Ambience Redo mod for Minetest Based on Immersive Sounds .36 mod by Neuromancer and optimized to run on servers with new fire sounds added when Fire Redo mod is detected... - 0.1 - Initial release - 0.2 - Code change and new water sounds added - 0.3 - Works with Fire Redo mod to provide fire sounds - 0.4 - Code optimized - 0.5 - Changed to kilbiths smaller sound files and removed canadianloon1, adjusted timings - 0.6 - Using new find_nodes_in_area features to count nodes and speed up execution (thanks everamzah) - 0.7 - Code tweaks and added Jungle sounds for day and night time - 0.8 - Override default water sounds for 0.4.14 dev and above, add separate gain for each sound - 0.9 - Plays music files on server or local client when found at midnight, files to be named "ambience_music.1.ogg" changing number each up to 9. Code license: MIT