local S = minetest.get_translator("worldedit_commands") worldedit.register_command("outset", { params = "[h/v] <amount>", description = S("Outset the selected region."), category = S("Region operations"), privs = {worldedit=true}, require_pos = 2, parse = function(param) local find, _, dir, amount = param:find("(%a*)%s*([+-]?%d+)") if find == nil then return false end local hv_test = dir:find("[^hv]+") if hv_test ~= nil then return false, S("Invalid direction: @1", dir) end return true, dir, tonumber(amount) end, func = function(name, dir, amount) if dir == "" or dir == "hv" or dir == "vh" then assert(worldedit.cuboid_volumetric_expand(name, amount)) elseif dir == "h" then assert(worldedit.cuboid_linear_expand(name, 'x', 1, amount)) assert(worldedit.cuboid_linear_expand(name, 'x', -1, amount)) assert(worldedit.cuboid_linear_expand(name, 'z', 1, amount)) assert(worldedit.cuboid_linear_expand(name, 'z', -1, amount)) elseif dir == "v" then assert(worldedit.cuboid_linear_expand(name, 'y', 1, amount)) assert(worldedit.cuboid_linear_expand(name, 'y', -1, amount)) else return false, S("Invalid number of arguments") end worldedit.marker_update(name) return true, S("Region outset by @1 nodes", amount) end, }) worldedit.register_command("inset", { params = "[h/v] <amount>", description = S("Inset the selected region."), category = S("Region operations"), privs = {worldedit=true}, require_pos = 2, parse = function(param) local find, _, dir, amount = param:find("(%a*)%s*([+-]?%d+)") if find == nil then return false end if dir:find("[^hv]") ~= nil then return false, S("Invalid direction: @1", dir) end return true, dir, tonumber(amount) end, func = function(name, dir, amount) if dir == "" or dir == "vh" or dir == "hv" then assert(worldedit.cuboid_volumetric_expand(name, -amount)) elseif dir == "h" then assert(worldedit.cuboid_linear_expand(name, 'x', 1, -amount)) assert(worldedit.cuboid_linear_expand(name, 'x', -1, -amount)) assert(worldedit.cuboid_linear_expand(name, 'z', 1, -amount)) assert(worldedit.cuboid_linear_expand(name, 'z', -1, -amount)) elseif dir == "v" then assert(worldedit.cuboid_linear_expand(name, 'y', 1, -amount)) assert(worldedit.cuboid_linear_expand(name, 'y', -1, -amount)) else return false, S("Invalid number of arguments") end worldedit.marker_update(name) return true, S("Region inset by @1 nodes", amount) end, }) worldedit.register_command("shift", { params = "x/y/z/?/up/down/left/right/front/back [+/-]<amount>", description = S("Shifts the selection area without moving its contents"), category = S("Region operations"), privs = {worldedit=true}, require_pos = 2, parse = function(param) local find, _, direction, amount = param:find("([%?%l]+)%s*([+-]?%d+)") if find == nil then return false end return true, direction, tonumber(amount) end, func = function(name, direction, amount) local axis, dir if direction == "x" or direction == "y" or direction == "z" then axis, dir = direction, 1 elseif direction == "?" then axis, dir = worldedit.player_axis(name) else axis, dir = worldedit.translate_direction(name, direction) end if axis == nil or dir == nil then return false, S("Invalid if looking straight up or down") end assert(worldedit.cuboid_shift(name, axis, amount * dir)) worldedit.marker_update(name) return true, S("Region shifted by @1 nodes", amount) end, }) worldedit.register_command("expand", { params = "[+/-]x/y/z/?/up/down/left/right/front/back <amount> [reverse amount]", description = S("Expands the selection in the selected absolute or relative axis"), category = S("Region operations"), privs = {worldedit=true}, require_pos = 2, parse = function(param) local find, _, sign, direction, amount, rev_amount = param:find("([+-]?)([%?%l]+)%s*(%d+)%s*(%d*)") if find == nil then return false end if rev_amount == "" then rev_amount = "0" end return true, sign, direction, tonumber(amount), tonumber(rev_amount) end, func = function(name, sign, direction, amount, rev_amount) local absolute = direction:find("[xyz?]") local dir, axis if absolute == nil then axis, dir = worldedit.translate_direction(name, direction) if axis == nil or dir == nil then return false, S("Invalid if looking straight up or down") end else if direction == "?" then axis, dir = worldedit.player_axis(name) else axis = direction dir = 1 end end if sign == "-" then dir = -dir end worldedit.cuboid_linear_expand(name, axis, dir, amount) worldedit.cuboid_linear_expand(name, axis, -dir, rev_amount) worldedit.marker_update(name) return true, S("Region expanded by @1 nodes", amount + rev_amount) end, }) worldedit.register_command("contract", { params = "[+/-]x/y/z/?/up/down/left/right/front/back <amount> [reverse amount]", description = S("Contracts the selection in the selected absolute or relative axis"), category = S("Region operations"), privs = {worldedit=true}, require_pos = 2, parse = function(param) local find, _, sign, direction, amount, rev_amount = param:find("([+-]?)([%?%l]+)%s*(%d+)%s*(%d*)") if find == nil then return false end if rev_amount == "" then rev_amount = "0" end return true, sign, direction, tonumber(amount), tonumber(rev_amount) end, func = function(name, sign, direction, amount, rev_amount) local absolute = direction:find("[xyz?]") local dir, axis if absolute == nil then axis, dir = worldedit.translate_direction(name, direction) if axis == nil or dir == nil then return false, S("Invalid if looking straight up or down") end else if direction == "?" then axis, dir = worldedit.player_axis(name) else axis = direction dir = 1 end end if sign == "-" then dir = -dir end worldedit.cuboid_linear_expand(name, axis, dir, -amount) worldedit.cuboid_linear_expand(name, axis, -dir, -rev_amount) worldedit.marker_update(name) return true, S("Region contracted by @1 nodes", amount + rev_amount) end, }) worldedit.register_command("cubeapply", { params = "<size>/(<sizex> <sizey> <sizez>) <command> [parameters]", description = S("Select a cube with side length <size> around position 1 and run <command> on region"), privs = {worldedit=true}, require_pos = 1, parse = function(param) local found, _, sidex, sidey, sidez, cmd, args = param:find("^(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+([^%s]+)%s*(.*)$") if found == nil then found, _, sidex, cmd, args = param:find("^(%d+)%s+([^%s]+)%s*(.*)$") if found == nil then return false end sidey = sidex sidez = sidex end sidex = tonumber(sidex) sidey = tonumber(sidey) sidez = tonumber(sidez) if sidex < 1 or sidey < 1 or sidez < 1 then return false end local cmddef = worldedit.registered_commands[cmd] if cmddef == nil or cmddef.require_pos ~= 2 then return false, S("invalid usage: @1 cannot be used with cubeapply", minetest.colorize("#00ffff", "//"..cmd)) end -- run parsing of target command local parsed = {cmddef.parse(args)} if not table.remove(parsed, 1) then return false, parsed[1] end return true, sidex, sidey, sidez, cmd, parsed end, nodes_needed = function(name, sidex, sidey, sidez, cmd, parsed) -- its not possible to defer to the target command at this point -- FIXME: why not? return sidex * sidey * sidez end, func = function(name, sidex, sidey, sidez, cmd, parsed) local cmddef = assert(worldedit.registered_commands[cmd]) local success, missing_privs = minetest.check_player_privs(name, cmddef.privs) if not success then return false, S("Missing privileges: @1", table.concat(missing_privs, ", ")) end -- update region to be the cuboid the user wanted local half = vector.divide(vector.new(sidex, sidey, sidez), 2) local sizea, sizeb = vector.apply(half, math.floor), vector.apply(half, math.ceil) local center = worldedit.pos1[name] worldedit.pos1[name] = vector.subtract(center, sizea) worldedit.pos2[name] = vector.add(center, vector.subtract(sizeb, 1)) worldedit.marker_update(name) -- actually run target command return cmddef.func(name, unpack(parsed)) end, })