--------------------- -- Helpers --------------------- local vec = vector.new local vecw = function(axis, n, base) local ret = vec(base) ret[axis] = n return ret end local pos2str = minetest.pos_to_string local get_node = minetest.get_node local set_node = minetest.set_node --------------------- -- Nodes --------------------- local air = "air" local testnode1 local testnode2 local testnode3 -- Loads nodenames to use for tests local function init_nodes() testnode1 = minetest.registered_aliases["mapgen_stone"] testnode2 = minetest.registered_aliases["mapgen_dirt"] testnode3 = minetest.registered_aliases["mapgen_cobble"] or minetest.registered_aliases["mapgen_dirt_with_grass"] assert(testnode1 and testnode2 and testnode3) end -- Writes repeating pattern into given area local function place_pattern(pos1, pos2, pattern) local pos = vec() local node = {name=""} local i = 1 for z = pos1.z, pos2.z do pos.z = z for y = pos1.y, pos2.y do pos.y = y for x = pos1.x, pos2.x do pos.x = x node.name = pattern[i] set_node(pos, node) i = i % #pattern + 1 end end end end --------------------- -- Area management --------------------- assert(minetest.get_mapgen_setting("mg_name") == "singlenode") local area = {} do local areamin, areamax local off local c_air = minetest.get_content_id(air) local vbuffer = {} -- Assign a new area for use, will emerge and then call ready() area.assign = function(min, max, ready) areamin = min areamax = max minetest.emerge_area(min, max, function(bpos, action, remaining) assert(action ~= minetest.EMERGE_ERRORED) if remaining > 0 then return end minetest.after(0, function() area.clear() ready() end) end) end -- Reset area contents and state area.clear = function() if off and vector.equals(off, vec(0, 0, 0)) then return end local vmanip = minetest.get_voxel_manip(areamin, areamax) local vpos1, vpos2 = vmanip:get_emerged_area() local vcount = (vpos2.x - vpos1.x + 1) * (vpos2.y - vpos1.y + 1) * (vpos2.z - vpos1.z + 1) if #vbuffer ~= vcount then vbuffer = {} for i = 1, vcount do vbuffer[i] = c_air end end vmanip:set_data(vbuffer) vmanip:write_to_map() off = vec(0, 0, 0) end -- Returns an usable area [pos1, pos2] that does not overlap previous ones area.get = function(sizex, sizey, sizez) local size if sizey == nil and sizez == nil then size = vec(sizex, sizex, sizex) else size = vec(sizex, sizey, sizez) end local pos1 = vector.add(areamin, off) local pos2 = vector.subtract(vector.add(pos1, size), 1) if pos2.x > areamax.x or pos2.y > areamax.y or pos2.z > areamax.z then error("Internal failure: out of space") end off = vector.add(off, size) return pos1, pos2 end -- Returns an axis and count (= n) relative to the last-requested area that is unoccupied area.dir = function(n) local pos1 = vector.add(areamin, off) if pos1.x + n <= areamax.x then off.x = off.x + n return "x", n elseif pos1.x + n <= areamax.y then off.y = off.y + n return "y", n elseif pos1.z + n <= areamax.z then off.z = off.z + n return "z", n end error("Internal failure: out of space") end -- Returns [XYZ] margin (list of pos pairs) of n around last-requested area -- (may actually be larger but doesn't matter) area.margin = function(n) local pos1, pos2 = area.get(n) return { { vec(areamin.x, areamin.y, pos1.z), pos2 }, -- X/Y { vec(areamin.x, pos1.y, areamin.z), pos2 }, -- X/Z { vec(pos1.x, areamin.y, areamin.z), pos2 }, -- Y/Z } end end -- Split an existing area into two non-overlapping [pos1, half1], [half2, pos2] parts; returns half1, half2 area.split = function(pos1, pos2) local axis if pos2.x - pos1.x >= 1 then axis = "x" elseif pos2.y - pos1.y >= 1 then axis = "y" elseif pos2.z - pos1.z >= 1 then axis = "z" else error("Internal failure: area too small to split") end local hspan = math.floor((pos2[axis] - pos1[axis] + 1) / 2) local half1 = vecw(axis, pos1[axis] + hspan - 1, pos2) local half2 = vecw(axis, pos1[axis] + hspan, pos2) return half1, half2 end --------------------- -- Checks --------------------- local check = {} -- Check that all nodes in [pos1, pos2] are the node(s) specified check.filled = function(pos1, pos2, nodes) if type(nodes) == "string" then nodes = { nodes } end local _, counts = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(pos1, pos2, nodes) local total = worldedit.volume(pos1, pos2) local sum = 0 for _, n in pairs(counts) do sum = sum + n end if sum ~= total then error((total - sum) .. " " .. table.concat(nodes, ",") .. " nodes missing in " .. pos2str(pos1) .. " -> " .. pos2str(pos2)) end end -- Check that none of the nodes in [pos1, pos2] are the node(s) specified check.not_filled = function(pos1, pos2, nodes) if type(nodes) == "string" then nodes = { nodes } end local _, counts = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(pos1, pos2, nodes) for nodename, n in pairs(counts) do if n ~= 0 then error(counts[nodename] .. " " .. nodename .. " nodes found in " .. pos2str(pos1) .. " -> " .. pos2str(pos2)) end end end -- Check that all of the areas are only made of node(s) specified check.filled2 = function(list, nodes) for _, pos in ipairs(list) do check.filled(pos[1], pos[2], nodes) end end -- Check that none of the areas contain the node(s) specified check.not_filled2 = function(list, nodes) for _, pos in ipairs(list) do check.not_filled(pos[1], pos[2], nodes) end end -- Checks presence of a repeating pattern in [pos1, po2] (cf. place_pattern) check.pattern = function(pos1, pos2, pattern) local pos = vec() local i = 1 for z = pos1.z, pos2.z do pos.z = z for y = pos1.y, pos2.y do pos.y = y for x = pos1.x, pos2.x do pos.x = x local node = get_node(pos) if node.name ~= pattern[i] then error(pattern[i] .. " not found at " .. pos2str(pos) .. " (i=" .. i .. ")") end i = i % #pattern + 1 end end end end --------------------- -- The actual tests --------------------- local tests = {} local function register_test(name, func, opts) assert(type(name) == "string") assert(func == nil or type(func) == "function") if not opts then opts = {} else opts = table.copy(opts) end opts.name = name opts.func = func table.insert(tests, opts) end -- How this works: -- register_test registers a test with a name and function -- The function should return if the test passes or otherwise cause a Lua error -- The basic structure is: get areas + do operations + check results -- Helpers: -- area.get must be used to retrieve areas that can be operated on (these will be cleared before each test) -- check.filled / check.not_filled can be used to check the result -- area.margin + check.filled2 is useful to make sure nodes weren't placed too far -- place_pattern + check.pattern is useful to test ops that operate on existing data register_test("Internal self-test") register_test("is area loaded?", function() local pos1, _ = area.get(1) assert(get_node(pos1).name == air) end) register_test("area.split", function() for i = 2, 6 do local pos1, pos2 = area.get(1, 1, i) local half1, half2 = area.split(pos1, pos2) assert(pos1.x == half1.x and pos1.y == half1.y) assert(half1.x == half2.x and half1.y == half2.y) assert(half1.z + 1 == half2.z) if i % 2 == 0 then assert((half1.z - pos1.z) == (pos2.z - half2.z)) -- divided equally end end end) register_test("check.filled", function() local pos1, pos2 = area.get(1, 2, 1) set_node(pos1, {name=testnode1}) set_node(pos2, {name=testnode2}) check.filled(pos1, pos1, testnode1) check.filled(pos1, pos2, {testnode1, testnode2}) check.not_filled(pos1, pos1, air) check.not_filled(pos1, pos2, {air, testnode3}) end) register_test("pattern", function() local pos1, pos2 = area.get(3, 2, 1) local pattern = {testnode1, testnode3} place_pattern(pos1, pos2, pattern) assert(get_node(pos1).name == testnode1) check.pattern(pos1, pos2, pattern) end) register_test("Generic node manipulations") register_test("worldedit.set", function() local pos1, pos2 = area.get(10) local m = area.margin(1) worldedit.set(pos1, pos2, testnode1) check.filled(pos1, pos2, testnode1) check.filled2(m, air) end) register_test("worldedit.set mix", function() local pos1, pos2 = area.get(10) local m = area.margin(1) worldedit.set(pos1, pos2, {testnode1, testnode2}) check.filled(pos1, pos2, {testnode1, testnode2}) check.filled2(m, air) end) register_test("worldedit.replace", function() local pos1, pos2 = area.get(10) local half1, half2 = area.split(pos1, pos2) worldedit.set(pos1, half1, testnode1) worldedit.set(half2, pos2, testnode2) worldedit.replace(pos1, pos2, testnode1, testnode3) check.not_filled(pos1, pos2, testnode1) check.filled(pos1, half1, testnode3) check.filled(half2, pos2, testnode2) end) register_test("worldedit.replace inverse", function() local pos1, pos2 = area.get(10) local half1, half2 = area.split(pos1, pos2) worldedit.set(pos1, half1, testnode1) worldedit.set(half2, pos2, testnode2) worldedit.replace(pos1, pos2, testnode1, testnode3, true) check.filled(pos1, half1, testnode1) check.filled(half2, pos2, testnode3) end) -- FIXME?: this one looks overcomplicated register_test("worldedit.copy", function() local pos1, pos2 = area.get(4) local axis, n = area.dir(2) local m = area.margin(1) local b = pos1[axis] -- create one slice with testnode1, one with testnode2 worldedit.set(pos1, vecw(axis, b + 1, pos2), testnode1) worldedit.set(vecw(axis, b + 2, pos1), pos2, testnode2) worldedit.copy(pos1, pos2, axis, n) -- should have three slices now check.filled(pos1, vecw(axis, b + 1, pos2), testnode1) check.filled(vecw(axis, b + 2, pos1), pos2, testnode1) check.filled(vecw(axis, b + 4, pos1), vector.add(pos2, vecw(axis, n)), testnode2) check.filled2(m, air) end) register_test("worldedit.copy2", function() local pos1, pos2 = area.get(6) local m1 = area.margin(1) local pos1_, pos2_ = area.get(6) local m2 = area.margin(1) local pattern = {testnode1, testnode2, testnode3, testnode1, testnode2} place_pattern(pos1, pos2, pattern) worldedit.copy2(pos1, pos2, vector.subtract(pos1_, pos1)) check.pattern(pos1, pos2, pattern) check.pattern(pos1_, pos2_, pattern) check.filled2(m1, air) check.filled2(m2, air) end) register_test("worldedit.move (overlap)", function() local pos1, pos2 = area.get(7) local axis, n = area.dir(2) local m = area.margin(1) local pattern = {testnode2, testnode1, testnode2, testnode3, testnode3} place_pattern(pos1, pos2, pattern) worldedit.move(pos1, pos2, axis, n) check.filled(pos1, vecw(axis, pos1[axis] + n - 1, pos2), air) check.pattern(vecw(axis, pos1[axis] + n, pos1), vecw(axis, pos2[axis] + n, pos2), pattern) check.filled2(m, air) end) register_test("worldedit.move", function() local pos1, pos2 = area.get(10) local axis, n = area.dir(10) local m = area.margin(1) local pattern = {testnode1, testnode3, testnode3, testnode2} place_pattern(pos1, pos2, pattern) worldedit.move(pos1, pos2, axis, n) check.filled(pos1, pos2, air) check.pattern(vecw(axis, pos1[axis] + n, pos1), vecw(axis, pos2[axis] + n, pos2), pattern) check.filled2(m, air) end) -- TODO: the rest (also testing param2 + metadata) register_test("Schematics") register_test("worldedit.read_header", function() local value = '5,foo,BAR,-1,234:the content' local version, header, content = worldedit.read_header(value) assert(version == 5) assert(#header == 4) assert(header[1] == "foo" and header[2] == "BAR") assert(header[3] == "-1" and header[4] == "234") assert(content == "the content") end) register_test("worldedit.allocate", function() local value = '3:-1 0 0 dummy 0 0\n0 0 4 dummy 0 0\n0 1 0 dummy 0 0' local pos1, pos2, count = worldedit.allocate(vec(1, 1, 1), value) assert(vector.equals(pos1, vec(0, 1, 1))) assert(vector.equals(pos2, vec(1, 2, 5))) assert(count == 3) end) do local function output_weird(numbers, body) local s = {"return {"} for _, parts in ipairs(numbers) do s[#s+1] = "{" for _, n in ipairs(parts) do s[#s+1] = string.format(" {%d},", n) end s[#s+1] = "}," end return table.concat(s, "\n") .. table.concat(body, "\n") .. "}" end local fmt1p = '{\n ["x"]=%d,\n ["y"]=%d,\n ["z"]=%d,\n},' local fmt1n = '{\n ["name"]="%s",\n},' local fmt4 = '{ ["x"] = %d, ["y"] = %d, ["z"] = %d, ["meta"] = { ["fields"] = { }, ["inventory"] = { } }, ["param2"] = 0, ["param1"] = 0, ["name"] = "%s" }' local fmt5 = '{ ["x"] = %d, ["y"] = %d, ["z"] = %d, ["name"] = "%s" }' local fmt51 = '{[r2]=0,x=%d,y=%d,z=%d,name=r%d}' local fmt52 = '{x=%d,y=%d,z=%d,name=_[%d]}' local test_data = { -- used by WorldEdit 0.2 (first public release) { name = "v1", ver = 1, gen = function(pat) local numbers = { {2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, {7, 8}, {9, 10}, {11, 12}, {13, 14}, {15, 16} } return output_weird(numbers, { fmt1p:format(0, 0, 0), fmt1n:format(pat[1]), fmt1p:format(0, 1, 0), fmt1n:format(pat[3]), fmt1p:format(1, 1, 0), fmt1n:format(pat[1]), fmt1p:format(1, 0, 1), fmt1n:format(pat[3]), fmt1p:format(0, 1, 1), fmt1n:format(pat[1]), }) end }, -- v2: missing because I couldn't find any code in my archives that actually wrote this format { name = "v3", ver = 3, gen = function(pat) assert(pat[2] == air) return table.concat({ "0 0 0 " .. pat[1] .. " 0 0", "0 1 0 " .. pat[3] .. " 0 0", "1 1 0 " .. pat[1] .. " 0 0", "1 0 1 " .. pat[3] .. " 0 0", "0 1 1 " .. pat[1] .. " 0 0", }, "\n") end }, { name = "v4", ver = 4, gen = function(pat) return table.concat({ "return { " .. fmt4:format(0, 0, 0, pat[1]), fmt4:format(0, 1, 0, pat[3]), fmt4:format(1, 1, 0, pat[1]), fmt4:format(1, 0, 1, pat[3]), fmt4:format(0, 1, 1, pat[1]) .. " }", }, ", ") end }, -- like v4 but no meta and param (if empty) { name = "v5 (pre-5.6)", ver = 5, gen = function(pat) return table.concat({ "5:return { " .. fmt5:format(0, 0, 0, pat[1]), fmt5:format(0, 1, 0, pat[3]), fmt5:format(1, 1, 0, pat[1]), fmt5:format(1, 0, 1, pat[3]), fmt5:format(0, 1, 1, pat[1]) .. " }", }, ", ") end }, -- reworked engine serialization in 5.6 { name = "v5 (5.6)", ver = 5, gen = function(pat) return table.concat({ '5:r1="' .. pat[1] .. '";r2="param1";r3="' .. pat[3] .. '";return {' .. fmt51:format(0, 0, 0, 1), fmt51:format(0, 1, 0, 3), fmt51:format(1, 1, 0, 1), fmt51:format(1, 0, 1, 3), fmt51:format(0, 1, 1, 1) .. "}", }, ",") end }, -- small changes on engine side again { name = "v5 (post-5.7)", ver = 5, gen = function(pat) return table.concat({ '5:local _={};_[1]="' .. pat[1] .. '";_[3]="' .. pat[3] .. '";return {' .. fmt52:format(0, 0, 0, 1), fmt52:format(0, 1, 0, 3), fmt52:format(1, 1, 0, 1), fmt52:format(1, 0, 1, 3), fmt52:format(0, 1, 1, 1) .. "}", }, ",") end }, } for _, e in ipairs(test_data) do register_test("worldedit.deserialize " .. e.name, function() local pos1, pos2 = area.get(2) local m = area.margin(1) local pat = {testnode3, air, testnode2} local value = e.gen(pat) assert(type(value) == "string") local version = worldedit.read_header(value) assert(version == e.ver, "version: got " .. tostring(version) .. " expected " .. e.ver) local count = worldedit.deserialize(pos1, value) assert(count ~= nil and count > 0) check.pattern(pos1, pos2, pat) check.filled2(m, air) end) end end register_test("Code") register_test("worldedit.lua", function() -- syntax error local err, ret = worldedit.lua("?") assert(ret == nil) assert(err:find("unexpected symbol")) -- runtime error local err, ret = worldedit.lua("error(1234)") assert(ret == nil) assert(err:find("1234")) -- normal operation local err, ret = worldedit.lua("return name..tostring(player == nil)..tostring(pos == nil)", "nobody") assert(err == nil) assert(ret == "\"nobodytruetrue\"") end) register_test("worldedit.luatransform", function() local pos1, pos2 = area.get(2) -- syntax error local err = worldedit.luatransform(pos1, pos2, "?") assert(err:find("unexpected symbol")) -- runtime error local err = worldedit.luatransform(pos1, pos2, "error(2345)") assert(err:find("2345")) -- normal operation local err = worldedit.luatransform(pos1, pos2, "minetest.swap_node(pos, {name=" .. ("%q"):format(testnode1) .. "})") assert(err == nil) check.filled(pos1, pos1, testnode1) end) --------------------- -- Main function --------------------- worldedit.run_tests = function() do local v = minetest.get_version() print("Running " .. #tests .. " tests for WorldEdit " .. worldedit.version_string .. " on " .. v.project .. " " .. (v.hash or v.string)) end init_nodes() -- emerge area from (0,0,0) ~ (56,56,56) and keep it loaded -- Note: making this area smaller speeds up tests local wanted = vec(56, 56, 56) for x = 0, math.floor(wanted.x/16) do for y = 0, math.floor(wanted.y/16) do for z = 0, math.floor(wanted.z/16) do assert(minetest.forceload_block(vec(x*16, y*16, z*16), true, -1)) end end end area.assign(vec(0, 0, 0), wanted, function() local failed = 0 for _, test in ipairs(tests) do if not test.func then local s = "---- " .. test.name .. " " print(s .. string.rep("-", 60 - #s)) else area.clear() local ok, err = pcall(test.func) print(string.format("%-60s %s", test.name, ok and "pass" or "FAIL")) if not ok then print(" " .. err) failed = failed + 1 end end end print("Done, " .. failed .. " tests failed.") if failed == 0 then io.close(io.open(minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/tests_ok", "w")) end minetest.request_shutdown() end) end -- for debug purposes minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) minetest.set_player_privs(player:get_player_name(), minetest.string_to_privs("fly,fast,noclip,basic_debug,debug,interact")) end) minetest.register_on_punchnode(function(pos, node, puncher) minetest.chat_send_player(puncher:get_player_name(), pos2str(pos)) end)