-- Strips any kind of escape codes (translation, colors) from a string -- https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/53dd7819277c53954d1298dfffa5287c306db8d0/src/util/string.cpp#L777 local function strip_escapes(input) local s = function(idx) return input:sub(idx, idx) end local out = "" local i = 1 while i <= #input do if s(i) == "\027" then -- escape sequence i = i + 1 if s(i) == "(" then -- enclosed i = i + 1 while i <= #input and s(i) ~= ")" do if s(i) == "\\" then i = i + 2 else i = i + 1 end end end else out = out .. s(i) end i = i + 1 end --print(("%q -> %q"):format(input, out)) return out end local function string_endswith(full, part) return full:find(part, 1, true) == #full - #part + 1 end local description_cache = nil -- normalizes node "description" `nodename`, returning a string (or nil) worldedit.normalize_nodename = function(nodename) nodename = nodename:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") -- strip spaces if nodename == "" then return nil end local fullname = ItemStack({name=nodename}):get_name() -- resolve aliases if minetest.registered_nodes[fullname] or fullname == "air" then -- full name return fullname end nodename = nodename:lower() for key, _ in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do if string_endswith(key:lower(), ":" .. nodename) then -- matches name (w/o mod part) return key end end if description_cache == nil then -- cache stripped descriptions description_cache = {} for key, value in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do local desc = strip_escapes(value.description):gsub("\n.*", "", 1):lower() if desc ~= "" then description_cache[key] = desc end end end for key, desc in pairs(description_cache) do if desc == nodename then -- matches description return key end end for key, desc in pairs(description_cache) do if desc == nodename .. " block" then -- fuzzy description match (e.g. "Steel" == "Steel Block") return key end end local match = nil for key, value in pairs(description_cache) do if value:find(nodename, 1, true) ~= nil then if match ~= nil then return nil end match = key -- substring description match (only if no ambiguities) end end return match end