
153 lines
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2019-09-11 17:57:40 +02:00
-- Basic wall/yard/metal signs
-- these were originally part of signs_lib
basic_signs = {}
basic_signs.path = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname())
dofile(basic_signs.path .. "/crafting.lua")
local S, NS = dofile(basic_signs.path .. "/intllib.lua")
basic_signs.gettext = S
signs_lib.register_sign("basic_signs:sign_wall_locked", {
description = S("Locked Sign"),
tiles = {
inventory_image = "basic_signs_sign_wall_locked_inv.png",
locked = true,
entity_info = "standard",
allow_hanging = true,
allow_widefont = true,
allow_onpole = true,
allow_onpole_horizontal = true,
allow_yard = true,
2019-09-11 17:57:40 +02:00
signs_lib.register_sign("basic_signs:sign_wall_glass", {
description = S("Glass Sign"),
yard_mesh = "signs_lib_standard_sign_yard_two_sticks.obj",
tiles = {
{ name = "basic_signs_sign_wall_glass.png", backface_culling = true},
"default_steel_block.png" -- the sticks on back of the yard sign model
inventory_image = "basic_signs_sign_wall_glass_inv.png",
default_color = "c",
locked = true,
entity_info = "standard",
sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults(),
groups = {cracky = 3, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 3},
allow_hanging = true,
allow_widefont = true,
allow_onpole = true,
allow_onpole_horizontal = true,
allow_yard = true,
use_texture_alpha = true,
signs_lib.register_sign("basic_signs:sign_wall_obsidian_glass", {
description = S("Obsidian Glass Sign"),
yard_mesh = "signs_lib_standard_sign_yard_two_sticks.obj",
tiles = {
{ name = "basic_signs_sign_wall_obsidian_glass.png", backface_culling = true},
"default_steel_block.png" -- the sticks on back of the yard sign model
inventory_image = "basic_signs_sign_wall_obsidian_glass_inv.png",
default_color = "c",
locked = true,
entity_info = "standard",
sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults(),
groups = {cracky = 3},
allow_hanging = true,
allow_widefont = true,
allow_onpole = true,
allow_onpole_horizontal = true,
allow_yard = true,
use_texture_alpha = true,
minetest.register_alias("locked_sign:sign_wall_locked", "basic_signs:sign_wall_locked")
2019-09-11 17:57:40 +02:00
2019-09-26 20:25:30 +02:00
signs_lib.register_sign("basic_signs:sign_wall_plastic", {
description = S("Plastic Sign"),
yard_mesh = "signs_lib_standard_sign_yard_two_sticks.obj",
tiles = {
"default_steel_block.png" -- the sticks on back of the yard sign model
inventory_image = "basic_signs_sign_wall_plastic_inv.png",
default_color = "0",
entity_info = "standard",
sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
groups = {snappy = 3, flammable = 2},
allow_hanging = true,
allow_widefont = true,
allow_onpole = true,
allow_onpole_horizontal = true,
allow_yard = true,
use_texture_alpha = true,
-- array : color, translated color, default text color
2019-09-11 17:57:40 +02:00
local sign_colors = {
{"green", S("green"), "f"},
{"yellow", S("yellow"), "0"},
{"red", S("red"), "f"},
{"white_red", S("white_red"), "4"},
{"white_black", S("white_black"), "0"},
{"orange", S("orange"), "0"},
{"blue", S("blue"), "f"},
{"brown", S("brown"), "f"},
2019-09-11 17:57:40 +02:00
local cbox = signs_lib.make_selection_boxes(35, 25, true, 0, 0, 0, true)
2019-09-11 17:57:40 +02:00
for i, color in ipairs(sign_colors) do
signs_lib.register_sign("basic_signs:sign_wall_steel_"..color[1], {
description = S("Sign (@1, steel)", color[2]),
paramtype2 = "facedir",
2019-09-11 17:57:40 +02:00
selection_box = cbox,
mesh = "signs_lib_standard_facedir_sign_wall.obj",
2019-09-11 17:57:40 +02:00
tiles = {
2019-09-11 17:57:40 +02:00
2019-09-11 17:57:40 +02:00
inventory_image = "basic_signs_steel_"..color[1].."_inv.png",
groups = signs_lib.standard_steel_groups,
sounds = signs_lib.standard_steel_sign_sounds,
default_color = color[3],
2019-09-11 17:57:40 +02:00
entity_info = {
mesh = "signs_lib_standard_sign_entity_wall.obj",
yaw = signs_lib.standard_yaw
2019-09-11 17:57:40 +02:00
allow_hanging = true,
allow_widefont = true,
allow_onpole = true,
allow_onpole_horizontal = true,
allow_yard = true,
2019-09-11 17:57:40 +02:00
minetest.register_alias("basic_signs:sign_wall_steel_"..color[1].."_onpole", "basic_signs:sign_steel_"..color[1].."_onpole")
minetest.register_alias("basic_signs:sign_wall_steel_"..color[1].."_onpole_horiz", "basic_signs:sign_steel_"..color[1].."_onpole_horiz")
minetest.register_alias("basic_signs:sign_wall_steel_"..color[1].."_hanging", "basic_signs:sign_steel_"..color[1].."_hanging")
table.insert(signs_lib.lbm_restore_nodes, "signs:sign_wall_"..color[1])
minetest.register_alias("signs:sign_wall_"..color[1], "basic_signs:sign_wall_steel_"..color[1])
2019-09-11 17:57:40 +02:00