mirror of https://github.com/Uberi/Minetest-WorldEdit.git synced 2025-03-31 01:30:37 +02:00
sfan5 abc9efeeb8 Harden deserialize workaround against unexpected input
Otherwise it will stop working entirely soon when the
serialization inside Minetest is reworked.
This allows it to work at least in the cases where the original
bug (LuaJIT register limit) doesn't apply.
2022-06-06 20:39:15 +02:00

259 lines
8.7 KiB

--- Schematic serialization and deserialiation.
-- @module worldedit.serialization
Serialization version history:
1: Original format. Serialized Lua table with a weird linked format...
2: Position and node seperated into sub-tables in fields `1` and `2`.
3: List of nodes, one per line, with fields seperated by spaces.
Format: <X> <Y> <Z> <Name> <Param1> <Param2>
4: Serialized Lua table containing a list of nodes with `x`, `y`, `z`,
`name`, `param1`, `param2`, and `meta` fields.
5: Added header and made `param1`, `param2`, and `meta` fields optional.
Header format: <Version>,<ExtraHeaderField1>,...:<Content>
--- Reads the header of serialized data.
-- @param value Serialized WorldEdit data.
-- @return The version as a positive natural number, or 0 for unknown versions.
-- @return Extra header fields as a list of strings, or nil if not supported.
-- @return Content (data after header).
function worldedit.read_header(value)
if value:find("^[0-9]+[,:]") then
local header_end = value:find(":", 1, true)
local header = value:sub(1, header_end - 1):split(",")
local version = tonumber(header[1])
table.remove(header, 1)
local content = value:sub(header_end + 1)
return version, header, content
-- Old versions that didn't include a header with a version number
if value:find("([+-]?%d+)%s+([+-]?%d+)%s+([+-]?%d+)") and not value:find("%{") then -- List format
return 3, nil, value
elseif value:find("^[^\"']+%{%d+%}") then
if value:find("%[\"meta\"%]") then -- Meta flat table format
return 2, nil, value
return 1, nil, value -- Flat table format
elseif value:find("%{") then -- Raw nested table format
return 4, nil, value
return nil
--- Converts the region defined by positions `pos1` and `pos2`
-- into a single string.
-- @return The serialized data.
-- @return The number of nodes serialized.
function worldedit.serialize(pos1, pos2)
pos1, pos2 = worldedit.sort_pos(pos1, pos2)
worldedit.keep_loaded(pos1, pos2)
local get_node, get_meta, hash_node_position =
minetest.get_node, minetest.get_meta, minetest.hash_node_position
-- Find the positions which have metadata
local has_meta = {}
local meta_positions = minetest.find_nodes_with_meta(pos1, pos2)
for i = 1, #meta_positions do
has_meta[hash_node_position(meta_positions[i])] = true
local pos = {x=pos1.x, y=0, z=0}
local count = 0
local result = {}
while pos.x <= pos2.x do
pos.y = pos1.y
while pos.y <= pos2.y do
pos.z = pos1.z
while pos.z <= pos2.z do
local node = get_node(pos)
if node.name ~= "air" and node.name ~= "ignore" then
count = count + 1
local meta
if has_meta[hash_node_position(pos)] then
meta = get_meta(pos):to_table()
-- Convert metadata item stacks to item strings
for _, invlist in pairs(meta.inventory) do
for index = 1, #invlist do
local itemstack = invlist[index]
if itemstack.to_string then
invlist[index] = itemstack:to_string()
result[count] = {
x = pos.x - pos1.x,
y = pos.y - pos1.y,
z = pos.z - pos1.z,
name = node.name,
param1 = node.param1 ~= 0 and node.param1 or nil,
param2 = node.param2 ~= 0 and node.param2 or nil,
meta = meta,
pos.z = pos.z + 1
pos.y = pos.y + 1
pos.x = pos.x + 1
-- Serialize entries
result = minetest.serialize(result)
return LATEST_SERIALIZATION_HEADER .. result, count
local function deserialize_workaround(content)
local nodes
if not minetest.global_exists("jit") then
nodes = minetest.deserialize(content, true)
elseif not content:match("^%s*return%s*{") then
-- The data doesn't look like we expect it to so we can't apply the workaround.
-- hope for the best
minetest.log("warning", "WorldEdit: deserializing data but can't apply LuaJIT workaround")
nodes = minetest.deserialize(content, true)
-- XXX: This is a filthy hack that works surprisingly well
-- in LuaJIT, `minetest.deserialize` will fail due to the register limit
nodes = {}
content = content:gsub("^%s*return%s*{", "", 1):gsub("}%s*$", "", 1) -- remove the starting and ending values to leave only the node data
-- remove string contents strings while preserving their length
local escaped = content:gsub("\\\\", "@@"):gsub("\\\"", "@@"):gsub("(\"[^\"]*\")", function(s) return string.rep("@", #s) end)
local startpos, startpos1 = 1, 1
local endpos
while true do -- go through each individual node entry (except the last)
startpos, endpos = escaped:find("}%s*,%s*{", startpos)
if not startpos then
local current = content:sub(startpos1, startpos)
local entry = minetest.deserialize("return " .. current, true)
table.insert(nodes, entry)
startpos, startpos1 = endpos, endpos
local entry = minetest.deserialize("return " .. content:sub(startpos1), true) -- process the last entry
table.insert(nodes, entry)
return nodes
--- Loads the schematic in `value` into a node list in the latest format.
-- @return A node list in the latest format, or nil on failure.
local function load_schematic(value)
local version, header, content = worldedit.read_header(value)
local nodes = {}
if version == 1 or version == 2 then -- Original flat table format
local tables = minetest.deserialize(content, true)
if not tables then return nil end
-- Transform the node table into an array of nodes
for i = 1, #tables do
for j, v in pairs(tables[i]) do
if type(v) == "table" then
tables[i][j] = tables[v[1]]
nodes = tables[1]
if version == 1 then --original flat table format
for i, entry in ipairs(nodes) do
local pos = entry[1]
entry.x, entry.y, entry.z = pos.x, pos.y, pos.z
entry[1] = nil
local node = entry[2]
entry.name, entry.param1, entry.param2 = node.name, node.param1, node.param2
entry[2] = nil
elseif version == 3 then -- List format
for x, y, z, name, param1, param2 in content:gmatch(
"([+-]?%d+)%s+([+-]?%d+)%s+([+-]?%d+)%s+" ..
"([^%s]+)%s+(%d+)%s+(%d+)[^\r\n]*[\r\n]*") do
param1, param2 = tonumber(param1), tonumber(param2)
table.insert(nodes, {
x = tonumber(x),
y = tonumber(y),
z = tonumber(z),
name = name,
param1 = param1 ~= 0 and param1 or nil,
param2 = param2 ~= 0 and param2 or nil,
elseif version == 4 or version == 5 then -- Nested table format
nodes = deserialize_workaround(content)
return nil
return nodes
--- Determines the volume the nodes represented by string `value` would occupy
-- if deserialized at `origin_pos`.
-- @return Low corner position.
-- @return High corner position.
-- @return The number of nodes.
function worldedit.allocate(origin_pos, value)
local nodes = load_schematic(value)
if not nodes or #nodes == 0 then return nil end
return worldedit.allocate_with_nodes(origin_pos, nodes)
-- Internal
function worldedit.allocate_with_nodes(origin_pos, nodes)
local huge = math.huge
local pos1x, pos1y, pos1z = huge, huge, huge
local pos2x, pos2y, pos2z = -huge, -huge, -huge
local origin_x, origin_y, origin_z = origin_pos.x, origin_pos.y, origin_pos.z
for i, entry in ipairs(nodes) do
local x, y, z = origin_x + entry.x, origin_y + entry.y, origin_z + entry.z
if x < pos1x then pos1x = x end
if y < pos1y then pos1y = y end
if z < pos1z then pos1z = z end
if x > pos2x then pos2x = x end
if y > pos2y then pos2y = y end
if z > pos2z then pos2z = z end
local pos1 = {x=pos1x, y=pos1y, z=pos1z}
local pos2 = {x=pos2x, y=pos2y, z=pos2z}
return pos1, pos2, #nodes
--- Loads the nodes represented by string `value` at position `origin_pos`.
-- @return The number of nodes deserialized.
function worldedit.deserialize(origin_pos, value)
local nodes = load_schematic(value)
if not nodes then return nil end
if #nodes == 0 then return #nodes end
local pos1, pos2 = worldedit.allocate_with_nodes(origin_pos, nodes)
worldedit.keep_loaded(pos1, pos2)
local origin_x, origin_y, origin_z = origin_pos.x, origin_pos.y, origin_pos.z
local count = 0
local add_node, get_meta = minetest.add_node, minetest.get_meta
for i, entry in ipairs(nodes) do
entry.x, entry.y, entry.z = origin_x + entry.x, origin_y + entry.y, origin_z + entry.z
-- Entry acts as both position and node
add_node(entry, entry)
if entry.meta then
return #nodes