mirror of https://github.com/Uberi/Minetest-WorldEdit.git synced 2024-09-27 15:10:17 +02:00

Add /loadalign, /loadaligntest, /correctorigin, and helpers

/correctorigin = move pos1 and pos2 to correct origin (ie pos1 located with minimum x,y,z, pos2 with maximum x,y,z)
/loadalignoffset = sets or clears an offset to the player (or pos1) location for /loadalign
/loadalign = load schem file at player location, aligned to forward direction
/loadaligntest = test run of /loadalign (ie mark location, but don't place any nodes)
/loadalignpos = load schem file at pos1 location, aligned to forward direction
/loadalignpostest =  = test run of /loadalignpos (ie mark location, but don't place any nodes)
This commit is contained in:
dgm3333 2014-05-28 22:04:46 +01:00
parent ab2349a834
commit f50dc971cf

View File

@ -937,6 +937,271 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("/load", {
end, end,
}) })
-- Chat command to move pos1 and pos2 to correct origin (ie pos1 located with minimum x,y,z, pos2 with maximum x,y,z)
-- this is ideally used before /save to decrease confusion with placement for /load and /loadalign
-- This command has a helper function of worldedit.correctOrigin (located below)
-- Shortcut of /co and /oc (to ease confusion) is set in worldedit_shortcommands/init.lua
minetest.register_chatcommand("/correctorigin", {
params = "",
description = "Moves pos1 and pos2 so region is marked with pos1 at the origin (ie minimum x,y,z)",
privs = {worldedit=true},
func = function(name)
--Corrects pos1 and pos2 so pos1 is located at the region origin - (ie pos1 located with minimum x,y,z, pos2 with maximum z,y,z)
-- not sure where best located, so left with the chat command which uses it.
worldedit.correctOrigin = function(name)
local pos1, pos2 = worldedit.pos1[name], worldedit.pos2[name]
if pos1 == nil or pos2 == nil then
worldedit.player_notify(name, "no region selected")
return nil
pos1, pos2 = worldedit.sort_pos(pos1, pos2)
worldedit.pos1[name] = pos1
worldedit.pos2[name] = pos2
-- Chat command to enable a global variable which enables an offset to the player (or pos1) location for /loadalign
-- This can be useful it a particular location is not easily accessible (eg if you want a file y-origin to be below ground level, or x- or z- inside a cliff)
-- the offset is cleared by using the command without params (=arguments)
-- Shortcut of /lao is set in worldedit_shortcommands/init.lua
minetest.register_chatcommand("/loadalignoffset", {
params = "x y z",
description = "Set an offset for the worldedit command /loadaligned (x y z)",
privs = {worldedit=true},
func = function(name, param)
local found, _, x, y, z = param:find("^([+-]?%d+)%s+([+-]?%d+)%s+([+-]?%d+)$")
if x == nil or y == nil or z == nil then
worldedit.player_notify(name, "LoadAlign Offset set to 0 for all axes (to set provide: 'x y z')")
laPosOffset = {x=tonumber(0), y=tonumber(0), z=tonumber(0)}
laPosOffset = {x=tonumber(x), y=tonumber(y), z=tonumber(z)}
-- Uncomment the following for a simple way of replacing /load (except for the more detailed message)
--minetest.register_chatcommand("/load", {
-- params = "<file>",
-- description = "Load nodes from \"(world folder)/schems/<file>[.we[m]]\" with position 1 of the current WorldEdit region as the origin",
-- privs = {worldedit=true},
-- func = function(name, param) minetest.loadAlign(name, param, false, false, false, false) end,
-- Uncomment the following for a simple way of replacing /allocate (except for the more detailed message)
--minetest.register_chatcommand("/allocate", {
-- params = "<file>",
-- description = "Set the region defined by nodes from \"(world folder)/schems/<file>.we\" as the current WorldEdit region",
-- privs = {worldedit=true},
-- func = function(name, param) minetest.loadAlign(name, param, false, false, true, false) end,
-- /loadalign
-- Chat command to allow loading of a schem file which is aligned to player location and forward direction. The loaded schem will be in a region to the front, right and above the players location.
-- If the location is not easily accessible (eg if you want a file y-origin to be below ground level, or x- or z- inside a cliff), you can set an offset with /loadalignoffset
-- The player is moved backwards one space to moved them out of the load zone (or more if there is and offset). This may mean the player ends up inside a node (if it suddenly gets dark). You may be able to step out. If not you'll have to teleport to an unblocked location.
-- The /save command saves the file with the origin at the xmin,ymin,zmin, irrespective of where pos1 and pos2 are. To reduce confusion it is suggested that you use the /correctorigin command before saving
-- to move the markers to reflect this, but if you are copying a section one node wide, there are two possible orientations.
-- You need to be facing in the positive z direction to correctly orient yourself to the orientation when it is reloaded.
-- If you are using a schem regularly, and markers are not in your prefered orientation, it is best to do an initial /loadalign to get the correct orientation, then resave it
-- The loaded region is marked with pos1/pos2 with pos1 where the origin would have been when the schem was saved.
-- The function has only been tested with the current (version 4) schem files, so consider use with older schem files to be at your own risk.
-- The most likely bugs with untested versions are: either the entire region is incorrectly rotated or individual nodes are incorrectly oriented (so faces point in the incorrect direction)
-- The functions is a modifications of the original register //load to support alignment relative to player, so code from the screwdriver mod was used as a starter for node orientation.
-- The main functions are in the WorldEdit/worldedit/serialization.lua (worldedit.deserializeAligned which also uses worldedit.getNewRotation, and might need worldedit.screwdriver_handler
-- depending on compatibility with old files)
-- Shortcut of /la is set in worldedit_shortcommands/init.lua
minetest.register_chatcommand("/loadalign", {
params = "<file>",
-- usePlLoc (p) forces using player location rather than position markers prior to load. markImport (m) places pos1/pos2 around the new region"
description = "Load nodes from \"(world folder)/schems/<file>[.we[m]]\" with player location as the origin. xyz offset from the player position (eg for foundations), can be set with /loadalignoffset.",
privs = {worldedit=true},
func = function(name, param)
-- There's probably a snazzy way of using patterns to enable multiple optional parameters including a filename, but I don't know how...
-- ideally I would like to be able to supply as params: filename, posOrigin, usePlLoc, markImport
local fileName = param
local usePlLoc = true -- determine if player should be used as the origin
local usePlDir = true -- determine if player direction should be used to orient load
local runTest = false -- test run
local markImport = true -- mark the dimensions of the loaded section
minetest.loadAlign(name, fileName, usePlLoc, usePlDir, runTest, markImport)
-- same as /loadalign but in test mode (ie doesn't actually place nodes)
-- Shortcut of /lat is set in worldedit_shortcommands/init.lua
minetest.register_chatcommand("/loadaligntest", {
params = "<file>",
-- usePlLoc (p) forces using player location rather than position markers prior to load. markImport (m) places pos1/pos2 around the new region"
description = "Test run of /loadalign (ie marks load zone and reports statistics, but doesn't place nodes)",
privs = {worldedit=true},
func = function(name, param)
local fileName = param
local usePlLoc = true -- determine if player should be used as the origin
local usePlDir = true -- determine if player direction should be used to orient load
local runTest = true -- Test run
local markImport = true -- mark the dimensions of the loaded section
minetest.loadAlign(name, fileName, usePlLoc, usePlDir, runTest, markImport)
-- same as /loadalign but uses pos1 rather than player location (ie still uses player orientation)
-- Shortcut of /lap is set in worldedit_shortcommands/init.lua
minetest.register_chatcommand("/loadalignpos", {
params = "<file>",
-- usePlLoc (p) forces using player location rather than position markers prior to load. markImport (m) places pos1/pos2 around the new region"
description = "Load nodes from \"(world folder)/schems/<file>[.we[m]]\" with pos1 of the current WorldEdit region as the origin. xyz offset from the pos1 position (eg for foundations), can be set with /loadalignoffset.",
privs = {worldedit=true},
func = function(name, param)
-- There's probably a snazzy way of using patterns to enable multiple optional parameters including a filename, but I don't know how...
-- ideally I would like to be able to supply as params: filename, posOrigin, usePlLoc, markImport
local fileName = param
local usePlLoc = false -- determine if player should be used as the origin
local usePlDir = true -- determine if player direction should be used to orient load
local runTest = false -- test run
local markImport = true -- mark the dimensions of the loaded section
minetest.loadAlign(name, fileName, usePlLoc, usePlDir, runTest, markImport)
-- same as /loadalignpos but in test mode (ie doesn't actually place nodes)
-- Shortcut of /lapt is set in worldedit_shortcommands/init.lua
minetest.register_chatcommand("/loadalignpostest", {
params = "<file>",
-- usePlLoc (p) forces using player location rather than position markers prior to load. markImport (m) places pos1/pos2 around the new region"
description = "Test run of /loadalignpos (ie marks load zone and reports statistics, but doesn't place nodes)",
privs = {worldedit=true},
func = function(name, param)
-- There's probably a snazzy way of using patterns to enable multiple optional parameters including a filename, but I don't know how...
-- ideally I would like to be able to supply as params: filename, posOrigin, usePlLoc, markImport
local fileName = param
local usePlLoc = false -- determine if player should be used as the origin
local usePlDir = true -- determine if player direction should be used to orient load
local runTest = true -- test run
local markImport = true -- mark the dimensions of the loaded section
minetest.loadAlign(name, fileName, usePlLoc, usePlDir, runTest, markImport)
minetest.loadAlign = function(plName, fileName, usePlLoc, usePlDir, runTest, markImport)
local posOffx, posOffy, posOffz
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(plName)
local plPos = player:getpos()
local posOrigin
local axis
-- assign defaults to optional variables if not provided
if usePlLoc == nil then usePlLoc = true end -- determine if player should be used as the origin
if usePlDir == nil then usePlDir = true end -- determine if player should be used for orientation
if runTest == nil then runTest = false end -- test run
if markImport == nil then markImport = -1 end -- mark the dimensions of the loaded section (anything but 'm' will not mark
-- if set use the global posOffset (as this enables offset to be set once and reused)
if laPosOffset == nil then
posOffx, posOffy, posOffz = 0, 0, 0
posOffx, posOffy, posOffz = laPosOffset.x, laPosOffset.y, laPosOffset.z
if usePlLoc then
posOrigin = plPos
posOrigin = {x=(posOrigin.x+0.51),y=(posOrigin.y+0.51),z=(posOrigin.z+0.51)}
posOrigin = get_position(plName)
if posOrigin == nil then
worldedit.player_notify(plName, "FATAL ERROR: pos1 not set for origin of file load")
if runTest then usePlLoc = 0 end
posOrigin = {x=math.floor(posOrigin.x+posOffx),y=math.floor(posOrigin.y+posOffy),z=math.floor(posOrigin.z+posOffz)}
if fileName == "" or fileName == nil then
worldedit.player_notify(plName, "invalid usage: <fileName>")
if not string.find(fileName, "^[%w \t.,+-_=!@#$%%^&*()%[%]{};'\"]+$") then
worldedit.player_notify(plName, "invalid file name: " .. fileName)
--find the file in the world path, check it exists
local testpaths = {
minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/schems/" .. fileName,
minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/schems/" .. fileName .. ".we",
minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/schems/" .. fileName .. ".wem",
local file, err
for index, path in ipairs(testpaths) do
file, err = io.open(path, "rb")
if not err then
if err then
worldedit.player_notify(plName, "could not open file \"" .. fileName .. "\"")
local value = file:read("*a")
-- check the schem version is recognised
if worldedit.valueversion(value) == 0 then --unknown version
worldedit.player_notify(plName, "invalid file: file is invalid or created with newer version of WorldEdit")
if not usePlDir then
axis = "Z"
-- identify the direction the player is facing, and move them player out of the load region
local dir = player:get_look_dir()
local axx, axy, axz = math.abs(dir.x), math.abs(dir.y), math.abs(dir.z)
if axx > axz and dir.x >= 0 then
axis = "X"
if usePlLoc then player:setpos({x=(plPos.x-1+posOffx), y=plPos.y, z=plPos.z}) end
elseif axx > axz and dir.x < 0 then
axis = "x"
if usePlLoc then player:setpos({x=(plPos.x+1-posOffx), y=plPos.y, z=plPos.z}) end
elseif axx < axz and dir.z >= 0 then
axis = "Z"
if usePlLoc then player:setpos({x=plPos.x, y=plPos.y, z=(plPos.z-1+posOffz)}) end
elseif axx < axz and dir.z < 0 then
axis = "z"
if usePlLoc then player:setpos({x=plPos.x, y=plPos.y, z=(plPos.z+1-posOffz)}) end
local count, pos1, pos2, unknownModCnt, missingMods = worldedit.deserializeAlign(posOrigin, value, axis, runTest)
-- placer pos1 and pos2 markers around the loaded region
if markImport then
worldedit.pos1[plName] = pos1
worldedit.pos2[plName] = pos2
if runTest then worldedit.player_notify(plName, "TEST RUN: Load zone marked. Live run will result in:-") end
worldedit.player_notify(plName, (count .. " nodes loaded. Oriented to: ".. axis.. " Location: x=".. posOrigin.x.. " y=".. posOrigin.y.. " z=".. posOrigin.z.. " Offset: x=".. posOffx.. " y=".. posOffy.. " z=".. posOffz )) --.. x ", y=".. y, "z=".. z)
if missingMods ~= "" then
worldedit.player_notify(plName, "Warning: ".. unknownModCnt.. " of ".. count.. " nodes not loaded due to missing mods: ".. missingMods)
minetest.register_chatcommand("/lua", { minetest.register_chatcommand("/lua", {
params = "<code>", params = "<code>",
description = "Executes <code> as a Lua chunk in the global namespace", description = "Executes <code> as a Lua chunk in the global namespace",