local S = minetest.get_translator("worldedit_commands") worldedit.set_pos = {} worldedit.inspect = {} worldedit.register_command("inspect", { params = "[on/off/1/0/true/false/yes/no/enable/disable]", description = S("Enable or disable node inspection"), privs = {worldedit=true}, parse = function(param) if param == "on" or param == "1" or param == "true" or param == "yes" or param == "enable" or param == "" then return true, true elseif param == "off" or param == "0" or param == "false" or param == "no" or param == "disable" then return true, false end return false end, func = function(name, enable) if enable then worldedit.inspect[name] = true local axis, sign = worldedit.player_axis(name) worldedit.player_notify(name, S( "inspector: inspection enabled for @1, currently facing the @2 axis", name, axis .. (sign > 0 and "+" or "-") )) else worldedit.inspect[name] = nil worldedit.player_notify(name, S("inspector: inspection disabled")) end end, }) local VEC_6DIRS = { vector.new( 1, 0, 0), vector.new(-1, 0, 0), vector.new( 0, 1, 0), vector.new( 0,-1, 0), vector.new( 0, 0, 1), vector.new( 0, 0,-1), } local function get_node_rlight(pos) local ret = 0 for _, v in ipairs(VEC_6DIRS) do ret = math.max(ret, minetest.get_node_light(vector.add(pos, v))) end return ret end minetest.register_on_punchnode(function(pos, node, puncher) local name = puncher:get_player_name() if worldedit.inspect[name] then local axis, sign = worldedit.player_axis(name) local message = S( "inspector: @1 at @2 (param1=@3, param2=@4, received light=@5) punched facing the @6 axis", node.name, minetest.pos_to_string(pos), node.param1, node.param2, get_node_rlight(pos), axis .. (sign > 0 and "+" or "-") ) worldedit.player_notify(name, message) end end) worldedit.register_command("mark", { params = "", description = S("Show markers at the region positions"), category = S("Region operations"), privs = {worldedit=true}, func = function(name) worldedit.marker_update(name) worldedit.player_notify(name, S("region marked")) end, }) worldedit.register_command("unmark", { params = "", description = S("Hide markers if currently shown"), category = S("Region operations"), privs = {worldedit=true}, func = function(name) local pos1, pos2 = worldedit.pos1[name], worldedit.pos2[name] worldedit.pos1[name] = nil worldedit.pos2[name] = nil worldedit.marker_update(name) worldedit.pos1[name] = pos1 worldedit.pos2[name] = pos2 worldedit.player_notify(name, S("region unmarked")) end, }) worldedit.register_command("pos1", { params = "", description = S("Set WorldEdit region position @1 to the player's location", 1), category = S("Region operations"), privs = {worldedit=true}, func = function(name) local pos = minetest.get_player_by_name(name):get_pos() pos.x, pos.y, pos.z = math.floor(pos.x + 0.5), math.floor(pos.y + 0.5), math.floor(pos.z + 0.5) worldedit.pos1[name] = pos worldedit.mark_pos1(name) worldedit.player_notify(name, S("position @1 set to @2", 1, minetest.pos_to_string(pos))) end, }) worldedit.register_command("pos2", { params = "", description = S("Set WorldEdit region position @1 to the player's location", 2), category = S("Region operations"), privs = {worldedit=true}, func = function(name) local pos = minetest.get_player_by_name(name):get_pos() pos.x, pos.y, pos.z = math.floor(pos.x + 0.5), math.floor(pos.y + 0.5), math.floor(pos.z + 0.5) worldedit.pos2[name] = pos worldedit.mark_pos2(name) worldedit.player_notify(name, S("position @1 set to @2", 2, minetest.pos_to_string(pos))) end, }) worldedit.register_command("p", { params = "set/set1/set2/get", description = S("Set WorldEdit region, WorldEdit position 1, or WorldEdit position 2 by punching nodes, or display the current WorldEdit region"), category = S("Region operations"), privs = {worldedit=true}, parse = function(param) if param == "set" or param == "set1" or param == "set2" or param == "get" then return true, param end return false, S("unknown subcommand: @1", param) end, func = function(name, param) if param == "set" then --set both WorldEdit positions worldedit.set_pos[name] = "pos1" worldedit.player_notify(name, S("select positions by punching two nodes")) elseif param == "set1" then --set WorldEdit position 1 worldedit.set_pos[name] = "pos1only" worldedit.player_notify(name, S("select position @1 by punching a node", 1)) elseif param == "set2" then --set WorldEdit position 2 worldedit.set_pos[name] = "pos2" worldedit.player_notify(name, S("select position @1 by punching a node", 2)) elseif param == "get" then --display current WorldEdit positions if worldedit.pos1[name] ~= nil then worldedit.player_notify(name, S("position @1: @2", 1, minetest.pos_to_string(worldedit.pos1[name]))) else worldedit.player_notify(name, S("position @1 not set", 1)) end if worldedit.pos2[name] ~= nil then worldedit.player_notify(name, S("position @1: @2", 2, minetest.pos_to_string(worldedit.pos2[name]))) else worldedit.player_notify(name, S("position @1 not set", 2)) end end end, }) worldedit.register_command("fixedpos", { params = "set1/set2 ", description = S("Set a WorldEdit region position to the position at (, , )"), category = S("Region operations"), privs = {worldedit=true}, parse = function(param) local found, _, flag, x, y, z = param:find("^(set[12])%s+([+-]?%d+)%s+([+-]?%d+)%s+([+-]?%d+)$") if found == nil then return false end return true, flag, vector.new(tonumber(x), tonumber(y), tonumber(z)) end, func = function(name, flag, pos) if flag == "set1" then worldedit.pos1[name] = pos worldedit.mark_pos1(name) worldedit.player_notify(name, S("position @1 set to @2", 1, minetest.pos_to_string(pos))) else --flag == "set2" worldedit.pos2[name] = pos worldedit.mark_pos2(name) worldedit.player_notify(name, S("position @1 set to @2", 2, minetest.pos_to_string(pos))) end end, }) minetest.register_on_punchnode(function(pos, node, puncher) local name = puncher:get_player_name() if name ~= "" and worldedit.set_pos[name] ~= nil then --currently setting position if worldedit.set_pos[name] == "pos1" then --setting position 1 worldedit.pos1[name] = pos worldedit.mark_pos1(name) worldedit.set_pos[name] = "pos2" --set position 2 on the next invocation worldedit.player_notify(name, S("position @1 set to @2", 1, minetest.pos_to_string(pos))) elseif worldedit.set_pos[name] == "pos1only" then --setting position 1 only worldedit.pos1[name] = pos worldedit.mark_pos1(name) worldedit.set_pos[name] = nil --finished setting positions worldedit.player_notify(name, S("position @1 set to @2", 1, minetest.pos_to_string(pos))) elseif worldedit.set_pos[name] == "pos2" then --setting position 2 worldedit.pos2[name] = pos worldedit.mark_pos2(name) worldedit.set_pos[name] = nil --finished setting positions worldedit.player_notify(name, S("position @1 set to @2", 2, minetest.pos_to_string(pos))) elseif worldedit.set_pos[name] == "prob" then --setting Minetest schematic node probabilities worldedit.prob_pos[name] = pos minetest.show_formspec(name, "prob_val_enter", "field[text;;]") end end end) worldedit.register_command("volume", { params = "", description = S("Display the volume of the current WorldEdit region"), category = S("Region operations"), privs = {worldedit=true}, require_pos = 2, func = function(name) local pos1, pos2 = worldedit.pos1[name], worldedit.pos2[name] local volume = worldedit.volume(pos1, pos2) local abs = math.abs worldedit.player_notify(name, S( "current region has a volume of @1 nodes (@2*@3*@4)", volume, abs(pos2.x - pos1.x) + 1, abs(pos2.y - pos1.y) + 1, abs(pos2.z - pos1.z) + 1 )) end, })