local S = minetest.get_translator("worldedit_commands") minetest.register_privilege("worldedit", S("Can use WorldEdit commands")) worldedit.pos1 = {} worldedit.pos2 = {} local safe_region, reset_pending = dofile(minetest.get_modpath("worldedit_commands") .. "/safe.lua") worldedit.registered_commands = {} local function copy_state(which, name) if which == 0 then return {} elseif which == 1 then return { worldedit.pos1[name] and vector.copy(worldedit.pos1[name]) } else return { worldedit.pos1[name] and vector.copy(worldedit.pos1[name]), worldedit.pos2[name] and vector.copy(worldedit.pos2[name]) } end end local function chatcommand_handler(cmd_name, name, param) local def = assert(worldedit.registered_commands[cmd_name]) if def.require_pos == 2 then local pos1, pos2 = worldedit.pos1[name], worldedit.pos2[name] if pos1 == nil or pos2 == nil then worldedit.player_notify(name, S("no region selected")) return end elseif def.require_pos == 1 then local pos1 = worldedit.pos1[name] if pos1 == nil then worldedit.player_notify(name, S("no position 1 selected")) return end end local parsed = {def.parse(param)} local success = table.remove(parsed, 1) if not success then worldedit.player_notify(name, parsed[1] or S("invalid usage")) return end local run = function() local _, msg = def.func(name, unpack(parsed)) if msg then minetest.chat_send_player(name, msg) end end if not def.nodes_needed then -- no safe region check run() return end local count = def.nodes_needed(name, unpack(parsed)) local old_state = copy_state(def.require_pos, name) safe_region(name, count, function() local state = copy_state(def.require_pos, name) local ok = true for i, v in ipairs(state) do ok = ok and ( (v == nil and old_state[i] == nil) or vector.equals(v, old_state[i]) ) end if not ok then worldedit.player_notify(name, S("ERROR: the operation was cancelled because the region has changed.")) return end run() end) end -- Registers a chatcommand for WorldEdit -- name = "about" -- Name of the chat command (without any /) -- def = { -- privs = {}, -- Privileges needed -- params = "", -- Human readable parameter list (optional) -- -- if params = "" then a parse() implementation will automatically be provided -- description = "", -- Description -- category = "", -- Category of the command (optional) -- require_pos = 0, -- Number of positions required to be set (optional) -- parse = function(param) -- return true, foo, bar, ... -- -- or -- return false -- -- or -- return false, "error message" -- end, -- nodes_needed = function(name, foo, bar, ...), -- (optional) -- return n -- end, -- func = function(name, foo, bar, ...) -- return success, "message" -- end, -- } function worldedit.register_command(name, def) local def = table.copy(def) assert(name and #name > 0) def.name = name assert(def.privs) def.category = def.category or "" def.require_pos = def.require_pos or 0 assert(def.require_pos >= 0 and def.require_pos < 3) if def.params == "" and not def.parse then def.parse = function(param) return true end else assert(def.parse) end assert(def.nodes_needed == nil or type(def.nodes_needed) == "function") assert(def.func) -- for development --[[if def.require_pos == 2 and not def.nodes_needed then minetest.log("warning", "//" .. name .. " might be missing nodes_needed") end--]] -- disable further modification setmetatable(def, {__newindex = {}}) minetest.register_chatcommand("/" .. name, { privs = def.privs, params = def.params, description = def.description, func = function(player_name, param) return chatcommand_handler(name, player_name, param) end, }) worldedit.registered_commands[name] = def end do local modpath = minetest.get_modpath("worldedit_commands") for _, name in ipairs({ "code", "cuboid", "manipulations", "marker", "nodename", "primitives", "region", "schematics", "transform", "wand" }) do dofile(modpath .. "/" .. name .. ".lua") end end function worldedit.player_notify(name, message) minetest.chat_send_player(name, "WorldEdit -!- " .. message) end -- Determines the axis in which a player is facing, returning an axis ("x", "y", or "z") and the sign (1 or -1) function worldedit.player_axis(name) local dir = minetest.get_player_by_name(name):get_look_dir() local x, y, z = math.abs(dir.x), math.abs(dir.y), math.abs(dir.z) if x > y then if x > z then return "x", dir.x > 0 and 1 or -1 end elseif y > z then return "y", dir.y > 0 and 1 or -1 end return "z", dir.z > 0 and 1 or -1 end worldedit.register_command("about", { privs = {}, params = "", description = S("Get information about the WorldEdit mod"), func = function(name) worldedit.player_notify(name, S("WorldEdit @1".. " is available on this server. Type @2 to get a list of ".. "commands, or find more information at @3", worldedit.version_string, minetest.colorize("#00ffff", "//help"), "https://github.com/Uberi/Minetest-WorldEdit" )) end, }) -- initially copied from builtin/chatcommands.lua worldedit.register_command("help", { privs = {}, params = "[all/]", description = S("Get help for WorldEdit commands"), parse = function(param) return true, param end, func = function(name, param) local function format_help_line(cmd, def, follow_alias) local msg = minetest.colorize("#00ffff", "//"..cmd) if def.name ~= cmd then msg = msg .. ": " .. S("alias to @1", minetest.colorize("#00ffff", "//"..def.name)) if follow_alias then msg = msg .. "\n" .. format_help_line(def.name, def) end else if def.params and def.params ~= "" then msg = msg .. " " .. def.params end if def.description and def.description ~= "" then msg = msg .. ": " .. def.description end end return msg end -- @param cmds list of {cmd, def} local function sort_cmds(cmds) table.sort(cmds, function(c1, c2) local cmd1, cmd2 = c1[1], c2[1] local def1, def2 = c1[2], c2[2] -- by category (this puts the empty category first) if def1.category ~= def2.category then return def1.category < def2.category end -- put aliases last if (cmd1 ~= def1.name) ~= (cmd2 ~= def2.name) then return cmd2 ~= def2.name end -- then by name return c1[1] < c2[1] end) end if not minetest.check_player_privs(name, "worldedit") then return false, S("You are not allowed to use any WorldEdit commands.") end if param == "" then local list = {} for cmd, def in pairs(worldedit.registered_commands) do if minetest.check_player_privs(name, def.privs) then list[#list + 1] = cmd end end table.sort(list) local help = minetest.colorize("#00ffff", "//help") return true, S("Available commands: @1@n" .. "Use '@2' to get more information," .. " or '@3' to list everything.", table.concat(list, " "), help .. " ", help .. " all") elseif param == "all" then local cmds = {} for cmd, def in pairs(worldedit.registered_commands) do if minetest.check_player_privs(name, def.privs) then cmds[#cmds + 1] = {cmd, def} end end sort_cmds(cmds) local list = {} local last_cat = "" for _, e in ipairs(cmds) do if e[2].category ~= last_cat then last_cat = e[2].category list[#list + 1] = "---- " .. last_cat end list[#list + 1] = format_help_line(e[1], e[2]) end return true, S("Available commands:@n") .. table.concat(list, "\n") else local def = worldedit.registered_commands[param] if not def then return false, S("Command not available: ") .. param else return true, format_help_line(param, def, true) end end end, }) -- needs to be here due to reset_pending() worldedit.register_command("reset", { params = "", description = S("Reset the region so that it is empty"), category = S("Region operations"), privs = {worldedit=true}, func = function(name) worldedit.pos1[name] = nil worldedit.pos2[name] = nil worldedit.marker_update(name) worldedit.set_pos[name] = nil --make sure the user does not try to confirm an operation after resetting pos: reset_pending(name) worldedit.player_notify(name, S("region reset")) end, })