local S = minetest.get_translator("worldedit_brush") local BRUSH_MAX_DIST = 150 local brush_on_use = function(itemstack, placer) local meta = itemstack:get_meta() local name = placer:get_player_name() local cmd = meta:get_string("command") if cmd == "" then worldedit.player_notify(name, S("This brush is not bound, use @1 to bind a command to it.", minetest.colorize("#00ffff", "//brush")), "info") return false end local cmddef = worldedit.registered_commands[cmd] if cmddef == nil then return false end -- shouldn't happen as //brush checks this local has_privs, missing_privs = minetest.check_player_privs(name, cmddef.privs) if not has_privs then worldedit.player_notify(name, S("Missing privileges: @1", table.concat(missing_privs, ", ")), "error") return false end local raybegin = vector.add(placer:get_pos(), vector.new(0, placer:get_properties().eye_height, 0)) local rayend = vector.add(raybegin, vector.multiply(placer:get_look_dir(), BRUSH_MAX_DIST)) local ray = minetest.raycast(raybegin, rayend, false, true) local pointed_thing = ray:next() if pointed_thing == nil then worldedit.player_notify(name, S("Too far away."), "error") return false end assert(pointed_thing.type == "node") worldedit.pos1[name] = pointed_thing.under worldedit.pos2[name] = nil worldedit.marker_update(name) assert(cmddef.require_pos < 2) local parsed = {cmddef.parse(meta:get_string("params"))} if not table.remove(parsed, 1) then return false end -- shouldn't happen -- discard success messages local player_notify_old = worldedit.player_notify worldedit.player_notify = function(name, msg, typ) if typ == "ok" then return end return player_notify_old(name, msg, typ) end minetest.log("action", string.format("%s uses WorldEdit brush (//%s) at %s", name, cmd, minetest.pos_to_string(pointed_thing.under))) cmddef.func(name, unpack(parsed)) worldedit.player_notify = player_notify_old return true end minetest.register_tool(":worldedit:brush", { description = S("WorldEdit Brush"), inventory_image = "worldedit_brush.png", stack_max = 1, -- no need to stack these (metadata prevents this anyway) range = 0, on_use = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) brush_on_use(itemstack, placer) return itemstack -- nothing consumed, nothing changed end, }) worldedit.register_command("brush", { privs = {worldedit=true}, params = "none/ [parameters]", description = S("Assign command to WorldEdit brush item or clear assignment using 'none'"), parse = function(param) local found, _, cmd, params = param:find("^([^%s]+)%s+(.+)$") if not found then params = "" found, _, cmd = param:find("^(.+)$") end if not found then return false end return true, cmd, params end, func = function(name, cmd, params) local itemstack = minetest.get_player_by_name(name):get_wielded_item() if itemstack == nil or itemstack:get_name() ~= "worldedit:brush" then return false, S("Not holding brush item.") end cmd = cmd:lower() local meta = itemstack:get_meta() if cmd == "none" then meta:from_table(nil) worldedit.player_notify(name, S("Brush assignment cleared."), "ok") else local cmddef = worldedit.registered_commands[cmd] if cmddef == nil or cmddef.require_pos ~= 1 then return false, S("@1 cannot be used with brushes", minetest.colorize("#00ffff", "//"..cmd)) end -- Try parsing command params so we can give the user feedback local ok, err = cmddef.parse(params) if not ok then err = err or S("invalid usage") return false, S("Error with command: @1", err) end meta:set_string("command", cmd) meta:set_string("params", params) local fullcmd = minetest.colorize("#00ffff", "//"..cmd) .. " " .. params meta:set_string("description", minetest.registered_tools["worldedit:brush"].description .. ": " .. fullcmd) worldedit.player_notify(name, S("Brush assigned to command: @1", fullcmd), "ok") end minetest.get_player_by_name(name):set_wielded_item(itemstack) end, })