local flowers = { {"delphinium", "Blue Delphinium", {-0.15, -0.5, -0.15, 0.15, 0.3, 0.15}, {color_cyan = 1}}, {"thistle", "Thistle", {-0.15, -0.5, -0.15, 0.15, 0.2, 0.15}, {color_magenta = 1}}, {"lazarus", "Lazarus Bell", {-0.15, -0.5, -0.15, 0.15, 0.2, 0.15}, {color_pink = 1}}, {"mannagrass", "Reed Mannagrass", {-0.15, -0.5, -0.15, 0.15, 0.2, 0.15}, {color_dark_green = 1}} } -- register some new flowers to fill in missing dye colours -- flower registration (borrowed from default game) local function add_simple_flower(name, desc, box, f_groups) f_groups.snappy = 3 f_groups.flower = 1 f_groups.flora = 1 f_groups.attached_node = 1 minetest.register_node("bakedclay:" .. name, { description = desc, drawtype = "plantlike", waving = 1, tiles = {"baked_clay_" .. name .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "baked_clay_" .. name .. ".png", wield_image = "baked_clay_" .. name .. ".png", sunlight_propagates = true, paramtype = "light", walkable = false, buildable_to = true, stack_max = 99, groups = f_groups, sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(), selection_box = {type = "fixed", fixed = box} }) end for _,item in pairs(flowers) do add_simple_flower(unpack(item)) end -- add new flowers to mapgen minetest.register_decoration({ deco_type = "simple", place_on = {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, sidelen = 16, noise_params = { offset = 0, scale = 0.004, spread = {x = 100, y = 100, z = 100}, seed = 7133, octaves = 3, persist = 0.6 }, y_min = 10, y_max = 90, decoration = "bakedclay:delphinium" }) minetest.register_decoration({ deco_type = "simple", place_on = {"default:dirt_with_grass", "default:dirt_with_dry_grass"}, sidelen = 16, noise_params = { offset = 0, scale = 0.004, spread = {x = 100, y = 100, z = 100}, seed = 7134, octaves = 3, persist = 0.6 }, y_min = 15, y_max = 90, decoration = "bakedclay:thistle" }) minetest.register_decoration({ deco_type = "simple", place_on = {"default:dirt_with_grass", "default:dirt_with_rainforest_litter"}, sidelen = 16, noise_params = { offset = 0, scale = 0.01, spread = {x = 100, y = 100, z = 100}, seed = 7135, octaves = 3, persist = 0.6 }, y_min = 1, y_max = 90, decoration = "bakedclay:lazarus", spawn_by = "default:jungletree", num_spawn_by = 1 }) minetest.register_decoration({ deco_type = "simple", place_on = {"default:dirt_with_grass", "default:sand"}, sidelen = 16, noise_params = { offset = 0, scale = 0.009, spread = {x = 100, y = 100, z = 100}, seed = 7136, octaves = 3, persist = 0.6 }, y_min = 1, y_max = 15, decoration = "bakedclay:mannagrass", spawn_by = "group:water", num_spawn_by = 1 })