefully this function is not required, but is included as it may aid/improve backward compatibility if worldedit.getNewRotation doesn't work properly
worldedit.screwdriver_handler = function(pos, axisChange)
-- This function is hopefully not needed, but is included just in case (for old file formats)
-- the basis of this is the minetest screwdriver function
-- it would probably
if axisChange == "Z" then return end
-- create a copy of the node
local nodeRot = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z})
-- Get ready to set the param2
local n = nodeRot.param2
-- screwdriver uses axis direction. not sure why, but leave it there just in case...
local axisdir = math.floor(n / 4)
local rotation = n - axisdir * 4
-- screwdriver uses a separate function rather than modulus. Not sure why, but this seems to work
if axisChange == "X" then
n = axisdir * 4 + ((rotation + 1) % 4)
elseif axisChange == "z" then
n = axisdir * 4 + ((rotation + 2) % 4)
elseif axisChange == "x" then
n = axisdir * 4 + ((rotation + 3) % 4)
n = axisdir * 4
-- now replace the node with the copied one
nodeRot.param2 = n
minetest.swap_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z}, nodeRot)
-- return the correct orientation for a node within a region being loaded by worldedit.deserializeAligned
worldedit.getNewRotation = function(param2, axisChange)
-- the basis of this is the minetest screwdriver function
if axisChange == "Z" then return param2 end
-- screwdriver uses axisdir. not sure why, but leave it there just in case...
local axisdir = math.floor(param2 / 4)
local rotation = param2 - axisdir * 4
-- screwdriver uses a separate function rather than modulus. Not sure why, but modulus seems to work without the extra call
if axisChange == "X" then
param2 = axisdir * 4 + ((rotation + 1) % 4)
elseif axisChange == "z" then
param2 = axisdir * 4 + ((rotation + 2) % 4)
elseif axisChange == "x" then
param2 = axisdir * 4 + ((rotation + 3) % 4)
-- now return the new param2
return param2
--loads the nodes represented by string `value` at position `originpos`, returning the number of nodes deserialized
--contains code based on [table.save/table.load](http://lua-users.org/wiki/SaveTableToFile) by ChillCode, available under the MIT license (GPL compatible)
worldedit.deserializeAligned = function(originpos, value, axis)
--make area stay loaded
local pos1, pos2 = worldedit.allocate(originpos, value)
local manip = minetest.get_voxel_manip()
manip:read_from_map(pos1, pos2)
local huge = math.huge
local originx, originy, originz = originpos.x, originpos.y, originpos.z
local count = 0
local pos1x, pos1y, pos1z = huge, huge, huge
local pos2x, pos2y, pos2z = -huge, -huge, -huge
local add_node, get_meta = minetest.add_node, minetest.get_meta
local version = worldedit.valueversion(value)
-- print ("Debug info deserializeAligned: version: ".. version)
-- minetest.chat_send_all("Debug info deserializeAligned: version: ".. version)
if version == 1 or version == 2 then --original flat table format
--obtain the node table
local get_tables = loadstring(value)
if not get_tables then --error loading value
return count
local tables = get_tables()
--transform the node table into an array of nodes
for i = 1, #tables do
for j, v in pairs(tables[i]) do
if type(v) == "table" then
tables[i][j] = tables[v[1]]
local nodes = tables[1]
--load the node array
count = #nodes
if version == 1 then --original flat table format
print ("WorldEdit deserializeAligned: attempting to rotate untested file format version: 1")
for index = 1, count do
local entry = nodes[index]
local pos = entry[1]
if axis == "x" then
pos.x, pos.y, pos.z = originx + pos.z, originy - pos.y, originz - pos.x
elseif axis == "X" then
pos.x, pos.y, pos.z = originx - pos.z, originy - pos.y, originz + pos.x
elseif axis == "z" then
pos.x, pos.y, pos.z = originx + pos.x, originy - pos.y, originz + pos.z
elseif axis == "Z" then
pos.x, pos.y, pos.z = originx - pos.x, originy - pos.y, originz - pos.z
-- pos.x, pos.y, pos.z = originx - pos.x, originy - pos.y, originz - pos.z
if pos.x < pos1x then pos1x = pos.x end
if pos.y < pos1y then pos1y = pos.y end
if pos.z < pos1z then pos1z = pos.z end
if pos.x > pos2x then pos2x = pos.x end
if pos.y > pos2y then pos2y = pos.y end
if pos.z > pos2z then pos2z = pos.z end
entry[2].param2 = worldedit.getNewRotation(entry[2].param2,axis) -- adjust param2 (rotation of the node) to match the overall rotation of the load
-- this has only been tested to work with version == 4
-- I'm not sure of the format, so if it wouldn't work then disable and
-- enable the worldedit.screwdriver_handler after the node has been added
add_node(pos, entry[2])
-- worldedit.screwdriver_handler({x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z}, axis) -- this would rotate the node after it's been placed (just in case needed for old format)
else --previous meta flat table format
print ("WorldEdit deserializeAligned: attempting to rotate untested file format version: 2")
for index = 1, #nodes do
local entry = nodes[index]
if axis == "x" then
entry.x, entry.y, entry.z = originx - entry.z, originy + entry.y, originz + entry.x
elseif axis == "X" then
entry.x, entry.y, entry.z = originx + entry.z, originy + entry.y, originz - entry.x
elseif axis == "z" then
entry.x, entry.y, entry.z = originx - entry.x, originy + entry.y, originz - entry.z
elseif axis == "Z" then
entry.x, entry.y, entry.z = originx + entry.x, originy + entry.y, originz + entry.z
-- entry.x, entry.y, entry.z = originx + entry.x, originy + entry.y, originz + entry.z
if entry.x < pos1x then pos1x = entry.x end
if entry.y < pos1y then pos1y = entry.y end
if entry.z < pos1z then pos1z = entry.z end
if entry.x > pos2x then pos2x = entry.x end
if entry.y > pos2y then pos2y = entry.y end
if entry.z > pos2z then pos2z = entry.z end
entry.param2 = worldedit.getNewRotation(entry.param2,axis) -- adjust param2 (rotation of the node) to match the overall rotation of the load
-- this has only been tested to work with version == 4
-- I'm not sure of the format, so if it wouldn't work then disable and
-- enable the worldedit.screwdriver_handler after the node has been added
add_node(entry, entry) --entry acts both as position and as node
-- worldedit.screwdriver_handler({x=entry.x, y=entry.y, z=entry.z}, axis) -- this would rotate the node after it's been placed (just in case needed for old format)
elseif version == 3 then --previous list format
print ("WorldEdit deserializeAligned: attempting to rotate untested file format version: 3")
local pos = {x=0, y=0, z=0}
local node = {name="", param1=0, param2=0}
for x, y, z, name, param1, param2 in value:gmatch("([+-]?%d+)%s+([+-]?%d+)%s+([+-]?%d+)%s+([^%s]+)%s+(%d+)%s+(%d+)[^\r\n]*[\r\n]*") do --match node entries
if axis == "x" then
pos.x, pos.y, pos.z = originx - tonumber(z), originy + tonumber(y), originz + tonumber(x)
elseif axis == "X" then
pos.x, pos.y, pos.z = originx + tonumber(z), originy + tonumber(y), originz - tonumber(x)
elseif axis == "z" then
pos.x, pos.y, pos.z = originx - tonumber(x), originy + tonumber(y), originz - tonumber(z)
elseif axis == "z" then
pos.x, pos.y, pos.z = originx + tonumber(x), originy + tonumber(y), originz + tonumber(z)
-- pos.x, pos.y, pos.z = originx + tonumber(x), originy + tonumber(y), originz + tonumber(z)
node.name, node.param1, node.param2 = name, param1, param2
if pos.x < pos1x then pos1x = pos.x end
if pos.y < pos1y then pos1y = pos.y end
if pos.z < pos1z then pos1z = pos.z end
if pos.x > pos2x then pos2x = pos.x end
if pos.y > pos2y then pos2y = pos.y end
if pos.z > pos2z then pos2z = pos.z end
node.param2 = worldedit.getNewRotation(node.param2,axis) -- adjust param2 (rotation of the node) to match the overall rotation of the load
-- this has only been tested to work with version == 4
-- I'm not sure of the format, so if it wouldn't work then disable and
-- enable the worldedit.screwdriver_handler after the node has been added
add_node(pos, node)
-- worldedit.screwdriver_handler({x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z}, axis) -- this would rotate the node after it's been placed (just in case needed for old format)
count = count + 1
elseif version == 4 then --current nested table format
--wip: this is a filthy hack that works surprisingly well
value = value:gsub("return%s*{", "", 1):gsub("}%s*$", "", 1)
local escaped = value:gsub("\\\\", "@@"):gsub("\\\"", "@@"):gsub("(\"[^\"]*\")", function(s) return string.rep("@", #s) end)
local startpos, startpos1, endpos = 1, 1
local nodes = {}
-- loop through the loaded file, and save each piece of node information to the node table
while true do
startpos, endpos = escaped:find("},%s*{", startpos)
if not startpos then
local current = value:sub(startpos1, startpos)
table.insert(nodes, minetest.deserialize("return " .. current))
startpos, startpos1 = endpos, endpos
table.insert(nodes, minetest.deserialize("return " .. value:sub(startpos1)))
--local nodes = minetest.deserialize(value) --wip: this is broken for larger tables in the current version of LuaJIT
--load the nodes
count = #nodes
for index = 1, count do
local entry = nodes[index]
print("Node: name: ".. entry.name)
if axis == "x" then
entry.x, entry.y, entry.z = originx - entry.z, originy + entry.y, originz + entry.x
elseif axis == "X" then
entry.x, entry.y, entry.z = originx + entry.z, originy + entry.y, originz - entry.x
elseif axis == "z" then
entry.x, entry.y, entry.z = originx - entry.x, originy + entry.y, originz - entry.z
elseif axis == "Z" then
entry.x, entry.y, entry.z = originx + entry.x, originy + entry.y, originz + entry.z
-- entry.x, entry.y, entry.z = originx + entry.x, originy + entry.y, originz + entry.z
if entry.x < pos1x then pos1x = entry.x end
if entry.y < pos1y then pos1y = entry.y end
if entry.z < pos1z then pos1z = entry.z end
if entry.x > pos2x then pos2x = entry.x end
if entry.y > pos2y then pos2y = entry.y end
if entry.z > pos2z then pos2z = entry.z end
entry.param2 = worldedit.getNewRotation(entry.param2,axis) -- adjust param2 (rotation of the node) to match the overall rotation of the load
add_node(entry, entry) --entry acts both as position and as node
--load the metadata
for index = 1, count do
local entry = nodes[index]
-- Correct pos1 and pos2 location so markers appear as they would have without rotation (ie when saved with corrected origin)
if axis == "x" then
pos1x, pos2x = pos2x, pos1x
elseif axis == "X" then
pos1z, pos2z = pos2z, pos1z
elseif axis == "z" then
pos1x, pos2x = pos2x, pos1x
pos1z, pos2z = pos2z, pos1z
return count, {x=pos1x, y=pos1y, z=pos1z}, {x=pos2x, y=pos2y, z=pos2z}